Description from extension meta
Gestos com o mouse! Navegue rápido e facilmente pela web usando o mouse ou teclado.
Image from store
Description from store
Works with the newer versions of Chrome!
Important! We are not the same as the old Smooth Gestures; we are a completely separate extension. Check us out -- Smooth Gestures Plus is far better! (contact me at [email protected] if you have any questions)
★★★★★ About ★★★★★
This Mouse Gestures extension allows you to move the mouse while holding the right mouse button to trigger actions, such as page navigation or tab management.
• 2 week license - Free
• 1 year license - $4.99
• lifetime license - $24.99
• Privacy conscious:
• Powerful customization of gestures (and custom actions!)
• Diagonal gestures
• Automatic syncing of settings
click-and-drag (mouse gesture), click-and-scroll (scroll gesture), click-and-click (rocker gesture), and keyboard shortcuts!
Contact me at [email protected]
★★★★★ Issues ★★★★★
If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements please post an issue at or contact me directly. Thanks!
★★★★★ Permissions ★★★★★
Smooth Gestures Plus needs to have access to "Read and modify all of the data on the websites you visit" in order to listen for gestures on as many pages possible. Certain actions require additional permissions, but those permissions are only requested if you choose to use them. We value your privacy.
Does not work on this extension website, or other built-in chrome pages due to security restrictions for extensions. But it does work on almost all http:// and https:// pages.
★★★★★ Release Notes ★★★★★
• Run on blank pages and frames
• Fixed: a pointer shifting bug
• Improved ChromeOS support
• Stable release!
• New Look, updated trail design
• Custom Actions
• Fullscreen/Maximize compatibility
• bugfixes
• New action: Save Image
• New actions: Tab Screenshot and Full Tab Screenshot
• New actions: Fullscreen, Maximize, and Minimize Window
• Improved: Duplicate Tab
• Fixed: Undo Closed Tab and Zoom on Page
• Improved Extras support
• simplify permissions
• automatic setting syncing
• Extras
Latest reviews
- (2023-04-27) EJ Reed: I have tried other apps and I paid for this so long ago that I have forgotten the pain that paying for it initially caused my soul, that I am just happy with how well it works and annoyed anytime I am forced to use a generic computer without the ease of navigation that this extension grants.
- (2023-01-11) 张生: 附加的应用程序在m2芯片的macbook上无法运行
- (2022-12-12) JC VM: très bien , vraiment la meilleure , fonctionne même avec les pages d'options ! la customisation et parfaite et les geste bien découpés ! je paye !
- (2022-10-30) Dan Martin: I gave the author a week or 2 to respond to email about bugs and improvement suggestions. He didn't bother. He'd sure love to sit back and collect revenue from anyone uninformed enough to pay for this extension, though, when they could instead download smartUp Gestures, which is free and better! I will be removing this thing and I'm glad I didn't waste my money.
- (2022-05-24) Agee K.: I bought a lifetime licence in 2017 and now my hey is invalid. I have written to the developer, but there is no answer. Avid
- (2022-04-20) Sagar Phadkule: Works great but the right-clicking of links has stopped working recently even with the extra Smooth Gesture Plus addon installed on Mac.
- (2022-01-11) Dmytro Shynkarenko: It is an absolutely amazing productivity app, disregard low rating it works perfectly, people are just mad because it was free at some point, but trust me - it's worth every penny!
- (2021-09-22) NELSON LEANDRO: 1-solo le falta poder cortar y pegar textos. a mi parecer. 2- ojala se pudiera añadir palabras o oraciones de palabras determinados con gestos.
- (2021-08-12) Сан Саныч: Ерунда денег не стоит
- (2021-07-01) daniel yi: genius
- (2021-05-15) Elizabeth Lomax-Laidlaw: Works just great, well worth the money; I use it all the time.
- (2021-01-03) Miha Don: "You must activate smooth gestures PLUS to continue using it after the two week trial period." No, thanks.
- (2020-11-30) Jason Xiao: No need to pay for this, this is a scam, copied from this totally free extension crxmouse:
- (2020-11-30) 이종화: 왠만하면 리뷰작성안하는데 정말 쓰레기다 공지도 없이 서비스 끊어버리고 서버는 닫히고 근데 구매하기는 계속되네 절대 사서 사용하지마세요
- (2020-10-01) AFK Toodles: Had been using the free version for years. For over a year now I have the Plus version. Loved it then, love it now. I'm so used to it, I'd be bummed to have to do without. Yes, I did try others when the free version got removed from the store. For all the people who downrate it because you have to pay for it... I don't know what to tell you. Well, I do actually: This is the payed version. don't hate on this version because the free version is no more. It's gone, move on, find something else free. If you already know you don't want to pay for it, don't install it. How is that such a hard concept? Don't downrate a payed app because you have to pay. That is bonkers. Let the man have some income from this so it's worth his whlle to keep updating. You can try it out for two weeks for free and see if you like it.
- (2020-08-31) Rick Nelson: I have used Smooth Gestures Plus for 5 years and 2 months and enjoyed how much easier it makes doing common tasks. Many really don't like to pay anything but I think a few dollars is a good deal and the benefits are well worth it.
- (2020-08-11) Void Void: The only one working properly on linux
- (2020-08-03) Andrei Radu: Only 2 stars....because it is not free and keeps popping on the reminder that your trial has expired.
- (2020-06-25) Brandon Wolfe: It's such a shame so many users have left one star reviews regarding the price of this app, when it has always been a paid extension and the prices have clearly been reflected in the description. Smooth Gestures Plus is an amazing extension. I have a ton of button shortcuts on my mouse but the gestures are almost always quicker and easier. Tons of flexibility and customization. Well worth the cost for the years I have used it.
- (2020-03-31) Alex S: paid extension. yuck
- (2020-03-09) w j (1122E): 쓰레기
- (2020-02-23) Lasmamlas Losmoulos: Ne, špatný není, ale lze najít stejně dobré a zdarma (např. crx), prostě se neorientujte podle toho, co vám naservíruje vyhledávání Google mezi prvními "nejoblíbenějšími", ale podle hvězdiček. U společnosti, která se klidně otevřeně přizná ke sledování svých klientů, byste s podobnými nekorektními praktikami měli počítat.
- (2020-02-10) William Wong: Extras no longer has any effect.
- (2020-01-03) Viktor Sholudko (Temiendo): Та ну нафиг... за такую фигню... да еще и столько денег платить... лучше уж уже сами дро_айте на свое приложение глупые жлобы...
- (2019-12-26) Antonio MARTINS: What a joke, $30 for life use while other extensions are better and free.
- (2019-12-18) liilliii ili (WIFI): 이걸 유료로 파냐 어휴
- (2019-12-06) Jack MacDonald: Been using it for so long that it faded into the background. Then I installed a new browser and Smooth Gestures was gone. Installed it again from the Extensions Store, but of course, it was not activated. Searched through my old emails and found the registration key. Installed the key, et voila, working again. Could not ask for a better experience.
- (2019-11-15) Phoenix Anne: It's amazing, works exactly how I wanted...except I didn't know I had to pay for it before I downloaded it. No way I'm gonna pay.
- (2019-09-24) 원주연: BEST GESTURES EXTENSION It's not free but it worth to pay smooth gestures control everything for browser
- (2019-07-18) 鄭凱文: 要錢的垃圾
- (2019-06-14) Abdullah Anbar: Awsome, worth every peny. I just had a problem like loosing my license and scott replied quickly and solved my problem. Thank you so much for tthis great extension and quick support.
- (2019-05-25) Jelyxr: una de las mejores...lastima que la convirtieron en una de las peores
- (2019-05-19) Enigma Wine: mozilla da ücretsiz kullandığım eklentiye benziyor ve kullanımı güzel ama deneme sürüm bittikten sonra aldırmak için çok çok fazla rahatsız ediyor.
- (2019-05-13) Sh L: Used it for years. Paid for it gladly. Now it seems that the dev has abandoned ship. Bug reports have piled up yet none is fixed.
- (2019-05-10) Sergey Kasyanov: I've been using it for years. Definitely worth paying for it.
- (2019-04-25) Good but this is TRIAL version. You must pay after some short time.
- (2019-04-11) Kiran K Telukunta: Very useful and excellent chrome app
- (2019-03-14) Themis Dsp: The absolute best in mouse gestures - in another level from rival extensions! I could pay even more if necessary. Only two steps from perfection: it should include mouse wheel usage and (this is difficult) if only it could function in internal pages! PS With every update it's getting better and better! PS 2 - It stopped working in Opera browser in certain sites almost a month ago - I reported it but nothing!
- (2019-02-02) だめだこりゃ
- (2018-12-06) ge shou: 百度搜索页面手势失效了,请更新。
- (2018-11-03) Paul S: Фигня! НА большинстве ссылок не работает. Настроил открытие ссылок в новой вкладке. Текстовые ссылки открывает, но если ссылка в картинке, превьюшке, баннере - нет. Расширение, которое то работает, то нет, бесполезно! Еще и грозит стать платным. Пытался найти что-то похожее на отличные All-in-One Gestures, MouseGest какие были в Firefox, но тщетно. Здесь таких, похоже, не делают.
- (2018-09-28) geld für sowas. ähm, nööö
- (2018-09-02) Immedately wanted me to activate it. this is NOT FREE.
- (2018-08-19) Dennis Moses: Well worth paying for it.
- (2018-07-23) Josh Dutterer: I've been using it for years. I'd easily recommend it to anyone looking to increase their browsing speed.
- (2018-06-10) Aaron Hong: bye
- (2018-05-21) 박경리: 쓰레기다
- (2018-05-21) Doc GermaniCus: ABZOCKE! Erst nach der Installation der Hinweis auf Kosten!
- (2018-05-15) 風若ぷにゃり: 有料とマジくそワロタ
- (2018-05-15) George Lukas: Good but this is TRIAL version. You must pay after some short time.