Description from extension meta
Remplace l'historique Chrome par défaut par un meilleur.
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Description from store
Chrome Better History replaces Chrome's history viewer with a more simple view. You can navigate directly while using the calendar or just scroll down to load your history day by day.
This is *not* the same extension as "Better History" (by a different publisher). This extension is guaranteed without spyware...
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Since version 3, an extension button is visible on your extension bar, which allow to you to view the last 10 entries in your history.
- Fix missing console log
- Fix popup resize
- Fix icons that's not visible with dark themes
- Grow-up font size a little bit
- Add dark theme support
- Adding Simplified Chinese (Thanks to Vstory)
- Favicon url fix
- Small fix for Russian translations
- Add a button to remove all item in search result
- Fix favicon errors
- Remove "clear all" to avoid human error
- Add auto focus to search input
- Adding German language (Thanks to chrisi51)
- Fix calendar start day of week according the locale
- Fixtures for repository changes
- Add a button to remove a single entry
- Fix security issues
- Add russian translation (thanks to solokot)
- Fix buggy scroll
- General performances enhancements
Latest reviews
- (2021-02-06) Penn Hui: 无法访问文件
- (2021-02-02) S Y: The native Chrome history allow to delete history in batch. How to do it in the Better History?
- (2021-01-31) whatanoob: The search function appears to be broken. I was looking for a website that I had visited just over a week ago and it found nothing. I had to manually select the date and scroll through the day to find it.
- (2021-01-30) fung anthony: 我運用Chrome Better History 的月曆翻查網頁瀏覽紀錄,十分方便 但我今天翻查網頁瀏覽紀錄,突然發現紀錄的時間顯示比本地時間慢了整整16小時, 怎樣調整紀錄,使紀錄與本地時間一致?
- (2021-01-25) John Canny: 喜欢以前的logo,希望能改回去。 Like the previous logo, I hope to change back.
- (2021-01-18) Summer Lui: I have install "Tab Suspender" chrome expansion. However, it seems that "Chrome Better History" and "Tab Suspender" are not compatible. When I click the history, my computer can only jump to an error page from "Tab Suspender". So I have to stop running "Tab Suspender" before I click the history. I hope this bug can be solved as both expansions are very useful to me.
- (2020-12-18) J M: No real value add that I can see. I was hoping for the full URL being displayed, rather than just the page title. But all this adds is a calendar to make picking easier. I suppose that's nice, but other than that, no big gain.
- (2020-12-10) Yoav Navott: Wonderful extension, stopped working properly on microsoft edge since they changed the history view from a separate page to a popup (similar to firefox). Would be wonderful if this could be fixed!
- (2020-11-25) arnaud cta: It looks good at first. then I filter google map to delete them all. and it basically deleted eveything and I cannot access history anymore. it actually looks like it damaged chrome itself.. be aware.......
- (2020-11-15) Jak Watterson: i can finally manage my chrome history and see easily what the data is on a certain date.
- (2020-11-10) 韩晨: 怎么清除历史记录啊,找了半天没有,只能关闭扩展才能删除
- (2020-11-04) Rebecca S: Way better than normal chrome history when it works, but often it doesn't load and/or freezes to the extent that it's almost unusable
- (2020-10-28) jer Gerquery: 我说几点让我用了几个月之后的痛点吧 1、首页不支持翻页,不像原生的那种往下翻就是昨天、前天 2、选择指定时间比如10.2,向上翻页居然不是10.3,这让人怎么看?向下翻页也是如此,没这个问题的人多用用就能看出来,经常翻着翻着就跳了几天 就上面两点基本让我放弃,还不如原生,起码时间是准确的,历史记录本来就是拿来检索的,连时间都排不准怎么用?
- (2020-09-04) Sagittarius: freeze when search history
- (2020-09-03) Hong: please dont take over the system history page , or support the history for mutliple device with same account , tq.
- (2020-08-22) Ladia Zhang: 希望能选历史记录单日清除 以及能多选的功能
- (2020-07-29) Ladislav Frajki: Super nástroj. Jednoduchý a perfektní. Za mě 100%.
- (2020-07-15) Mr Y: 很好用!感谢作者! 提点建议: 1、希望可以添加设置功能,用户可以根据个人需要设置一些内容,比如可以自定义显示条数或显示框长宽度,显示背景颜色,是否显示域名等; 2、能在不弹出新的页面前就设置一个可以选择日历的按钮,这样就不用为了找浏览记录离开正在浏览的页面; 3、可以添加一个显示方式选择功能,按时间和按域名,在按域名显示目录下可以将同一天浏览的网页自动归类和折叠,比如在同一天浏览同一个网页多次,则按域名显示在一个折叠标下; 感谢作者的付出!
- (2020-07-14) Lennart Altenhof: Not showing the whole history
- (2020-07-07) Esther H: does the job. but i would appreciate it if the history went back more than just three months
- (2020-07-03) Alex Stockwell: pretty helpful! would be nice if could toggle between old version and this version. some things like recent tabs in the default history are inaccessible now
- (2020-07-01) Chalaine Ratsimbazafy: cannot remove multi-selection entries
- (2020-06-30) Ana Guajardo: Very useful but I have noticed it won't display history from a couple months prior, not sure if this is by design or not.
- (2020-06-28) User 052: Нет возможности искать в истории браузера по url.
- (2020-06-26) Dexter: 没有找到快捷键的,希望添加一个
- (2020-06-23) dawei yang: 简洁 好用
- (2020-04-13) Manuel G.: Me gusta su extensión, porque está actualizada a enero de 2020, pero echo de menos las funcionalidades de en la que pone "Devices" para poder ver las pestañas de otros distpositivos y "Search".
- (2020-04-09) 时俊杰: 日历显示 非常清楚 超级喜欢
- (2020-04-06) Yingtao Liu: 新图标没以前好看了 以前跟chrome自带的功能按钮风格统一一些
- (2020-04-04) Google用户: 希望添加一个设置选项,可以在当前页面打开历史网页
- (2020-03-17) Yevhenii: У меня нет кнопки Clear All
- (2020-03-16) Hiep Nguyen: Search for one address and delete it, then it wipe out all of my history.
- (2020-03-15) Adam John: 很好用
- (2020-03-15) Ernesto Herrera Legorreta: I have a huge history file and this is the only extension among those I tried that did not hang when trying to search over all of it. It is lean and mean...and gets the job done (quicker than what I expected, in fact.)
- (2020-03-12) bot: 尝试了很多扩展,这款感觉最棒,但还有一些建议。 优点:1.点击日历查找 2.搜索关键字查找 建议添加:1.批量操作,比如全选和反选,或框选,(当我需要删除某天大部分记录时点击全选,再取消勾选部分保留记录)。 It is a great extension standing out from other products, and here is my experience. Pros: by date (with built-in calendar) 2. search by keywords Suggestions: 1. batch processing, e.g. check all, invert selection, or some movements to increase efficiency. Thanks.
- (2020-02-29) wells tang: 如果能在快捷显示中添加滚轮,可以不用点击进入主页面选择当日标签,会更方便, 虽然现在已经很好用了,但还可以更好,加油
- (2020-02-25) asd ghffg: 如果可以显示最近关闭标签和最近添加书签就好了 在记录里搜索google,居然卡了二十多秒
- (2020-02-23) Jason Chen: 应为更新后 这个图标LOGO 我换了另一个插件
- (2020-02-22) Aa Ss: randomly will eventually redirect you to a virus site
- (2020-01-19) Linghan Tang: 因为这个更新的logo过来评论一下...(觉得没以前好看.......
- (2019-11-30) Сергей Шевченко: Very good i like it but need more bigger font
- (2019-11-25) 龙飞源: 没有按域名分类的功能,不是很好用,个人感觉不如自带的,相比之下隔壁Recent History不错
- (2019-11-21) Валерий К: Плагин нравится только есть 1 недостаток разработчики скажите пожалуйста почему после нажатия на ссылку из истории ну я имею виду задним числом там оно исчезает в прошлом? а попадает на сегодняшнее число? Это не много не удобно если бывает кому-то нужно что бы доказать переходы с определенным временем
- (2019-11-10) 小楼夜上: 不要取消全部清除功能 Do not cancel all clear functions 全部清除前提示确认 Prompt to confirm before clearing all
- (2019-11-10) 琪凯夏: 希望能同步iphone的浏览记录
- (2019-10-08) Yui Yao: Very Good!
- (2019-09-10) L Q: Sarebbe comodo poter scegliere un intervallo temporale e soprattutto eliminare con un SOLO click tutti gli elementi filtrati.
- (2019-09-09) Hong Moon: Saved my day !!! The original chrome history page keeps scrolling over to the top of the page and prevents me from viewing the history properly. This extension doesn't have this problem. It helped me recover my lost tabs from history.
- (2019-09-04) Al Williams: I really like this but -- and this is a big but -- I think you can't use the view tabs from other devices option with it. I use that a lot.
- (2019-08-20) Vicki Brown: Excellent. Perfect. Exactly what I need. Why isn't this the default History mechanism in Chrome??