extension ExtPose

uBlock Origin Lite

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Um bloqueador de conteúdo sem permissões. Bloqueia anúncios, rastreadores e muito mais, imediatamente após a instalação.

Image from store uBlock Origin Lite
Description from store O uBO Lite (uBOL) é um bloqueador de conteúdo baseado no MV3 *sem permissões*. O conjunto de regras padrão corresponde ao conjunto de filtros padrão do uBlock Origin: - Listas de filtros integrados do uBlock Origin - EasyList - EasyPrivacy - Peter Lowe’s Ad and tracking server list Pode adicionar mais conjuntos de regras visitando a página de opções -- clique no ícone _Cogs_ no painel pop-up. O uBOL é totalmente declarativo, o que significa que não há necessidade de um processo uBOL permanente para que a filtragem ocorra, e a filtragem de conteúdo baseada em injeção de CSS/JS é realizada de forma confiável pelo próprio navegador e não pela extensão. Isto significa que o próprio uBOL não consome recursos da CPU/memória enquanto o bloqueio de conteúdo está em curso -- o processo de service worker do uBOL é necessário _apenas_ quando interage com o painel pop-up ou as páginas de opções. uBOL não requer ampla permissão de "ler e modificar dados" no momento da instalação, daí as suas capacidades limitadas de pronto a usar em comparação com uBlock Origin ou outros bloqueadores de conteúdo que requerem amplas permissões de "ler e modificar dados" no momento da instalação. No entanto, o uBOL permite-lhe que *explicitamente* conceda permissões alargadas em websites específicos de sua escolha, para que possa filtrar melhor esses websites usando filtragem cosmética e injeções de scriptlet. Para conceder permissões alargadas num determinado website, abra o painel pop-up e escolha um modo de filtragem superior, como Ideal ou Completo. O navegador irá avisá-lo sobre os efeitos da concessão das permissões adicionais solicitadas pela extensão no website atual, e terá que informar ao navegador se aceita ou recusa o pedido. Se aceitar o pedido do uBOL para permissões adicionais no website atual, o mesmo poderá filtrar melhor o conteúdo do website atual. Pode definir o modo de filtragem padrão na página de opções do uBOL. Se escolher o modo Ideal ou Completo como o modo predefinido, terá de conceder ao uBOL a permissão para ler e modificar dados em todos os sítios web.

Latest reviews

  • (2025-01-19) Othmar HANNY: Blockwirkung hat nachgelassen, bei manchen Websites treten Fehler und Absturz der Erweiterung auf. War schon besser.
  • (2024-07-31) J J: UBO Light is the new MV3 new rules restriction by Google whereas UBO is the much better one that uses MV2. Google is limiting new rules per extension at 30K, which means UBOL will be a lot less effective that UBO going forward w/o the ability to block elements or ad any filters. This is a Google restriction and not a UBO one. UBOL works fine when I tested vs UBO but I want the added filters and element removal. I'm planning to use Firefox over Chrome because I hate Google.
  • (2023-12-14) neko kuro: Chromeが広告ブロッカー締め出し方向に行ってるので将来的2025辺り以降?には現在の広告ブロッカー ほぼ使えなくなりuBLOCKはこのライト版しか使えなくなるらしいので導入しといて損はないです ただライト版ポリシーが違うのでフィルター追加や高機能な事はできないのでやはりブロック率は下がります。
  • (2023-11-22) ralph liu: Awesome to have a super simple yet effective ad-blocker future proofed to work after the MV3 update. Really appreciate you guys!
  • (2023-11-09) 0yuyuko: grateful uBlock Origin author I'm not sure if this is a new version developed by you. It's great. I hope it can block the ads on major websites.
  • (2023-10-28) Dinesh Babu Vasudevan: Works Flawlessly..
  • (2023-10-18) Thomas Anderson: Doesn't work at all.
  • (2023-10-17) TheRealF148: Hey Raymond, I see that you're responding to these. First of all, I'd like to thank you for so much of what you do. Ads nowadays are extremely long and are outright wrong for the amount of time they take from us and our productivity. And when I say long, I'm referring to Youtube. Do you know what we can do about Youtube's new Adblock detection? Thanks
  • (2023-10-11) Jaya Ang: UBO lite blocks pretty much all ads, and actually seems to manage to evade adblocker-detection a lot better than other web browsers like Ublock Origin
  • (2023-09-20) sanek babos: очень нравится
  • (2023-09-15) chun “chunsal”: Works well but a bit slow, i rather use another adblock extension and use both.
  • (2023-09-03) freespirit: It seems to work for a week or 2 then bugs out, when you click on the icon everything is going haywire and I am unable to adjust anything because its moving so fast, I have no choice but to either turn it off or reinstall it, Have not seen a way to correct this bug other than uninstall and reinstall the entire extension ever week or so otherwise it's a good extension
  • (2023-08-25) Malikul Akbar: based on MV3, quite good,
  • (2023-08-22) Rob Kry (Rob): Unfortunately, uBlock Origin Lite V3 does not block all ads. Only normal uBlock Origin V2 works fine.
  • (2023-07-27) CFD: What a bummer, no way to custom block unwanted & unblocked nuisance Ads or Elements on Websites/Webpage's... Otherwise, seems great & would be that much better if it actually had that feature built-in to it, much like other Ad Blockers.
  • (2023-07-20) Lukáš Nagato: Funguje!!
  • (2023-06-08) Chad Scribner: I'm curious as to when "Experimental" will be removed from the description. With the addition of EasyList's Annoyances and Cookie Notices, this seems nearly indistinguishable from uBO Heavy. Thanks for all the hard work!
  • (2023-05-28) D. Smithee: All hail the Savior of the Internet, gorhill! This "experimental" MV3 version of UBO works extremely well.
  • (2023-04-20) 下条朝人: フィルターが初めから入ってるやつしか使えないから、今はまだ微妙。
  • (2023-04-13) Илья: Супер!
  • (2023-03-25) Sergio Emir Rozo Díaz: Está genial aunque sería bueno que dejara seleccionar la publicidad a eliminar.
  • (2023-03-22) Alan Sanchez: It doesn't not block ads for me
  • (2023-03-07) Edmárcio Santos [ethomaz]: The simple look and strong blocking capabilities surprised me to the point I couldn't tell the difference from original uBlock Origins (I'm not a power user at all). I rater prefer this new appouch over the original... and it fell ligher in CPU and recourses use...amazing. Great job devs... Raymond you deserver all the praise you overdid again. Loving it.
  • (2023-03-02) Chang Soo: Doesnt lite become useless since it doesnt have a custom list so you cant block sites that it doesnt pick up.
  • (2023-03-01) Patrick: As good as the normal ublock origin. Blocks all ads on youtube/youtube music/twitch/etc. If you also got adguard home/pihole+unbound, then you are good to go. This lite version is faster and less resource heavy than the standard version.
  • (2023-01-18) Jon N: A very good MV3 based adblocker. Three things missing: cookie notification prevention and social media annoyance filters, you know the twitter and facebook buttons. In the old extension I liked using the element hider and custom filters too. The cookie notification is the big one for me. Do people have to install a separate extension for that or would it be possible to implement it in MV3 uBOL? Thanks again for developing uBO lite!
  • (2022-12-26) Atif Hussain: Working great. Would be great if we had the option to see websites that have received complete read permission in a single list and to manage them directly from the list. edit: the permissions are acting a little weird. After clicking UBO icon the extension receives full site permissions even in basic mode (this can be seen after hovering over the UBO icon, it says has access to site whereas without clicking the icon it says wants access to site).
  • (2022-12-12) Dabi: Definitely feels lighter and simpler than the full uBlock. And it's nice how it allows the "Preload pages" setting. I'm glad that efficient ad blocking seems to be still possible under MV3. Might be not enough for power users, but for me it works great.
  • (2022-12-07) Google User: Seems ok, not much of a difference compared to using just one extension, say Ghostery.
  • (2022-12-06) Riley: One of the best ad blockers to ever exist. I highly recommend this to everyone who uses chrome.
  • (2022-11-29) Google User: Is there anyway to force "complete" or "optimal" in the registry? Or maybe have it point to a config file like we did with the original?
  • (2022-11-05) Dmytro PoRtvine: It is possible to add an operator :remove() ? Description does not match reality: - No cosmetic filtering (##) - No scriptlet injection (##+js) - No redirect= filters - No csp= filters - No removeparam= filters
  • (2022-10-26) Renato Adesivagem: excelente. Bloqueou todos anúncios do Instagram.
  • (2022-10-14) William Feely: Excellent in concept, but it appears to be flaky, not always killing YouTube ads. When checking the addon when it failed (I did give permission to modify youtube.com) it showed reddit.com which I previously browsed.
  • (2022-10-11) Anjas Wahyu: make cosmetic filtering enabled pls
  • (2022-09-29) René Stout: Een prima opvolger van de standaardversie. Knap werk!
  • (2022-09-28) vasilis vita: works everywhere except youtube ... if only you could do something for it , I know it is difficult
  • (2022-09-28) Simon Simon: Not as good as ublock origin and probably never will be, really sad. Gorhill does a great job for millions and millions of people, we can't thank you enough!
  • (2022-09-28) Серж U: Включите, пожалуйста, возможность добавить свои правила для блокировки и фильтры. Спасибо.
  • (2022-09-28) Steve Seguin: Sadly, YouTube ads aren't blocked for me with this extension -- I'm giving 5 stars with the consideration that this is still a bit of a 'preview', with the hopes it does manage to improve. I really appreciate the developer's efforts with MV3, like a lot, as migrating my own ext to MV3 is proving a nightmare.
  • (2022-09-25) Laìcurè Levìarè: still the best and it is working well, I haven't tried with other sites but I can see it still blocks ads. Hoping to see, at least, the domain whitelist functionality.
  • (2022-09-24) Jan Brodda: Works great and fulfills all my needs regarding adblocking without requiring any permissions!


3,000,000 history
4.5111 (857 votes)
Last update / version
2025-03-11 / 2025.3.8.1350
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