extension ExtPose

Tab Session Manager

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Description from extension meta

Save and restore the state of windows and tabs. It also supports automatic saving.

Image from store Tab Session Manager
Description from store * Save and restore windows and tabs * Manage sessions with name and tags * Auto save when window is closed * Auto save at regular intervals * Switch workspaces * Import and export sessions * Compatibility with Firefox extension * Cloud sync * Support Tab groups * Import Session Buddy Firefox version: https://addons.mozilla.org/ja/firefox/addon/tab-session-manager/ Edge version: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/jkjjclfiflhpjangefhgfjhgfbhajadk Version 7.0.0 * Migrated extension from Manifest v2 to v3 * This ensures continued support in browsers! * Changed the minimum interval for regularly autosave from 0.1 minutes to 0.5 minutes * This change is due to limitations in Manifest v3 * Fixed the behavior of tracking sessions * Fixed the issue where windows opened outside of the tracking window were added when the "Track newly opened windows" option was enabled *Fixed the issue where tab groups were not saved in tracking sessions Version 6.12.0 * Implemented Tracking Session * You can set a session as a tracking session from the session menu. * When you open a tracking session, changes in the window are automatically reflected in the session. * This allows for efficient workspace switching! * Added option to track newly opened windows * You can choose if newly opened windows in the tracking session should be included in the tracking Version 6.11.0 * Supported importing Firefox session store backups files * Improved login prompt not to appear during automatic cloud sync * A red badge on the extension icon will notify you when manual login is required. * Improved the appearance of tags in autosaved and startup sessions * Shortened the tag name and changed the tag icon * Adjusted the color of the session list to improve visibility * Fixed an issue where importing Session Buddy files failed * Fixed an issue where upload of sessions with long names failed in cloud sync * Fixed an issue where "Open in current window" opens different order tabs when pinned tabs exists Version 6.10.0 * Added the ability to import and export settings * Supported the import of Session Buddy session files Version 6.9.0 * Added the ability to add the current tab to the session * Right-click on the window title or click on the Edit button to display the menu. * Visualized incognito windows on the toolbar popup * Improved the position of the notification on the toolbar popup * Fixed an issue where the incognito window could not be restored in Chrome * When loading a incognito window, lazy loading is disabled * Fixed an issue where the window title is not displayed in Chrome * Fixed an issue where ignoring URLs in "Replace with current window" was not working Version 6.8.0 * Added option to compress favicons when saving session * Compresses the favicon URL of the data URI scheme. * This will reduce the session size and speed up loading. * You can also compress the favicons of past sessions. * Added option to select the backup type #762 * You can select individual or full backup * Fixed an issue where session list loading was missing * Fixed an issue where session list filtering was reset * Fixed an issue where memory was not released after exporting sessions Version 6.7.0 * Renewed local backup option * Supports incremental backups. * Only sessions that have changed will be saved separately, saving storage. * Fixed an issue where the cloud sync login prompt appears on every reboot (Chrome/Edge) * If you are using multiple browsers, the issue will be resolved only in the first Chrome/Edge you logged in. * The second or later logged-in Chrome/Edge will still show the login prompt. * Firefox does not have this issue. * Improved the open and delete buttons in the session list * Fixed an issue of accidentally opening a session by repeatedly clicking the delete button. Version 6.6.0 * Supported for saving and restoring tab groups (in Chrome) * To save tab groups, you need to install an additional extension. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/aghdiknflpelpkepifoplhodcnfildao/ *Supported for restoring window title (in Firefox) *Fixed an issue where sessions could not be registered to startup Version 6.5.0 * Added auto-sync option for cloud sync * Changed to show cloud sync account names on the settings page * Changed to wait 30 seconds when executing backup on startup * Implemented suggestions for tag input * Implemented double-click to open session * Fixed broken style of lazy loading page * Fixed an issue with lazy loading tabs closing on automatic updates Version 6.4.0 * Supported for dark mode * This is enabled when the OS is set to dark mode. * Fixed an issue where an error appears when disabling/re-enabling an extension * Fixed an issue where multiple pop-ups could not be opened Version 6.3.0 * Implemented undo/redo of the operation * If you've deleted an important session, you can undo it! * Supported for right-clicking on the session list / save button / open button * Right click to open the menu. * Supported for middle-clicking on the tab in the popup * Middle click to open the tab in the background Version 6.2.0 * Speed up session loading when opening the popup. * Enhanced search function * supported search by tab name * Replaced the always displayed search bar with a collapsible button * The search bar will open automatically when you type in the session list * Adjusted the popup style to be keyboard operated * Added extension reload button when IndexedDB cannot be loaded * Added copy URL button when the restored page is not accessible Version 6.1.0 * Added option to sync (or not sync) auto save sessions Version 6.0.0 * Added cloud sync function * You can save sessions to Google Drive and sync with other devices. * Added option to add device name when saving session

Latest reviews

  • (2024-10-01) Ahmed Seoudi: Good, but i'd like it to auto sync when i save sessions manually. UPDATE: Thx for the automatic syncing, but it doesn't work when the session is saved in chrome. UPDATE: Turns out the config was somewhat and i fixed it. the auto syncing starts after a few seconds after it though. but here is my five stars anyway. UPDATE: The syncing no longer works on this profile for some reason, but works on another.
  • (2024-02-15) Toto Rhino: Très bonne extension, mais avec laquelle j'ai deux soucis : 1°) Depuis quelques jours (suite à une mise à jour ?), lorsqu'on rétablit une session, les onglets / groupes d'onglets, sont rétablis dans l'ordre inverse qu'ils avaient lors de la sauvegarde ! 2°) Par deux fois, l'ouverture d'une session au démarrage a planté Chrome, obliger de le réinstaller ! Précision : Chrome entreprise avec ouverture d'une home page perso à l'entreprise. Avec cette l'option de Tab Session Manager, la home page de mon entreprise est fermée et la dernière session sauvegardée est bien affichée. Puis un jour, plantage... Ajout du 15/02/2024 ! Un autre manque : Les noms des "groupes" de Chrome ne sont pas sauvegardés.
  • (2023-12-16) Alex K.: It worked ok. Very nice functionality and a good user interface but then... it lost all my sessions (something about "cannot write indexedDB") which is obviously not a good thing for a session manager. Taking into consideration that my sessions where actually not that many (maybe about 10-15, about 400 tabs each spreading to 4-5 windows) to cause serious lagg or memory issues that is a serious failure. There are several files in the extension folder but I cannot find any documentation on any way to get back my sessions or at least my previous ones before the problem occured. I dont see the developer replying either here or in github and this makes things worse. P.S. 3 years later I trusted the same extension thinking this time I knew how to make it more reliable (disabled all automatic session saving except when browser exits, regularly manually deleted excess sessions)... At some point I started using Edge for a month.. returned to Chrome only to find out all my sessions gone except the last one... For some reason I had the backup disabled (probably to save space). Now I cant get my sessions back... Very very unreliable extension. Do not trust it. 2 P.S. If you use it disable "lazy loading" it will only help to permanently lose your session. Also select "do nothing" when starting the browser instead of "load previous session" or else you may enter a crashing loop and lose everything. You can still open the session manually from the session manager (if it doesnt fail as usual). At least the closed windows will still be in chromes "recently closed" menu and can reopen from there.
  • (2023-11-07) bloodys spammers: AWESOME! THANKS DEV! KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!
  • (2023-10-22) Edward Hsieh: 可以跨瀏覽器同步 Session 頁籤,也能追蹤 Session 頁籤的變更。 可以與 Tab Group/Tree Style Tabs 合併使用。 這個套件需要有些設置,才會用的比較順手
  • (2023-09-19) SophiaDraco: hella annoying when your hand slips and you accidentally click the "open session" button and it opens stuff, and there isn't a dialog that says "are you sure you want to open these bajillion tabs?". when you close it all the tabs are titled "replaced" which is very annoying, but at least the original session is still saved. everything else is good though.
  • (2023-09-06) Don't do it: Very useful. It is cross-browser compatible, allowing you to migrate settings and sessions to another. I can't imagine using my browsers without this anymore. 5/5.
  • (2023-08-26) Ga Nert: Открыто около 3000 вкладок на одном компьютере. Почему-то расширение не синхронизирует их с другим компьютером. С другого, <1000 вкладок, синхронизирует. Вообще непонятно, с чем это свазано. Возможно, потому что вкладки открыты с отложенной загрузкой из расширения? Или с количеством вкладок? И хотелось бы сохранять вкладки не на какой-то там гугл-аккаунт непонятный, а в какое-нибудь облако: гугл диск, яндекс-диск, как в tampermonkey каком-нибудь.
  • (2023-08-23) Prajayan Kathirgamanathan: Really good Session manager but sadly it hasnt been updated in a year and i presume maybe no longer supported. I find the extension keeps crashing after sometime on all my computers (6 of them including a MAC) for both Vivaldi and Opera, i then have to go into the extensions and reenable it. Sadly from when its crashed till its re-enabled, if my browser crashes there are no backups of sessions...
  • (2023-08-22) William Rolison (Will): Thank you for this, works pretty well. Few things. Cloud sync is not working on edge. Weird have to install a 2nd extension for tab groups. Should fix that and make it on by default. Was hoping "Restore window's position" would know which monitor for each window but sadly opens all on monitor 1. Be nice if kept track of which monitor had what window(s). Suggest having https://messages.google.com/web/conversations* in the ignore list by default. Since for anyone that uses Messages for Web, it tries to restore it as a normal tab.
  • (2023-08-22) Michael Bower: WARNING - This Extension takes over your URLS and TABS and redirects them to some encrypted URL. When you remove this Extension they will kill all tabs and of you do store them, you will have their Encrypted/Redirects which Google BLOCKS as bad URLS. Never use or believe extensions when they manipulate your environment and use Redirects!
  • (2023-08-22) Zevs Silver: Уже второй раз за 2 месяца потерял все нужные вкладки, надеюсь за такое вам будет отдельный котел в аду, если планируете ничего не потерять, не качайте это расширение, оно в любой момент может сломаться и снова все потеряете, ненавижу вас разрабы! Пусть карма вас накажет!
  • (2023-08-18) Ice: Request feature: Kiwi browser supports sync with cloud plz. Now it can't log in to Google.
  • (2023-08-14) moi lois: works very well now Thank you so much for this extention
  • (2023-08-11) AA: When I exported I assumed the file that came out as fine, apparently it's a "Folder Customization" when it's supposed to be a "JSON", so I just lost 600+ tabs with important information
  • (2023-08-06) 吉村F: タブグループが保存されるというが保存されない だまされた気分だ
  • (2023-07-28) garcia_t22: Amazing extension, I use It in all my browsers and It works like a charm, essential extension.
  • (2023-07-14) Michał Orczyk: Great extension! It can restore group of tabs. Although, Tab groups lose their names and colors :(
  • (2023-07-10) Red-Finger-Angel: レイアウトが見づらすぎだよ いちいち復元するときやオプション開く時にスクロールしなきゃいけないのめんどくさいわ アップデートも止まってるし改善する気ないゴミアドオンだわ
  • (2023-07-08) Andrew Aspden: Seems to save each session properly but will forget the color and name of your previous groups which kind of sucks. Hoping to find a proper group friendly session saver extension soon.
  • (2023-07-07) Damien Prentice: This is brilliant, but I think there is a bug--sometimes when I restore windows using tab lazy loading, some tabs (sometimes even most of them) will load anyway even though they're not supposed to.
  • (2023-07-01) ٌّ ٌّ: Garbage. Doesn't work and sends out a million pop ups when you open the browser
  • (2023-06-30) Henry Goodelman: Bravo. 4 other tab and session tracker protection chrome extensions didn't have the info saved. Tab Session Restore helped save the day.
  • (2023-06-26) Barton Tremaine: Great plugin, I've been using it for a long time, thanks for everything the developers have done, I love you guys! However, I found that once the tab pages start to be more, for example, I am now 2492 tabs, it will crash every few minutes and have to be opened manually, and then crash again after a few minutes after opening, resulting in many times not being able to save the tab pages automatically, I hope to fix it, my device is mac os 12.5.1, Chrome version has been automatically upgraded to the latest version. Tab Session Manager version is 6.12.1
  • (2023-06-24) Fawaz Akhtar: Perhaps the biggest shortcoming of this add-on is that there is no ability to pin the backups in your list. Now what happens is that they get replaced by other more recent backups once the limit for maximum number of backups is reached.
  • (2023-06-20) Kin: I rely on open tabs and open windows to organize my work, this extension makes transferring my work to another system a breeze!
  • (2023-06-07) Leopard Tail: A good start, but it needs work. The extensions kind of does what it says on the tin. It stores the current page in every tab in every open window. A couple of things let it down for me. The first is tab groups. While it doors restore tabs into them - they have random colour and no name. If you have a few open, this becomes a serious pain. Thew second is that it stores the current tab with no history. With sites that have that nasty habit of redirecting tio a login page, that can become a serious nuisance.
  • (2023-06-01) Benjamin Philipp: Absolutely excellent! So many features, so well implemented. I home the quality and ease of use will survive the switch to Mv3 🤞
  • (2023-05-11) Владислав: ужас, а не расширение.
  • (2023-04-16) 阿緯: 也能夠記憶設定的群組! 優秀套件!
  • (2023-04-14) Javier Pérez Ruiz: Best of the best! thank you
  • (2023-04-02) Gat Play: Одно из лучших.
  • (2023-03-28) Quality Content: Everything works except the Google cloud sync login
  • (2023-03-23) Luca Gentile (Cyclorbit): It does what it promises: it saves automatically your sessions. You can also setup how many sessions and the interval
  • (2023-03-16) Yuki Kart: I trusted this can handle my sessions and now i lost all my sessions, bye
  • (2023-03-15) Kristol: Syncing works perfectly on PC, but not works on android browser (which supports extension)
  • (2023-03-14) Robert Morelli: As near as I can tell, this extension has a serious bug. If you try to delete a session by clicking the trash can icon, it seems to delete, not the session you clicked, but the oldest session. This is a serious enough bug that I think it's extremely irresponsible that this extension remains in the extension store, and the presence of extensions with these kinds of problems wastes the time of users and dilutes the extension ecosystem with garbage code. I strongly believe this should be removed from the extension store permanently. While the above problem disqualifies this extension, I'll toss out another good reason no one should use it. There is confusing terminology, with the terms "open" and "restore" confused. If you choose to "open" a session, then, without even bothering to ask for a confirmation, this extension loads all of the tabs in the session, which could mean hundreds or even thousands of tabs. How is the user expected to know this would happen, with the sloppy use of terminology and the lack of a confirmation? Again, I think this extension should not be used by anyone and should be permanently removed from the extension store.
  • (2023-03-01) Nikolaus Ringe: Just wondering why the autostart feature isn't working for me?
  • (2023-02-26) gonzalo fernandez: this is the best extention i used ever for sessions, free, save sessions to google drive, works perfectly, thanks for this great job
  • (2023-02-20) Pavel: Ссылки на сайты шифруются - невозможно восстановить сессии если что-то пойдёт не так.
  • (2023-02-16) Pavel Zubkov: Было 700 вкладок. Выключил плагин, перезапустил, включил. Нет 700 вкладок, нет истории из 10 бэкапов, нет в ручную сохранённых сессий. Чудовищное программирование.
  • (2023-02-01) I really wanted to like this session manager, but the tracking feature unfortunately needs some help. It will constantly overwrite sessions due to the fact that you can track multiple sessions at the same. I'm not sure why you would want to do this, but since it seems it was built this way intentionally, I think the problem will persist. Otherwise, it was decent app that does what it says it'll do.
  • (2023-01-23) Attila B: lovely
  • (2023-01-15) Babak Amini: Great extension I'll give it five if you add these additional features: 1- Save & close all tabs 2- Save/Save & close selected tabs 3- Add selected tabs to an existing session
  • (2022-11-12) e c: 很好
  • (2022-10-11) กวินวรงค์ บุญช่วย: Its crash, and all gone
  • (2022-10-08) パーカートーマス: Tab Session Managerに保存されている 上限保存数 この方法で保存できるセッションの上限 ウィンドウを閉じたときにセッションを保存する 閉じられた一つのウィンドウのみを含むセッションを保存します。 を上限以上保存して過去の保存してたタブが消えてんですけど どどうやったら復活できますか? 教えてください Stored in Tab Session Manager Maximum number of sessions saved Upper limit of sessions that can be saved using this method Save session when window is closed. Saves a session containing only one closed window. I've saved more than the maximum number of tabs and the tabs I've saved in the past have disappeared. How can I get them back? Please tell me.
  • (2022-09-30) t4: Chromeを2ウィンドウ表示していて、片方を閉じてしまうと開いていたタブの状態を失ってしまいます。それを復帰できるので大変重宝しています。Edgeでもお世話になっています。
  • (2022-09-28) Hongyuan Cao: 垃圾插件,我卸载你,你就把我所有的标签页都关闭,真的狗
  • (2022-09-23) maus: relied on it for at least a year when I really needed it, the entire database vaporized, just gone, a year of records. I've lost over 1500 tabs thanks to this worthless thing. don't use it


100,000 history
3.6772 (316 votes)
Last update / version
2024-06-06 / 7.0.1
Listing languages
