extension ExtPose

Outwrite - Correcteur d'orthographe

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Écrivez avec impact et éloquence directement depuis votre navigateur avec l'outil de correction et reformulation d'Outwrite.

Image from store Outwrite - Correcteur d'orthographe
Description from store Outwrite est plus qu'un simple correcteur d'orthographe et de grammaire - Il transforme vos idées en écrits impactants. Notre extension de navigateur internet, vous aidera à corriger vos erreurs d'orthographe, reformuler vos phrases et diversifier votre vocabulaire en français comme en anglais. En s'appuyant sur une Intelligence Artificielle performante, il corrige vos écrits quel que soit le site que vous visitiez, en respectant ergonomie et fluidité d'utilisation des messageries (Gmail, Outlook), réseaux sociaux (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter...) et bien d'autres plateformes (WordPress...). Une version gratuite incluant : ★ un correcteur d'orthographe et de conjugaison ★ un correcteur de grammaire et typographie ★ des suggestions de synonymes ★ des rapports statistiques sur vos écrits (incluant la lisibilité et le nombre total de mots de votre document) Avec la version Pro vous aurez accès à : ★ des suggestions stylistiques ★ la révision de la syntaxe de vos phrases ★ un outil de paraphrase puissant (pour reformuler et améliorer la structure de vos phrases) Politique de confidentialité : www.outwrite.com/privacy Conditions d'utilisation : www.outwrite.com/terms Lancez-vous et créez votre compte sur www.outwrite.com/francais pour accéder à notre version gratuite.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-08-11) Louis Barnett: Been using Outwrite now for 6 months, I've got to say i'm not very impressed. Many of the suggestions it offers don't make any sense. I left Grammarly which I had used for years and I've got to say i'll be returning to Grammarly asap. The UX / UI are great but functionality doesn't feel like it's improved the whole time I've been using it.
  • (2023-06-03) Samuele gg: Ottimo per usare la formattazione dell'editor, non molto precisa, invece, la correzione dei testi, nel complesso il risultato si è dimostrato inaffidabile, non ha riconosciuto alcune parole. L'estensione è inutile, è solo un collegamento alla pagina intera che viene aperta in un'altra scheda. Great to use the formatting of the editor, not very precise, however, the correction of texts, overall the result proved to be unreliable, it did not recognize some words. The extension is useless, it's just a link to the whole page which is opened in another tab.
  • (2023-06-02) Jessica S. (darkocean): Thank you for letting people try out your extension without sign up! The free version is just a spellchecker, that doesn't show me how useful this tool is when it comes to correcting *grammar* issues. (I might be wrong here!) Well, from what it flagged for me, anyway. It just occurred to me there might not be any grammar issues to correct in that chapter.... xD :P Give free uses like 1-5% grammar corrections (even if it's only for 30 days) to let us see how smart this thing is! For example the Grammarly app/program has become downright moronic with its corrections so, we need reassurance that your's isn't just another clone. Thanks for listening to the feedback, it's appreciated. <3
  • (2023-04-24) Lorenza Holloway: I am liking this app very much! I am currently using it to check my Spanish grammar in my essays for my Masters program. One feedback I would give, is that I wish the same options to improve, shorten or expand the sentences was offered in the other languages (Spanish).
  • (2023-04-13) Stanley Perumala: Great app
  • (2023-02-26) Anonymous Z: A l'époque actuel ou la langue Française ce meurt de en plus en plus, notamment à cause de l'éducation National laxiste, de parents qui n'éduquent que très peu leurs enfants ,du Rap qui ne sait pas conjuguer 2 mots sans faire de fautes et ou les Jeunes ne connaissent même pas le Bescherelle si ce n'est que pour "caller" leurs lit … Ils ne lisent plus de livres ;seul compte "leurs" Tik-Tok; c'est pour dire le niveau .. ça fait plaisir et redonne de l'espoir au jeunes qui veulent s'instruire un minimum car grâce à ce genre d'extension, petit à petit ils parviendront à écrire correctement et a enrichir leurs vocabulaire . Il reste de l'espoir grâce à de telles initiatives ; Un Grand Bravo et au Nom de nôtre Belle Langues Française un Grand Merci à Vous :)
  • (2023-02-09) Max: Incredibly slow support in the event of the application not working correctly, 4-5 day reply times with completely copy pasted information that is not specific to your issue.
  • (2023-01-16) Shailesh pathak: For the past three months, I have been utilizing Outwrite as a writing tool and I must say, I have been thoroughly impressed. I used to believe that an extension's worth was solely based on its popularity and high rating, but I have come to realize that it is not the number of users that determine its value, but rather how well it can be utilized. Outwrite has proven to be a valuable asset in my writing journey, not only by helping me make my writing grammatically correct, but also by providing me with the tools to improve my writing style and all of this for free. I am truly grateful to the Outwrite team and cannot express enough love and appreciation for their hard work and dedication. Thank you, Outwrite!
  • (2022-10-31) Takura MS: I really enjoy using Outwrite as a writing assistant. It has helped better construct my sentences, made them more concise and easier to read.
  • (2022-10-25) David Russell: I really hate installing stuff that doesnt say its a demo only
  • (2022-10-24) Pauline Romao: I've just started using Outwrite and so far I'm very impressed. It is very intuitive, easy to use and super useful! Highly recommend
  • (2022-10-10) Ivan M: Excelente y sencilla.
  • (2022-09-30) Bronwen Webb: I'm new to using outwrite and so far my experience has been incredible and so useful for work. I'm dyslexic, so having a tool which can pick up on my small errors straight away is a massive time saver for me. Thanks :)
  • (2022-09-20) D Gardner: What happened? Outwrite was amazing. It's grammatical corrections helped and the readability statistics were spot on. But something changed and now it isn't accessible and is no where near as helpful.
  • (2022-08-23) wuillman baez: genial, mucho mejor que grammarly, intuitiva, y facil de manejar.
  • (2022-08-09) Mia: Even the free version is truly helpful!
  • (2022-07-26) Ranee Ponappa: I think this extension is quite good. I use it all the time with my creative writing and it is excellent on picking on up grammar and spelling mistakes which I make quite often. I can honestly say it has helped in improving my writing.
  • (2022-07-07) Wesley King: Wonderful :thumbs_up: I use it all the time. The Google Docs extension is extremely useful and the fact that it can proofread anything you write anywhere you write it is just great. Very well done, Outwrite team! You have created a product I'd actually pay for if I had money :). I especially like that it still tells you that you did something wrong, even when you're using the free version and don't have access to the fix. I'm usually able to just improvise until it stops yelling at me. I've shared this with my friends and they use it as well. I would personally continue using this over Grammarly, especially with the statistics bar on the side.
  • (2022-06-24) Jojo: As a result of this site, I have evolved into a better writer. I utilize its free version and continue to find it invaluable. I find it helpful in ensuring my spelling and grammar are accurate. This implementation has helped me tremendously. Combined with Grammarly, it enables your writing to be practically perfect.
  • (2022-05-29) Sam Clark: I think this extension is quite good. I use it all the time with my creative writing and it is excellent on picking on up grammar and spelling mistakes which I make quite often. I can honestly say this extension has improved my writing quite a bit.
  • (2022-03-25) Mohammad Oli Ahad: Clear, good suggestions! And, a very helpful team. I only wish we could have an affordable team package to get it for everyone on the team! Love it.
  • (2022-03-24) Helpful and simple to navigate. I wish they had a phone app.
  • (2022-03-09) Jax: Help full and easy to use. Great when typing some short stories on deviant art
  • (2022-01-13) Stef @MRGNYC: I have tried a few extension for my business writing. This one fits into the way I work and how I want to communicate. It's intrusive at first but you get used to it and appreciate it. I find my writing is more efficient and my flow is stronger.
  • (2021-11-26) Arjun Maheshwari: great, could use some more suggestions; passive voice, style, etc.
  • (2021-11-14) Darcy Irvine: This is my absolute favorite writing app. It is incredibly useful and has helped me with my paper and essays in school. Not only does it correct my punctuation and spelling, but it suggests different ways to word a phrase or choose a better word to use. Outwrite is absolutely amazing, 10/10 I would absolutely recommend this app to everyone.
  • (2021-10-16) Pat MySecret: Keeps sending emails after you uninstall.
  • (2021-10-15) Alexander Rådahl: Life saver in my work as an author!
  • (2021-10-07) Julie Lassabliere: Using Outwrite is a pure TIME-SAVER! I can focus on my content. The tool takes care of my mistakes. As a non-English speaker, I learn how to improve my writing for professional emails, posts and content with their suggestions too. Trying now their Beta version in French, very promising 😉
  • (2021-10-07) lulu de zendegui: amazing. litterally a life saver
  • (2021-09-27) Great tool if you are not a native speaker.
  • (2021-09-22) jay burk: This program is a great help to me when I need to write a paper or use stronger words in my sentences.
  • (2021-08-31) Rachel Scherfenberg: As a writer, this program helps me so much! The customer support is absolutely fantastic and would recommend it for anyone who needs a good editing program.
  • (2021-08-27) Kristalee Landry: Being back in school while also having a hectic work schedule has made writing all theses projects and papers hard! This app has helped me retain better writing habits.
  • (2021-08-26) Chris Baker: Jumped ship to Outwrite after comparing to Grammarly, Sapling, and ProWritingAid. The other 3 are great, and have niche advantages, but Outwrite has the cleanest/most pleasing/most helpful UI/UX. The pop-out editor feature (on top of the browser extension and dynamic website editing) was what nudged me over the line. Good on ya to this lean SaaS team, and I can't wait to see what improvements and innovations they create in the coming years.
  • (2021-08-20) Jim Goodyear: I'm 74 year old. Outwrite is fantastic! I wish it was around 50+ years ago when I was in college. It would have made a huge difference back then. After college, my first career lasted 38 year. Yeah, I had one of those jobs where they say, "what every boy wants to be, what every man wished he was". Outwrite woulda' been sooooo great to have around for checkin' spellin' and grammar.. Yup, oh boy, would Outwrite have been a dream-saver many-a-time over the decades gone by. Back then we worked with typewriters and carbon paper, then somebody invented "white out" for correcting errors. It was a little messy, but hey, improvement comes in small steps. Calculators back in the good old days? NO WAY, just simple 10 key adding calculators. Poor comptomiters, they just simply disappeared, like those people on Netflix. Oh yeah, no Netflix back then either. But now, I have Outwrite and Netflix and I'm addicted to both. Any way, calculators... I was 25 when I saw my first scientific (it did Trigonometry, logarithms, and even more stuff. Now that was a handheld calculator. The researcher said it cost $400. For comparison, I was in my first year making $454/ month and had great health benefits. Whooo Hooooo. That calculator was really cool, but who really needs one? After all, we put men on the moon and brought them back safely using the infamous "slide rule" with only three digit accuracy. Oh, yeah, back to who needs a scientific calculator? My son is who. He needed one for highschool. At the end of the school year, I found it in the trash cuz it only cost nineteen dollars. Fortunately, I rescued it. Hey, what about cell phones? I was 20 years into my career and life was great, but communications was lousy in some places. It was more like two Campbell Soup cans and a string if you were in many rural areas or the backcountry. It was the the 90's and I was promoted once or twice, or thrice along the way. I was sitting at a desk in a "Region" in a managers job that included 1/4th of the State of Colorado. I budgeted for and purchased two Motorola "bag phones" that could be checked out for use in the region because a subordinate said he thought it would have potential. But I still didn't have Outwrite and I didn't even know I needed it. Anyway, who needed such a contraption as a cell phone when a pay phone was just down the road 10 or 15 miles? Hummm, on second thought, everyone! by the end of my first career, everyone at work had one, many had two and some even had three. I only needed one at a time. I still didn't have Outwrite and I still didn't even know I needed it. I think, back in those days, no one but an English teacher and a newspaper editor either dreamed about or wished for an app like Outwrite... unless they were visionaries. Afterall, grammar checkers and spelling corrections made on the fly while typing, errr keyboarding I mean. And now, along comes Outwrite. Offering me a better ways to say whatever and make a better impression regarding my writing skills and abilities to those who matter. Life is great and so is Outwrite. All I can say is THANK YOU OUTWRITE! In life, I would like to live to be 150 years old. That way, I would be able to see the scientific breakthroughs over the next 76 years. In conclusion, Outwrite is 5 stars. It's also 100 stars on the hundred star scale.
  • (2021-07-18) R B: Pro: Love this app. Esp. it has an Australian correction engine. Works nicely and not invasive. Discreet, highly accurate. Everything about it (even Free Version) is great vs others on market eg. Grammarly which have a pro account. Cons: Membership is far too expensive. The pro version is great but the general cost is far too expensive for the regular user - either pay annually for a discount or pay month to month. I would love to have a lower monthly rate when the trial ends but unfortunately cannot afford it. $30/m? I think theres a limit on spell checking p/mth and that is important too.
  • (2021-06-10) simon gray: £8 a month is a lot of cash to start paying to see if the Pro features are any good or not, a 30 day trial would have been much better. The free version - nah, bit pointless just having a spelling checker.
  • (2021-05-31) Hysteria: even if you don't have the premium version this extension is so use full i use it every day for school and work papers, though i highly recommend getting the premium features.
  • (2021-05-26) Savannah Renee: love this program. It is way better than Grammarly with half the cost.
  • (2021-05-05) Grace De Villiers: It is very helpful. I wish it wasn't so expensive just to have the Eloquence and Experimental. I wish I could use those. On the other hand, The free version that i'm using right now isn't to bad. Its very helpful in terms of Grammar and Spelling. I think they could at least add Eloquence in the free version. I kind of struggle with that. Plus I'm in school so I can't pay for it. But otherwise I like Outwrite very much and I think if you are looking for a writing assistant, then go for Outwrite (Previously Gradeproof).
  • (2021-05-04) Maria Lee: Outwrite Pro has help me tremendously with writing. I use it for blog posts. I highly recommend it.
  • (2021-04-20) Bouncing BlueBird: I'm just using the free version right now, but I would like to get on a plan eventually. Even the free version is great and was helped me a lot. I like to use Grammarly and Outwrite at the same time because they each pick up something slightly different and it helps me to correct for even more mistakes. Websites like this are really useful for people with learning disabilities.
  • (2021-04-06) Tim Riches: Outwrite is an amazing piece of kit. It's like a skilled editor is sitting with you making suggestions. Keep your sentences relatively short and it almost always comes up with suggestions to improve fluency and make you look cleverer than you think you are! Gripes: the only thing i'd like to see is a desktop app alongside the web tools. Also the free version doesn't seem to work with google docs, so I had to take a punt and risk the trial. I'd say it's definitely worth every penny.
  • (2021-03-31) Grace Lohret: Great for Uni! I stand by this addon and it really helps cut the time it takes me to proof-read my work
  • (2021-03-30) Stephen LawaL: very helpful
  • (2021-03-26) isabelle man: This extension has made proofreading anything anywhere super simple, I highly recommend it
  • (2021-03-19) Sarah Toon: Outwrite helps me write properly. I am not very skilled with grammar, thank goodness Outwrite has my back.
  • (2021-03-16) madison grace: Tried out a few of these and have found Outwrite the most helpful so far.
  • (2021-03-14) Salt N: Wish i had had this product during my philosophy study years - would've curbed my verbose writing problem- but am very grateful that I have found it halfway through my psychology study.


30,000 history
4.4954 (109 votes)
Last update / version
2023-08-28 / 10.4.2
Listing languages
en fr es
