Description from extension meta
adds a context menu to delete sign-up/sign-in overlays that prevent you from viewing a page
Image from store
Description from store
F*ck overlays is a VERY light extension to give you an option to delete anything on a webpage whenever you want. F*ck overlays does not remember anything you have f*cked, so simply REFRESHING the page should cause the element to reappear.
Right click on an element you want to delete (usually overlays, but works with other things too).
In the context menu, click "f*ck it".
Sometimes you might need to f*ck multiple elements to get rid of an overlay. In the future, f*ck overlays may be expanded to support permanent deletion of elements.
Latest reviews
- (2023-09-01) Lian Parma: Great extension. Super useful and simple.
- (2023-07-15) Prerak Upadhyaya: Great extension and super useful. Doesn't necessarily remove overlays, but it's very convenient for deleting any HTML element on your screen.
- (2023-06-18) Perk Liz: Полезнейший блокиратор!
- (2023-02-20) Ioannis Nikolaou: Does not work at all.
- (2023-02-18) Alex Bustillos De La Cruz: No sirve, solo borra el overlay que aparece, más no te deja navegar en el sitio al que intentas entrar
- (2022-12-11) Jio: nothing feels better than telling an ad blocker detection banner to go kick rocks. love you for this!!
- (2022-11-15) Edu Roits: Not working in any of the sites I tried.
- (2022-11-14) Jo Dub: Ne fonctionne pas vraiment, delete les overlays mes les pages ne reste pas accessible.
- (2022-08-10) mcakgun: good extension, but i already have ublock origin which does the same thing alongside blocking ads
- (2022-07-24) Ink: One of the most useful extensions Ive ever used. Been using it for years. Simply good.
- (2022-07-24) Bob Loucks: Very Useful. Works just fine. Ignore the naysaying knuckleheads :)
- (2022-02-19) Clownpuncher: This extension is completely worthless, it doesn't do anything.
- (2022-02-09) Tnynfox Official: Can you also remove transparent CSS overlays, and take steps to avoid site detection if any?
- (2022-01-18) Michael Broughton: does absolutely nothing. totally worthless.
- (2022-01-15) Siddharth Sharma: had a good laugh with the description
- (2021-10-05) 葉梓(優可醬): Great helper. Even better if it can be expanded to support permanent deletion of elements.
- (2021-02-10) Aspharon: Perfect for what it does.
- (2021-01-16) Christian Rimmerhus Vestergaard: Really good! I use it often. Sometimes pages disables scroll option would love to get a 2nd option saying add scroll bar
- (2020-09-13) Morty J: Get this extension AND the "Scrollf*cker" extension, which will give back your scrolling capabilities if the overlay has disabled your scroll. Life-changer.
- (2020-07-19) Jonas Rall: I love it! Together with the Scrollf**ker which adds the scroll back, it is the perfect match to deal with annoying login overlays or adblocker's blockers.
- (2020-03-27) Roland Soós: Saved me from a lot of bs. Nowadays I feel like I need this on every computer. Wish it was for mobile too.
- (2020-01-30) Christian Debnar: Probably the most satisfying plugin ever created.
- (2019-10-24) somchai lert: great
- (2019-06-30) Clement Ng: Please update this. It's not working for some elements. I really want to delete the annoying GIFs from my eyes.
- (2019-04-23) Teri: Didn't work on Pinterest, I still had to log in just to browse. Also didn't work on LinkedIn which I'm not interested enough to make an account with them. Deleting.
- (2019-03-04) Doktor Weeny: Oh God, that save me so muuuuuuch
- (2019-02-16) Marche super bien. Dommage qu'il n'y ait pas une liste blanche et une liste noire, pour ne pas à avoir rééliminer des overlays sur les mêmes sites encore et encore, mais l'extension, comme dit dans sa description, est effectivement légère.
- (2018-12-23) Herpa Derp: This is a GOD SEND for getting around those stupid pop ups that the other ad blockers don't get. It makes the internet less annoying and actually enjoyable again!
- (2018-12-09) Ricky Ford: What's the point of this if I have to manually block all overlays, and then they disappear when you go back? Might as well just use the uBlock functions to block the elements -- at least uBlock remembers what I'm doing.
- (2018-07-06) Вячеслав Лайк: Работает как надо!
- (2018-06-01) Norm: This extension is fantastic. You can use it to override terrible design on sooo many sites.
- (2018-02-27) Phil Sugar: Useful for Yelp Maps to remove the panels at top left and make the whole map visible. Simply right-click the overlay and hit "F" - repeat a few times if it has multiple layers.
- (2018-02-08) Ivan Valencia: it's not working for me when I'm using ADBLOCK PLUS, I still get an overlay where the website wants me to turn it the Ad blocker extension off.
- (2018-01-28) Tom deaardappel: Pretty usefull to remove overlays. Works good and specific.
- (2018-01-25) MhMd 3eZZ: great but please add the ability to remove right click menu entry i like my menu clean and tidy thank you blesses
- (2018-01-10) Avishek Das: GODSEND. MANNA. NECTAR.
- (2017-11-25) greg smith: Does nothing
- (2017-09-19) John Hofheins: Great blocker
- (2017-09-17) Lilka Girl: doesn't do what it's supposed to do on pinterest
- (2017-09-02) Roger Lane: Love this extension. I am also going to download the extension developed by this person :) ty
- (2017-08-13) _j4rv_: Simple and extremely useful
- (2017-07-12) K Huber: doesn't work
- (2017-05-30) Sparkn Bowls: Awesome name! I love the functionality that this provides. Keep up the good work!!!
- (2017-05-22) Rob Coy: Love it! Now I get rid of the overlays and feel good about it, because I now say "F*ck it" every time I use it. LMFAO
- (2017-05-13) Julian Colombo: It erases the overlay but you cant scroll so there is no point
- (2017-05-10) Justin Waters: it doesn't work at all. i haven't encountered a single overlay that be cleared with this extension. it may worked in the past but doesn't anymore.
- (2017-05-05) The Chilean Blob: works