extension ExtPose

Speed Dial [FVD] - New Tab Page, 3D, Sync...

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Description from extension meta

New Tab Page Replacement with 3D Speed Dial and predefined images, sync and organize your bookmarks, groups, and most visited

Image from store Speed Dial [FVD] - New Tab Page, 3D, Sync...
Description from store ★★ Over Hundreds of Thousand of People love FVD Speed Dial ★★ Replace new tab page with most popular speed dial (visual bookmarks) with incredible design, groups, sync, and other useful features. This extension takes over your new tab and the search features within the extension will be provided by Microsoft Bing. (You can disable search in the settings). ★★Main Features of the new tab page★★ ✔ Speed Dial (visual bookmarks) This mode allows you to create your own Speed Dials (aka bookmarks)When you open your new tab, you will see all your predefined speed dials. Most-Visited The Most-Visited category lists the sites that you visit most often. Each Dial contains a group with the full list of URLs you’ve visited. You can add any Dial from the Most-Visited category to your Speed Dial and access your most popular websites from your new tab page. Groups FVD Speed Dial allows grouping sites by different topics. For example, for car-related sites, you can create a group called Cars, for gaming sites - Games, etc. 🔄 Synchronization You can synchronize your speed dials between different computers and have them open in the new tab. For instance, you can work with those sites from home and work. Searching If you have hundreds of sites, it's not so easy to locate the one you need. That's when the feature that allows searching by speed dials comes to enhance your new tab page. All you need to know is at least one of the words. This search is built into the top of the new tab page and accessible in one link. Use it as your awesome new tab page replacement! User Data Policy: This extension may use History to create Bookmark tiles (Speed Dial) for you. The extension sends requests to the server to synchronize your bookmark tiles (speed dials), tasks, and other settings. You can disable Synchronization and Speed Dial in the extension settings. This extension has a built-in monetization (ads) to support our development features and needs to use user data: search bar provided by Microsoft Bing or Yahoo, sponsored bookmark tiles (for example Amazon bookmark), and Premium Accounts. You can disable all of that in the settings or right during onboarding. Contact us: https://support.nimbusweb.co/portal/en/newticket Privacy Policy: https://everhelper.pro/privacy.php Terms of Use: https://everhelper.pro/terms-and-contitions.php

Latest reviews

  • (2024-07-25) Александр Титов: Лучшее! 26.07.24г. не чего не изменилось расширение на высоте
  • (2024-07-21) Adeptus Arbites: I have been using this extension for I think around ten years now by my estimate on various browsers. Great extension, thanks for making it.
  • (2024-07-16) Leon C: Would like to be able to set number of boxes per page so they don't fill the whole desktop and hide the wallpaper. Otherwise - great app to customise my Chrome home page. Having trouble lately, in "Fonts Options", not able to set "Title (for dials)" to the preferred colour. It always defaults to Black. hot can I fix this?
  • (2024-07-15) Kairat A.: Доброго времени суток! Пользуюсь данным приложение очень давно! Классное и красивое расширение! Но вот уже второй день меня возникла проблема!!! При переходе на новую вкладку или при новом вхождении в браузер, постоянно выходит вкладка, "Добро пожаловать в FVD Speed Dial", уже настройки перепробовал, удалял и по новой устанавливал, ничего не помогает! Такая-же проблема на других браузерах: "Slimjet" и "Microsoft Edge", что делать? Помогите!!! Уже больше месяца не работает поиск! Исправьте пожалуйста!!! Алло!!! Постоянно обращаюсь к разработчикам(!), что работает больше двух месяцев "поиск" а им все "Фиалетово"!!!
  • (2024-07-13) Bogdan Shilo: Всё заработало отлично. И поиск, и дилы не пропадают.
  • (2024-07-12) Hendrik Debusschere: zou niet meer zonder kunnen ;). Nu wel iets heel eigenaardigs: de laatste week worden er telkens automatisch 2 tabs toegevoegd. Een site ivm relaxatie en Twitter. Hoe kan dit??? Dit blijft maar duren: telkens komen er tabs bij van X, Facebook, Amazon, ...
  • (2024-07-10) Nick P (vwts): Upd. 07.07.2024: Сегодня при обновлении ОПЯТЬ исчезли все закладки. Расширение просто вредное, не рекомендую использовать!
  • (2024-07-10) ARtuRio: Спасибо что исправили последнюю проблему!) Очень удобное расширение Upd: теперь такая же проблема как у всех... Upd2: Наконец-то всё заработало, даже левая кнопка мыши)
  • (2024-07-09) Сергей А.: Удаляются дилы
  • (2024-07-09) Valeru: В настройках строка поиска отключена. Но она появилась после обновления КАК ОТКЛЮЧИТЬ или убрать ? Постоянно слетают дилы. Бывает в день даже два раза. Редчайшая х-я !
  • (2024-07-09) Jacek Korotkiewicz: Nie otwiera po kliknięciu.
  • (2024-07-08) 数据丢失,恼怒的一天!!! Data lost, mad day!!!
  • (2024-07-07) Doug Henning: So I gave this 3 stars back in 2020? Well, as of today I echo all other sentiments of what is broken now .. There are enough complaints here. Let's see if the devs are paying attention .. I have actually been using this ext well before 2020. I'm guessing around its original launch and have had no problems since until this week. Devs, want to see that 4.7 go to 2.7 real quick? Keep ignoring us! July 7, 2024 [amended] Yeah, P.O.S. devs apparently are not listening. ALL my "default" sites are gone. Well then ................. You get ONE STAR (give NO STARS if could) until FIX this thing! In the meantime, anyone here want to recommend an alternative?
  • (2024-07-07) 07,07,24 Пиз*а расширению походу. не нажимается. все слетает. нужно искать альтернативу. а так удобно когда-то было. (((
  • (2024-07-06) Βασίλης Πάλλης: Very nice app!
  • (2024-07-05) Was working fine but someone has hacked it to make pop-ups come in in the background. Now I can't get rid of them. The logs show the SpeedDial program was hacked. It has to be internal. If someone in SpeedDial sees this, either your program or the extension download has been hacked. The problem goes away when I delete and re-add SpeedDial, but then reappears within a few hours on a fresh install. It is definitely on your end. Uninstalling.
  • (2024-07-05) JOCÓ S: Átláthatóbbá teszi a kedvenc oldalaimat és szinkronizálható más gépeken és más böngészőkben, nagyon hasznos NO.1 bővítmény. Jó volt évekig, de az utóbbi időben vannak idegesítő problémák és az eversync szinkronizálás és mentés sem működik már. (2024.07.05.)
  • (2024-07-05) Wayne: 所有紀錄全部消失,也無法正常使用,這會死人的...
  • (2024-07-05) Вероника Терентьева: Сначала перестали открываться дилы по щелчку мыши. сегодня вообще пропали все закладки. и это уже не первый подобный отзыв! разработчики, верните все как было!
  • (2024-07-04) Дмитрий Владимирович: опять поломали. теперь дилы на клик не реагируют.
  • (2024-07-04) 空気力学: lost all pages
  • (2024-07-04) Line Quantum: Same problem - can't click on dial. Fix it please
  • (2024-07-04) Malms: 今日いきなりすべてのブックマークが勝手に消えました最悪です。
  • (2024-07-04) Не работает поисковая строка.
  • (2024-06-29) расширение хорошее удобное в использовании. Куча полезных настроек рекомендую
  • (2024-06-27) Midnight: Исправили проблему приветствия! Снова лучшее ДИЛ расширение ! Расширение с синхронизацией даёт восстановить FREE все закладки . После слёта всех расширений смог восстановить все дилы , кроме настроек. Отдельный бэкап ТХТ делал давно.
  • (2024-06-27) Много лет пользуюсь этим диалом во всех браузерах! Кастомизация,настройки и синхронизация- всё классно!
  • (2024-06-25) Vito Saponaro: E' la migliore che abbia finora TROVATO. Funziona proprio bene, è facile da usare e c'è la sincronizzazione che è grande!!! Bravi! Siamo a giugno del 2024. Sopno sempre entusiasta anche perchè funziona bene sia su Chrome sia su Edge!! Bravissimi!!
  • (2024-06-23) Ottimo prodotto senza alcun problema
  • (2024-06-18) IshDmitry: нормально пользуюсь много лет все устраивает, только не надо ничего менять и улучшать
  • (2024-06-18) Patrick McCulloch: Gets a while to understand full useage but after you're perfect, outside the fact I dont know how delete my mail one page at a time..
  • (2024-06-17) Mach Solid: I get this set up I'm ok for a few years then i get a pc or whatever and sync. Everything vanishes and I have to start over. Ok, twenty dials or so it's not the end of the world but why does nothing ever work?
  • (2024-06-15) Yanni Zervoudakis: Nifty! Indispensable!
  • (2024-06-14) Epsilon52 (SoCKs): This used to be a flawless app and I trusted it for years. The past few years it's started to break more and more. -Background image keeps reverting itself whenever I change it. -Backups seemingly breaking or becoming more restrictive. -Rumors of them using your data incorrectly and firefox banning them from their apps. -Some cases of your backups practically not existing or deleting themselves(I almost lost all my bookmarks and went to chrome sync because of this) As of this review I recently found all of my dials disappeared, and I also found out that the backups weren't being properly saved or deleting themselves even if I manually backed up. So now I can't even recover them, I barely use dials anyways so time to uninstall or change to another similar app.
  • (2024-06-14) Ondra Syrový: Vývojáři jsou Russové. Začali mi mazat bookmarks a odkazy na to jak probíhají boje na Ukraině. Nejdřív jsem si myslel, že to byla náhoda a pro jistotu jsem si toho začal víc všímat. Záložky si různě duplikoval do Dials. Jednoho dne jsem našel všechno prázdné, jen default. Ten jejich zálohovací web jsem měl taky komplet smazaný.
  • (2024-06-14) Виктор Нечетайло: Все сломали(
  • (2024-06-11) john: It's ok has a nice interface but I cannot move it from one browser to the next. If my computer or hard drive goes down all of the info on my speed dial is lost and I have to start all over again.
  • (2024-06-10) Steve: I love this version Now they do have the Option to the reference below The woman asked is there a "REDTORE" OPTION" yes there In there ever <---- thye has the Old version for for year's there Under "NEW-MANAGEMENT" Now it's well work the payment option for your'e Budget. check it out install set it up they work hand in hand.
  • (2024-06-09) David Latham: Was a great extension. Been using it for years now. Now that they are adding new unwanted dials to my homepage, and also adding new tabs without my consent is frustrating. I also SPECIFICALLY turn off the search bar, yet it will not go away. Very disappointed in this extension now. About time to look for an ad free one.
  • (2024-06-09) Ted Johnson: I dislike not being able to remove the default speed dials. I do not need "recommended" and I do not want to use "most visited". I want to organize categories and leave them the way I set them up. "Most visited" simply assures me that several will be stored twice (here and in the category I select) and I look for the sites I want to put on speed dial when I see the need, I don't need random recommendations. If there is a way to remove the default categories, please let me know. I am still considering if I will use this or look for something else. AFter reading reviews, I am concerned that it doesn't seem to be stable.
  • (2024-06-05) Vraiment très pratique
  • (2024-06-04) Mykola Samila: Used to be a great extension, now adds unwanted ads to the list which you cannot remove.
  • (2024-06-02) Hadi Derouiche: trop pratique
  • (2024-06-02) Jon Barton: I like how it is much easyer to find my most used Bookmarked pages.
  • (2024-06-01) Doktor Gde: Последняя версия не смогла экспортировать конфигурацию с последними исправлениями. Потерял 2 вкладки на 20 с лишним сайтов, многие были очень ценными. После переустановки оказалось невозможным создавать новые диллы (закладки). Цвет заголовка сайта теперь изменить невозможно, только через файл стиля. Последняя работающая (правильно) на сегодняшний день (31.07.23) версия 78.1.7_0. Ежели видите: Версия 81.3.5 Обновлено 10 мая 2023 г. Постарайтесь воздержаться от установки, так как вы лишаетесь бекапа и создания новых закладок. (Самый лучший выход из ситуации - SpeedDial-FVD-Cleansed от Smokex365)
  • (2024-06-01) Joanna Crawford: works great, love it
  • (2024-06-01) CAROLINE GANN: JANUARY 2014 The only reason I subtracted a star is because occasionally (not often) after an update reboot or other unexpected log off, the speed dial will revert back to it's original page settings and dials! it always takes me a while to retrieve my personal settings that took me a long time to create as there is no option to simply restore my settings!! I love the speed dial functions and the ability to create customized dials. It is great to know I am only one click from my favorite sights! My speed dials include the sign in page of all the companies and banks that I do business with monthly. Then when it's time to check accounts, or billing info, there is no need to scan through bookmarks etc. to find the log in pages! One click and I am there!!! THIS IS A 2021 UPDATE TO MY ORIGINAL REVIEW! Previously I gave the app a 4 star rating but now here I am 7 years later needing to drastically reduce the stars! from 4 to 2! I am quickly becoming very frustrated with my speed dial that I had happily and successfully used for years in Chrome from my windows 7 platform. Especially after I opted to subscribe to the ever sync free back-up app in case my system crashed and deleted my dials the ever sync does free regular automatic back-ups of my speed dial settings and I am able to restore from it. However, although the back-ups are free and you can review them when you want if you need to restore them there is a cost a few dollar per month to upgrade your subscription to have the ability to retrieve the free back-up. Anyway, since I retired my old computer and started using my new one that runs windows 10 instead of 7 I am still using the chrome browser but suddenly and without warning or cause I am experiencing an increase in the times that I click on my new tab and my speed dials are gone and my background has changed . Then after spending some time looking and checking extension settings etc. my dials suddenly reappear but without a background at all! If I try to restore the background the dials disappear again it is becoming extremely aggravating! This all started a while ago when I logged on I got a message claiming that my speed dial was blocked because it may be corrupt, when I checked my extension page it was shut off with an option to repair it, after the repair this craziness started and has become fairly regular in instances, and each time I get a blocked message that starts the craziness! I don't know what is going on but I sure wish someone would fix this problem I have more than 170 dials spread over 7 different categories so changing to a different app would not be an easy or quick task! HERE I AM AGAIN NOW IN 2024! AS MENTIONED BEFORE I LOVE ALL THE EASE OF HAVING MY SPEED DIALS BUT THE LONGER I HAVE IT THE MORE DIALS I HAVE ACCUMILATED AT LAST CHECK I WAS UP TO 230 TOTAL DIALS. SO ONE CAN ONLY IMAGINE THE DEVISTATION WHEN THERE IS A CRASH OF MY SPEED DIALS AND WHEN IT COMES BACK UP YOU HAVE THE 5 DEFAULT DIALS AND NOTHING ELSE! ODDLY I PAY A MONTHLY FEE FOR MY DIALS TO BE BACKED UP EVERY 60 MINUTES YET WHEN I ATTEMPTED TO RECOVER MY DIALS AND SETTINGS I WAS SHOWN ONLY A RECOVERY POINT FROM 2 YEARS AGO AS THE MOST RECENT AND NO SETTINGS WERE RECOVERED! THAT MEANS MY COLOR SCHEME AND BACKGROUND ARE GONE AND FOR SOME REASON I CANNOT LOAD ANY KNEW ONES! THIS IS EVEN MORE UPSETTING BECAUSE THE COST FOR THE MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION WAS JUST RAISED, SO ONE SHOULD EXPECT BETTER SERVICE RIGHT?! APPARENTLY EVERSYNC IS DROPPING THE BALL ON QUALITY BUT CHARGING AS IF IT HAS IMPROVED!! SADLY THIS IS GOING TO COST SPEED DIAL FVD ONE MORE STAR! DOWN TO 1 STAR, BUT I REALLY HOPE TO BE ABLE TO GIVE BACK THE 4 I TOOK AWAY! SPEED DIAL GET IT TOGETHER AND EITHER HOLD EVERSYNC TO YOUR STANDARDS OR REPLACE THEM!
  • (2024-05-30) D. emmelinegrace: Well, I seem to be getting there since I wrote my first review. It is quite remarkable and beautiful, My problem is I am not able to use icons to tell me what my speed dial is. could you please allow it in the settings. Thank you very much for a usable product.
  • (2024-05-30) William Smith (willsmith989): I love this program. Well worth a few bucks to support their amazing work. I have decided to go with a lifetime subscription because it seems to be getting better and better. Dec. 28,2021 I have enjoyed this program for some time now and did have some issues, (bugs), but I think a little self maintenance and unchecking the auto sync seems to help. I have noticed no constant running of websites in the background anymore. I hope:)!
  • (2024-05-28) Ihor Nozhenko: Лучщее расширение для закладок в своем роде с бэкапом и группировкой, да еще и бесплатно !!

Latest issues

  • (2023-06-25, v:81.3.5) Cody Heitman: Search Engine
    How to change the default search engine from bing to google.com
  • (2023-06-15, v:81.3.5) 100ivt: Не отображаются дилы и фон
    После обновления Edge до версии 114.0.1823.43 перестали отображаться дилы и фон
  • (2023-06-10, v:81.3.5) Kazu White: Export
    thank you always. I tried to "Export" the data from "Global Options", but the browser freezes and doesn't work. How can I export?
  • (2023-06-07, v:81.3.5) David Steven Simon: A total Turn Off
    Any idea why Chrome automatically turns this off?
  • (2023-05-26, v:81.3.5) jean pierre prevost: PERDU MON FVD SPEED DIAL
  • (2023-05-18, v:81.3.5) CAROLINE GANN: SPEED DIALS
  • (2023-05-16, v:81.3.5) Barbara Leipart: Speed Dial [FVD]
    My Speed Dial [FVD] disappeared. I get a blank page. How do I restore the Speed Dial [FVD]?
  • (2023-05-13, v:81.3.5) Kevin S.: overwrite server and overwrite local is not working
    Love your extension on chrome. on my new tab page, i have all my fav tv shows on there. Just now, i screwed up and hit the "merge local and server data" button rather than the 'overwrite server data' button...aargh. My goal had been to upload my local data from chrome to the server so i could then open Edge browser and then overwrite the local data on edge. This is when i caught my mistake. When i overwrote local date on edge, all my dials were all messed up. When i went back to chrome, i was surprised to see all those dials in that merged state, ugh. SO, after painstakingly rearranging all my speed dials just like i wanted on chrome, i clicked 'overwrite server data' as i should. Then i opened Edge and downloaded the updated server data.....But nothing changed; the changes i made on chrome and uploaded to server, did not transfer to edge; they were still merged! Worse still, when i went back to chrome, i saw all that merged data again - that was really weird. Once again i painstakingly rearranged all my dials on chrome as well as on edge so that now, all my dials are just what i want on both browsers - only now, going forward, i'm afraid to even use eversync for fear that i'll screw up my dials again. what happened? What can i do? Thanks for hearing me cry. Kevin
  • (2023-05-12, v:81.3.5) Сергей Скрипкин: Перестало работать полностью приложение
    Добрый день. После последнего обновления от 10 мая 2023 приложение не работает вообще, не загружается в CHROME
  • (2023-05-11, v:81.3.5) Alexa Grande: this item was shut off in chrome
    i deleted speed dial and installed it again and it happened again. my speed dial was just shut off and removed from my chrome out of nowhere.
  • (2023-05-02, v:81.3.1) J Jacobs: sync
    Hi, my speed dials do not show on all my devices. Ive tried to download from server and still nothing. I use chrome
  • (2023-05-01, v:81.3.1) kurokkasu: Авто создание превью
    Перестали создаваться автоматические превью дилов. Показывается бесконечная загрузка, после долгого времени появляется грустный смайлик
  • (2023-04-30, v:81.3.1) Miguel Hortiguela: Restore my FVD Speed Dial
    Chrome has been acting up for the past few days and an online search suggested that I uninstall and reinstall Chrome. However, how can I now restore my FVD Speed Dial? I've toggled the extension back on in Chrome> Extensions but how do I get my Dials and Settings back?
  • (2023-04-30, v:81.3.1) StalBOX777: Пропали группы
    После недавнего обновления пропали все группы в которые добавлял диллы. Теперь видны только популярные на основной странице, как вернуть группы и все что в них было?
  • (2023-04-27, v:81.3.1) Artur Kobylarz: Bookmarks / Dials / pages
    Some bookmarks were removed, some added without my permission. This was the first time with such a situation.
  • (2023-04-26, v:81.3.1) Володимир Джунусов: Пошукова система
    Як змінити покукову систему з Яндекс на іншу?
  • (2023-04-26, v:81.3.1) Kirill Wolf: Откат на более раннюю версию расширения.
    Также столкнулся с полной неработоспособностью расширения (показывлась пустая страница) и опытным путём определил, что это связано с последними его обновлениями. Вернулся на имевшуюся у меня версию 78.1 (возможно 79 и 80 тоже рабочие, но их у меня нет) и все вновь заработало. Синхронизацией я не пользуюсь, поэтому просто импортировал экспортированный ранее набор дилов и теперь все ОК, только пока непонятно как пресечь автообновление расширения в будующем, но способ должен быть и я его, конечно, найду ;)
  • (2023-04-25, v:81.3.1) Robert Irwin Sr.: stopped working
    Been using speed dial for years, but now when I press a dial (for instance, amazon) instead of www.amazon I get https://nimbus_als.ampxdirect.com/amazon?sub1=speeddial&sub2=amazon&sub3=dynamiclink&cu=https%3A%2F%2Fsmile.amazon.com%2Fref%3Dnav_logo&fbu=https%3A%2F%2Fsmile.amazon.com%2Fref%3Dnav_logo This happens on more than one dial, why? and how do i correct?
  • (2023-04-25, v:81.3.1) Daniel Joumier: Unable a synchro
    Hi, I have a problem. I have a lifetime license.Imposssible to save Dials in your server and unable a synchro. Have you a solution? Thanks for your answer. Regards
  • (2023-04-25, v:81.3.1) Изображения дилов
    Здравствуйте. Я пользуюсь экспресс панелью FVD Speed Dial Google Chrome уже несколько лет Проблем не было. Но тут вдруг изображения дилов самопроизвольно перестали отображать свои "картинки" и появились какие-то половинки синего лица грустного вида. Что только ни делала, ничего не помогает. При наведении левой мышки на такой "синий" дил, появляется надпись "Упс, нет заголовка". Я ничего не меняла и раньше все работало, и вдруг.... При этом, войти на сайт при нажатии мышки можно без проблем. Просто нет картинки у дила...
  • (2022-03-17, v:77.9.8) Umair Siddiqui: unable to install extension to chrome
    the FVD speed dial extension is unable to install via chrome webstore
  • (2022-03-13, v:77.9.8) power man: не устанавливается в Yandex браузер
    не устанавливается в Yandex браузер, пишет ошибка, обратитесь к разработчику. "Во время загрузки произошла ошибка. Свяжитесь с разработчиком или повторите попытку позже. Invalid manifest"
  • (2022-03-05, v:77.9.8) Андрей Тюнёв: здравствуйте,удалились все вкладки как восстановить,подскажите пожалуйста
    здравствуйте,удалились все вкладки как восстановить,подскажите пожалуйста
  • (2022-03-03, v:77.9.8) Sasha Sasha: какая то ошибка
    Здравствуйте!будте добры напишите пожалуйста как быть!после каждого закрытия и ткрытия браузера дилы начанают воствнавливаться1у меня их 96!очень долго по времени,раньше такого не было!открыл и все готова)подскажитечто сделать пожалуйста
  • (2022-03-02, v:77.9.8) vortex time.: I can't download the extension-Я не могу загрузить расширение
    when downloading, it gives an error (Invalid manifest), I ask for an explanation of how to remove it or fix the error itself, any answer from you will suit me. _________________________________________________________________________ при загрузке выдаёт ошибку (Invalid manifest) прошу прошу объяснения как её убрать или исправления самой ошибки меня устроит любой ответ от вас.
  • (2022-02-27, v:77.9.8) Aran Escote: How to change FVD Theme?
    Please teach how to change FVD Theme on Chrome. Thank You.
  • (2022-02-19, v:77.9.8) dtfgstg fgdfg: Не удается получить доступ к сайту
    После последнего обновления перестал работать поиск "Яндекс". https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TrQ3YuvWyt1Ldq5BByVN-SMZsVPWIiXP/view?usp=sharing
  • (2022-02-15, v:77.9.8) Paweł Pasławski: Random pages blink
    Hi I have Kubuntu 21.10 (on Kubuntu 20.10 was the same) Chrome 98.0.4758.102 64-bit FVD Speed Dial ver 77.9.8 Eversync After sychronizing dials the random web page from dials list apperas for a blink of an eye. Frequency between 15 to 120 seconds. The browsers hitory shows the pages opened. Swiching off FVD extension in chrome stops the issue.
  • (2022-02-14, v:77.9.8) NustarD: Ghrom
    what to do if the yandex search engine, I want to return it back to chrome, but do not delete this extension
  • (2022-02-08, v:77.9.8) Gavin Grant: Website thumbnails not appearing
    Using Chrome 98 and website thumbnails stopped working.
  • (2022-02-08, v:77.9.8) Анатолий Кодиров: Поисковик
    У меня установлен Google Chrome, как изменить поисковик с яндекса на гугл?
  • (2022-01-30, v:77.9.8) Randy Crager: FVD apeed dialand Vivaldi browser
    I've searched high and low for how to make FVD my default speed dial page and have it open as the new tab each time. By the way, I love this speed dial extension and consider it the best contribution of any kind to the Chrome Web Store. Thank you!
  • (2022-01-27, v:77.9.8) John Guarnieri: Windows 10 pro 64 bit latest chrome version
    All of a suddent new and old thumbnails fail to populate
  • (2022-01-21, v:77.9.8) John Guarnieri: Any new saved web sites thumbnails never populate
    Any new saved web sites thumbnails never populate Windows 10 pro 64bit latest chrome Version 97.0.4692.99 (Official Build) (64-bit) I did a reinstall of speed dial 3d and worse than ever.
  • (2022-01-18, v:77.9.8) Ivan Slobodenko: Speed Dial [FVD]
    Отправьте мне пожалуйста файл xpi о Speed Dial [FVD] для Firefox на почту [email protected]
  • (2022-01-15, v:77.9.8) Bogdan Andriychyk: Рядок пошуку Speed Dial
    Опишіть будь ласка, як в рядку пошуку Speed Dial змінити систему пошуку за замовчуванням з Yandex на Google. Якщо це неможливо, то вкажіть адресу файлу в якому потрібно змінити скрипт. P.S. Дякую за чудове розширення, але ненавиджу, коли виробники нав'язують певні пошукові системи, не даючи право на вибір.
  • (2022-01-15, v:77.9.8) franco másala: app sparita
    non riesco più a scaricare l'applicazione, mi dà errore. fino a tre giorni fa, funzionava alla perfezione, poi è sparita
  • (2022-01-14, v:77.9.8) Rankyn Phyle: Amazon Links
    Why is this extension suddenly hijacking my Amazon shortcuts with your affiliate links?
  • (2022-01-08, v:77.9.8) Ольга Аристархова: Превью закладок
    Перестали отображаться и загружаться превью закладок. Не загружаются ни превью сайтов, ни локальные изображения других пользователей. Переустановка не помогает.
  • (2022-01-08, v:77.9.8) Sandeep Goswami: Oops! Error Getting title
    Hi! Upon reinstalling the FVD some of the dials were restored but there are many which did not get restored. What would be the next step tp correct this,please?
  • (2022-01-07, v:77.9.8) J.R. Duda: Can't sync speed dials to Everhelper
    When trying to sync speed dials to Everhelper via the FVD Synchronizer the error message appears...to Sync you must install FVD Speed Dial. I have no problems syncing bookmarks.
  • (2022-01-06, v:77.9.8) Sandeep Goswami: Oops! Error getting title
    Hi! This seems to be a major international problem for FVD! All reviews say that most people are facing this problem. This issue started in my computer about 2 month ago and seems persistent across Chrome, Opera Browser. How does one fix this? Please send reply to [email protected] Regards, Sandeep Goswami
  • (2022-01-03, v:77.9.8) Наталья Олейник: Восстановление дилов
    Здравствуйте что то случилось идёт восстановление дилов на протяжение часа так и не чего восстановилось
  • (2022-01-02, v:77.9.8) Iversman: Password Individual Groups of Speed Dial Tiles
    Hi, Not sure if this is possible (had a look through settings but couldn't find anything other than a password for ALL dials) but it'd be cool if we could password certain groups of speed dials? I know we can password the whole Speed Dial extension but being able to apply a password to individual groups would be cool too.
  • (2022-01-02, v:77.9.8) Roopchand Nagarajan: Shortcut title image
    Title image is not displayed for the shortcut. I am using the app only for shortcuts with shortcut grouping. Chrome browser updated to the latest version. Any workaround to make this extension work for me? The features are remarkable if it can only work.
  • (2022-01-02, v:77.9.8) Roopchand Nagarajan: Title image missing
    Title image is not displayed for the shortcut. I am using the app only for shortcuts with shortcut grouping. Chrome browser updated to the latest version. Any workaround to make this extension work for me? The features are remarkable if it can only work.
  • (2022-01-01, v:77.9.8) Denis Denisov: Живые обои чтоб можно добавлять).
    Сделайте чтоб можно было добавить живые обои
  • (2021-12-27, v:77.9.8) Estefany Rodriguez: Tool tips
    Hello, the tool is very good, a serious suggestion that you could add shortcuts to applications and it would be much more useful Thanks.
  • (2021-12-23, v:77.9.8) Дмитриев Евгений Владимирович: Speed Dial [FVD] для Mozilla Firefox
    обновите пожалуйста для Mozilla Firefox. Заранее признательно благодарен
  • (2021-12-20, v:77.9.8) Ruslan Kotsiuruba: Блокировака в Firefox
    Добрый день. Подскажите, пожалуйста, идет ли работа над решением вопроса с Firefox? Есть ли у вас какието естимейты в этом вопросе. Спасибо.


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