extension ExtPose

Pranešimų centras Facebook (delisted)

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Pranešimų centras Facebook (TM) siūlo Peržiūrėti įspėjimus: pranešimai, Messenger, grupes ir renginius

Image from store Pranešimų centras Facebook
Description from store Pranešimų centras "Facebook" yra "Google Chrome" naršyklėje, kad Peržiūrėti įspėjimus iš "Facebook". Tai rodo pranešimus, tol, kol vartotojas baigia susijęs veiksmas. Vartotojai gali pasirinkti rodomų piktogramų tvarką pranešimų centre. Rasite naudingos nuorodos su indikatoriumi, naują įvykį į savo "Facebook" naujienų, laiškus, kalendorius, nuotraukos, paieška, kainodaros. Galite pertvarkyti mygtukus, kad jums patinka. Tiesiog paspauskite paveikslėlį, vilkite jį į naują vietą ir upuść jį. Nauja tvarka yra automatiškai išsaugomi slapukai. Jei šį paaiškinimą yra sunku, jums, tiesiog atlikite šiuo veiksmus: 1. perkelkite pelės žymeklį į piktogramą (News Feed), paspauskite ir laikykite nuspaudę kairę pelės mygtuką, perkelkite objektą į dešinę ir tada atleiskite kairįjį pelės mygtuką. 2. dabar turite nauja tvarka ir piktogramos. Pirmasis iš jų yra pranešimus ir antra naujienų informacijos santraukoje. 3. dabar galite toliau perkelti piktogramas į naujas vietas instrukcija 1 veiksme. 5. jūs piktogramų tvarka yra automatiškai išsaugomi jūsų naršyklės slapukas pagal pavadinimą slapukas-fb-ql-v7011. Iš pradžių išleistas kaip "Chrome" programą 2013 m., įspėjimų centro "Facebook" buvo prieinama kaip "Chrome" plėtinį – 2018 m. sausio. Visi "Google Chrome" vartotojai gali matyti vaizdo perspėjimais apie naujų pranešimų ir laiškų iš "Facebook" šią įskiepiai. "Facebook" yra socialinė programa, kuri jungia žmones su draugais ir kitais, kurie dirbti, mokytis ir gyventi aplink juos. Žmonės naudoja "Facebook" konkuruoti su draugais. Visos autorinės teisės priklauso jų savininkams. Pastaba: Šis "Chrome" plėtinį apie "Facebook" pranešimus ir neturi filialus su populiarių socialinių tinklų svetainė "Facebook". Visos autorinės teisės priklauso jų savininkams. "Facebook" nėra patvirtinti arba rėmėja tai "Chrome" plėtinį. Šis "Chrome" plėtinį nevaldo, nėra licencijuojama ir nėra dukterinė įmonė, Facebook Inc. "Facebook", "Facebook" ir F logotipai, FB, veidas, kaišioti, knyga, Messenger ir sienos yra Facebook Inc. prekių ženklas. Tai "Chrome" plėtinį turinys nėra pateikta arba peržiūrėta Facebook Inc. Visi straipsniai, vaizdus, logotipai ir prekių ženklai – tai "Chrome" plėtinį yra jų atitinkamų savininkų nuosavybė. Ačiū už tai "Chrome" plėtinį naudodami greitosios nuorodos ir perspėjimai ir "Facebook". Nedvejodami pasidalinti ja su savo "Facebook" Messenger, Whatsapp, "Google" plius.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-07-15) 麥: It sucks. I use it a lot because I don’t miss new posts. As a result, I am blocked and can’t use it
  • (2023-03-21) Some Guy Online: Does not work.
  • (2023-02-13) István Kiss: Jó kis bővítmény ez csak az a baj hogy a sima hirek oldala nem egyből jön be és az se lenne rossz ötlet ha az ikonok alatti linkek szerkeszthetőek lennének hogy hova ugorjon egyből ha magunk adjuk meg az elérési útvonalat!?!
  • (2022-02-13) John Buterbaugh: I downloaded this app with the hope of only having to open Facebook when I get notifications. The ten-icon notification panel is really just a set of bookmarks for your Facebook profile (which work but don't save me that much time.) The notification count does not refresh (i.e., stays at 0 | 0) even when I received a message from a friend. I do not recommend this app.
  • (2022-01-15) fery nugraha: good jobs
  • (2021-06-18) daniele oliver cavallini- kovacs: dont work....
  • (2021-06-13) VFArthur18: Don't work...
  • (2021-04-15) Max Edelman: Просто супер!!!!
  • (2021-01-25) Robert Sandor Szucs: Not working...
  • (2021-01-19) احمد هاني علي: جميل
  • (2021-01-15) Авантаж Люкс Окна VEKA Крым: Не работают показатели количества сообщений... только как ярлыки для ФБ
  • (2020-12-27) Svetlana: Не показывает уведомления из messenger
  • (2020-12-20) 이재윤 ,로드튜브 Korea Road Tube: 사용하기 좋아요
  • (2020-11-11) Из Мифов: Проблем не заметил.Работает отлично!
  • (2020-10-08) Brennan Davis: it used to work and update notifications. now it doesn't, so useless.
  • (2020-09-26) foot print: does not work 😑
  • (2020-09-17) John19-68 Aira: Не работает!
  • (2020-09-14) ‫خالد سليمان الكويليت (لي قلب)‬‎: ممتاز رائع
  • (2020-08-28) salma elbaz: salam cv
  • (2020-08-24) 匿名調査員: 通知が来なくなった。
  • (2020-07-24) حسین السید حسین حسین السید حسین: جميل
  • (2020-07-24) Karyono Kandayasi: semoga tambah maju Facebook
  • (2020-07-19) Gary Boyar: Worked well before the most recent Facebook updates, now it doesn't work at all. I'm using a Chromebook so maybe that is the issue, but it didn't matter prior.
  • (2020-07-13) Oleg Berestov: Не работает
  • (2020-07-02) Mark Weisler: This was a really good extension until about a week or two ago. It no longer notifies me of anything. All it ever shows is 0 [ 0. If it's a software glitch please fix it. I'm about ready to remove it if it doesn't start working again soon.
  • (2020-07-02) Marcin Kubów: Przestał powiadamiać/działać poprawnie z najnowszą wersją Chroma 83.0.4103.116 - stanowi jedynie skrót/link do FB i nic więcej.
  • (2020-06-27) Felina Faerlaingal: The notification count never change? I thought this would show me when I got new messages, with a number or stuff, but nothing happens?
  • (2020-06-24) John Hawkridge: The notifications stopped working. I've removed and reloaded and still nothing. It used to work pretty well. Possibly something on Facebook end.
  • (2020-06-24) Leonel wolf: No está funcionando, no me saltan las notificaciones antes andaba perfecto espero que lo puedan solucionar
  • (2020-04-13) jon 2bar: j'ai pas du tout aimé de ne plus recevoir les notifications. Ca marche plus !
  • (2020-04-07) Alejandro Tortolero: De momento funciona bien.
  • (2020-04-03) AliKeira: Замечательное и ооочень полезное приложение)))) Огромное Спасибо разработчикам!!!
  • (2020-03-17) mcquiggd: It seems to work, but the icon is distracting; it always has a red dot, and two red panels, rather than using a neutral colour, and then red to indicate a notification has arrived.
  • (2020-02-03) احمد جلال: شكرا لكم
  • (2019-11-14) اسامه اسامه: شكرااااااااااا لكم
  • (2019-09-26) Debleme Thomas: c'est une bonne application de capitalisation des informations sur le site Facebook
  • (2019-08-05) Taha Taha: جيد
  • (2019-07-04) Into TheDarkness: свое нехитрое предназначение выполняет
  • (2019-06-30) A'eshah Ahmid: Non si sente nessun suono
  • (2019-06-23) Juan Simón: ¿¡Publicidad en la extensión!? Anda ya!
  • (2019-06-07) djeb: excellent
  • (2019-03-26) Sam Buck: Extension does the job of letting you know when you have notifications, but there are definitely some glitches and the extension definitely is slow.
  • (2019-01-19) Fredrik Selvig: Could have looked a little prettier, and could update sightly faster, but it does the job well enough and I'm pleased with it. Keeps me from unnecessary "trips" to Facebook.
  • (2018-12-01) Sagittarius: not working
  • (2018-11-27) Mahdi Mahdi: تمام
  • (2018-08-31) doesn't refresh the notification count
  • (2018-08-17) Penjelajah Khatulistiwa: mantab lah, ini yg terbaik yg pernah aku pakai. trims
  • (2018-08-09) صالح الصليحي: جيد
  • (2018-07-11) ioan lozan: отличное приложение но тормозит особенно если войти в фэйсбук не через него. за то отличный помошник советую
  • (2018-07-11) Hai Duong Nguyen: Amazing :D I think everyone should have this extension. Great!

Latest issues

  • (2023-10-07, v:7.32) news play: bugs
    Hello, the function of the my pages button in your chrome browser plug-in has expired. I hope it can be corrected.
  • (2022-12-01, v:7.32) Benjamin Ayamba: I want to buy your extension
    I want to buy your extension
  • (2022-10-26, v:7.32) Jorge Arancivia: No tengo acceso a mii face
    https://www.facebook.com/jorgearancivia https://www.facebook.com/checkpoint/588324129567771/?next=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F Esta página no funcionaLa página www.facebook.com te ha redirigido demasiadas veces. Borrar las cookies. ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS
  • (2021-06-18, v:7.32) daniele oliver cavallini- kovacs: why
    dont work ??
  • (2020-12-05, v:7.32) ไหนว่ะ ไอ้ปากดีอยู่ไหนว่ะ: ข้อความไม่ขึ้น
  • (2020-09-28, v:7.32) Χρήστος Κορναράκης - Κορνάρος: notification
    δεν εμφανίζει ειδοποιήσεις
  • (2020-09-28, v:7.32) Χρήστος Κορναράκης - Κορνάρος: notification
    δεν εμφανίζει ειδοποιήσεις
  • (2020-09-28, v:7.32) Paul Long: Not working?
    Why does this extension not do the ONE thing it is supposed to do...NOTIFY me that there are alerts for me in Facebook? Hello??? Is anybody home and listening??
  • (2020-09-27, v:7.32) Keren Amy Horowitz: PLEASE HELP - THIS IS NOT WORKING.
  • (2020-09-13, v:7.32) mary ridout: not working
    facebook updated this should too
  • (2020-08-04, v:7.32) Amy Green: Not seeing notifications
    I'm no longer getting notifications.
  • (2020-07-24, v:7.32) Mark Weisler: It hasn't shown notifications for weeks now.
    A few weeks ago the extension stopped showing notifications. I get up in the morning and Facebook tells me I have 30+ notifications, but all I ever see from the extension is 0|0. I don't know if it's an issue caused by updates to Chrome or other causes, but I am very close to removing it given that it is completely worthless as it is right now.
  • (2020-07-13, v:7.32) Stan Sumner: Need Help.... :)
    Hi, My Facebook Notification Extension, is not showing the notifications.. It always just stay at 0/0 even when I have multiple notifications.. I have deleted and relaunched it numerous times.. Your help would be appreciated.. Stan
  • (2020-06-23, v:7.32) Валентин Заец: не показывает уведомления
    не показывает уведомления
  • (2020-06-19, v:7.32) 阿秋: Not available now 現在無法使用
    Not available now 現在無法使用
  • (2020-06-17, v:7.32) Luiz Octavio Bernardo: Extensão deixou de funcionar
    Prezados, boa tarde. Desde que houve a atualização recente do Windows 10 para a versão 2004, minha extensão deixou de funcionar. Vocês teriam como me ajudar? Desde já agradeço, Luiz Octavio!
  • (2020-06-17, v:7.32) valeri vladimirov: v 7.32
    2 days the new version does not work
  • (2020-06-16, v:7.32) Felina Faerlaingal: Lite version
    I wouldn't mind a lite version of this where there is only notifications options and not the news and watch and all the other stuff Or being able to hide the icons that I don't use and not just re-arrange them
  • (2020-05-16, v:7.32) 阿秋: The new version is not available 新版無法使用
    The new version is not available 新版無法使用
  • (2020-05-08, v:7.32) tired brain: 100050155568580
    login fb
  • (2020-05-01, v:7.32) 阿秋: 現在無法使用
  • (2020-04-24, v:7.32) Luis Enrique Zanoletti: Notificaciones
    No funciona no cuenta las notificaciones
  • (2020-04-19, v:7.32) Angelo Benelli: Notifica
    Notifica su desktop versione nuoca di facebook non funziona
  • (2020-04-17, v:7.32) Geoff M: No Notifications
    I eventually switched over to the 'new' facebook interface and now there are no notification. If I switch back to original FB, the notifications start working again. Is it possible for a fix for the new FB interface.
  • (2019-11-10, v:7.3) Hamdi Belhajhassine: No longer works
    Great extension, but since the last facebook update it no longer works. Can the developers fix it please?
  • (2019-03-04, v:7.3) Maciej Wojcieszek: I think it's no longer working
    First, I still had a notification about unseen message, though I already checked all of them. As for today, I don't get any notifications - there's 0/0, even if I do have two unseen notifications when I go to Facebook. I have the most recent version of Chrome.
  • (2019-01-26, v:7.3) Micky Swerts: Les notifications ne fonctionnent pas dans mon jeu SuperCity.
    Quand j'opuvre le jeu et que je veux voir ce que mes partenaires me demandent ou m'envoient, je n'ai qu'une boule blanche qui tourne sans arrêt sur la gauche de l'écran et je suis obligée de fermer le jeu.
  • (2019-01-23, v:7.3) Fcojavier Hernandez Ramirez: policia cibernetica
    estratejia digital
  • (2019-01-12, v:7.3) Thảo Phạm: 1
    m quên mk facebook mà số dt bị gỡ mất rồi còn yahoo nhưng k nhớ mk thì làm thế nào đc hả admin
    Hello sir, hope you are doing great. We are from ADMUSH.COM, which works with chrome extensions on rent. That's the reason why am contacting you because I would like to make you an offer for your chrome extension on rent. If you are interested for details then please ping back or contact on given details. Every functioning will be in Chrome Guidelines so no chance to get any kind of issues, and also our functions will not affect your any audience in any manner. Earnings can be upto upto (999$ - 2999$) Per Month. Email - [email protected] SKYPE - ashish.admush Many Thanks
  • (2018-11-14, v:7.3) Toni Medina: stolen data 805 748 1157 immediate attention required
  • (2018-09-09, v:7.3) M Abdullah: plugin not working
    plugin not working, i has notification on Facebook but it not showing them!!!!!
  • (2018-08-27, v:7.3) M Abdullah: not working
    it dies nit shows any notificaton and the option menu is also disable(not working)
  • (2018-08-27, v:7.3) M Abdullah: not working
    it dies nit shows any notificaton and the option menu is also disable(not working)
  • (2018-08-25, v:7.3) 六六兒: 難用
  • (2018-08-24, v:7.3) Michel Lopes Del Sent: ads
    Olá, eu gostaria de lhe fazer uma oferta de anúncio, ou mesmo venda da sua extensão na Webstore. Você tem interesse? Ou está aberto em algum tipo de negócio? Caso possamos conversar: Skype: [email protected]
  • (2018-07-16, v:7.3) Hai Duong Nguyen: The nofications counter doesn't update
    It doesn't notice any nofications. What's wrong with it?


73,167 history
3.6351 (1,680 votes)
Last update / version
2020-02-18 / 7.32
Listing languages
