Description from extension meta
Adds a right click context menu item on for quickly copying asset and user IDs.
Image from store
Description from store
On the Roblox website, right click on a link and select Copy ID to copy an asset or user ID to your clipboard if one exists in the targeted URL.
Latest reviews
- (2023-04-18) Денис Брагин: очень отлично работает
- (2022-11-21) gulse bgc: Can someone tell me how to use it?
- (2022-08-05) Arianne Lucero: Hello! Can you copy the link to our friend's servers? The copy join link? cuz I don't see anything btw I just downloaded this extension because roblox had an update and my ropro copy join link server is Gone. I glad this existed! I just wanna stalk them. (using another account) Sorry if I sounded creepy
- (2022-03-04) Yisayla: Right after adding this extension to my browser, my account was exploited. I've had about over 1,000+ robux only for it to drop down to 23 robux within a minute. My friends had also been unfriended automatically. had about 51 friends just for it to drop down to 26. They unfriended the important friends and left the inactive friends safely, god dammit. I've also noticed that about 2 of my character creations were deleted. My main avatar and the other cosplay. The 1 hair maximum update was done just a few hours before my account was exploited, so I still have no way to recreate my character. I've contacted the customer support, I hope I can get my account back the way it used to be. Also, the reason why the robux didn't further drop down further more is that I've deleted the extension right after and I cleared my cookies. To all the users out there, please stay safe!!!/about This is my profile. Please help support me to spread further awareness. (god dammit, i should've just went to school)
- (2022-01-20) sh suvo: Loved it
- (2022-01-17) frog: amazing this literally saved my life
- (2021-10-20) Kinan D: BTRoblox is the same thing I can right-click and the BTRoblox shows up
- (2021-09-06) Artjoms_oldacc: yeah its workking i think
- (2021-07-20) jsayne ellis: it's good nothing is wrong it's just btroblox already has this so yeah don't get it : )
- (2021-07-10) patataprox 1: i like it cuhhhh
- (2021-03-31) Tom De Leon: Thanks i can copy ids for clothes
- (2021-02-25) Hunter: Could you add so it can take player's ID from Server lists, Thanks.
- (2021-02-25) Umar Mikhail: it work but bt roblox extensions already ave copy id
- (2021-02-24) Dimitri Faklaris: Works, but I have BTRoblox so I do not need it.
- (2021-01-28) Larry needlemeyer: thx it works
- (2020-11-30) CYLITM: Works great but BTRoblox has the same feature so don't bother installing if you have that extension. Now that I'm talking about it, it also has other great features that are helpful like this.
- (2020-11-12) Sebastian Dichiara: WORKS AMAZINGLY
- (2020-10-13) Plat: That great ! it work ! thanks
- (2020-08-21) Sauce Pickle: Worked perfectly well! I have no issue with this. The only reason I am not using this right now is because BTRoblox has the same feature, and it can get a bit confusing having 2 options to copy an ID. I highly recommend this to anyone who doesn't want to or can't use BTRoblox!
- (2020-08-05) Gisselle Ochoa: was wondering how do you get peoples user id's.
- (2020-07-20) Wyatt Gahrman: Right-clicking on an item in the catalog or game menu works. However BTRoblox already has this feature, so it was pointless to add this along with it. Just a note for anyone who uses BTR.
- (2020-07-20) Виктория ОгонёкGames: GOOD!!!! IM CAN COPY A ID :D
- (2020-04-15) Alice Krisch: where do u paste the copyd ID
- (2019-04-11) Brenda Kiernan: it doesnt work
- (2019-01-12) Pedro Henrique Pinto de Oliveira: it is a lot valuable, thank you for spending your time to make something good for us! It really help, give 5 stars for it too people!
4.1875 (32 votes)
Last update / version
2019-07-18 / 1.0.4
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