Description from extension meta
Darkens bright pages. Love your eyes and your power bill.
Image from store
Description from store
##Changes 1.8.0
- Fixed issue with github comment text.
- Replace github styles without backgrounnd image and a more updated sheet.
- Dropped Twitter styles since Twitter now has a dark theme.
## Features:
- Includes a few special site specific styles such as:
- Facebook
- Amazon
- Github
- Stack Exchange
I realize that Stylish exists and is useful for styling individual sites, however I think that Special Dark works well for most sites with a few exceptions.
Latest reviews
- (2023-10-07) Eric Ketzer: two major problems. sites are talking long to load and we see the whites pages for many seconds. also all pics are totally black...
- (2022-01-01) Rachael Miller: I was excited for this extension considering all the positive reviews however when applied to Google Docs EVERYTHING is black, which i thought was ok at first but I cant change text colors to white so that I can edit this document.
- (2021-01-23) Juan: Se come imágenes.
- (2021-01-18) Achilles Isaacs (Persvicx): Great extension!
- (2020-08-09) Bonita Bromeliads LLC: worthless app. pages load white which blinds you then switches to black after it loads. don't bother.
- (2020-03-09) J: Solo con entrar a Instagram ya encontre un error, todas la fotos estan negras.
- (2018-10-14) luisar018: Es una maravilla. Es justamente lo que andaba buscando para ponerle algo de oscuridad al fondo de Chrome
- (2018-08-13) Filipe Bezerra: Funciona como eu esperava e é preferível se comparado a outras extensões como em, pois é simplificado e resolve.
- (2018-07-16) Kokodjo: Echt praktisch. Aber nur 3 Sterne weil es nicht auf Instagram funktioniert (macht auch die Bilder schwarz)
- (2018-05-17) Subin Jacob: Finally one that actually works everywhere!
- (2018-04-28) Александр Колин: простое,рабочее...шикарная работа . всем советую
- (2017-11-19) Craig Johnston: An amazing improvement on the original. Life Changing!