extension ExtPose

YouTube™ 版 AdBlock

CRX id


Description from extension meta

由 AdBlock 打造的唯一一個 YouTube™ 廣告攔截程式,最受歡迎的 Chrome 擴充功能,全球擁有超過六千萬使用者

Image from store YouTube™ 版 AdBlock
Description from store Created by AdBlock, with 60M users, AdBlock on YouTube is the gold standard of blockers for YouTube.

Latest reviews

  • (2024-06-11) lgpicapau: nao funciona
  • (2023-12-04) Vizhnay: I never had problems on YouTube ever and no adds.
  • (2023-11-07) Logan: YA NO SIRVE
  • (2023-11-05) Jérémy Durand: Marche nickel merci bcp
  • (2023-11-04) Tulio Freitas: Não funciona.
  • (2023-11-03) Dodda Damn Dee: Youtube banned me from watching videos as long as I'm using ad block...... grrrr
  • (2023-10-26) St. Salton: Absolut wertlos, blockt rein gar nichts
  • (2023-10-22) calm: this sht not even works, so i removed it 👎
  • (2023-10-19) Jonathas Junior: Nao funciona, Os ad continuam aparecendo
  • (2023-10-19) Filipe Ferreira da Silva: realmente bloqueia os ad
  • (2023-10-18) Tom Curtis: Fail to block a single ad
  • (2023-10-17) SONALTESSE SERENISSIME: Fonctionne parfaitement!
  • (2023-10-15) 24.Nguyễn Đăng Khoa: k chặn
  • (2023-10-14) สมพลพล สิริสาริกัน: อย่างไรก็มีโษณามาอยู่ดีเลย
  • (2023-10-11) celeste charite: dont work
  • (2023-10-03) Aurora: it does not block any ads at all
  • (2023-09-26) James Keener: This extension used to work perfectly without any issues on YouTube. This extension is for YouTube & YouTube only. Unfortunately, due to latest YouTube updates and seeing that this extension was last updated on July 28, 2020, it doesn't block every ad on YouTube anymore.
  • (2023-09-24) Vladislav Ivanchikov: Расширение отлично работает !!! Если первый раз за компуктером - не надо портить статистику хорошему расширению!
  • (2023-09-24) Akis: it doesnt work!
  • (2023-09-22) Bekir Tuncer: its working
  • (2023-09-20) LUTFI HADI: good
  • (2023-09-15) C TT: Rác
  • (2023-09-13) Pedro Costa: Não funciona
  • (2023-09-10) Александар Гвозден: ne radi!
  • (2023-08-20) Denis: Doesn't block anything at all.
  • (2023-07-26) Tasos K: it doesnt do ANYTHING
  • (2023-06-24) 黃xx: 根本沒用
  • (2023-06-17) mauricio pinheiro: nÃO BLOQUEIA
  • (2023-05-19) wendy sierra: Pues Este Bloqueador es De Maxima Seguridad
  • (2023-05-04) Bro Evil: I don't usually leave reviews on Chrome extensions, but after seeing all of the dissatisfied ones I feel that I need to say my piece. This works amazingly. I haven't had an ad on YouTube since like early 2022. People who are saying it doesn't work must have other underlying issues with their PCs. Just get this, give it a shot. It works for me and I recommend it to everyone I can.
  • (2023-04-25) Thais R.: Não funciona
  • (2023-04-20) The Cat: хахахахаха
  • (2023-03-25) PeterTino107: Wozu habe ich einen Adblock für YouTube wenn doch immer noch Werbung kommt? Es Nervt das ich mitten im Stream immer wieder Werbung bekomme. Was muss ich machen um "KEINE WERBUNG!" Zu bekommen? Und dann ist das Werbung die ich als Mann überhaupt nicht gebrauchen kann! Ich weiß nicht wie oft ich eine DICKE FRAU die für Damenbinden Werbung macht übers Eis "Schweben" sehe. Haben nur Dicke Frauen ihre Regel? Was soll das und dann jede zweite Werbung die überhaupt nichts Nutzen wie Werbung über Alkohol Leute Sucht euch eine andere Beschäftigung außer werbung zu Schalten. Ich möchte keine Werbung und deshalb gibt es in dem Fall nur zwei Sterne.
  • (2023-02-10) Giulio Sterchele: .Non mi sembra che funzioni,...la provo ancora x qualche ora.
  • (2023-02-04) Ádám Nemesi: Nagyon jó, jobb mint az "Adblock Plus"!
  • (2023-01-21) MrBub89: Doesn't block ads
  • (2023-01-11) clueless: didnt work
  • (2023-01-08) heidy garcia: i hate this 1 i am mad
  • (2022-12-18) Vítor: cumpre oque promete
  • (2022-09-27) สมบัติ สารติ: ขอบคุณครับ
  • (2022-08-29) GHOST FOX: did not block any ads at all same as the ad blocker only blocking one ad and the only other option is pause on all sites.
  • (2022-08-26) HOV HanG OvER: ใช้งานดีมากครับ ไม่มีโฆษณารบกวน
  • (2022-08-24) German Grigorev: Literally useless
  • (2022-07-26) Rafael Ribeiro: not work
  • (2022-05-25) Антон Растегаев: Не работает на ютюб и в вк
  • (2022-05-17) Sam Shahin: This plugin actually works. Yohooo. Thank you dev team.
  • (2022-04-24) posford: not effective
  • (2022-03-20) Itallo Haziel: n faz pn
  • (2022-03-11) Dai Laffine. Slava Ukraini!: possibly the only ad blocker you will ever need. stops dead all those annoying ads that get slappped on yuor screen. makes youtube watchable, and enjoyable, easy to set up, a dream to use, as you just set up and leave it running, doesnt need constant daily updating, which is very desirable. so instal and forget, oh? and tell everyone you know about it!
  • (2022-03-10) Rodrigo: Baixei pra comentar. O que funciona bem no YT é esse aqui https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/adblock-for-youtube/cmedhionkhpnakcndndgjdbohmhepckk


400,000 history
3.0589 (764 votes)
Last update / version
2020-07-29 / 1.7.0
Listing languages
