Description from extension meta
Shranite in obnovite seje brskalnika. Samodejno shranjevanje, več sej in več.
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Description from store
S tem upraviteljem zavihkov lahko zavihke združite v sejo. Vse spremembe se samodejno shranijo. Zapri in obnovi po potrebi.
- Več aktivnih sej
- Stalna velikost in položaj oken seje
- Več oken v seji (lahko povlečete zavihek iz aktivne seje)
- Samodejno shranjevanje
- Oznake
- Skupine zavihkov
- Način brez beleženja zgodovine (razširitev mora biti izrecno dovoljena)
- Iskanje
- Izvoz/uvoz (html dokument)
- Navigacija/zapiranje zavihkov
Za začetek kliknite »ustvari« v zgornji vrstici, vnesite novo ime seje in izberite nekaj zavihkov.
Po ustvarjanju bodo ti zavihki premaknjeni v novo okno in vse spremembe njegovega seznama zavihkov bodo zabeležene, velikost in položaj okna tudi.
Prav tako lahko premaknete kateri koli zavihek iz aktivne seje, razširitev lahko preprosto sledi dvema ali več oknom.
22. april 2022 (1,6)
- Podpora za skupine zavihkov
- Način brez beleženja zgodovine
- Popravljene napake
26. januar 2020 (1,4)
- Temna tema
- Izboljšano iskanje
- Izvozi eno sejo
– Kontekstni meni strani »Dodaj v sejo«
- Majhne izboljšave
20. september 2019 (1,3)
- Nov uporabniški vmesnik
15. september 2017 (1,0)
- Prva izdaja
Latest reviews
- (2023-09-13) Makaruk: дуже зручно
- (2023-06-11) Sergey Master: Почти идеальное расширение для сохранения окон по разным темам.
- (2023-03-02) Hoai Anh Nguyen: you've helped me sooo much with my studying but you've just deleted all my saved tabs...
- (2023-02-12) zerosix: This one works like you are working on a project on a desk and then you clear your desk to take another project for a while, liked it.
- (2023-01-27) Dmitry Antonenko: The first app that I found which saves tab groups! Thank you very much! That's all I need!
- (2023-01-13) RCPlayzFC: Não funcionou pra mim, infelizmente...
- (2022-12-13) Carl Worthington: UPDATED: With the recent fix, it's back to normal and runs great. Saves so much time and energy switching between projects. ........ I've used this extension for the past 2 years and never had an issue. it helped me so much to be able to switch between Windows/Projects. However since having to re-install it on my new laptop (Windows 11) about 2 weeks ago, the extension doesn't work anymore. Selecting the window brings up an window "An error occurred. Send report?" and that's it. I can't open or use any of my others. I can uninstall it, and re-install.Which works for a while it stops working again eventually. Unsure if it's due to putting the laptop to sleep most times or not. I can't access or use the extension :( feels like I've lost a limb. I hope it can be resolved, or I'll need to look at another extension.
- (2022-11-27) Đorđe Jović: A weird app that I'd recommend skipping. You cannot drag and drop tabs between the windows. You cannot even see other windows... Don't download this if you're working with many browser windows with many open tabs..
- (2022-11-11) Bohdan Kolesnykov: First one-two month it've been working fine, but then history deleted, and something else happened causing non-ability to open saved histories - so don't try yourself and move through this extension
- (2022-04-25) Xalomon: Completely useless because when you have many tabs and they're lost (the only reason to have this), the thing will want to load them all at once, filling the memory, crashing the browser, making the system hang, because it's not designed to handle all these tabs at once (compare with Recently Closed where reloading a window with many tabs only loads the active one and there's no problem.) They would appear unloaded for this to work. At least it didn't destroy the Back button pages history of my tabs, for that it gets an extra star...
- (2022-04-22) Владимир Макиенко: Good extension! I found only one inconvenience. After a browser launch it automatically opens many tabs from the last session before exiting and this extension doesn't detect that it's this session and display this session as Not saved despite it was saved before. After this I have to open this session from extension to continue work in the session. I would like if you make your extension to automatically detect last closed session after browser launch.
- (2022-01-05) Erick Ramos Aparicio: Es una gran extension pero falta la sincronización entre dispositivos
- (2022-01-05) Demo Sebastian: This is exactly what I need, although it would be good if there is a feature when create a new session, instead of auto open a new windows for all the tabs include in this session, but just close those tabs after save a new session, or at least give us the choice to decide either way Thanks for the good work
- (2021-11-18) Mini Z: I love it. Saves all my tabs and lets me restore them at the click of a pixel. Went through several other tab savers, but none of them were as good as this one. Definitely install if you're looking for an easy way to save several groups of tabs
- (2021-09-26) Hosty: It does something its not suppost to do, and i never told it.. when selecting which tabs to be saved and clicking "Create" (for LATER) , it opens them in a new window!... I would have been using this tool if it wasnt for this... pitty..
- (2021-04-15) Valeriano Juan Zarzosa Caqui: La mejor extensión una vez que aprendas a utilizarlo y quieras ser productivo, después de probar muchas extensiones por fin alguien entendió las necesidades del usuario organizado y productivo.
- (2021-03-22) José Devezas: Exactly what I was looking for! Simple, yet nicely designed. It only needs better support for opening maximized windows.
- (2021-03-13) Richard Lloyd (K3tonan): By far my favorite Tab/Session tool. I use two others at the moment FreshStart (as I have a bunch of sessions there and it saved to bookmarksfor syncing) and Tab Session Manager. Tab Session Manger was going to be my go to over FreshStart since they added backup to Google and their AutoSave function. However, I still like the idea of saving to bookmarks for users who want to access via a mobile device. I will admit I like how the one in the video works. What happen to the pinning/unpinning of the Smart session window? What happen to clicking New Window and it prompting "Would you like to assign new window to a tracking session? "- Auto backup to your google account", I am not seeing it in the current version.
- (2021-02-04) かみかつき: Damm... It will reload all tabs after pause and start. And will lose all groups. Weird design.
- (2020-12-25) Herman Brümmer: Hate these pop up messages with notifications every time I close a tab, super unproductive
- (2020-10-27) Gerdami des Bêtes: I really like this extension. It does the job! Just one thing, when I run one or more sessions, I need to press Escape to make the menu disappear. Perhaps it could vanish automatically after a few (configurable) seconds. Many thanks !
- (2020-10-12) Marc (Xiro): Greetings! So I really hate to drag down the rating on this however, I have to. This extension was acting fine for the longest time. I would have given it a clean five star review like others, but unfortunately I didn't have a good experience. I'm not sure why in the least, but I have been using the extension for a decent period of time and despite quirks here and there I was really getting ahold of the system. It was great, for a time. Now, I accept that I am also to blame for poor backup behaviour and this increased the level of problem that I faced. For some reason unknown to me, just now when opening up the browser again the entire catalogue of organization and arrangement for my tabs vanished in a poof like I'd installed the extension fresh. My blame is there also, because they do offer the option to export these lists presumably in case something like this happened. To be fair though, this is not a typical behaviour. There aren't many people that on closing down their computer to pack it in at night who automatically think that they should backup each tab-grouping I had. Sadly, with this information gone I now have to rebuild the structure as best I can and to try an alternative. There is a problem with the possibility of this happening on any Tab management service that doesn't create its own redundant backups. There is no major issues with the extension and it works entirely fine. I have no idea why it did this to me, but the damage has been caused and it's going to take awhile to load up everything lost from both recreational websites to important medical websites pertaining to my health. This could have been just a simple crossing of stars that aligned just right for the perfect storm, and I accept that it might just have been that. With that said, I am unable to trust the extension to handle my information at this juncture and will be seeking a different "Tab Management Addon" extension and thankfully it's a pretty large market. Assuming you don't get the same problem the extension is actually alright. It has a steep curve and it doesn't handle as well as I would like. There's some improvement to be made, and maybe I will eventually come back to this. But for now? Now it sits at two stars, and I'm sorry for it. I hope you understand my reasoning though, "serge". Be well, stay healthy, and always let both wisdom and compassion guide you on your path.⁽™⁾ Marc S.
- (2020-09-13) Polar Torsen: Так-то, вообще, хорошая штука, и уже было хотел зайти выразить восторг, но прочитал комент Игоря Зинченко, попробовал Session Buddy, и понял, что вот, где восторг. При любви к замусориванию сессии огромным кол-вом табов - это просто лучший вариант. Потому что, если в Smart Sessions список выводится в небольшом окошке, то в Session Buddy это такой солидный широкий список в отдельном окне, который удобно читать. Таким образом проще разобраться, что там за вкладка, не открывая её. Получается, как отдельные папочки с букмарками, только в очень удобном для обозрения виде. Жаль, что так сложно найти нужное расширение. Сперва печатал в хроме backup tabs, и там такая мутотень выпала, что приходилось всё бэкапить копируя файл на диске, который с трудом удалось отыскать. Оказывается есть современные решения. Пользуйтесь.
- (2020-09-12) Dan: I like it. Does its job, but lacks a couple things: 1. Ability to disable the annoying "a window was closed" popup; 2a. Ability to turn multi-instance off (i.e. alternate between sessions, opening a window with the selected session and closing the previous one - preferrably keeping the underlying sessions' storage and cookies active, so we don't have to log back into everything); 2b. Or we could just have another button: "open this session" and "alternate to this session" (closes the current one); 3. It's also sometimes hard to tell which session is currently active. I don't know how this could be solved, though. Maybe changing the background slightly or adding a little badge, not sure. Other than that, it's a great and functional extension.
- (2020-08-02) Dennis Bareis: Seems too hard to use. It closed a window which had some saved tabs but it closed all tabs not just those that had been saved. so far "session buddy" is the closest to what I want.
- (2020-07-24) Mfp Disposable: After spending three days trying to save sets of tabs in re-usable sessions, this WORKED! And the automation didn't mess with my work. And it is "portable" too! Do I desperately want an option to re-order my saved sessions? To resize the smart-sessions window? Pure keyboard navigation? Asking at the end of the session, not the beginning, whether I want to save changes to the tabs? Maybe even auto-save changes and offer me the option to keep or lose the changes when I next start the session? A session trash / undo feature? Of course!!! BUT, after three days of looking this is the first tab manager that: worked on Vivaldi, Edge and Chrome. Allowed me to save my tab-sessions in one browser and load them in the others. Did NOT lose the tabs I saved because I closed a browser window directly instead of using the tab manager. Did nor unexpectedly add tabs into my curated sessions without me wanting them to be there. All things other tab managers did! And did I mention that the backup and restore functions WORKED. Across browsers too!
- (2020-07-02) Jeffrey B. Dewitt: Did not work.
- (2020-06-30) jåW dîN: It's not possible to navigate entirely with the keyboard. For example, I have gmail in a "General" session. I can activate the extension with a hotkey and type gmail which shows me the tabs were it exists. However, I can't get down to any of those tabs, whether by pushing tab, arrow keys, etc. So I have to reach to my mouse to navigate. Seems quite good besides that, but my search continues.
- (2020-03-22) Tales Somensi - Inel: Great! Thumbs up for the auto save feature, this is whats makes it the best option for managing sessions. Suggestion: It would be very useful to be able to modify tab titles in the list, for organization purposes.
- (2020-01-18) Asen Anastassov: Smart Sessions extension is one of the best session managers available- it sports elegant design combined with a good set of features- auto save, tags, search, export/import. Yet this already nice extension can be improved even more of some new features are added: - Option to show number of tabs after session name - Option to sort sessions according to session name/creation time - Option to re-arrange sessions via drag&drop - Option to re-arrange tabs inside a session via drag&drop - Option to customize the name of the exported HTML file (time/date format) - Option to open a session in current window which appends session tabs after last tab in current window - Context menu integration- right-click on a page- context menu item- 'Add tab to Smart Sessions' with sub-menus containing list of saved sessions to select - The extension should respect browser window size and position after a new session is opened in a new window, now users need to use Smart Sessions in conjunction with window resizer extensions to restore the window size and position after Smart Sessions has opened a session in new window - Dark theme If these features are implemented Smart Sessions would become the ultimate session manager for Chromium-based browsers. Many thanks to the developer for this excellent extension.
- (2020-01-11) Игорь Зинченко: Мало функций. Остался на Session Buddy.
- (2019-10-12) Bill Fruge: I've been searching for something like this for a very long time and's just exactly what I needed to keep track of tab and window groups.
- (2019-04-21) Muhammad Riaz Raja: Excellent work done by the developer serge. No other exact alternative is available in entire Chrome web store. Although, I tried many other extensions but finally I found the best of the best extension which satisfy my entire requirements.
- (2018-12-17) 小齐: Awesome! This is the only session management that can autosave multiple windows I see so far. One bug I find is that popup window can't be detected. Maybe it is restricted by chrome? I would also like to have the ability to control with keyboard :)
- (2018-12-11) Andrew Tate: Love it. I often end up with rather a lot of tabs across the top of my browser where I have been researching some topic or prospective purchase. I then need to do something totally different so would like to close all the tabs but then need to open them all again when I have finished with the new stuff. So I don't want to bookmark them all just to get a clean browser, in fact I want to "save my session" to come back to later. Now I have a solution - simple save a session & come back to it later after doing the new stuff in a clean copy of chrome. Wonderful. I used to leave chrome alone (or set restore tabs option and close it down) and go and open Internet Explorer of all things ... now so much better. Thanks a bunch for this.
- (2018-11-20) Alex Efros: It will be much more convenient if few more features will be added to make it work more like old Firefox's Tab Groups extension: - switch to another group by clicking on group name or name of any tab in that group - implement group switching within same browser window
- (2018-11-12) Dopamine: You're a god. As a master procrastinator and abusing my poor ram from overload of tabs this is absolute life saver, but epsecially this extension because, as you may have guessed - i just create a hundred of sessions "for later" that i forget or just hard to find the exact session i need. So the idea of tags makes me instantly categorize of "this is where i browsed cat videos for 5 hours" , "this is where i found some newbie lessons and resources for learning to code" and etc. It helps because when I get into that mindset again, I can bring back the exact order of tabs and continue procrastinating but in a convenient way of what im interested in at the exact moment
- (2018-10-01) Óscar: Not working properly after last Chrome update. Please fix it.
- (2018-06-22) Смотрим Вместе: Очень удобный. Остальные можно выкинуть