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עיצוב מחדש של האינטרנט באמצעות Stylus, מנהל סגנונות משתמש. Stylus מאפשר לך להתקין בקלות עיצובים וערכות נושא עבור אתרים פופולריים…

Image from store Stylus
Description from store Redesign your favorite websites with Stylus, an actively developed and community driven userstyles manager. Easily install custom themes from popular online repositories, or create, edit, and manage your own personalized CSS stylesheets. Features * Versatility of theme installation options. Stylus supports installs from popular online repositories. Additionally, styles can now also be installed from .user.css or .user.styl URLs (see Usercss format documentation in our github wiki). * A backup feature for your entire database of installed styles which is compatible with other userstyles managers. * An intuitive and configurable automatic update function for installed styles. * A highly customizable UI, including theming, optional layouts, icon and badge color choices, along with many other tweaks. * Two different optional code validators with user configurable rules. Useful Links * Beta version: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/stylus-beta/apmmpaebfobifelkijhaljbmpcgbjbdo * Source code: https://github.com/openstyles/stylus * Video tutorial: https://youtu.be/fCVvGwoF5cQ * Chat room: https://discord.gg/tzXVNJz * Frequently asked questions: https://github.com/openstyles/stylus/wiki/FAQ * Technical bug report: https://github.com/openstyles/stylus/issues * General discussion and bug report: https://add0n.com/stylus.html#reviews * Localization: https://www.transifex.com/github-7/Stylus/dashboard/ Permissions Stylus uses only a small subset of each permission. As you can see in WebExtensions API documentation or simplified tutorials, there's no way to apply any modifications to a web page without gaining the full access permission to that page. Stylus is mostly used to apply global themes, which is why it requests a global permission. In the future we might be able to implement a more granular approach but it's not exactly trivial. * Read and change all your data on the websites you visit - required for the style elements to be added into the page, not to access any of your data. Privacy Policy Unlike other similar extensions, we don't find you to be all that interesting. Your questionable browsing history should remain between you and the NSA. Stylus collects nothing. Period.

Latest reviews

  • (2024-12-31) ねろ: 朝掻いたレビューが消えてる…再インストールしたからかな? いつの間にか登録内容が全て消えてたので、アンインストール→再インストールして 中身をインポートしたら、復活しました。 2024/12/31 機能していません。文字が見づらくくなりました。
  • (2024-02-12) santiago melcon: Muy buena pero cuando busco me aparece por
  • (2024-01-17) B TB: The last update (today, Jan.17th, along with Vivaldi update) broke it. Styles don't load, can't create a new style either (the link in the toolbar button dropdown menu is dead). Will update the rating when it's fixed. Thanks.
  • (2024-01-11) 李易龍: 感謝,我的YT和漫畫站,都多虧這個管理器,搭配很多人寫的各種CSS調整版面,整個簡潔舒服很多
  • (2023-11-20) Logan: This is one of the MOST IMPORTANT EXTENSIONS I'VE HAD EVER. They allow me to tweak websites, I used this for a 2013 YouTube layout transformation, I've made websites look a thousand times better, I've even wrote my own userstyles before (logan on userstyles world, id 430), basically if userstyles never existed, I wouldn't have as good as an experience on the internet I have now.
  • (2023-11-11) Kyomaku: super awesome! love that i can force dark mode onto any website i want. gone are the days where i have burned retinas by bright white websites!!
  • (2023-09-26) Levi Leitner (TheMasterOfEverything): I didn't understand it at first, but it's cool
  • (2023-09-20) 우히힝히: 가아끔 바로 적용안되서 뻘짓하긴 하지만 좋음
  • (2023-09-19) Michelle Glittermum: i dont know on how to get the styles but its confusing on how to open it and try to get it at the same time, i tried to watch the youtube video but it didnt help. if anyone knows how to do it please reply
  • (2023-09-09) j: It's awesome, very good, the best thing is that it doesn't collect your data too, unlike the other ones. Very simple to use too. 10/10
  • (2023-09-09) Enhar Mert Sevim: Uygulamaların arka planı değişiyo çok iyi tavsiye ederim
  • (2023-09-09) Among Us plushie videos and Hot Wheels: its hard to figure out how to get themes ngl
  • (2023-09-05) Rogelio Angulo: aplicación top, tema oscuro en las webs que no lo tienen
  • (2023-08-22) iky d feniix: para mudar a cor dos links visitados para vermelho. @-moz-document regexp(".*") { a:visited { color: red } }
  • (2023-08-13) G. Ryon': todo perfecto
  • (2023-07-15) Haydar Alyassery: wait how did you get in the page?
  • (2023-07-04) Krzysztof Łęcina: Absolutely perfect!
  • (2023-06-20) Vaingloriant: Goodbye Stylish, hello Stylus!
  • (2023-06-19) Joey: 完美替代stylish(臃肿怪异、晚节不保)
  • (2023-06-12) And raon: Отличное расширение для стилей, в опере устаревшее, если что, было раньше, сейчас не знаю.
  • (2023-06-01) Lee T.: great Stylish alternative, been using it for a while now
  • (2023-05-29) Leon Tang: 好用,满足了我的需求,还可以配合这个插件(Enhancer for YouTube™)一起食用,效果会更好。
  • (2023-05-19) Jesse McDonald: Everything Stylish use to be. It just lets you write offline CSS for pages, no hassle, no bother, no spam. Thank you for being a viable replacement when Stylish killed its self.
  • (2023-04-01) A W: Perfect extension for creating custom CSS quickly and painlessly, does everything I want it to do
  • (2023-03-25) Benjamin Huang: 在Chrome 111.0.5563.1111版中,Stylus1.5.29與Google MAP 衝突,請改善
  • (2023-03-19) V: Болели глаза от сраного Гугл Транслейта с выжигающе белым фоном. Сделал за 5 минут чёрным. Тупо установил расширение и там уже была готовая темная тема для ГТ, скачал и установил ее. Полёт нормальный.
  • (2023-03-18) Jovani Gómez López: Excelente opción alternativa al Stylish, gratis y mantiene el estilo antiguo de interfaz, pero mejorado.
  • (2023-02-22) Forums Stinkz: this is the go two extension for theming sites. solid 8/10 because there is some questionable themes ive seen. but overall good extension
  • (2023-01-31) g g: why did it download something on my laptop, i saw the download bar thing appear at the bottom but i dont see it in downloads or google downloads
  • (2023-01-26) Ian Pan: Best extension to add custom CSS. So glad this exists!
  • (2023-01-13) joao: funciona perfeitamente
  • (2023-01-07) Mohamed Alfalo: This is the extension to use if you want to add user CSS. I hope it stays the same.
  • (2022-12-16) InSync: The "URLs starting with" and "URLs matching the regexp" don't work. Everything else's fine though.
  • (2022-11-30) Alex Merrick: What an impressive extension, this has been very useful for our team that syncs together the CSS styling updates!
  • (2022-11-27) ლAixaლ: es muy buena, pero cuando pongo un stilo random me salta pono :/
  • (2022-11-16) Christoph Rackwitz: THIS is the extension to trust, even if it has fewer users. get educated about the history: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stylish stay away from "Stylish", it was sold to some analytics/SEO company. they likely gather all kinds of data on your surfing behavior and sell it.
  • (2022-11-01) GGhireal#1: fixed the new youtube layout, thank you
  • (2022-10-31) Tomek tse: Experienced an accidentally crash then I lost all my userstyles.
  • (2022-10-31) Топпер Харли: Неплохо
  • (2022-10-25) boltzmann: I love this extension
  • (2022-10-23) somh z: Best Stylish replacement. Thanks!
  • (2022-10-19) Matthew Ventura: none of the styles work its just like stylish
  • (2022-10-18) Mik Urrey: Отлично скрывает рекламу, с которой не справляется АдБлок
  • (2022-10-17) David Esteban: stylish es una completa basura pero stylus es mejor porque no cobra como la basura de stylish
  • (2022-10-16) Sene Senethril: Used it to create a (free) dynamic dark theme as supplemental to "ChromeTabMouse".
  • (2022-10-13) rhubarbs: this is one of my favorite extensions, it's great for websites that don't have dark mode
  • (2022-10-12) Thaufiq Siraj Shaik: It was all fine until one day it started to make my YouTube very slowwww!!!!!
  • (2022-10-11) Jackson W: Amazing extension overall. Except I have just a single concern. Web exclusions dont work. When I try to get a theme for one site, for example, "instagram.com". It goes for other websites I visit. Overall, amazing extension. Will top Stylish with time if you listen to the community :)
  • (2022-03-20) Sa H97: Hello In Firefox, when I uncheck the show active style count option, again when I open the browser, this tick is there. This is a bug. Please correct it in Firefox
  • (2022-03-14) Joseph Kreifels II: I am a long time user of Stylish, and it has recently come to my attention that Stylish is now charging $4 a month just to let me write/use CSS. $4 is half the price of a Disney+ subscription. I am still the one writing the CSS, so $4 to use an extension is straight up robbery. They deserve nothing more than a one-time-fee of $1.99 Stylus works just as good. It's interface is a mess compared to Stylish, so I am docking 1-star.


700,000 history
4.5243 (1,131 votes)
Last update / version
2025-03-12 / 2.3.14
Listing languages
