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Save Emails as PDF by cloudHQ

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Eksportuj, konwertuj i zapisuj wiadomości e-mail Gmail™ jako dokument PDF

Image from store Save Emails as PDF by cloudHQ
Description from store To rozszerzenie umożliwia łatwą konwersję wiadomości e-mail z poczty Gmail™ do postaci dokumentu PDF. Nasza usługa działa w zaledwie 3 kliknięciach, i gotowe! Dzięki temu rozszerzeniu możesz: ✔️ Utworzyć kopię zapasową wiadomości e-mail dla własnych potrzeb. ✔️ Scalać wiele wiadomości e-mail w jeden plik PDF ✔️ Utwórz kopię zapasową wielu wiadomości e-mail w osobnych plikach PDF ✔️ Zachowaj tylko załączniki wiadomości e-mail w pliku PDF ✔️ Świetnie nadaje się do przesyłania korespondencji e-mail i: - Prześlij do oprogramowania do zarządzania relacjami z klientami - Wyślij je do prawnika w celu przeprowadzenia postępowania sądowego - Wyślij rachunki, paragony lub faktury do swojego księgowego - Wysyłaj je do działu kadr w sprawach wewnętrznych. To rozszerzenie jest doskonałe dla: 1. Pośredników w obrocie nieruchomościami: 🏡Pakuj wszystkie swoje wiadomości Gmail dotyczące transakcji sprzedaży i prześlij je do SkySlope lub innego CRM, którego używasz. 2. Prawnicy i przedstawiciele zawodów prawniczych: ⚖️ Zapisz, zorganizuj i posortuj wszystkie wiadomości Gmail w jeden dokument i prześlij go do sądu. ⚖️ Konwertuj wszystkie rozmowy online (dokumenty wysłane, dokumenty otrzymane itp.) na jeden plik, który możesz następnie łatwo zapisać w Clio lub innym CRM, którego używasz. 3. Kierownicy projektów i liderzy zespołów: 🚧 Archiwizuj całą komunikację projektową jako jeden dokument i utrzymuj ją w porządku. 🚧 Ustaw automatyczne zapisywanie etykiet Gmaila z rozmowami dotyczącymi projektu na dysku Google Shared Drive, aby umożliwić współpracę z zespołem. 4. Właściciele firm: 💼 Uzyskaj wszystkie wiadomości Gmail z potwierdzeniami odbioru i uporządkuj je według daty, klienta itp. 6. Kontrahenci: 👩💻 Archiwizuj całą komunikację ze swoimi klientami. 7. Każdy, kto potrzebuje konwertować, zapisywać i archiwizować ważne rozmowy online, ten program jest właśnie dla Ciebie! 🕵️👮🏾♀️👨🎨🧑🎤👨💻🤵🏻♀️👩🔬🧕🏽🧑💼🧑🔧👩🏿🏫🧏👷 Oto wszystko, co możesz zrobić dzięki temu rozszerzeniu Chrome: 1. Możesz zapisać: - Pojedynczą wiadomość lub rozmowę - Wiele wiadomości lub wątków - Całą etykietę Gmaila - Wiadomości i wątki pasujące do filtrów poczty e-mail - Całe konto Gmail. 2. Wiadomości e-mail można zapisać na dowolnej z tych platform: - PDF do pobrania - Dysk Google - Dropbox - Skrzynka - OneDrive - Egnyte 3. Opcje funkcji Możesz wybrać, aby: * Uwzględnić lub wykluczyć załączniki * Zapisywać tylko załączniki (nie samą treść, ale tylko załączniki) * dodać numery stron * Skrócony format (wszystkie podpisy, cytaty i inne niepotrzebne dane są usuwane) * Wybierz odpowiedni rozmiar strony do wydruku * Szyfrowanie pliku za pomocą hasła (zalecane w przypadku dokumentów prawnych) * Przekazać komuś swoje e-maile jako załącznik pdf * Zapisać konwersację online jako jeden dokument z możliwością wyboru. * Konwertuj wiadomości e-mail do formatu PDF, zapisując rozmowy online jako plik zip, z każdą wiadomością Gmaila lub rozmową w osobnych plikach PDF. * konwersja i zapisywanie wiadomości e-mail do pliku PDF jako jednego pliku tekstowego (TXT) * konwersja i zapisywanie wiadomości e-mail do formatu PDF jako jeden dokument HTML * Udostępnianie pakietów wiadomości e-mail w formacie PDF za pomocą bezpiecznych łączy udostępniania. Wiemy, że nie ma jednego rozmiaru dla wszystkich, zwłaszcza jeśli chodzi o Gmaila, ale dzięki tym elastycznym funkcjom to rozszerzenie powinno Cię zadowolić. cloudHQ. Zwiększanie produktywności - 1 kliknięcie na raz. Strona internetowa: https://www.save-emails-to-pdf.com Ceny: https://www.save-emails-to-pdf.com/pricing Strona pomocy technicznej: https://support.cloudhq.net/category/browser-extensions/save-emails-to-pdf/ Blog: https://blog.cloudhq.net ~~~~~~~~~~ This extension lets you easily convert Gmail to PDF. Our service works in just 3 clicks, and you're done! With this extension you can: ✔️ Create a hard copy backup of email messages for your own records ✔️ Merge multiple emails into one PDF ✔️ Backup multiple emails into separate PDFs ✔️ Save only the attachments of your emails into PDF ✔️ Great to upload your email correspondence and: - Upload them into your CRM, like Salesforce, Zoho, etc. - Send it to your lawyer for legal proceedings - Send your bills, receipts, or invoices to your accountant - Send it to your human resources department for any internal issues This extension is great for: 1. Real estate agents: 🏡Package all your Gmail messages regarding your sales transactions and upload them into SkySlope or another CRM that you're using. 2. Lawyers and legal professionals: ⚖️ Save, organize and sort all Gmail messages into one document and submit it to court. ⚖️ Convert all online conversations (sent documents, received documents, etc.) into a single file that you can then easily Clio or another CRM that you're using. 3. Project Managers and Team leads: 🚧 Archive all project communication as one document and keep it organized. 🚧 Setup an automatic saving of Gmail labels with project-related conversations to your Google Shared Drive for collaboration with your team. 4. Business owners: 💼 Get all your Gmail messages with receipts and organize them by date, customer, etc. 6. Contractors: 👩‍💻 Archive all communication with your clients. 7. Anybody who needs to convert, save and archive important online conversations, this is FOR YOU! 🕵️👮🏾‍♀️👨‍🎨🧑‍🎤👨‍💻🤵🏻‍♀️👩‍🔬🧕🏽🧑‍💼🧑‍🔧👩🏿‍🏫🧏👷 Here's everything you can do with this Chrome extension: 1. You can save: - A single message or conversation - Multiple messages or conversations - An entire Gmail label - Messages and conversations matching your email filters - Your entire Gmail account 2. You can save your emails to any of these platforms: - A downloadable PDF - Google Drive - Dropbox - Box - OneDrive - Egnyte 3. Feature Options you can choose to: * Include or exclude attachments * Save your attachments only (not the body itself, but just the attachment) * Add page numbers * Condensed format (all signatures, quotations and other unnecessary data is removed) * Select an appropriate page size for printing purposes * Encrypt your file with password protection (highly encouraged for legal documents) * Forward your emails as a pdf attachment to someone else * Save your online conversation as one document with your selection * Convert emails to PDF by saving your online conversations as a zip file, with each Gmail message or conversation in separate PDF files * Convert and save emails to PDF as one text (TXT) file * Convert and save emails to PDF as one HTML document * Share PDF email packages using secure share links We know that not one size fits all—especially when it comes to your Gmail, but with these flexible features, you should be covered with this extension. cloudHQ. Helping your productivity, 1 click at a time. Website: https://www.save-emails-to-pdf.com Pricing: https://www.save-emails-to-pdf.com/pricing Support page: https://support.cloudhq.net/category/browser-extensions/save-emails-to-pdf/ Blog: https://blog.cloudhq.net

Latest reviews

  • (2023-08-07) William Shepherd: 5 stars
  • (2023-07-30) Xavi R.: It's a great service but what they don't mention until the 11th hour is that you are limited to 60 emails in one file. For more than that it's $15/month. Something to keep in mind, because it would be nice to know that ahead of time.
  • (2023-06-06) Fabiola Westley: This app is so quick and so easy, and it helped me with my email discovery in court. It saved me weeks of time, and I have so much gratitude for it.
  • (2023-05-09) Herman Mayer: While this extension isn't a tool I constantly use, it performs flawlessly whenever I need it. Occasionally, I find myself needing to store certain emails outside of my inbox, preferring not to clutter Gmail's archive. Having the ability to save them directly to my desktop is extremely convenient. Moreover, there are instances where I need to reference an email with a specific attachment, such as a contract or an important document. It's much more efficient to have these directly on my desktop rather than having to navigate through Gmail's storage system every time I need to access them. Additionally, when I receive confirmations for online purchases or event registrations, it's beneficial to save these emails directly to my desktop. This way, I can easily pull up proof of purchase or registration details when needed without the hassle of sifting through Gmail's archive.
  • (2023-05-03) King alex: Great Extensions i was able to upload my email correspondence and Upload them into my CRM
  • (2023-05-02) Gaston Phil: It combines emails into one PDF, keeping things tidy. The extension removes extra bits like email signatures for clean PDFs. This easy tool is perfect for legal email-to-PDF needs. It saves time.
  • (2023-05-02) Kara: This app does exactly what it say it will do: It shows up inside your gmail account and you can save emails or labels to PDF very helpful
  • (2023-05-01) Ben Randolph: if it had the option to automatically save emails to a specified folder within Google Drive. Overall I recommend this extension for converting emails very helpful
  • (2023-05-01) Abraham Philip: I highly recommend it for anyone seeking a user-friendly email management experience.
  • (2023-04-30) jamal williams: A Superb Tool for Email Archiving Its ability to consolidate multiple emails into a single PDF simplifies organization and sharing of email threads. I wholeheartedly recommend it for anyone seeking a user-friendly email management experience.
  • (2023-04-30) Adriane Correll: Very useful extension. I has option to merge all emails into one PDF - which is quite cool.
  • (2023-04-27) Ludwig Heijden: It looks to good to be true and so far is. I opted to merge all conversations but I get a folder with all the attachements with no merged pdf at all. Bummer
  • (2023-04-13) Sam Craman: Save Emails to PDF is a helpful tool for turning emails into PDFs, ideal for lawyers. It combines emails into one PDF, keeping things tidy. The extension removes extra bits like email signatures for clean PDFs. This easy tool is perfect for legal email-to-PDF needs. It saves time.
  • (2023-04-13) Zenica Club: Save Emails to PDF extension is an incredibly user-friendly tool that simplifies the process of converting emails to PDF format. Its intuitive interface makes merging multiple emails into a single PDF a breeze. One standout feature is its ability to exclude signatures and other extraneous details, resulting in clean and clutter-free PDFs. Overall, this extension is a must-have for anyone in need of a seamless email-to-PDF conversion solution. It's fast, efficient, and tailored to provide the best user experience.
  • (2023-04-05) increase perfect: so great
  • (2023-04-05) prophet babyja: Very helpful
  • (2023-04-05) Alex Paul: It's work for me
  • (2023-04-05) MR OLA ADEOLAMI: Good extension
  • (2023-03-31) Jeannine Earp: Solid extension with years of experience in email archiving, providing a straightforward and efficient way to save important emails as PDFs for future reference and increased productivity. 5 stars.
  • (2023-03-26) Peter Greer: Good extension that lets me to easily convert emails and attachments into PDF files, making it easier to share and store important information. I'd say 5/5 for me.
  • (2023-03-19) Virgil Patterson: Quite a useful extension for archiving important emails, but it would be even better if it had the option to automatically save emails to a specified folder within Google Drive. Overall I recommend this extension for converting emails.
  • (2023-03-08) andrew tinson: Could have made a point of it being a 60 email limit before I spent half hour waiting for it to convert!
  • (2023-03-05) Anthony Thompson: This is a fantastic extension that enables me to easily convert my emails into PDF format and store them in their preferred location. The process is straightforward and efficient, and the resulting PDFs are of high quality, making it a great tool for anyone who deals with a lot of emails.
  • (2023-02-24) Simon Yoda: Save Email to PDF is a great tool that makes saving and archiving emails a breeze. With its simple yet powerful interface, users can quickly save individual or bulk emails as PDF files, ensuring that they are easily accessible and searchable. Additionally, the tool's ability to save email attachments along with the email makes it an excellent choice for anyone looking to keep all their email data in one place. Overall, Save Email to PDF is a great tool for anyone looking to simplify their email archiving process and improve their email productivity.
  • (2023-01-20) Johane Liebert: You have relieved me of great suffering. I liked this tool. Keep progressing. Thank you
  • (2023-01-07) Eleanore Henderson: I recently tried out the Save Emails to PDF extension for Google Chrome and I have to say, I'm really impressed with how well it works. This extension makes it incredibly easy to save emails as PDF files, which is extremely convenient for both personal and professional use. One of the things I love about this extension is how easy it is to use. All you have to do is click on the extension icon in your browser and it will automatically convert the current email into a PDF file. This is especially useful when you need to save an email for your records or if you want to share an email with someone who doesn't use the same email service as you. Another great feature of Save Emails to PDF is that it allows you to customize the PDF before you save it. You can choose to include attachments, sorting, add your own bates numbering, and even add your own custom watermark (great for adding an extra layer of security to sensitive emails or for branding purposes). Overall, I think Save Emails to PDF is an excellent extension that anyone who uses email on a regular basis would find useful. It's easy to use, customizable, and it saves a lot of time and hassle. I highly recommend it.
  • (2022-12-16) Felipe Guimarães: Limite grátis de apenas 60 e-mails.
  • (2022-12-01) jovan Kranjevac: This app does exactly what it say it will do: It shows up inside your gmail account and you can save emails or labels to PDF, HTML, TXT etc.
  • (2022-12-01) Herman Zarkovic: In our business it's very important to save emails for the record. And this extensions archives exactly that.
  • (2022-03-08) Gabriel Rogers: SUPER USEFUL SERVICE. I like that they have an option to combine all emails in a label into a single PDF document. That is is exactly what I need. I also love option to save and that all signatures, quotations and other unnecessary (and redundant) text is removed.
  • (2022-03-07) Damxel 1: This has saved me so many hours and grey hairs!
  • (2022-03-07) Best Partner: Thanks for making this extension, very usefull
  • (2022-03-07) Deyoung Bello: Amazing, super efficient!
  • (2022-03-07) Anto Avatar: So useful! Thanks,cloudHQ! Amazing work.
  • (2022-03-07) Komolafe reachael joy: Fantastic idea. Saves our team a OUT of time.
  • (2022-03-07) Pweness Temzy: Great tool! Saves key strokes.
  • (2022-03-07) Success Donald: Does a good job for me.
  • (2022-03-07) Kevin Nike: Amazing Extension.
  • (2022-03-07) Young Harry: Works and great value for money (we are premium).
  • (2022-03-07) damo wise: This is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks
  • (2022-03-07) miracle oluwa: Great tool for an email marketer!
  • (2022-03-07) Hindustan Jalle: WORK PERFECTLY.
  • (2022-03-07) Youngharry 5: This extension worth more than 5 Stars.
  • (2022-03-07) Ray Maxwell: WOW!!! Works as advertised.
  • (2022-03-07) Ajilore Felicia: Works like a charm LOL
  • (2022-03-07) Young Harry: Brilliant extension!!!
  • (2022-03-07) Suliyat Oluwayemisi: Amazing tool! Very useful
  • (2022-03-07) Haritage Pro: Outstanding experience
  • (2022-03-07) Jimoh Suliyat: AWESOME
  • (2022-03-07) Harry Dc: Works well for downloading emails which was my goal.


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