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Устанавливает Swisscows в качестве поисковой системы по умолчанию.
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Swisscows это прекрасная альтернатива для тех, кому важна приватность и защита персональных данных. В отличие от других поисковых систем, Swisscows не следит за своими пользователями. Пользовательские запросы, IP адреса и другая персональная информация не сохраняется и не может быть использована в корыстных целях. Все сервера расположены в Швейцарии, страной с наименьшим уровнем риска при размещении информации.
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Latest reviews
- (2023-08-02) Sergej Nissen: Die Suchergebnisse von Swisscows sind sehr gut, ich als Vater kann meine Kinder mit guten Gewiesen suchen lassen, weil das ein familienfreundliche Suchmaschine ist (keine Gewalt und Pornographie).
- (2022-12-19) Sheharyar B: A good search engine.
- (2022-11-07) Mantas D.: Installed it - swisscows did not appear in search engine selection in the settings
- (2022-10-12) Paul Bilton: Downloaded and installed on Chrome. First and only search brought this: "You've made too many requests in the last time. Please, be patient and try again later."
- (2022-07-08) Keith White: The swisscows extension hasn't been updated in a while it is an inactive link
- (2022-04-21) Matt E: This probably has more to do with google than swisscows, but I tried setting up the extension and default browser on a chromebook and nothing worked. Additionally, there is no configuration guides for chromebooks.
- (2021-10-07) Tim Badolato: Good but needs search bar suggestions to pop up as you type. Currently not happening.
- (2021-09-22) Maurizio Fiorini: Molto bella ora è il mio motore di ricerca preferito.
- (2021-08-20) Knight Declavar: Simply the best search engine out there!
- (2021-06-16) Micha P.: Die Suchmaschine ist gut. Die Erweiterung klappt nicht. Man bekommt immer nur den Webstore.
- (2021-06-09) Eric L: Two things I get out of SwissCows: (1) Privacy - a must! (2) Accuracy - Most accurate search engine (besides google) I've used. Much better results than duckduckgo.
- (2021-05-13) Vasyl Dobrovolskyi: very good!
- (2021-02-05) Abraham Santagidis: Swisscows - безопасная альтернатива другим! Swisscows не следит за Вами и не хранит никаких данных!!! Спасибо разработчикам!!!
- (2021-02-04) Jessica S. (darkocean): Well, that was easy to put in, thank you! Why the heck does brave make it so hard to add in a new search? O.o Gah.
- (2020-12-25) Ieri che ho sostituito goggle con Sweescows e sto convincendo altre persone a cambiare motore di ricerca . Grazie 🙏
- (2020-11-02) Noobachu: Best search engine ever made in history this is actually better than Bing and Google tbh and it doesn't take a lot of data because it doesn't refresh the page all the time and it's even faster loading than Bing or Google. I'd rate this 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000/5 starsss
- (2020-10-23) Willa Jabir: Try to use this extension in Brave & Vivaldi as they are chrome based. Didn't work. But I was able to manually add it by adding the URL in the Search Engine Settings. Went to the website, did a search. Observed the URL in the address bar and made the query from that and it works. The support page has several queries for help with no response. So, I resolved the issue this way.
- (2020-10-13) Adam H: Quality search results. I love the semantic map and the fact that it wont search adult content.
- (2020-08-27) Daniel Pradana: i love it
- (2020-03-24) Tony Escobar: Gotta Love It! We need more companies that care about our anonymity and privacy.
- (2020-02-20) Zachary: Great search engine but I can't figure out how to turn off opening links in a new tab. Breaks history path which I use frequently.
- (2019-12-07) Sean Johnson: Amazing Privacy. Loved it! This should be above DuckDuckGo
- (2019-09-06) ONLINE FIRE129: Safe secure and it helps block adult content
- (2019-03-24) Besser kann eine Suchmaschine sich nicht von Google-Content befreien und ihren eigenen benutzen. DER ABSOLUTE GEHEIMTIPP!
- (2019-03-20) Rasmus Wiberg Jensen: Best search engine ever!!!! You have got to add it.