Adds a mail absent students buttons to SAM at UCLan
This is only useful for academic staff members at the University of Central Lancashire.
This adds a link to the end of SAM so that you can quickly email the students that where missing from a lecture, lab or tutorial.
Updated 10/02/2020 add a download as CSV option so you can download a spreadsheet view of the table.
Updated for changed to SAM as of 09/10/2019 so that it auto selects email address for you.
Updated for the changes to SAM as of 2/1/2015.
Update - added an option to email the personal tutors of absent students for a given session. There isn't an easy way to pull the personal tutors email address from SAM (utill SAM gets updated) so you'll have to look that up yourself (sorry).
You should use SAM via the Update attendance link within MyUCLan, search for the module you are interested in. Select the week and event you are interested in. This extension will have already selected that Network ID needs to be displayed, you should leave this selected, you can add other options if needed. Click View Register.
You will be presented with a list of students. A 'Mail absent' link should appear at the bottom of the student list. It is made up from the students that have a status of Abs in the column that can be edited. If you update a student's attendance status then you must submit the update before clicking on the Mail absent link.
When you click on the link it should open your email client with the BCC field filled in containing the student that were absent from the session.
5.0 (1 votes)
Last update / version
2024-10-20 / 1.528
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