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Tiết kiệm đến 95% bộ nhớ và giảm tình trạng loạn tab

Image from store OneTab
Description from store Bất cứ khi nào bạn thấy mình có quá nhiều tab, hãy bấm vào biểu tượng OneTab để chuyển đổi tất cả các tab của bạn vào một danh sách. Khi bạn cần truy nhập các tab này một lần nữa, bạn có thể khôi phục lại riêng từng tab hoặc tất cả cùng một lúc. Khi các tab của bạn nằm trong danh sách OneTab, bạn sẽ tiết kiệm đến 95% bộ nhớ vì số lượng các tab đang mở trong Google Chrome đã được giảm đi. Đảm bảo quyền riêng tư Thông tin về các tab của bạn không bao giờ được truyền tải hoặc tiết lộ cho các nhà phát triển OneTab hoặc bất kỳ bên nào khác. Ngoại lệ duy nhất là khi bạn có chủ đích bấm vào tính năng "chia sẻ dưới dạng trang web" vốn có chức năng cho phép bạn tải lên danh sách các tab của bạn vào một trang web để chia sẻ với những người khác. Các tab không bao giờ được chia sẻ trừ khi bạn sử dụng nút "chia sẻ dưới dạng trang web".

Latest reviews

  • (2025-03-06) Galen Giese: handy
  • (2025-02-27) Tony Keane: It's a must for anyone using their Chrome browser extensively, particularly with cloud based apps and services. A must, as a tool for research and online training. Simply great! Love the feature for integration with Chrome 'Tab Groups', something great getting even better ✨
  • (2025-01-25) Do not trust this without first backing up your tabs by some other means.
  • (2025-01-04) Vladimir Dorta: This is one of a few extensions I can't live without. I use it every day and have never had a single problem with it. The only thing I would like it to add is a few keyboard shortcuts. Jan 4, 2025 Update. This is still one of my favorite extensions. The only problem I have is that I can't export my urls to use in another computer or OS. When you try to paste the copy nothing happens.
  • (2024-08-01) Baloo II: Lack of support for multi-window environments still killing an otherwise great idea. Using it jumps you to a completely different desktop. Highly disruptive to the point of not being useful.
  • (2024-06-18) Mustafa Emre Koçak: Useful and practical thanks.
  • (2024-06-09) Liam (Kootranova1): Love this thing. Update june 9 2024, Now shows multiple Onetabs when i right click the extension, and i think it purged my saved tabs. Not happy.
  • (2024-06-08) Sharon Gilat: Great for saving memory and productivity, however there is no auto backup and you might loose all info if the (chrom) browser needs to restart
  • (2024-06-03) Melissa: Could be more feature-rich but still my fav extension, good for AHDH ppl, got my ex using it. Yay for workflow! Edit: From 5 to 3 stars, would stop working often in past months until closing and reopening chrome, but that wouldn't have changed rating. But reinstalling chrome I lost over a year of tabs, older stuff not as important but many recent paused/in progress projects. I didn't realize my history wouldn't be like, tied to my chrome profile, because when I reinstalled chrome it automatically added all the extensions I had prior back to chrome. User error.. I should have made the important projects (dozens of tabs each) into webpages and messaged them to myself. I'm just gutted.
  • (2024-05-28) great
  • (2024-04-23) J J: April 23, 2024: Still doing the same that I listed below. I thought it was my mouse and bought a new one, but it's still doing it. It only closes out the next tab that I wanted open when I use Onetab, it doesn't do it when I open multiple tabs w/o using Onetab. When I have a few of my tabs opened, and when I am done with one tab and close it out, it closes out the next tab that I wanted still open. Its been doing this for weeks. Where is the fix for this? Never did it before. It's 2/1/2024 and it's doing it again. It will work as intended fine for months then it will do what I wrote above. I don't understand it, I've had this extension for years.
  • (2024-04-22) Spencer Holguin: Simple, yet powerful, and really useful.
  • (2024-04-19) Sabrina: Könnte ohne nicht mehr leben. In jedem Browser das erste Plugin, was installiert wird ♥
  • (2024-04-17) zwjjoy: This extension is amazing
  • (2024-04-16) Robin S. (SnowyOwl): Awesome and robust. 4-thousand tabs and counting. Edit on 041016-make that 14 thousand now! That's about the limit as response time is being hampered. Paring it down now. edit:04162024-OneTab has worked flawlessly for nearly 10 years (still) on a Win10 Tablet. Besides The Developers, I assume, clearing out all my 18,000? tabs when it went unused for 2-3 yrs (which was cool, btw bc I changed my work focus) there's been zero issues for a decade. That's some solid programming.
  • (2024-04-04) Tom Mitchell: I am grateful for this amazing app!
  • (2024-04-02) MikkyF'adde: Очень нужное и прекрасно сделанное приложение.
  • (2024-04-01) Dug Bones: Lost 2 years of tabs...Gone! F U Onetab!
  • (2024-03-19) Gregorio Altemir: Excelente
  • (2024-03-18) Dan Montague: Have been using OneTab multiple times per day for at least 4 years. Works 100% as advertised. I particularly like the ability to share a condensed tab group to it's own webpage, then to clip that into a web clipper (e.g., Evernote). Makes for a nice quick way to note a bunch of research sources.
  • (2024-03-17) HannahHannah Hannah: 太實用!! 方便收集 大量臨時網頁 (因不想加入書簽), 也利於整理分類. 五星好評!
  • (2024-03-15) Aaron Carlson: I just wanted to say thank you for such a great little plugin. OneTab has become my bookmark system, my workflow system, it's great. No more losing tabs, slow laptop, or time wasted on organization. And you'd be surprised how rare it is to be able to share bookmarks between computers. What's out there is either janky and grim, or bloated and microtransaction-filled. Being able to send all my work tabs to my home PC by simply saving the shared bookmark page? Brilliant in its simplicity. All that said, there are some QoL things I'd love to see, but you've done such a great job I wont fuss if the plugin never sees another update. In case you're curious at what sticking points I have: - I'd love a way to decide how OneTab organizes tabs I pull into it. Having it save tab groups by day becomes a bit of a chore when you've got a month's worth of work tabs, spread across 30 sub-sections. Being able to control how tabs are auto-organized would be great. - Being able to sort tabs in their respective groups would also be great. Alphabetical, recency, open frequency, however, but I'd love to be able to declutter the pile sometimes. - The ability to manually purge duplicate tabs from the OnePage page. I find the purge option doesn't always catch everything, and I feel it has to do with the same URL having different titles at the time it was saved. Maybe that's not the case, but being able to confirm manually across the pile, without having to open them all up and re-store them would be great. But otherwise it's been fantastic! Thanks so much for the plugin, from all of us tab hoarders out there. 🍻
  • (2024-03-13) Владимир Шарыпов: Отличное расширение!!! До того, как узнал про него и установил, пытался сохранить вкладки копируя ссылки на них в документ WORLD. Установив ONE TAB стало намного легче работать. Молодцы разработчики!!! Одно пожелание - у меня на ноутбуке установлены три системы -- Виндовс 7, 8 и 10 (мне так удобнее), везде установлены Гугл Хром с ОНЕ ТАБ. Но понять как произвести импорт вкладок я так и не смог, создал на несистемном выносном жестком диске папку ONE TAB и периодически сохраняю туда ВСЕ вкладки из ВСЕХ систем, страхуясь от их потери...
  • (2024-03-05) S W: EDIT: OneTab is still great, however, I've noticed for a few months now, it does NOT work on Canva. I'm not sure why, but ti will not collapse it into a "view later tab window" Incredibly useful app. Every time I get a new computer, this is one of the first (if not first) app I make sure to install. If you are like me and have a multi-tasking brain, this app will help to organize and keep all of your tabs in one place. Very simply yet so powerful.
  • (2024-02-23) googleuser gozaru: 右クリックメニューが複製される ブラウザを再起動するたびに右クリックメニューのOneTabが1個ずつ増殖して 9超えると右クリックメニューから消えてしまいます。 それからさらに2・3回ブラウザ再起動するとOnetabメニューが復活しますが結局その後も1個ずつ増殖を再開します。 また開発元に連絡しても2日以上返答なし
  • (2024-01-11) Dennie Kirtley: This a great well-thought out extension except for one GOTCHA for which I am revising my original 5 star rating. The GOTCHA? It works on just about everything except YOUTUBE video URLs, which apparently the extension is unable to process. The RESULT? OneTab condenses MOST of your tabs, but it leaves YOUTUBE URLs alone, doesn't condense them. The developers should be made aware of this, and you are encouraged to try this yourself and rate the extension appropriately.
  • (2023-12-04) Aaron: I am a serial offender of opening insufferable amounts of tabs while browsing the Internet. Generally, if I go to a page and see a bunch of links to different sources, I just can't help myself, but open every single source page, then move to the first source page, and then open every single link on that page, and I essentially create this endless grouping of tabs that will remain active until I log out. It is a nightmare, it is my nightmare. That being said, I have used every tab manager around both paid and free. Hands-down. This is the only one that I use based on its sheer simplicity. I also use for different web, browsers all for different objectives and it's nice that even a feature like cloud sync isn't necessarily available so I can keep my OneTab back ups relegated to their browsers until I choose to export them and merge them into my main default browser. Essentially, I give this app an A+ because it's the opposite of what I would have designed myself, yet this is the exact app that I need... Because my brain is garbled garbage. Gesundheit!
  • (2023-12-01) Cole D: Literally changed my life, and my computer's RAM usage. Thank you, Onetab!!
  • (2023-11-28) Freya Lunn: Love this extension and it greatly improves my working experience. You can move tabs between groups, rename them, and change the order of the groups (and tabs within the group) which is incredibly useful for organising my work and is a quick way of creating a to-do list by moving all open tabs to a OneTab group at the touch of a button. My only gripe is that the tab groups can't be collapsed but I have submitted this as a feature request today so we will see if they are able to implement that! This is a free extension and I have used it for many years, at different companies, and on different laptops and always make sure it is one of the first extensions I install. I could not be without it, to the extent I would pay for it as it is seriously that essential to my day to day life. I absolutely could not recommend more. I have looked at other extensions that offer a similar service (due to the inability to collapse tab groups) and none come close in terms of functionality and ease of use. It also greatly reduces the amount of processing power Chrome uses by not needing too have multiple tabs open. I currently have 202 tabs stored in OneTab (hence the desire to be able to collapse groups) and have noticed no slowing down of my operating system, which would not be the case without this extension.
  • (2023-11-27) B C: UDPATE 11/27/2023 After years of use and at least half a dozen COMPLETE losses of the stored tabs, let me save you the pain and horror of losing all of your stored tabs. Without warning, all of your tabs will vanish and there's no recovery for the most part. Furthermore, there is ZERO support from the developer. Learn how to leverage Chrome's "save all tabs" feature. OneTab could've been great but they sure dropped the ball. I can't even tell you how furious this extension has made this normally calm person. Walk away from this extension. No. Run away! 08/24/2018 Are you kidding me!!? This is the best thing since sliced bread, man. If you're a power user and/or SysAdmin like I am this extension is a MUST. And now the new share as a webpage function!!? OMGosh, I love you guys! Thanks!!!
  • (2023-11-18) Victor Volinsky: Спасибо - великолепная программа - использую много (до 10) лет. Сохраняю до 2,000 вкладок. Использую также функцию "Экспорт-Импорт": с её помощью сохраняю (вспомогательный, для безопасности) архив - в формате ".txt" и ".mhtml". Всё великолепно и полезно, спасибо.
  • (2023-11-18) Eddy Ebel: Worked well on Desktop, but now all my tabs on synced Android device are gone ... Cant find them in OneTab or why it happened
  • (2023-11-16) 浏览器或系统更新后就没法显示
  • (2023-11-14) Shavar J: Using OneTab 1.84 on Windows Chrome Version 119.0.6045.124 (Official Build) (64-bit) As of the past day or two, right clicking on a webpage will show the Onetab entry with options in the menu twice. It does the same thing upon right clicking the onetab icon in the menu bar. I use Onetab almost daily so I noticed this right away. Today I went to check if this was a reported issue and see multiple entries regarding very recent errors with Onetab. Whether it be due to the extension alone, a chrome update, or a combination of both, there clearly is an issue with the extension. For the Onetab team to keep responding to very recent and simultaneous error comments similar to "check something else" is irresponsible and annoying. Just in case, I decided to back up my Onetab entries in the event further problems developed but could not get onetab to display. According to one of the Onetab team responses in Chrome web store, they suggest to use https://www.one-tab.com/tab-recovery to recover Onetab links. After following the directions, I successfully recovered my links. But the incomplete directions stop prior to explaining how to remove the recover extension that takes over Onetab in the extension page. They aleady explained that if you uninstall onetab you will definitely lose tabs, but provide zero direction how to proceed removing/recovering Onetab after the procedure. If I wasnt a Onetab user for a few years and know the extension generally works, I would tell everyone to steer clear of the incompetance based on those directions (or lack thereof). Bottom Line-If nothing else works to recover your links use the recovery extension, but after that its strictly trial and error to get Onetab back without reinstalling. *update - ultimately, i deleted the unpacked recovery extension folder location. I then restarted chrome and confirmed the recovery extension was removed from the extensions page. Onetab was not restored so I reinstalled it. It came back with settings and saved links intact. The double entry in the right click menu was gone on webpages and the onetab option menu on menu bar. As a precaution, my suggestion for myself and others is to back up the onetab links after every save to be sure you always retain your links. Take care and beware*
  • (2023-11-13) Jorge Eduardo Jiménez Álvarez: Your extension is simply Amazing! Thanks a lot for this contribution. I used it daily
  • (2023-11-10) Colton C: So good I couldn't not rate it! I've used it every day for years now. Should be a built-in feature really. The history tab is archaic compared to this. The ability to lock groups and favorites is even better. But the ability to click the icon and put entire windows, or every chrome window into it for later at once is the incredible. 11/10
  • (2023-11-07) Illien kist: I've always loved this extension, but v1.8.4 crashes brave randomly. I see more users are having trouble with this version, so I'll downgrade it to 1.8.1 until a more stable one is released.
  • (2023-11-06) Teotihuacan Gepeto: The latest version 1.84 is UNUSABLE! It freezes, it doesn't show anything and I can't even put other TABs in it. Please verify and correct the BUG!!!
  • (2023-11-04) Saqib Ali: I've relied on this extension for several years, but today, it's experiencing issues. The main page won't load, and on new tabs, this extension is visible but not clickable, it remain unresponsive. I would like to suggest adding a login option that allows users to restore their settings, added tabs if needed. Additionally, including a category option for organizing tabs would be beneficial.
  • (2023-10-30) LYNX 92: any chance tab list created on one device sync with another device that is using the same chrome account?
  • (2023-10-25) Daniel Yoh: Loved it! Any chance you can add an option to restore all in incognito?
  • (2023-10-25) Lawgk: helpful for a long time
  • (2023-10-24) Jubayer Ahmad: loved it!
  • (2023-10-23) Ashutosh Goyal: i generally do not write reviews for stuff, just give rating but the execution and the idea behind this extension is soooo amazing that i could not refrain myself... it is just wowwww.... what a simple yet grreaatt product...my chrome lookss wayyyyy better nowwww..... for the first time in literally ever my chrome has zero tabs open!!! zero!!!!
  • (2023-10-22) Valentina Roslik: Пользовалась One Tab, уже забыла, сколько лет! В какой - то момент оно запросило разрешение на управление вкладками. Ну, думаю, раз надо, значит, надо. Что оно там науправляло - известно только им, кто запрашивал это разрешение. Но после этого начался такой бардак во всей работе приложения - то работает, то не работает, то переводит вкладки, то нет. Решила переустановить, ну мало ли...но теперь уже разрешение на управление моими вкладками не даю. И что?! Расширение стало капризничать со всей силой еще больше: хочу работаю, хочу не работаю. Так понравилось управлять моими вкладками?!!! А мне нравится САМОЙ управлять ими!!! Вы об этом не знаете?! Дорогие, уважаемые, верните расширение к тому рабочему варианту, от которого проблем не было! И вкладочки мои тоже. Большое спасибо за многолетнюю " дружбу", но придется искать другое приложение. Увы... Друзья! Верните, пожалуйста, мои вкладочки! Я ЗНАЮ, Вы МОЖЕТЕ!!!
  • (2023-10-22) Dhyey Kathiriya: Very usefull for me! It really helped a lot.
  • (2023-10-19) Zain Shah: this does not working
  • (2023-10-16) Jinda Zhang: This plugin is not compatible with GNU Linux, dont install it if you use linux, you will lose data everyday
  • (2023-10-14) KnIfER: It's somewhat jokeware. when click the evil button you've provided, this extension instantly destoryed my entire session, all tabs are closed unexpectly. whatsmore this extension only stores the single url, and as a result, the tab's navigation history, the session storage will be lost. completely useless to me.
  • (2023-10-13) Zi Chao Zhong: Somehow the extension was corrupted after a Chrome update and BOOM - all saved tab are gone after repairing the extension....


2,000,000 history
4.4885 (13,932 votes)
Last update / version
2024-06-12 / 1.86
Listing languages
