Description from extension meta
Adds a 5/10 second quick-rewind buttons to Netflix.
Image from store
Description from store
Differences between 1.0 and 1.1 branch version:
A few days ago the Netflix updated video player, so we need some time to port whole functionality from 1.0.x to 1.1.x version.
Version 1.0.x (deprecated):
- fast rewind buttons to 5 or 10 seconds back.
- auto-pause on subtitles mouse hover (beta mode - this option is disabled by default, but it can be enabled on the options page).
- hot-keys has been added to quick Rewind:
-- "<" - to rewind -5 seconds or "Shift" + "<" to rewind -10 seconds.
-- ">" - to rewind +5 seconds or "Shift" + ">" to rewind +10 seconds.
- browser icon - opens a ""; new tab.
Version 1.1.x:
- hot-keys to quick rewind:
-- "<" - to rewind -5 seconds or "Shift" + "<" to rewind -10 seconds.
-- ">" - to rewind +5 seconds or "Shift" + ">" to rewind +10 seconds.
There are some known bugs, but I hope it will be fixed soon.
Feel free to contact in case of problems with the plugin.
Latest reviews
- (2022-01-12) Y_Y: press (< > ) or ( , .) not (←,→). then it works. and it provides english subtitles (although it is not 100% accurate.)
- (2021-11-03) Meg Reyes: Loving it! No problems until now. Glad I found this extension. Too bad that this can only be used on chrome though. Thanks a lot!!!
- (2021-10-10) Hasan Siddiqi: Works exactly as it says it does (Note: the keys for 5 second skip/rewind are the "<" and ">" keys, beside the "m" key). Now I can finally watch anime and skip without missing anything, because 10 seconds is a bit too much. Absolutely recommend it!
- (2021-07-02) Emre Yıldırım: Türkçe bir yorum bulamadığım ve açıklamada yazan kısayollarla da uzantı çalışmadığı için tüm tuşları deneyerek bulabildim, gayet güzel çalışıyor. "Ö" tuşu ile 5 saniye geri, "Ç" tuşu ile 5 saniye ileri sarabilirsiniz. Teşekkürler.
- (2021-06-07) 9asyhd9sahgdsahd: Thank you, works great! I can't believe Netflix doesn't allow changing rewind button settings natively.
- (2021-05-13) Wil Hua: works as intended, it's the "<" (less than) and ">" (greater than) keys, not arrow keys, if people are having trouble with that. And also, using those keys do no pop up the Netflix UI of the progress bar and dim the player, which is very nice!
- (2021-04-09) Jay Han: Actually even faster than netflix's forward and backward and I can rewind 5s too which is so useful cause I'm trying to use Netflix to learn my home country language, you can imagine I do a lot of rewinding. this is a life saver.
- (2021-03-15) ___: "<" and ">" in the description are not referring to the arrow keys.
- (2020-09-20) Tong Yang Loo: Am i missing smth? It doesn't work as stated.
- (2020-09-13) Will Lowder: does not work, rewinds 10 seconds only
- (2020-07-05) Moein Sorkhei: Unfortunately it does not work.
- (2020-03-10) Shano Sze: would be greater if it has 3 seconds rewind
- (2020-01-31) Денис Маушов: no matter what I press it still rewinds 10 secs only
- (2019-12-04) Erik Eti Smit: Doesn't work at all. Still 10 seconds.
- (2019-09-23) Sam S: Exactly what I needed! Thank you!!
- (2019-08-29) 손오공: thank you, good I want this app. to control in various seconds. especially, I need 3 second rewinder let it improve like what I want.
- (2019-04-19) Ammar: Thank you !