extension ExtPose

Global Speed: Controle de velocidade de vídeo

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Description from extension meta

Defina uma velocidade padrão para vídeo e áudio.

Image from store Global Speed: Controle de velocidade de vídeo
Description from store Controle de Velocidade • Compatível com quase todos os sites de streaming de vídeo e áudio, incluindo YouTube, Netflix, Spotify, sites de podcast, etc. • As guias podem ter sua própria velocidade de reprodução. • Regras de URL para definir automaticamente uma velocidade de reprodução personalizada dependendo do site. • Teclas de atalho opcionais para controlar a velocidade. Teclas de Atalho de Mídia • Retroceder/avançar, análise quadro a quadro, ajuste de volume, escurecimento de fundo, definir marcação, ir para marcação, repetir segmento e mais. • Selecione qual vídeo/áudio você deseja priorizar para as teclas de atalho de mídia. • Os atalhos suportam múltiplos modos de gatilho, incluindo menu contextual e atalhos globais, permitindo controlar música de fundo ou vídeos PiP enquanto usa outro aplicativo. Filtros • Aplique filtros (inversão, escala de cinza, brilho, contraste, espelhamento, etc.) em vídeos ou até mesmo na página inteira. • Configure teclas de atalho para alternar inversão, ajustar brilho ou contraste e mais. Efeitos de Áudio • Efeitos incluindo mudança de tom, aumento de volume, equalizador (EQ), áudio reverso e mais. • Você pode atrasar o áudio para corrigir problemas de sincronização. • Configure teclas de atalho para ajustar tom, aumento de volume e mais. Privacidade • Sem coleta de dados. Sem rastreadores. • Github: https://github.com/polywock/globalSpeed • Política de Privacidade: https://github.com/polywock/globalSpeed/blob/master/PRIVACY_POLICY.md

Latest reviews

  • (2024-03-25) Konrad: Very powerful and useful extension, one of my favorites.
  • (2024-03-17) Max Pushkarov: The only playback speed extension I found useful. 5 stars!
  • (2023-12-08) sturmx96: This is the best app for global speed management. It's a must have for me now. It saved me hundreds of hours of video watching. I love that you can also set the jump time for arrows as some of the video players tend to have 10 seconds, 15 seconds which I hate.
  • (2023-11-10) 小曲儿: 让我多获得了一倍的生命
  • (2023-11-02) Ruth Court: Can you add an option for shortcut to simply increase or decrease speed? or is it already there?
  • (2023-11-02) Miguel Sartori: Wish you could set a default speed for all video playback of every website, and from that default speed, you can set another speed to watch more slowly or fastly.
  • (2023-10-22) Cots: works everywhere, very easily and fully customizable.
  • (2023-10-20) Gabe Dudley: I wonder if you could add the RGB channel mixer to Global Speed...
  • (2023-10-10) shen jerry: 功能挺好的,只是为啥快捷键设置不能有回车键呢
  • (2023-09-28) Juliana Bogert: It works on websites that other extensions didn't work on! Love it!
  • (2023-09-25) CoolColt: I used this for a wile its the best I use it to speed up my school😆
  • (2023-09-23) 彩虹落樱: 非常好用,自定义的空间大,非常感谢作者❤
  • (2023-09-17) Hsiaoching Liu: 很好用,目前用来看视频的网站都能生效
  • (2023-09-12) VEMAREDDY SHRISHVESH REDDY 22115161: very usefull
  • (2023-09-12) Joshua Börner: It took me a long time to find something that allows for audio delay. It's perfect for streams where the audio is off.
  • (2023-09-02) 緋櫻: 最近臉書倍速播放消失、有這個外掛真的解救大眾!!!
  • (2023-09-02) ibrahim elmaghraby: I added an extension to Chrome that significantly speeds up video playback on any website, and it's by far the best extension I've ever used.
  • (2023-08-27) forest sunlight: 動画配信サイトごとに再生速度やショートカットキーの対応などばらつきがありましたが、この拡張機能でどのサイトでも同じように利用できてとても便利! 再生速度・ショートカットキーの設定も自分好みに変更できるのも良い! ピクチャー・イン・ピクチャーがついているのもありがたいです。 色々機能が付属しているので、わかりやすい説明書がるともっと良いです。
  • (2023-08-26) Tobias Greisager Rehfeldt: Quite literally the BEST addon on all of google. You can customize video speed, audio control (amp, mixer, equalizer) and video colors in one app which is only called global speed... bravo!
  • (2023-08-25) zelda zelda: Not working for YouTube now?
  • (2023-08-18) 王.: 特别好用
  • (2023-08-12) 张剑煜: 我非常喜欢这个插件的自定义功能。唯一的遗憾是在bilibili网页上这个插件不起作用。可以修复一下么。
  • (2023-08-11) Cameron A: quality work
  • (2023-08-10) Ophelia, Xinran Pan: My favourite video extension on chrome! It speeds up the videos on my uni websites as well. I've tested it on other 10 ish extentions before and none of them could do that. The volume function is very useful as well if you have a lecturer who likes to swing away from the mic during lectures.
  • (2023-08-04) Dylan Liu: 可控制b站视频,会取代b站自带的倍速,挺好用的。
  • (2023-07-26) Фома Петров: Выбирал из 3х. Это оказалось единственно рабочим и вполне удобным
  • (2023-07-23) Klaudia Hornakova (Coach GoldeneMitteFinden): Endlich ein Geschwindigkeitsregler gefunden, der nicht nur flexibel gestaltbar ist (mein Favorit 3 fache Geschwindigkeitserhöhung), sondern auch noch die Stimme (höher, tiefer) und sogar die Lautstärke (deutlich höher, als mein Laptop) verändert. Einfach absolut Weltklasse. (Leider habe ich nicht ganz verstanden, wie die Einstellungskürzel zu managen sind, aber ich bin schon mit diesen hier sehr zufrieden. Danke an den Entwickler.)
  • (2023-07-21) ***: 百度网盘可用
  • (2023-07-18) Ender Koçyiğit: this is good job. but it affects live stream like twitch. is there e way off on twitch? affect all tab i couldnt a way off
  • (2023-07-17) SkuraZZ: 太牛了, 必须支持, 暑假培训直接16倍起飞. 谢谢作者, 有打赏通道么, 一定打赏支持!
  • (2023-07-14) foxr lolunwer: 确实可以在很多网站上倍速,但是如果我在B站(没在其他网站测过)使用该插件,它自带的倍速选择就会失效,还要让我专门打开这个插件
  • (2023-07-04) Z eeho: 找到16倍的速度插件来对抗形式主义了 赞
  • (2023-06-22) Jonathan Martins: Testei outras 3 e só essa funcionou
  • (2023-06-16) ALEK GEORGESON: Very functional and simple to use, thanks!!
  • (2023-06-12) Don Quixote: 很赞,能够控制百度网盘视频速度,我搜了其他的一些插件都无法做到,这款做到了。
  • (2023-05-27) Sergio Marc: ALGUÉM FEZ! demorou um bucado e eu já estava com raiva do Opera e do Firefox, Vivaldi não era opção por eu já usar pra outras coisas, e todos os outros que eu conheço também não controlam video pelo PiP.
  • (2023-05-15) Imma NERD: I LOVE this extension bro!! Rosetta Stone and other programs that my teachers assign to me have never been faster to complete, thanks to this extension!! 10/10 will definitely use again!
  • (2023-05-14) 墜入星空: 在对网页的视频进行音频捕获后,就不能全屏播放视频了,只能铺满浏览器,大家有遇到过这种情况吗?
  • (2023-05-13) ming jack: 功能强大,非常好用
  • (2023-05-03) Haendel Dantas: Simples, Direta e Muito Funcional! Instalem sem medo
  • (2023-05-01) Temchevskiy: работает
  • (2023-04-26) Russell Liew: amazing
  • (2023-04-20) Lauryn Noble: IDK why this is so far down the search list bc this is the 6th one I've tried and it's the only one that's worked for my pc!
  • (2023-04-18) Juan Cursos Hipnoteca: es la mejor extensión que se ha hecho en la historia de la humanidad (? realmente. el creador debe ser DIOS. Funciona en todos lados, tiene atajos personalizables. no molesta. ayuda. es Excelente!
  • (2023-04-15) nyan nyan (ponta): MacのVerアップ後に、Video Speed Controllerが機能しなくなったのでインストールしました。 Video Speed Controllerと同じように使えて便利です。
  • (2023-04-14) Firmament Wu: 非常厉害,震撼人心
  • (2023-04-14) marjorie: Esta app cumple muy bien con su función :) Además es muy sencilla de usar. Recomendada ✅
  • (2023-04-12) Shuo Wang: 失效了
  • (2023-04-11) alyx yao: 之前确实好用,但是现在2023年4月11日,我发现百度云的视频播放界面改版了,然后这个插件没法使用了,希望插件能适配更新一下百度云的修改
  • (2023-04-11) Sc Ma: 進度條按shift後可以很精確地調整,很方便很好用。

Latest issues

  • (2023-11-01, v:2.9.996) Thyago Kufner: Video real remaining time
    It would be nice if the remaining real time could be shown in screen. E.g.: A 10 minutes video, playing in 2x would have 5 minutes, so there could be a countdow timer counting the 5 minutes in real time pace instead of the youtube timer counting 10 minutes in fast pace. Kind regards,
  • (2023-09-19, v:2.9.995) 蔡東霖: local video
    When I use chrome to open local video, the speed control not work.
  • (2023-09-14, v:2.9.995) Natural Intelligence: Speed lock on open tabs
    In the latest version of the Yandex browser, the default speed lock does not work on all open tabs; I have to turn it on myself every time. I cannot roll back to the previous version of the browser, since it is not on the official website. Don't know how to solve this problem?
  • (2023-08-27, v:2.9.995) Didi Schr: sound
    i very much love this product\ id like the option to control sound just like how i control speed i change speed all the time with shortcut and it would be helpful to do the same with sound
  • (2023-08-25, v:2.9.995) DJ J (ᅳ,ᅳ): while using Netflix
    i have two computers. i did not check each versions of Global Speed and Chrome. but on one computer, netflix streaming is blocked when Global Speed is on while other computer normally works.
  • (2023-08-10, v:2.9.995) Emin hayrettin Cosar: Orion Browser
    Hello Developer, A browser called Orion is out. It supports google chrome and firefox addons. But your app is not working properly, any chance of an update about it?
  • (2023-08-04, v:2.9.995) Nirmalla Prajwal: Not coming speed
  • (2023-07-18, v:2.9.995) Ender Koçyiğit: twitch?
    is there a way turn it off for twitch? problem is sound glitching on twitch. its affect all tabs. your job is great btw.
  • (2023-06-01, v:2.9.995) GS HARI: How i can apply it
    How can i apply this extension?
  • (2023-03-24, v:2.9.992) rajif Aditya: How to join the global sepeed
    Global sepeed
  • (2023-03-14, v:2.9.992) Rahul B: Keyboard shortcuts stop working after some time.
    Hey, Whenever i open a new page the keyboard shortcuts work completely fine but after few minutes they stop working. They start working again after i refresh the page. (which still get disabled after sometime). Never had this issue before the chrome update. Hope you can fix it. Its a top tier extension.
  • (2023-02-15, v:2.9.992) Vojtěch Pospíchal: How to speed up over 16??
    How to make it faster than 16x
  • (2022-12-17, v:2.9.991) Osmin Gerardo Galan Garcia: It stopped working on several websites.
    After the last update of the Chrome to version 108.0.5359.125 It works in Youtube but only the preset speeds if I want to set the speed to 1.40x it does not work.
  • (2022-12-16, v:2.9.991) Charlène Berthaud: It dosen't work anymore on Instagram
    Last update mess it all
  • (2022-11-15, v:2.9.98) Ricky Kwong: Weird Bug in Netflix on Edge
    So this is a weird issue. Just got a new soundbar that supports more premium audio formats like Dolby Atmos. Previously, this extension would work perfectly on all videos. However, now it doesn't work when I click a Netflix video to play, but it does work on the preview video while hovering over titles. The other weird thing is if I change the audio input to the tv speakers, the playback speed works as intended as well, so all I can guess is it's some weird interaction with the new soundbar (connected via HDMI ARC). Can you help? By the way, Netflix's own playback speed selector also doesn't work.
  • (2022-10-23, v:2.9.98) Rx Gaming: Plz
  • (2022-10-16, v:2.9.98) 滌赤散人: 希望能加上以網頁全屏模式播放的開關(含auto toggle功能)
  • (2022-10-12, v:2.9.98) Chloe Kim: override the default video speed change setting in the website
    I really love using this extension. Thank you for making this wonderful extension. I recently found that it overrides the default video speed change setting even though I did not enable ghost mode or block events. For example, I cannot change video speed within the setting in the website. When I try to change the video speed with the feature within youtube, this extension keeps me from doing it. It constantly go back to the setting based on the extension.
  • (2022-10-12, v:2.9.98) Adrián Benatar: Opera
    Hello! I used to use this extension in Opera browser some time ago, but it stopped working. I've been using other similar ones, but none works as well as this one. any solution? Please =(
  • (2022-03-03, v:2.9.92) GALEGO FF: 0 delay
    O meu não está dando pra ir
  • (2021-12-19, v:2.9.92) Nkateko Siweya: Thank you for the plugin
    I really love and appreciate this plugin, thank you so much for making life better. I am just going to add one little suggestion to speed up the video also. My sound is way ahead of videos when I play it faster oh and also the speed for each tab would really be awesome to have. Besides those two suggestions, this is the best plugin i've experienced. Thank you
  • (2021-12-05, v:2.9.92) Douglas Lima: Change speed only in current tab
    Hello. Is there a way to always change the speed only on the current tab when using a shortcut? I mean, without having to click the pin every time.
  • (2021-11-12, v:2.9.92) Choose My Name: Please add settings for max and min speed
    Please add settings for max and min speed.
  • (2021-11-09, v:2.9.92) SOHIB SOHIB: I Love you app global speed
    I Love you app global speed
  • (2021-07-14, v:2.9.1) mark-one: Audio effects
    When I try to apply any of the audio effects, the audio stops playing altogether. I have to click the "release" button for the audio to start playing again. Thank you in advance for your help.
  • (2021-05-29, v:2.8.2) Thyago Kufner: Frame by Frame Shortcut
    Hello, me again :) Never tired to congrat you about this beautiful and rich-featured extension. Thanks. I'd like to know if there is some option to seek 1 frame at a time. At the moment I am using a "seek" shortcut with 0.01 set, but 1 frame fine tuning would be awesome. Kind regards,
  • (2021-05-22, v:2.8.0) Mario: rewind and forward
    ciao , e possibile aumentare i secondi di rewind e forward? attualmente torna indietro solo 5 sec. si puo aumentare diciamo a15 sec
  • (2021-05-14, v:2.8.0) Valentino Tomaino Da Silva: Audio/Video sync
    Good morning, I noticed it's possible to delay the audio of a video, but it's not possible the other way around (the delay field requires numbers equal or greater than 0). Is there a way to make the audio of a video be reproduced before the video itself? This would help solving bluetooth headphones latency issues, which is a plague nowadays on Windows, thanks
  • (2021-04-12, v:2.7.5) Kai I.: Soundcloud not supported
    Love this extension! But it's not working on Soundcloud, as you wrote under some youtube video
  • (2021-03-18, v:2.7.2) Maide Yıldız: hız
    chrome dan açtığım adobe connect videolarını hızlandıramıyorum
  • (2021-02-04, v:2.7.0) katpo: Videos speeding up too much
    I've started noticing videos speeding up too much (e.g., I've preset it to x2 but the video is probably playing at x4) when I have this app enabled. This is a recent issue and I'm not sure if it's due to my updating Chrome to Version 88.0.4324.146
  • (2020-11-18, v:2.7.0) Sirius Marsa: Version 2.7.0 does not want to work with video if it is in frame
    Hello. Everything worked well in version 2.6.4 and it was possible to control the steps of pre-wrap by 0.001 if the video was in a frame. But now the extension has been updated to version 2.7.0 and if the video is in a frame, then the steps cannot be changed through hot keys. In general, version 2.7.0 does not want to work with video if it is in a frame. The performance of the application is very necessary when it was like in 2.6.4
  • (2020-06-05, v:2.5.9) Kyle Cherney: carryover onto play back speed using drive app on phone.
    unable to make the feature work while using drive on phone linked to same chrome account... Love the product idea overall. Any ideas?
  • (2020-05-11, v:2.5.9) Dahili Depolama: not just a speed extension
    hello i think you can improve this extension that can add more features for playing videos like adding time skip shortcuts 1 sec 5 sec 10 sec, go to the certain time like 1:23:04 etc. that would awesome.


400,000 history
4.7743 (514 votes)
Last update / version
2024-09-18 / 3.0.9994
Listing languages
