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De beoordelingsbalk voor videominiatuur in YouTube geeft leuk en niet leuk weer voordat je een video start
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Die fortschrittlichste und erwartete Verbesserung für das größte Videoportal Youtube ist jetzt im Chrome Store verfügbar! In der Bewertungsvorschau für Youtube werden unter jedem Video Vorlieben und Abneigungen angezeigt, damit Sie die beste Datei aus Dutzenden auswählen können. Nutzen Sie Youtube produktiver ohne unnötige und gefälschte Videos. In der Bewertungsvorschau für Youtube können Sie das Video bewerten, indem Sie unter jedem Video-Miniaturbild auf seine Leiste schauen. Sparen Sie Zeit, indem Sie nur hoch bewertete Youtube-Videos gemäß der YouTube-Daten-API ansehen.
Es ist sehr leicht, mit vielen Youtube-Videos verwechselt zu werden. Mit der Bewertungsvorschau für Youtube können Sie Videos nach der Bewertung teilen, indem Sie auf das Miniaturbild schauen. Das native Design des Bewertungsindikators macht Ihr Youtube-Erlebnis komfortabler.
Die Bewertungsvorschau für Youtube ist ab sofort kostenlos verfügbar.
Preview Youtube video rating before start video to choose the best rated files.
Youtube rating preview shows like and dislikes under every video to allow you choosing the best file from dozens.
Watch good Youtube videos and avoid boring ones just looking to the bar under every video thumbnail in YouTube. Save your time by watching only high rated Youtube video according to YouTube data API.
It’s very easy to get confused with lots Youtube videos. With Youtube rating preview you can divide videos by rating just looking to its thumbnail. Native design of rating indicator make your Youtube experience more comfortable.
Youtube rating preview is available now for free.
YouTube is a trademark of Google Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Youtube rating preview is an independent project developed by Shaun Petter and has no relationship to YouTube or Google Inc.
Latest reviews
- (2020-04-09) Lucas Denotter: doesn't work
- (2020-04-03) Ariel Herrera: No funciona.
- (2020-03-30) Thomas Orlita: Hopefully this one is not adware unlike the other extension. Too bad Google took so long to remove it.
- (2020-03-29) n ascentt: doesn't work. also requires access to ALL sites you visit, not just youtube
- (2020-03-29) Josh K: Was good while it lasted. Search for Thumbnail Rating Bar for YouTube in the chrome extension store. It requires you to set up an API key for it to work but it was easy took 2 min. Works great
- (2020-03-26) Aditya Agarwal: Its not working now.
- (2020-03-26) Diego Torres: Stopped working
- (2020-03-21) Amigulus: Doesn't work at all
- (2020-03-13) Sytrus: Doesn't work.
- (2020-02-17) Tillmann Brodbeck: Not working (latest chrome version on latest macOS system)
- (2020-02-02) Lukas M: It has stopped working as of 01.02.2020
- (2020-01-04) Ichigo Kurosaki: Not working anymore
- (2020-01-04) Mike Maurice: does not work at all
- (2019-12-28) Thalisson Souza Carvalho: Muito bom
- (2019-11-28) Yaric-Mixer: Перестал работать, как и другие подобные расширения для YouTube.
- (2019-11-22) latrell llana: No rating bar.
- (2019-11-22) Eli House: This extension was extremely useful in the past 7 months, but it seems that right when I need it, it's refusing to function. I have been trying to look at reviews for that new Kojima game, Death Stranding, and as I prepare to choose a video on the search page, there is no blue bar on any of the videos on screen. I have tried disabling and re-enabling it. I have tried changing some settings, clicking confirm, and refreshing the page to activate those settings. I have even tried removing this extension, and then adding it a second time. Nothing has inspired the extension to work. I don't know if it's faulty due to a firmware update, or if it has simply never worked on the search page specifically, but I don't need an extension that is so temperamental. Download with your own discretion.
- (2019-11-07) Falcon: Amazing!
- (2019-10-31) Artem Kargalov: It works perfectly!
- (2019-09-08) Xiang Jiek Cheng: Thanks for making this, really miss those days when youtube lets you look at the number of stars before watching the video
- (2019-06-08) Disciple de Jésus-Christ: marche mais pas toutes les vidéos en même temps, il y a toujours un bug à ce niveau là dernier test le 8 juin 2019
- (2019-05-25) David Kent Hinkle: This is a very good extension working very well on many sites except Netflix and Yahoo Mail of which this extension has to be disabled to view anything on these sites.
- (2019-05-25) Musfiq Fahad Amin: Why this extension needs permission to read and change data on all sites?! Isn't it suppose access 'only' YouTube data?! I know there are some sites that embed YouTube videos, but there's no need to rate those videos too. It's a lame excuse to access all my private data on a daily basis. There're many basic users who don't even understand this severe privacy violation, and keep using this 'spyware-like' extension forever! Please fix this issue; ask permission to access 'only' YouTube data, not all sites.
- (2019-02-08) Improved Tube: Good day :) what are your future plans? contact us maybe.
- (2019-01-17) Luis Donovan: Never had any problems. It does exactly what I was wanting. Youtube should have this feature anyway. Glad someone filled the gap !!
- (2019-01-17) Beatrice Rossi: Extremely important to me . I feel something is wrong when I use youtube without it now )))
- (2019-01-17) Tom Olson: cool extension, does exactly what it says and helps me avoid clicking on terrible videos many times a day.
- (2019-01-17) John Rodriquez: It does exactly what it's designed to do. I am extremely happy that I downloaded it. would recommend to all my friends!
- (2019-01-17) Jesse Alvarez: First thing I check is the ratings preview. Very helpful.
- (2019-01-17) KEVIN Timmons: One of the best extensions ever, after a few days using this extension now Youtube feels useless when I browse it on a different computer without the extension. It's just awesome
- (2019-01-17) LoL Anna: Without any problems i can preview video rating before start video to choose the best rated video at any time)
- (2019-01-17) Mr XXX: wow worked perfectly! I didn't need to pay for just follow! Thank you so much for it
- (2019-01-17) Zoe Ward: The right way to browse YouTube suggestions.
- (2019-01-17) Dominic Blare: I really enjoy having this extension and don't know if I could live without.
- (2019-01-17) John Wood: Very useful extension for Youtube ! Keep the hard work guys :D
- (2019-01-17) Alexandra Turner: Very useful tool, worked perfectly, 5/5 would totally recommend. 👌
- (2019-01-17) Michael Alsopp: Great display of ratings and views. My only concerns is how accurate are the numbers of views shown and whether this takes into account mobiles and ipads in the calculations of views for each video. But overall super
- (2019-01-17) Evelyn MacAlister: Thank you for making this! Such an essential Youtube add on
- (2019-01-17) Boss Raider: Really good extension it does not take a long time to get used to so overall it is a great app