Color code individual characters on pages you view -- induce color-graphemic synesthesia
A study by scientists in the Netherlands has shown that it may be possible to induce color-graphemic synesthesia (viewing letters as having an innate color) by reading text containing letters with a consistent color coding.
Replicate their experiment at home with the Synesthetize extension. Synesthetize can be configured to color as many or as few letters as you want in the colors you prefer, so you can use existing associations for a stronger effect.
Read the study that inspired the extension:
Source available at:
Latest reviews
- (2022-04-06) K. L.: When compared to the other options available, this extension is very good overall. But as others have said, it needs a blacklist. It doesn't format every single text (like inputs, or texts that get refreshed).
- (2021-05-16) Tiago Dias: Very good and fast. I would rate 5 stars if it had the option to disable on certain pages.
- (2020-12-30) Wal Rus: Seems okay but I can't get it to only activate on one specific site. The options for site access are "on click", "on <current site>", or "on all sites" - but no matter which I choose, it seems to behave as though I have chosen the last of those options.
- (2020-07-07) Supa idk: Doesn't work on youtube and on some sites, doesn't even load.
- (2020-03-02) Jamie Stewart: This is truly amazing!! Very satisfying to see all the letters in their correct colors. However, as someone with considerable amount of bright colors yellow and orange letters, it's a little overwhelming and difficult to read against the white backgrounds. I think it would be great if there was a mode where the first letter of the word colored the entire word, as it's true to how a lot of people experience graphemes. Until then, I've been using this to color the vowels and I'm still very happy with it! Great work!
- (2019-05-21) Kevon Lindenberg: This is exactly what I was looking for. I customized it a lot and tried it out and it works perfectly. It's a little overwhelming and can be difficult to identify links, but I'll make sure to use it on certain sites that I know really well to practice it and see if I can induce my brain to wire up a little differently. ;) I've been wondering if this was a thing for a few years so I'm glad to have finally found that someone was also thinking along these lines. Thank you!!!
- (2018-12-17) Kelsey Doucette: as someone with grapheme-colour synesthesia this is incredible! i was almost moved to tears when i finally got to see all the words on my screen as ive seen them in my head for years!!!! while it does take some time to load and is kinda glitchy on some websites, i absolutely love it! i also really wish i could get this on my phone.
- (2018-05-12) Ewen Goisot: (in may 2018) -I can change color of english letters and digits but nothing else (greek letters, &$€!]#, maths, ...). -Few options, it needs a "disabble" button (other than go to chrome extensions and disabble). -hexadecimal is good, but split R value / G value / B value into 3 inputs is better. -Not really compatible with some websites like Facebook, or with some extensions like Dark Reader.
- (2017-02-27) Heather Woolley: It's really awesome to see entire web pages colored as they are in my head. I'll definitely have to play more with colors, as some are difficult to read against white backgrounds, or it's hard to discern some colors from one another. I also think it would be interesting to adapt the app so that it's only the first letter in the word that is colored, as that often overpowers the other colors in a word.
- (2017-02-20) Matt: Largely good, has some weird effects on certain sites, resulting in font size changes and unreadability in extreme cases. A basic blacklist would be a great addition to this app, along with an investigation into what's causing the size changes.
- (2016-09-30) andy rogers: Very happy with this program.
- (2016-06-01) Binesh Sukumaran: love it. it would have been better if there was a switch to turn it on and off.
- (2016-05-10) TL: Really good. But seriously needs an option to disable on certain pages. Having to disable the extension because a certain page didnt load is a little frustrating.
- (2016-04-13) Nadim Hussami: Just what I was looking for. So far, working great. I also love that we can adjust the color scheme to our liking!
- (2016-03-29) John Clay: I really like the idea and it is executed almost perfectly. I agree that an option to block changing the font size would be great. Also, synesthetize has a habit of making some words vertical, taking up most of the page. If this can be solved, the app is pretty much perfect.
- (2016-03-23) Pablo Luciano Rainieri: Habia leido que la sinestesia era inducida en chicos debido a los abecedarios de colores en las pegatinas e imanes de heladeras, y por los abecedarios de los jardines de infante y primaria, y las ventajas que esto les producia. Se me ocurrio hacer una aplicacion que coloree las letras para producirnos sinestesia, y antes de crearla me doy conque existe. JAjaj, me ahorraste el trabajo, muy buena app. 5 stars
- (2016-02-21) usuario: excelente aplicacion a hora puedo compartir a mi familia mi forma de percibir el mundo :)
- (2015-11-29) Vic Conner: This is exactly what I was looking for! Thank you so much <3
- (2015-03-02) arturo leyva: fine
- (2013-12-10) Joaquin Monleon Irisarri (Quino DosPuntoCero): I can not change the color of the numbers? Only 2 stars.
- (2013-05-23) Awesome, thanks for making this! It helps me read the internet in the colors I like. Can you add numbers and and an option to block it from changing the font/size?
- (2012-10-30) Sophia Drivas: This extension is perfect! You can make a letter any colour you like.