Description from extension meta
Um gestor de downloads com aceleração rápida, aranha do site, segmentação dinâmica, retomada, pausa, e recuperação de downloads
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Description from store
Turbo Download Manager (3rd edition) is a multi-threading download manager with a built-in tool to grab video, audio, and image sources. Similar to IDM (Internet Download Manager), and JDownloader, this extension has a built-in tool to increase the downloading speed by fetching multiple segments of the file simultaneously. This downloader is written purely in JavaScript hand there are no external dependencies.
1. Resuming broken downloads: When the downloading process is interrupted, you needn't start from the beginning again.
2. Pausing active jobs: To temporarily reduce network traffic when it is needed
3. Download acceleration: Splits files into several sections and downloads them simultaneously in an internal IndexedDB database, allowing you to use any type of connection at the maximum available speed.
4. Enhanced audio/video files support: Has internal HTML spider module to detect media (video, audio) and image sources
5. Built-in M3U8 parser and Live Stream downloader (HLS) with AES-128 decryption support.
This download manager can be used to accelerate your downloading speed or to improve download stability on low-quality networks. The extension is integrated into your browser download manager as much as possible.
Latest reviews
- (2023-10-31) Work Account: WOW what a extension!! it helped me download 3.6 gb files on an 200 kb/s network under 38-40 mins. Excellent job
- (2023-10-27) Andonis Ratsos: The only extension that can detect and download protected streams!!!
- (2023-06-25) wilsons dub: Nao funciona
- (2023-06-16) 平克弗洛伊德: 找遍了所有的Chrome下载插件,只有这款的icon与Chrome UI配合度高。
- (2023-06-08) 2lmes: works for bilibili
- (2023-05-15) ALEX R M: pra mim nao funcinou
- (2023-04-04) George Kolasa: Great little extension, thanks!
- (2023-02-21) William Ribeiro: Pretty good
- (2022-12-08) Nicola: ok
- (2022-11-26) Albanie Daffa' Leksana: From 23 days download time to 22 hours, wow....
- (2022-10-26) camila cris: funcionou muito bem!!
- (2022-09-08) Péter Pallos: The only multi-thread download manager for Chrome that I've found so far. I mostly use it combined with the "Allow Right-Click" extension to download videos. While it works, it has several major issues: - I can only specify the file name once the video was fully downloaded. - It only downloads the videos in 3 threads ignoring my custom settings. - When the download finishes, the save dialog pops up in full screen if my current tab is in full screen. It's not obvious how to switch to another tab without entering a file name and finishing the download.
- (2022-06-08) Glauber Feitosa: Não funcionou pra mim, minha net é de 100 megas na fibra e só baixa arquivos a 30 kb/s...
- (2022-06-02) A.I.R (Raj): good softer
- (2022-04-23) Sprix: Muy buena Aplicación.
- (2022-03-17) Kiber Russian: Отличный менеджер загрузок и что хорошо, имеет кнопку в контекстном меню, не нужно лезть в бар расширений чтобы подтвердить скачивание
- (2022-02-23) Shanmukha: Awesome
- (2022-02-15) RonaldinhoR10ShowMan: Funciona muito, se não funcionou ai é pq fez algo errado ou internet é podre, é isso.
- (2022-02-07) NiVRi: muy buena extencion en cuanto a la aceleracion de descarga pero en el apartado de cambiar el nombre al archivo descargado no realiza el cambio de nombre aunke se edite la opcion por ello solo 4 estrellas... a alguien mas le sucede o solo a mi?
- (2021-12-23) AA A: very usefull
- (2021-12-10) Iba comunicação: É tudo propaganda enganosa.
- (2021-10-31) Cenırıl Baki acar: çok yararlı
- (2021-09-29) Luis Castillo: Que clase de brujeria es esta? me acelero la descarga X10, dios mio!
- (2021-09-28) Gilberto Torres: does not work
- (2021-07-18) F FEPA: > POSITIVO + Es Open source y lo puedes encontrar en Github. + Ligera (menos de 1MB espacio) (29MB RAM activo). > NEGATIVO - NO sustituye ni esconde la barra de descargas predeterminadas de Chrome. - NO tiene opción de abrir su interfaz en una nueva TAB. - Necesita un boton claro para temas oscuros. - Es una extension que lleva tiempo en la tienda pero el soporte es de baja actividad, se actualiza 1 o 2 veces cada año.
- (2021-07-07) Tim Kruttschnitt: Had some issues while downloading a large file on Chrome due to some network issue when on the WiFi. It failed 3 times in a row so I tried this little extension and the download was successful with the first try. Cheers devs
- (2021-06-23) Eduardo Padilha Porto: Não Funciona
- (2021-05-22) CDA Xfiles: It actually made my download speed a little slower while testing it out. Hope you have better luck with it.
- (2021-04-11) VitaR: This extension work fine. But in options me missing disable, hide or hide after time bottom download bar and dark theme.
- (2021-03-14) emilio sebastian: I wait 3hrs to finish downloading file and askme about change the name of file (unnecesary), and then started to copy the file and stops in a middle and I lost 3hr and get no file .. unnecesary
- (2020-09-17) MurderChickenXL: No such thing as a working download accelerator that's free when it comes to Chrome. Right click a download link on, say, Dailyuploads and choose download. Nothing happens. Same for clicknload and EVERY other file hosting site I've tried. DTA used to be the goto extension but the dev can't figure out how to choose a download location? All of these extensions are no match for Chrome's extremely restrictive options. None of them will work with Chrome anymore because Google doesn't want them to.
- (2020-09-15) Juanma Guerrero: Año 2020, la MEJOR extensión para gestionar y acelerar descargas, evitar cortes y demás.
- (2020-09-14) Rıdvan Gönül: mac te işe yarıyor gençler
- (2020-07-28) Bryan Gary: This extension used to work beautifully for me. But for the last couple of weeks or so, when I try to download video files they either keep starting over randomly and never finish or TDM gets to the end of the download, says it's "merging segments" then it hangs for a bit and then the download (but not the extension) crashes. Every d*mn time.
- (2020-06-24) david escalante: it can even download an expired link...
- (2020-03-19) Hongxu Cai: The only download accellarator Chrome extension I can found that does not rely on a windows client to work. Excellent!!
- (2020-03-13) Kioomars Faraji Amiri: ok
- (2020-02-15) 谁丑谁怀孕: 操作反人类
- (2020-01-10) Mygod Studio: no use
- (2019-12-09) Bhya Amaral: otimo
- (2019-10-30) Killer Sombrio: é bem funional e bem rápido, não tenho certeza de que se ele faz isso mesmo que está escrito nos comentarios mas td bem.
- (2019-07-09) Yusuf Ginnah: I am quite disappointed by the lack of support for this extension. i do understand that its free but it should at least work... maybe? Ok, issues im having are that every time i open chrome, the extension goes off and downloads a certain file that was in the download queue maybe two months ago. It has, so far, downloaded the exact same file 42 times... and counting. I have tried the reset function, no change, ive uninstalled re-installed, no change, ive been to the 'developer site' but there's no help there. The other issue is that 'failed downloads' and 'incomplete downloads' don't get cleared from the list of downloads, so i can click on 'clear completed' as many times as i want but the downloads list is absolutely cluttered. I do hope there's a solution is site, other than the above, she's a gem and it will be difficult to replace. Thanks guys, Cheers
- (2019-03-18) Axel Gabriel Anaya Apolinario: interesante extencion xd....
- (2019-03-05) goodbye CocCoc
- (2019-02-17) I started the download of a very big file. At the end I have a save dialog that pops up and I discard it by mistake. My file is just nowhere on my disk, been cancelled. Seriously? (I put 4 stars anyway because app is free and is very fast overall)
- (2018-09-23) Stedy As.: 1. Displays wrong size of downloaded file (i paused download several times and have bad connection, file size was 2.9GB, but app displays that it downloaded 3.5GB of 2.9GB) 2. 2.9GB file was splitted for two slices, first slice was 1/3 of actual size, second 2/3, so after 2/3 of the file was downloaded the remaining data was downloaded without multithread.
- (2018-08-31) Roger G. Sagre: I Love It
- (2018-08-26) Eder RSW: works fine but changes the name of the download to something unrecognizable, forcing me to rename it manually every time
- (2018-08-22) azog azog: Great extension ! thank you very much
- (2018-08-02) Castor Sky: Much better that first version. This one uses cookies properly and allow downloading from any site. Chromium @ Windows - OK Vivaldi @ Fedora - OK