extension ExtPose

Text to Speech for Google Chrome™

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Description from extension meta

Want to listen to text being read out to you?

Image from store Text to Speech for Google Chrome™
Description from store Simply Install our software today and just highlight the text you want to listen to, right click and choose "Text to Speech for Google Chrome™" Our text to speech extension will begin reading out the text to you. There are over 10+ accents you can choose from as well. Choose the type of voice you wish to listen to. This software also supports many languages, it is FREE of charge and easy to use. You can configure the voice and speed options by changing the settings on our options page. Want to rest your tired eyes and just use your ears instead? You can do so now by simply installing our software Text to Speech for Google Chrome™ Version 3.0.1 Changelog Fixed a bug where text to speech does not work if page is not reloaded. Disclaimer: Please note this extension is NOT made by Google and is made by an independent development team. All copyrights belong to their respective owners. Google doesn’t endorse or sponsor this Chrome extension. Text to Speech for Google Chrome™ is not owned by, is not licensed by and is not a subsidiary of Google Inc.

Latest reviews

  • (2024-06-06) Peer Kromann Nielsen: Det er ikke dynamisk og intuitivt
  • (2024-05-29) بهمن: زبان فارسی پشتیبانی نمیکنی
  • (2024-05-14) bensuw 77: okkkkkkkkkk
  • (2024-05-03) Deise Ferreira dos Santos: A voz é simplesmente péssima
  • (2024-03-18) Riet Dobbelaere: Daar ik een visuele beperking heb, is het voor mij een goed hulpmiddel. Het blijft uiteraard een computersterm..Maar, ik ben er blij mee!
  • (2024-02-21) Andree Linder: Pratar mycket dålig svenska, förstår knappt ett ord så dålig är den.
  • (2024-01-11) ahmed almuktari: لا يدعم اللغة العربية
  • (2024-01-10) reza mashayekh Bidabad: dio benedica chi o quelli che hanno preparato questi marchengeni ...
  • (2023-12-29) Karmelita Sigal-Esmiraldo: Мне понравилось это расширение.
  • (2023-12-19) THU XUÂN: good job
  • (2023-12-18) Dr. Siddique: Could not read Urdu or Arabic.
  • (2023-12-10) aldo salvi: ottimo allo inizio fa fatica credevo facesse in automatico appena legge un testo ma bene e un grazie agli sviluppatori...provate anche voi ragazzi
  • (2023-12-07) Fırat Seymen: Kendi sayfasında çalıştırınca gayet güzel çalışıyor. Hee geliştirilecek yanları yok mu var ama bedavaya bu kadar servis iyi bence
  • (2023-11-22) Linus Lindberg (Cliff Bones): Den slutar prata efter 5 till 15 meningar. Man måste då radera de den läst och börja om vart man var... Jobbigt!
  • (2023-10-15) antonio franze: muito bom
  • (2023-10-06) M Dzifran Alidzar: sangat epic
  • (2023-09-20) Aleksandr Sh: Отлично работает, удобна в обращении. Спасибо разработчикам!
  • (2023-09-09) Dezső Nagy: Hát ez nem is működik, pár oldalt tettem be hangoskönyvből, mert nincs felolvasó, de ez kuka.
  • (2023-08-17) Bishal Sapkota: very good
  • (2023-08-10) Joseph Pena: It doesn't always read. It definitely needs work.
  • (2023-07-29) Suwando Aga: bagus
  • (2023-07-15) Sylvia Cruz: its good overal but is there only a female voice, if there is ad a male voice an the ability to change from boy to girl
  • (2023-07-05) kontas nur: süper yaa. iyi ki varsın google
  • (2023-06-21) Jamz: Only reads the first 2 lines then stops
  • (2023-06-12) Manoj Pal: Except for a few words (when read as 'on per,' 'on PAR,' or for 'Apu,' it pronounces 'APU'), it is excellent.
  • (2023-06-01) f3rrazm1chae1: it's just an ad for a paid service
  • (2023-05-12) 無職透明: 読み上げてくれるのはうれしいのですが文が途中で止まる それもすぐ・・・なんか長く呼んでくれる方法があるのかな?
  • (2023-04-14) Rafik Kossentini: Bonjour à toute l'équipe. Pourquoi la langue arabe n'existe pas sur la liste?
  • (2023-04-05) hossein hirbod: Very good
  • (2023-03-27) Иван Вовк: Отличное приложение простое и на русском есть. Только не разобрался где разные голоса, чтоб выбрать. Спасибо за приложение.
  • (2023-03-25) viktor kon: the best!!!!
  • (2023-03-24) Bosham Chan: it Cannot speak Cantonese!!!
  • (2023-03-02) Hope: work great for me dont knw why other saying it stop in 2 line maybe get better pc
  • (2023-02-26) 諶其騮: 朗讀正體中文效果很好。不過,希望有「暫停」功能,再由「停點續讀」。而不是為了想確認一小段又得重頭聽。
  • (2023-02-24) A B: متن فارسی را پشتیبانی نمی کند پس برنامه کامل نیست و باید خودش را بروز کند
  • (2023-02-18) Istvan Fulop: Nagyon jo csak Gratulálni 1000000000000 csillag
  • (2023-02-05) markus ulrich: so ein schrott
  • (2023-02-02) Anoma Priyadarshani: Good , Can't we get the audio file?
  • (2023-01-28) Breanna Miller: I copy and pasta whatever text I need read and that is how I got it to work for me. So helpful.
  • (2023-01-27) غلامرضا حاجتی: thank you so much
  • (2023-01-25) Hung So: 選擇了粵語都仍是普通話播出,垃圾﹗
  • (2023-01-07) Bernard Christiaan Pieters (Benno): Het klinkt nog echt als een computer en onnatuurlijk. Er zijn betere beschikbaar.
  • (2022-11-23) Ijeoma O: This app is a joke.
  • (2022-11-21) Molto carino ma lo sto testando su pc, non so su smartphone se ha le stesse potenzialità.
  • (2022-11-03) Stormlord: Túl gyorsan olvassa fel a szöveget.
  • (2022-10-24) Костянтин Трифонов: Українською читає з жахливим німецьким акцентом.
  • (2022-10-14) Chanserk Yoon: Some local languages can't utilize by 'text to speech highlighted text' into contextual menu and not hard to setup detailed preferences. Anyway it's useful & great app when I don't want to see all text in web page. Thanks.
  • (2022-10-10) Wilfred Ng: Excellent performance
  • (2022-10-08) 문문병훈: 종하요
  • (2022-10-08) pirosikin pikurus: 速度調整は欲しい


80,000 history
2.8638 (301 votes)
Last update / version
2022-03-24 / 3.0.1
Listing languages
