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Add keyboard shortcuts to switch tabs via Quicksilver-style search or a most recently used list
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No mouse needed!
🆕 New options in QuicKey 2.0
Now you can press a single shortcut key (ALT-Q by default) to navigate recent tabs in a popup window, just like the ALT-TAB menu! Keep holding ALT while pressing Q to move the selection, then release ALT to switch to the selected tab.
*️⃣ Switch between the most recently used tabs
⚠️ NOTE: If you've been using QuicKey before 2.0, you'll need to set keyboard shortcuts for
the new commands that show the popup window, as they won't be set by default.
Opening QuicKey displays a list of the last 50 tabs you've visited, in order of recency. (When you first start using QuicKey, though, it won't know what's recent, so the list will be empty.) Click a tab to switch to it, or use one of the keyboard shortcuts below to navigate the recently used tab history.
🔶 To pick a recent tab from the MRU list in the popup window:
• Press ALT-Q (CTRL-W on macOS) but keep holding the modifier key.
• Press Q or ↓ to move down through the list of recent tabs.
• Press SHIFT-Q or ↑ to move up.
• Release ALT (or CTRL) to switch to the selected tab.
• You can also highlight an item with the mouse, then release ALT/CTRL to go to that tab.
🔶 To quickly switch between the two most recent tabs:
• Press ALT-Z (CTRL-S on macOS).
You can also view each tab as you navigate through the recents list, taking as long as you want on each, and then release the modifier key to stay on that tab. Make sure the shortcuts are set by right-clicking the QuicKey icon and selecting Options. Then click "Keyboard shortcuts", scroll down, and click "Change browser shortcuts". Look for the "Switch to the previous/next tab" commands and set these suggested shortcuts: ALT-A and ALT-S, respectively (CTRL-D and CTRL-S on macOS).
🔶 To navigate while viewing each recent tab:
• Press ALT-A (CTRL-D on macOS) to display the previous tab, but keep holding the
modifier key. The popup window will stay open on the right side of the screen.
• Press A again to move down the list, displaying each tab in turn.
• Press S to move back up.
• Release ALT (or CTRL) to stay on the current tab.
• Press ALT-A again to switch back to the tab you initially started on.
*️⃣ Search for a tab quickly
Unlike other tab switchers, QuicKey uses a Quicksilver-style search algorithm to rank the results, where contiguous matches at the beginning of words are higher in the list, as are matches against capital letters. So you should only have to type a few letters to quickly find the right tab.
🔶 To search for a recent tab in the popup window:
• Press and release ALT-W (CTRL-W on macOS).
• Type one or more search terms, separated by spaces.
• Use one of the shortcuts below to navigate the list.
• Press ENTER to switch to the selected tab.
List navigation shortcuts:
• ↓, SPACE or CTRL-N/J: move down the list
• ↑, SHIFT-SPACE or CTRL-P/K: move up the list
• PG DN: page down the list
• PG UP: page up the list
• END: go to the bottom of the list
• HOME: go to the top of the list
• ENTER: switch to the selected tab
• ESC: clear the search or close the popup window or menu
Recently used tabs get a slight boost in the search results ranking, so getting back to a tab you were just using should require typing fewer letters.
Typing a space lets you enter multiple tokens in the query, all of which must match either the tab's title or URL, in any order.
If you type more than 25 letters, which should be plenty to find the right tab, QuicKey switches to an exact string search to stay fast.
*️⃣ Customize shortcuts and other options
To customize how QuicKey behaves, click the gear icon in the popup window or menu, or right-click its icon on the toolbar and select Options. There you can:
• Customize keyboard shortcuts
• Change the popup window's behavior
• Hide closed tabs from the search results
• Limit tab navigation or search to the current browser window
• Mark tabs in other browser windows with an icon
• Show the number of open tabs
• Restore the last search query when reopening the popup window or menu
• Use pinyin to search for Chinese characters
When a QuicKey update adds new settings, the gear icon will display a red dot to let you know.
*️⃣ Limit navigation to the current browser window
If you have multiple browser windows open, you may want to navigate among only the recent tabs that are in the current window. To enable this behavior, open the Options page to the General tab and select "Limit recent tabs to the current browser window". Pressing the shortcuts for "Switch instantly between the two most recent tabs" or "Switch to the previous tab" will then switch only between recent tabs in the current window.
You can also limit searching for tabs to the current browser window.
*️⃣ Close and reopen tabs
To close the selected tab, press CTRL-W (CMD-CTRL-W on macOS, CTRL-ALT-W on Linux). Or hover over a tab and click the X button on the right side of the list.
When you open QuicKey, the 25 most recently closed tabs are listed below the recent tabs and shown in a faded state with a clock icon. They are also returned when you type a query, though their rank in the list of results is lower than open tabs. Click a closed tab to reopen it in its original location and with all of its browsing history intact.
If you don't want any closed tabs to be shown, open the QuicKey options page, then uncheck "Include recently closed tabs in the search results" in the General section. You can also remove the selected closed tab from the browser's history by pressing CTRL-W (CMD-CTRL-W on macOS) or by clicking its X button on the right side of the list.
*️⃣ Move tabs
You can move tabs to the left or right of the current tab, making it easy to pull tabs from other windows into the current one, or to rearrange tabs without using the mouse.
• Press CTRL-[ to move the selected tab to the left of the current one.
• Press CTRL-] to move it to the right.
The CTRL key should be used on both Windows and macOS. Note that you cannot move tabs between normal and incognito windows.
*️⃣ Distinguish tabs with identical titles
A tab that has the same title as other open tabs will display a number to indicate its left-to-right position among those other tabs. For instance, if you open tabs for two different Google Drive accounts, they'll both be titled "My Drive - Google Drive". But the one on the left will show a "1" next to its title in the list and the one on the right will show a "2". This makes it easier for you to select the tab you want when you know how they're organized in your window.
*️⃣ Search bookmarks
To find a bookmark, type "/b" and a space in the search box, then part of the bookmark's name or URL.
• Press ENTER to open it in the current tab.
• Press CTRL-ENTER (CMD-ENTER on macOS) to open it in a new tab in
the current window.
• Press SHIFT-ENTER to open it in a new window.
As soon as you type "/b ", your bookmarks will be listed in alphabetical order, in case you want to browse through them. Since bookmarks can be organized into folders, the folder path is shown before each bookmark's title. The folder path can be hidden by unchecking "Show the folder path to each bookmark in its title" on the Options page.
*️⃣ Search the browser history
To find something in the last 2000 pages of your browser history, type "/h" and a space in the search box, then part of the page's name or URL.
The same CTRL-ENTER (CMD-ENTER on macOS) and SHIFT-ENTER shortcuts will open the visited page in a new tab or window.
As soon as you type "/h ", the pages from your history will be listed in order of recency, so you can get back to a page you had recently visited without having to remember its name.
*️⃣ Delete bookmarks and history items
To delete the selected bookmark or history item, press CTRL-W (CMD-CTRL-W on macOS). Or hover over an item and click the X button on the right side of the list. You'll be asked to confirm the deletion of bookmarks.
*️⃣ Incognito mode
To switch to incognito tabs as well as normal ones, right-click the QuicKey icon and select Options from the menu. Scroll to the very bottom of the General section and then click the "Change incognito settings" button. On the extensions page that opens, scroll down to the "Allow in incognito" option and click the toggle button next to it.
Tabs in incognito mode display the incognito icon under the page's favicon, so you can distinguish a normal tab from an incognito one with the same title.
*️⃣ Copy a URL or title
You can also copy the URL and title of the selected tab, bookmark or history item:
• Press CTRL-C (CMD-C on macOS) to copy just the URL.
• Press CTRL-SHIFT-C (CMD-SHIFT-C on macOS) to copy both the item's
title and its URL, one per line.
*️⃣ Privacy policy
When first installed, QuicKey asks for these permissions:
➤ "Read and change your browsing history on all your signed-in devices"
QuicKey uses this permission to let you search the titles and URLs of
the open tabs, as well as pages from your history. The "all your
signed-in devices" part is there only so that recently closed tabs can be
restored with their full history. The only time QuicKey changes your
browsing history is when you choose to delete a history item.
➤ "Read and change your bookmarks"
QuicKey uses this permission to let you search the titles and URLs of
your bookmarked pages. The only time it changes your bookmarks is
when you choose to delete one.
QuicKey can't access or manipulate the content of any pages you visit and doesn't transmit any information other than some anonymized diagnostic data.
If you right-click the QuicKey icon on the toolbar, there's a message saying "Can't read or change site's data", which is a bit misleading, since it can't read or change *any* site's data, not just the current one.
*️⃣ Support and source code
Open the Options page and click the About section to get quick access to these links:
Get more information at
Report a bug or request a feature at
View the release history at
See the source code at
Latest reviews
- (2023-08-16) Ritesh Shah: very veryu useful
- (2023-07-17) Akhlak Ur Rahman: Vivaldi background tabs all become history😢
- (2023-05-15) Harsh Verma: Great! I am loving it so far !!!!
- (2023-04-12) How Change: It's amazing for me! And I'm glad developer support Pinyin and which powered me a lot!
- (2023-03-28) Bond Sun: add more items to the rencent list, please! Thanks for the great work.
- (2023-03-08) Hao Yao: 很棒的应用
- (2023-03-04) Chao Chen: 很棒,跟我的思路是一样的,就是不能像idea 的ctrl+e那样居中,不过也挺好用的,赞一个。
- (2022-10-04) Kevin Hwang: First time to leave a review for a chrome extension. It supports pinyin to match Chinese chars that is unique. It can be seen from many details that the author treats this extension seriously.
- (2022-08-25) Michael Liu: Very, very useful
- (2022-07-04) Channel: Ctrl + '' [ '' or '' ] '', does nothing. Why?
- (2022-06-03) Rogerio M. Souza: Thank you DeveLoper! Great work! The best quick find a tab: === QuicKey – The quick tab switcher === === Chikamichi - Quickly find a page ===
- (2022-05-26) John S: Amazing but two questions: - How is this better than "Quick Tabs"? - Can you make it behave like CLUT using timer intervals for quick switching? Thanks for your amazing work!
- (2022-04-22) S. Ercan Kantar: Solved the MRU tab behavior problem that I have been missing ever since I switched from Firefox to Chrome.
- (2022-04-14) Mike Ritchie: perfect.
- (2022-03-26) Kaan: Does exactly what I wanted: jump to last visited tab with CTRL+Tab. + it is open source! Thank you
- (2022-03-03) Emeka Orji: I'm sorry, but this is too complex to understand
- (2022-02-20) Fábio: Extensão extremamente útil e prática. Recomendo muito.
- (2021-12-02) Excelente y muy útil.
- (2021-11-06) Han Li: In Chromebook, Firefox and other chromium browsers with MRU do not play really well with the system and power efficiency, that Chrome becomes the only choice, this extension is a Life Saver! Shame on Chromium/Chrome team refused to implement MRU as an option. Even though it is not close to what is in Firefox/Vivaldi, at least we get the basic of 'ctrl-tab' MRU capability with this extension . Thank you so much for creating this! One not so ideal behavior is in chromeOS the terminal app is also considered as a chrome tab, so ctrl-tab would go to terminal sometimes, but i guess it is fine.
- (2021-10-13) PlagasX: Been using this for years now. So awesome to be able to assign a key combo on my keyboard to switch back and forth between recent tabs. It's a must have for me!
- (2021-08-30) Anders Wei: Great extension! I have been using it daily for a very long time. I usually open more than 100 tabs in my edge and this is really a time saver! Is it possible to introduce group support as well? For example: search for a group, automatically move tabs to a group etc. Thank you!
- (2021-08-27) Jim Montgomery: After using QuicKey a few months I couldn't figure out why my operating system keyboard shortcuts like command-A for select-all text didn't work in the browser and realized this extension alters these keyboard shortcuts. I don't like that at all, especially as a default setting. Given the Chrome variants now include tab management I no longer need this type of extension. However it worked well in various other ways and given it is open source could have adjusted it given time.
- (2021-07-29) Jeff State: I use this extension mostly for CTRL+Tab control, but it does have some excellent customizations, like searching recently-closed tabs. If you want to restore a tab from some time ago, you don't have to restore each tab closed in reverse chronological order. Just hit Alt+Q to type your tab's search string. QuicKey would be even more integral to Chrome with the ability to use CTRL+Y to create a "New Tab Next to Current Tab." There are individual Chrome extensions that exist solely to enable this functionality, so it'd a perfect feature for QuicKey to implement. I also posted a thread on QuicKey's Github discussion page about this feature request.
- (2021-07-25) Rogerio M. Souza: The best extensiOn... Amazing!
- (2021-07-13) Anton: Finally! I found the extension that is capable of enabling ctrl+tab to jump over the recent tabs. The great feature is that it's possible to jump not only to the previous tab but through the whole history. Thanks!
- (2021-06-14) Stardom Stardom: Best and truly working than other tab switching extensions....
- (2021-06-06) Dennis Kassel: An absolutely amazing extension. Although Chrome addeed support for finding Tabs, this extension has much more powerful features like browsing of Bookmarks, History and Tabs from other windows. Despite that it is highly customizable. I love this extension and will never miss it.
- (2021-04-20) Mahmoood: Great, I was using another extension for doing that. Then it requested more permission to read all sites data. I found this great extension with more features. Thanks a lot for the creator of this extension.
- (2021-04-17) Yuriy: Ctrl+Tab finally works! Thank you so much!
- (2021-03-31) Eden Shapiro: Thank you!
- (2021-03-31) Mahan Rad: AMAZING...AMAZING...AMAZING... This is even much better than the Chrome's recent similar functionality. Keep up the good job
- (2021-03-22) Сергей: Попробовал несколько разных переключателей - это лучше всех оказался
- (2021-03-19) Linus Komnick: Really cool idea! It even works with multiple windows. So when the tab I want to switch to happens to be in a different Chrome window I'm still able to switch to it. What's more, recently closed tabs are included in the search, so you can easily reopen them in a new window. I love it!!
- (2021-02-06) Tim Webber: very useful extension - with lots of functionality
- (2020-11-19) Gustavo Cieslar: Funciona muy bien, es muy útil. Gracias!
- (2020-11-10) Sanjay Prajapati: Nice
- (2020-10-21) Carlos Pita: Solid extension, no frills, does what it advertises.
- (2020-10-02) Rob Hadingham: Excellent tab navigator
- (2020-09-12) Arpit Kaushal: I love this thing!!!!
- (2020-09-07) Cristhian Mayo: Thanks for the awesome work :) !
- (2020-08-30) David H: Works perfectly!
- (2020-07-16) Chris Clough: Awesome! Now that Chrome disallows you from setting the CTRL+TAB hotkey, I've been looking for a replacement for the "Ctrl+Tab MRU" extension for new Google user accounts. Thanks to your great work, and your post at, I now almost have it working how I want it, but I can't figure out how to use it to assign Ctrl+Backtick. (The script also allows me to use the "Ctrl+Tab MRU" extension if I want.) *Critiques: 1) If I'm using the Previous Tab hotkey to go back through multiple tabs, and I realize I went past the wanted tab, I have to press the Next Tab hotkey SUPER quick, like under a half second, or else it thinks that I've stopped on the wanted, which almost makes the Next Tab hotkey useless. It'd be nice to be able to hold the anchor key (Ctrl in my case) and the code knows you are still deciding which tab to stop on, which the "Ctrl+Tab MRU" extension does. Alternately, let us set the delay longer than a half second. 2) It'd be nice if the list of tabs automatically dropped down if Ctrl is held down for a configurable amount of time.
- (2020-07-13) Daniel Kupčo: Very useful extension, great work man and thanks for your effort to make it!
- (2020-06-30) احمد بن قدسي: Love it so far. I hope in the future update I can sort the tab by similar/same site, e.g I have 10 facebook tab and 5 twitter tab, so the tab list will sort based on similar/same site. Sorry for my English.
- (2020-03-31) Troy Shu: I love QuicKey! I use it every day because I always have a million tabs open and it's a lifesaver. QuicKey makes it super easy to switch between them. Whether I want to switch to the most recently used tab, or I want to switch to a tab that contains some keyword in the title, I can do it all easily by just using my keyboard (no mouse) with QuicKey. Thank you for the extension! I'm bummed that I can't use it at work because it's not on my employer's list of approved Chrome Extensions. I can try to get to the bottom of it but it seems like it's because QuicKey requires "Read and change" permissions (e.g. "Read and change your browsing history on all your signed-in devices", "Read and change your bookmarks") instead of just "Read" permissions (the other tab manager extension that's approved by my employer only has "Read your browsing history").
- (2020-02-25) Mark Porter: Thank you for AutoHotKey support to get Ctrl+tab working! Brilliant!
- (2020-02-19) Arseny B: Best productivity extension out here.
- (2020-02-09) Alex Rosenthal: FINALLY!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- (2019-11-18) Jason Gomez: Extremely useful extension! It does what I used to use two different extensions for. I can switch to the last tab with Alt-A (I have changed this to Ctrl-Q) and hit it twice for the second from last. I can also use Alt-Q to show the list of tabs, which is also available in full screen mode.
- (2019-10-28) Gersivan Oliveira: Versão 1.2.0 Muito boa e visual bonito. Recomendo. Operadores de busca para bookmark e histórico. Habilita exibição das guias fechadas recentemente.