extension ExtPose

Super Dark Mode

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Description from extension meta

어두운 모드로 전환하려는 웹 사이트를 전환하십시오. 어두운 모드는 장치가 배터리를 절약하고 눈의 부담을 덜어줍니다.

Image from store Super Dark Mode
Description from store Super Dark Mode (SDM)는 밤에 컴퓨터로 작업 할 때 눈을 편안하게 해주고 싶은 모든 웹 사이트를 어둡게합니다. 슈퍼 어둠 모드가 어둡게 할 수없는 두 페이지가 있습니다 : + 새 탭 : Chrome의 어두운 테마를 설치해야 어둡게 만들 수 있습니다. + Chrome 스토어 : Google은 테마를 변경하기 위해이 페이지에 대한 액세스를 허용하지 않습니다. 사용하는 방법: 1. 어두운 모드를 수동으로 켜거나 끕니다. + 슈퍼 다크 모드를 설치 한 후에는 열려있는 모든 사이트를 다시로드해야합니다. + 어두운 아이콘을 켜거나 끄려면 확장 아이콘을 클릭하십시오. 2. 자동 일정 : + 확장 아이콘을 마우스 오른쪽 버튼으로 클릭하십시오. + "옵션"을 선택하십시오. + 1 절의 "자동 ON / OFF"를 활성화합니다. 3. 어두운 모드에서 사이트 제외 또는 포함 : + 사이트에서 마우스 오른쪽 버튼을 클릭하십시오. + "이 사이트에 대해 슈퍼 암흑 모드 해제 / 활성화"를 선택하십시오. 4. 슈퍼 다크 모드의 색 구성표 사용자 정의 : - 옵션 페이지에서 3b 섹션의 "Modern Dark Theme"를 선택하십시오. - 원하는 색상을 변경하십시오. 일부 기능 : - 1-Click (프로그램 아이콘에서)으로 어두운 모드를 켜고 끕니다. - 단지 한 번의 클릭으로 특정 사이트를 어두운 스타일에서 제외 / 포함 : 사이트를 마우스 오른쪽 단추로 클릭하고 "이 사이트에 대해 최고 어두운 모드 사용 안 함"을 선택하십시오. - 이미지, 광고 및 기타 미디어 내용에 대해 낮은 밝기 / 대비를 활성화 / 비활성화합니다. - 사이트에 맞춤 스타일 추가. - 현대 어두운 테마로 색 구성표를 사용자 지정하십시오. =============== 버전 : 자동 모드를 설정하여 어두운 모드를 켜거나 끕니다. 버전 : Gmail의 버그 수정. 버전 : 유지 보수를 위해 자주 업데이트됩니다. 버전 : whatsapp 업데이트 버전 : 유지 보수를 위해 자주 업데이트됩니다. 버전 3.0.0 : 머티리얼 디자인과 함께 새로운 현대적인 어두운 테마를 추가하고 사용자가 테마의 색 구성표를 사용자 정의 할 수있게합니다. 버전 : Xbox.com의 버그 수정 버전 : 인스 타 그램, Google 워드 프로세서 (보기에는 어두운 모드, 편집에는 낮은 명암비), youtube에 대한 버그를 수정하십시오. 버전 : 컨텍스트 메뉴에서 특정 사이트에 대해 슈퍼 암흑 모드 제외 또는 포함. 버전 : ResearchGate.net 용 업데이트 버전 : Reddit에 대한 업데이트. 버전 : 옵션 패널에서 도움말을 추가하여 YouTube 어두운 모드를 향상시킵니다. 버전 : 설명에 여러 언어 추가 버전 : 확장자 크기를 줄입니다. 버전 : 옵션 스타일을 변경하고 처음 설치시 "사용 방법"을 추가하십시오. 버전 : 성능 향상 및 버그 수정. 버전 : SoundCloud 용 업데이트. =============== 우리는 당신이 그것을 즐기시기 바랍니다!

Latest reviews

  • (2024-09-21) Mega Dutcher: The best dark mode extension by a mile...EDIT it broke Youtube and Odysee playback, and Brave search now gives an error. Disabling from the extension menu and clearing cookies fixes it.
  • (2024-07-18) N7NobodyCats: ugh stop breaking it! 6.0.1 fixed it, 6.0.2 just broke it again making it no longer set my websites to the dark color i had. stop messing with it. it worked just fine before these updates. literally cant even select a custom color anymore either, the options just dont appear.
  • (2024-07-16) chad tunis: It stopped working a few days ago - still not working. Is great WHEN it works
  • (2024-07-16) Marya Marya: 忽然不能使用了
  • (2024-07-16) 忏忏: 24.7.15更新后modern模式用不了了
  • (2024-07-15) John Xeero: The July 15, 2024 update broke it.
  • (2024-06-03) Erin Croteau: Original (11/15/23): It worked pretty well for me, but recently whenever I visit Salesforce websites (help.salesforce.com, trailhead.com) the webpage looked very wrong, and this extension wasn't even turned on. I tried other troubleshooting methods like clearing cache and cookies, and disabling all Chrome flags, and that didn't fix it. The pages displayed correctly in Incognito mode. I turned off all my Chrome extensions and the pages displayed correctly again. I turned my Chrome extensions back on one by one and tested each time. When I turned this extension back on, the problem returned, so I'm sad -- now I have to search for another dark mode extension. :( Update (6/3/24): A (recently reposted but originally written in 2022) Salesforce Ben article recommended this extension, so I figured the weirdness with rendering Salesforce-related sites (help.salesforce.com, trailhead.com, etc) was no longer an issue, and I tried it again today. Still an issue displaying Salesforce sites (at least for me/my computer), so uninstalling...again... :( And trying to remember what the other Dark Mode extension I'd found that didn't have this issue is called, because I was updated to Windows 11 recently and I didn't save my Chrome extensions so I'm having to re-discover what I was using before that worked for me... grrrr :p
  • (2024-04-28) Luis Fernando Magaña Dominguez: Esta excelente!
  • (2024-04-24) Eric Ketzer: Really good. Would be better, though, if they would be no white screens flashing for a few seconds when arriving on several websites...also sometimes there is a thin layer of dark covering some videos...and sometimes on pages, the chat is on a transparent background so it is when it happens hard to read because we see both the text on the chat and the text behind in the background. It really needs to be improved. Not so fine tuned, tbh.
  • (2024-04-05) Filip Perveka: Works well and is customizable
  • (2024-04-02) Emmanuel Visualife: OMG I love It so much, Thank you BTW it's not working with google sheets
  • (2024-03-19) Lisa Green (psychogreenie): The best of its kind so far. My eyes are loving it!👀😎 My Chromebook is loving this blackest of black so much that now we just skip right past all sites that are offensively bright & to dazzle-happy.My eyes can actually pain me if they get hit with an unexpected bright screen. Update (March 2024): SDM delivers & lives up to what it's called on the tin. First added SDM at least 4 years ago (after trying many others) It must be that I'm actually dependent - it is always the first extension I've added to Chrome as I acquire new devices. The best feature is the simple on/off switching (for the few sites that half disappear when you turn the lights out). There are more customisations every time I visit the SDM. An evolving extension gives me a warm fuzzy feeling to know that developers have not abandoned ship. Requests for help will receive a response too.
  • (2024-02-08) fuck google (menoobslayer): I actually think that this is an excellent extension overall... I have one issue though and was going to send a bug report but you have to give a bunch of extra info to do that... No thanks, so here is my bug report: ON ALL WEBSITES your extension still modifies the text (and other fields?) EVEN WHEN "DISABLED ON THIS SITE" is set... The entire reason I want this disabled on any site is BECAUSE it modifies the text for say... subtitles while streaming making them EXTREMELY HARD to read... I'd disable it for just that site, but only FULLY disabling the extension stops it from modifying text.
  • (2024-01-31) Montserrat López: Quick and easy solution
  • (2024-01-28) Ahmad Ghozali: NIce
  • (2024-01-22) bogdan ghita: wow for my chromebook
  • (2024-01-18) Juan Ramón Fernández Cebreiro: top custom configuration options
  • (2024-01-14) Amirul Amir: good
  • (2023-12-28) negaromatin javid: خیلی خوب و عالی. یک مشکل که شاید برای خیلی ها کوچولو باشد اما یکسال مرا آزار داد به راحتی حل کرد
  • (2023-12-18) Bentley Perks: did not work at all :(
  • (2023-12-13) John Damron: So far the best black out mode i can find just wish i could put walpapers up on my home screen in chrome.
  • (2023-11-29) Patrick K: it is good but sadly it does not work on chrome web store
  • (2023-11-27) alex ledegen (alelede): 121.0.6126.0 (Build oficial) dev (64 bits)
  • (2023-11-24) Roy Parker: I'm not Elon Musk and I don't want a rocket to Mars. I just want dark mode. Is that too much to ask? Why so complicated? WHY why whyyy?
  • (2023-11-23) Bernd Brusbach: Best Dark Mode so far
  • (2023-11-15) Werdik 0_0: ккаыаы
  • (2023-11-15) WallanCR: good
  • (2023-11-10) Nizad Ahmad: now my eye feels ok
  • (2023-11-09) Angela Carrasco: Muy buena!
  • (2023-11-08) Thiagopyp: otimo!
  • (2023-11-08) Jiilchaa Roorroo: Fanstastic application
  • (2023-11-08) Valeria: bueno
  • (2023-11-07) Ahrorbek Hakimjanov: otlichno
  • (2023-11-07) Osama Daly: Good
  • (2023-11-07) Nailesh Desai: Wonderful. Loved it
  • (2023-11-07) Arnaud Jomard: Light and works just fine, thank a lot
  • (2023-11-07) Anbuyyy: top
  • (2023-11-04) Ari Benzema: good
  • (2023-11-02) Arian Arias: Ok this is exactly what I was looking for. I tried doing the chrome://flags in the search bar and enabling the dark mode which was fine for a little bit but then I noticed on some websites I couldn't see certain things but with this addon it like made those things I couldn't see colored so it's no problem. thank you
  • (2023-10-31) Shaiane Córdova: Fica tudo Dark mesmo. Muito bom!
  • (2023-10-31) Nida: nicee
  • (2023-10-30) Sakura: It was ok. It didn't reach my expectations for it and it made a few websites hard to navigate, it also made your documents in google docs have a grey-ish color and made it hard to see the icons. For some reason, when I used it for Youtube, the logo text turned blue. It would have been nice if I could select which tabs to apply dark mode to it especially when I'm on the discord website it makes it dark mode when I already have discord on dark mode, resulting in making the ping colors turn black and texts grey. It also makes texts sometimes green. I don't recommend this much and it didn't suit my taste.
  • (2023-10-28) Houston: It does work, however it screwed up a few of the websites I frequent causing them to not load properly.
  • (2023-10-27) MESKA / / Franchetti196: loving this. the best I've found so far, instantly installed on every device
  • (2023-10-27) Ray Tsui: 非常實用,能有效保護眼睛,降低3c強光對黃斑部的傷害。
  • (2023-10-26) Stock 13: ok
  • (2023-10-25) Oriol Mubu: mucho bueno a
  • (2023-10-25) Dressblood: O lo activas en todos o en ninguno, solo puedes agregar excepciones de manera manual en las opciones.
  • (2023-10-25) Spam Spam: it makes light pages readable at 2am
  • (2023-10-24) Joan Cuello: ok


300,000 history
4.6004 (7,725 votes)
Last update / version
2024-08-11 / 6.1.2
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