extension ExtPose

Zendesk Dark Mode Theme

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Description from extension meta

Take care of your eyes day and night using dark theme for Zendesk tools and services.

Image from store Zendesk Dark Mode Theme
Description from store ZENDESK DARK MODE Take care of your eyes day and night using dark theme for Zendesk tools and services. Set up this eye-care extension on the fly for your night and daily browsing. The theme inverts bright colors into high contrast ones and makes them easy to read at night. NIGHTSHIFT When we are exposed to blue light produced by electronic devices, our body suppresses sleep-inducing hormones. As a result, our biological clocks are thrown off which can lead to harmful consequences for our health. NOTE: Some elements of Zendesk (3-party applications) may not be darken.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-06-12) Adam Sebolka: Does not work for latest version of Edge, just shows a blank box.
  • (2023-05-22) Americo Pagliuca: People gnashing their teeth about paying somewhat understandable but not my reason for such a low review. The extension doesn't work in Edge, where most chrome extensions do. Would love to get it working in Edge. Let's see if paying customers get anywhere
  • (2022-11-01) Matthew Heflin: Dev expectations that users will pay for this monthly are pretty funny. Default theme from Dark Reader extension is better than growthdot version, and it works for almost all sites.
  • (2022-10-20) Railey Henry: This is ridiculous that you have to pay money to change the color of something. 10,000% not worth it.
  • (2022-09-14) Joao Landen: Sneaky way to try to make you pay
  • (2022-08-23) ArkLight Grimoire: Trash. There are many other Darkmode that work with Zendesk. I am not paying for this.
  • (2022-08-17) Mateusz Myszka: Scummy move made it a subscription
  • (2022-08-15) Lucas Atkins: At least grandfather in previous users to a lifetime charge or something ffs. Uninstalled.
  • (2022-07-13) "Take care of your eyes day and night using dark theme for Zendesk tools and services." No, take care of your wallet.
  • (2022-07-11) Antti Vaisanen: Not working after paying for it - also not offering an option to cancel my subscription.
  • (2022-07-05) Neil McCallum: Used for years, now pay wall trash. Those interested lookup Midnight Lizard.
  • (2022-06-27) Tyler Marshall: Terrible!!! Now you have to pay for it. Very unfortunate for the devs to greenlight this...
  • (2022-06-21) FELIPE ALEXANDRE PEIXER: Lamentável ser cobrado. Hora de aparece outro desenvolvedor e ser mais inteligente solicitando doações que ao invés cobrar para utilizar.
  • (2022-06-19) Eden (Star): After over a year of using suddenly demanding payment is the lowest of the lows. It doesn't even work that well and it's DEFINITELY not worth paying for. Removing it from my Chrome and suggest everyone considering paying for it to do the same. Shame on you.
  • (2022-06-17) Cleroth Sun: fishy update... just use DarkReader instead, which is free.
  • (2022-06-16) Tim Adams: Charging a monthly fee (as a service) for something like this is ridiculous... We've used this for over half a year, but my company will find another option and uninstall this!
  • (2022-06-16) Chris Penchoen: Wow way to bait and switch people and demand a monthly subscription to change the theme.
  • (2022-06-15) Patrick J.F.: Monthly subscription for inverted colors? Been using this extension for over a year now and been a big fan. I understand the need as a developer for some financial support to keep the extension running and I actually was willing to pay for it, but was maybe suspecting a one time fee, so was a little surprised to see a 2$ a month subscription which I find a bid excessive for a color converter. I have since deleted the extension and using Chrome's own dark mode function.
  • (2022-06-14) Lauren Eggers: over $2 a month (variable depending on country)?! That's going to be a no from me dawg
  • (2022-06-13) Samual Preiss: Yeah....... I'm not paying for this. Uninstalling.
  • (2022-06-13) Erina Bennett: $2 a month is a disappointing change, stopped using it.
  • (2022-06-13) Andrew Salter: It worked pretty well for the few years I was able to use it. Now that it's going subscription, I can use other methods to do a dark mode. Either way, thanks for the help for a few years.
  • (2022-06-13) Cody Huneycutt: https://www.howtogeek.com/446198/how-to-force-dark-mode-on-every-website-in-google-chrome/ You. Are. Welcome.
  • (2022-06-13) Nate Hanson: It's a 5-star app. Used it for a long time and got lots of people on my team using it. I went to go pay for the app (since they just decided to make it a paid app) and was prepared to spend $20 one time... the pricing structure of $2/month is frustrating. I won't be paying for this app, even though I love it and wanted to give them money. Make it a one time purchase and I'll gladly pay you!
  • (2022-06-13) Allen Li: Used to be great. Now paid and all this BS. Later
  • (2022-06-13) Orscalla Inc: I've only been using ZenDesk because one of my jobs requires it. I liked the extension. But the mandatory $2 fee out of no where was very disruptive. It wouldn't be a big deal if I had extra cash. But with the pressures of things like the student loans crisis, something like $2 end up being a big deal.
  • (2022-06-13) Worked well for a while but then evidently they cut you off and want you to pay a SUBSCRIPTION for a dark mode? Are you kidding me? Instantly uninstalled when that garbage appeared, absolutely ridiculous. Evidently Chrome has an experiment now for this, seems to work well with Zendesk. chrome://flags/#enable-force-dark
  • (2022-06-13) Andy Hidalgo: Subscription for a Dark mode. Are you kidding?
  • (2022-01-05) András Tóth: @Dmytro Lazarchuk the extension doesn't work at all. It's enabled in my browser for the right domain, but everything looks the same.
  • (2021-12-03) Dan Cooley: This extension does not work at all. Everything is exactly the same.
  • (2021-03-09) Everyday Taoist: I don't know who you are. But I love you.
  • (2021-01-14) Alissa: Exactly what I needed. I don't usually review anything but I was so happy to have this extension I had to. This is saving my eyes so much strain. Thank you!
  • (2020-12-08) Curtis Brandon: The regular zendesk ticket system works and looks great in this but it does not integrate with lovely views it just makes it look kind of muddy and ugly is there any way you can get this woking with lovely views?
  • (2020-11-19) Craig Brooker: Works great, but would love for the left sidebar to not ruin the dark theme.
  • (2020-11-17) Alex Gerulaitis: been using it for at least a couple of years, loving it
  • (2020-08-19) Ash: Loved it, but it stopped working for me :( help!
  • (2020-07-01) Aviv Vaknin: Works great, would love to have an update that makes the new navbar on the left dark-themed as well.
  • (2020-02-16) It would be better if you add some color options too~!
  • (2020-01-07) Tara Yensch: This is horrible - grey on black is impossible to read, and all colours are dull and inverted, rather than a true dark mode.
  • (2019-12-19) Palmer Burriola: Worked well but now the side panel (for ZD apps) is not integrating with the rest of the page. It remains unaffected whereas the rest of my Zendesk is in dark mode theme. Is this a bug that can be fixed?
  • (2019-12-16) Jezza Hehn: Exactly what I need, with no bloat! Perfect!
  • (2019-10-06) Служба поддержки ekapusta.com: Harmonious background, and icons absolutely come out of comfortable palette. Lack flexibility in settings
  • (2019-10-03) Pamon Work: absolute TRASH. it just inverts all colors on the webpage. this is not optically harmonious.
  • (2019-09-23) Reagan McHardy: Love the extension Would love some more customization options! E.g Font Colour, Background Image, Transparency Font colour is the big one though if anything please! :) White text on black looks great - Grey text on black gets a bit harder to see
  • (2019-09-15) Dorothy Glade: Dope! My eyes aren't dying anymore from my 12-hour shift!
  • (2019-08-02) CP M: I like it, but the only problem I have is that embedded pictures are also affected.
  • (2019-04-12) Neil J: Love it, maybe maybe ticket notes a medium gray color, the yellow/brown tint is a little hard to distinguish
  • (2019-04-12) Christian Holton: Works as designed. Why is this so hard, Zendesk?
  • (2019-04-12) Dmytro Lazarchuk: Wow! It works like a charm!

Latest issues

  • (2022-07-05, v:3.0.10) Caper: It stopped working after you got my payment
    It stopped working after you got my payment
  • (2022-06-13, v:3.0.3) Luciano Narno: Data Security Issue
    An add-on to just change colour settings is now requesting permission to "read and change all your data on all websites" It should have absolutely no business processing data and should only interface with the Zendesk website. This is quite dangerous and unacceptable from a data security standpoint, has been reported.
  • (2022-06-10, v:3.0.2) Iury Sikorsky: Made me pay and it doesn't work
    I subscribed because I'd rather pay than have my eyeballs r4p3d by the white Zendesk page, but even after subscribing the add on won't work on my preferred browser (Opera), as the "Authorize" button leads to a sign in page that 404s every time. This is a filthy scam.
  • (2022-06-10, v:3.0.2) Joshua Cramer (joshman9714): Monthly subscription?
    I can understand the need to swap from a free addon to a charged one but with 0 notification, and now you want to charge me monthly? Sorry but good luck. Looks like your company makes plenty of other applications/addons that are not free. You really cant make a dark mode free for peoples work? Pretty sad in my opinion. Everyone in my office that used this will be removing this in retaliation. Maybe a 1 time fee but monthly? I don't know who your planning department consists of but id consider a change there instead of here.
  • (2022-06-09, v:3.0.0) Carrie Rawlins: Purchase
  • (2022-06-09, v:3.0.0) Sarah Hosier: Sayas I have to pay for it
    it is no longer free when it was when I first downloaded it
  • (2022-06-09, v:3.0.0) Stebandozer: Dark Mode no longer working? Asking me to renew subscription.
    I guess I'm not the only one? Everyone is getting the same "Zendesk DM is not working anymore and is asking me to pay" Sad!
  • (2022-06-09, v:3.0.0) Fadi AbuZaineh: Not free anymore? Then update your page.
    Might want to update this: "Zendesk dark mode doesn’t show ads and is free of charge for everyone." Don't think anyone will pay for it either. Good luck though!
  • (2021-11-17, v:2.4) Simeon Karakanovski: Dark mode
    Hey, i did add this extension to my chrome, but it does not effect my Zendesk any way, any ideas how i can get it to work?
  • (2021-08-23, v:2.4) Pratikk: Dark mode.
    I downloaded the extension and added it to chrome. but i am not able to turn it to dark mode
  • (2021-08-05, v:2.4) Celso Chromium: Ticket numbers not visible...
    The views no longer display the number of tickets just below the title of the actual view. Is it possible to please rectify this?
  • (2020-11-18, v:2.3) Max von Aigner: change color of pink sidebar
    In dark mode the pink color of the sidebar in Zendesk doesn't look so nice. Is there a way to change that pink? The light blue like in the preview pictures would hit the spot.
  • (2020-11-18, v:2.2) Matt Lovell: Recent update shows all "SLA" counters in orange
    Since 17th Nov all the SLA timer indicators are showing in orange. This makes it more difficult to visualise and prioritise tickets based on SLA whereas before they would be Red/Green
  • (2020-11-13, v:2.1.4) Xander Hamilton: Data capture
    The data capture warning when going to install this app is worrying, can we get a clearer understanding of what data is captured here? Sounds shady and I'd like to be able to recommend/rate this extension rather than warn off of it for being dodgy
  • (2020-07-24, v:2.1.3) Amirah Zamri: Didn't work
    I've added the extension to Chrome and I've select "Dark", but my Zendesk remains the same. No changes. Any suggestions?
  • (2020-06-17, v:2.1.3) amanda neubauer: This extension's functionality has been disabled by Google
    Please publish this on the Chrome Web Store, it has been disabled today. 'Extensions that have not been published on the Chrome Web Store are grayed out and you won't be able to turn them back on.' Use disabled extensions If you need to use a disabled extension, you can contact the extension’s developer and ask them to upload their extension to the Chrome Web Store. This will allow you, and other people who use Chrome, to install that extension from the Chrome Web Store, or if you already have it installed, to manually re-enable it from your list of extensions.
  • (2020-05-07, v:2.1.3) Shannon Fiander: Dark mode won't apply
    I've added the extension to Chrome and I've select "Dark", but my Zendesk remains the same. No changes. Any suggestions?
  • (2020-03-19, v:2.1.3) Giovanni Lodi: Privacy Policy
    Hello, I like Zendesk Dark Mode, thank you so much for building this tool that helps us strain our eyes less. I have one question though. The privacy policy is not clear. It points to something completely unrelated, as far as I can tell: http://heat-map.co/privacy-policy/ I use the plugin on my work account, and I am concerned about privacy. How do I know what data the plugin collects, and what it can do on the browser? Is the plugin open-source? If it was, it would boost my trust in it, big time.
  • (2020-01-20, v:2.1.2) Connor Ainsworth: Text
    Hi I have a problem with the text when using the dark mode, it becomes difficult to read. I use 75% zoom as default, and medium text, I tried changing these to test it and it didn't help, any ideas?
  • (2019-12-03, v:2.0) Dip It: Does this still work with Zendesk?
    I cant get this to work. Does this still work?


6,000 history
1.9308 (130 votes)
Last update / version
2024-03-01 / 3.0.31
Listing languages
