extension ExtPose

Chromebook 恢复工具

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Description from extension meta

为您的 Chromebook 创建恢复媒体。

Image from store Chromebook 恢复工具
Description from store This is a Chrome Extension for the Chromebook Recovery. Use this tool on M55+ Chromebooks, Windows, and Mac devices to create recovery media. Instructions on how to use the tool can be found here: https://support.google.com/chromebook/answer/6002417 By installing this item, you agree to the Google Terms of Service and Privacy Policy at https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/.

Latest reviews

  • (2024-08-25) AntiGamerPlayzz: dosent even work
  • (2024-05-24) SewEyeSea: Update 05/23/2024 - This extension still gets hundreds of negative reviews from people who really aren't qualified to use this. It seriously doesn't deserve negative reviews. IT WORKS PERFECTLY. As for the following complaints: 1) "It broke my flash drive" - use the utility to erase your flash drive. Press the gear icon in the upper right corner of the utility to do it. 2) "It won't launch" - you're clicking on the picture of the extension on the Google play store. Learn how to open extensions on Chrome. Google is your friend. Or look for the little puzzle piece in the upper right hand corner of Chrome. 3) "it gives me a weird DVD writer error" - you are probably doing this on a Chromebook. Try another flash drive, preferably a different brand. Original Post: This extension has too many negative reviews. Ignore any review dated prior to June 23, 2022. That's when this extension was last updated. Also read the Chromebook recovery instructions found here: https://support.google.com/chromebook/answer/6002417 Chrome OS Flex specific instructions can be found here: https://support.google.com/chromeosflex/answer/11552529 I just installed the extension today (15July2022) and it worked perfectly to create a Chrome OS Flex installation USB drive. I used Chrome Version 103.0.5060.114 on Windows 10 build 21H1, logged in as an administrator. After creating the drive, I booted from it and tested it. Yes, it is slow running on the USB drive. And yes, it "shrinks" your USB drive down to roughly 4GB. If you want to reuse your drive, you have to use this extension to erase it. It creates some unusual partitions that only this utility can delete. Chrome OS Flex does not support dual boot configurations, so if you install it on a machine with multiple hard drives expect it to erase ALL hard drives on your machine. Ideally you should test this first on a second machine, one where you aren't concerned about data loss. And no, I don't work for Google.
  • (2024-05-02) Wahid Hasyim (mrwahid): my usb is broken >:( not working
  • (2024-04-25) Timothy Harper: I tried 4 time to download it. i couldn't get passed the 3rd stage writing. This is why i use Microsoft
  • (2024-03-31) MUSTAFA: اصبحت بطاقة USB الخاصة بي تالفة ولا يمكن إرجاعها
  • (2024-02-08) mountaipro1: Хоть я некогда не делал отзывы до этого, но я не смог удержаться из-за плохой работы. На первый взгляд всё работает, но не тут та было сначала завис диск, потом он перестал работать (Флешка на 30 гб), потом решил восстановить в этом же расширение, но вдруг в конце он на создавал мне по азбуке до букву j накопителей, которые конечно же пустые и бессмысленные.
  • (2024-02-02) yazmin rodriguez: Ya perdi dos USB, No esta inventado
  • (2023-12-23) gan tung ho: why just show error when recover to usb, i have try to change all 3 channel, it just show same problem
  • (2023-11-22) Mark Eckman: I would suggest that you simply instruct your customers to purchase a new chrome book and save themselves the frustration. I was unable to down load to USB - the download kept hanging up at 1% remaining, giving me an internet error message. So close, yet so far. USB was properly formatted and I set to the stable version.
  • (2023-11-22) yusuf: Chrome recovery utility is the only option on ChromeOS. If you receive an error, try my troubleshooting tips below! Some helpful tips to make sure this extension provides value: LOCAL IMAGE for LINUX OPERATING SYSTEMS: Rename the file extension from ( .iso ) to ( .bin ) In the recovery utility, click the gear icon and select "Choose a local image" Select your .bin image. WINDOWS on Chromebook: If you are trying to install windows 11 or 10: Find out your chromebook's compatibility in r/chrultrabook. Follow the very detailed instructions over there. They are also very helpful if you don't violate Rule 4. REMEMBER: If you are recovering another chromebook, from a different ChromeOS, Find out the model number you want to recover. In the "Chrome OS is missing or damaged." screen press TAB to see the model number in the first line. Type it out in Step 1 and make sure it is found. RECOVERY MEDIA TROUBLESHOOTING: 1.) Reset google chrome settings: chrome://settings/reset 2.) Format the drive to FAT32: (files > right click drive > format drive > FAT32) 3.) If all else fails: backup your data, then powerwash the system in settings. (Verily it should work!) Hope these tips help. If you need any assistance I would be happy to spend my free time to investigate your issue. Good day, Yusuf
  • (2023-11-13) RnJ Channel: di mana letak file yang sudah terdownload oleh aplikasi ini,
  • (2023-11-12) Chris toph: It has worked nicely to install it on my iMac12,1 (i5, 4GB) and reinitialize my chromebook Samsung Series 5. On the iMac, don't forget to have a wired keyboard and mouse..! In addition the luminosity of the monitor can't be adjusted, it's at the max level = painful or need to wear sun glasses :-) When changing the luminosity in the settings, it doesn't do anything (bug!). On the Series 5, there is no benefit, the Chrome browser App is still the old version!
  • (2023-11-11) Arif Memmedli: Salam cox saqolun gozel programdi Super isleyis
  • (2023-11-09) Sugey Carbajal: La verdad es decepcionante que note permita descargar el archivo los usurios deveriasmos tener mas opciones y no puedo creer que alguien como google no tenga esta esta respuesta y corrigan los errores. desepcionante
  • (2023-11-08) Israel Garcia Tarazona: Pésima herramienta, de principio a fin.
  • (2023-11-06) Christian Aysner: No Linux support, why can't they just provide a usb image?!
  • (2023-11-05) Владислав Николаенко: уже как пол года пытаюсь сделать загрузочный диск, сначала все идет нормально, но как только начинается процесс записи - зависает на 0 процентов и дальше не двигается. исправьте. пробовал на разных ОС и компьютерах - никак не помогает
  • (2023-11-02) ew ew: Pretty good i mean for a cheap product like myself its a cheap product so i totally understand why it has bad reviews but still i mean im typing at a speed of 70 rn and im on my chromebook so i think i would be fine with just a regular keyboard iykwis.
  • (2023-11-01) Mercury 17: Показує що на флешці 7.3 ГБ, хоча на ній 64ГБ вільного місця. Таким чином відмовляється завантадуватисб на флешку
  • (2023-10-31) Vincentas: I don't understand why it's rated so poorly, it works just fine for me. Extremely easy to use, and there were no problems for me.
  • (2023-10-31) আলোর ফেরিওয়ালা: it it split the pendrive into 3 drives, but cant properly reformat it for normal use.
  • (2023-10-22) Gongmin Zhou: For people cannot write the image to the USB, try select "stable" in "advanced setting" right before you create the image, the ChromeOS updates include three different channels("Stable","Beta","Dev"), the new image you download should be same as the defualt setting. It worked for Acer chromebook CP314-1H, I succesfully wrote the image to a 8GB USB, and recovered the computer with this.
  • (2023-10-20) Marcin Pawlak: Gdy próbowałem zainstalować , użyć to rozszerzenie pokazuje mi się informacja ze nie obsługuję Linux i nie mogę utworzyć pen drive do instalki
  • (2023-10-19) José Javier Dueñas Fernández: Dos horas preparando sin pedirme modelo ni nada, eso es normal?
  • (2023-10-19) CONARM CARCHI: ecxelente
  • (2023-10-19) bat232: kunne ikke lave en Chrome flex
  • (2023-10-16) James Smith: why do I need a fkn extension to burn a USB, what bs
  • (2023-10-13) Orion Hunter: I'm pretty sure that its permissions are for collecting data, and it failed to boot
  • (2023-10-11) Barry Abbott: THIS DOES NOT WORK... Unknown error: CHROMEOS_IMAGE_BURNER_ERROR.Try again. I have tried different devices, windows, Chromebook ..different USB Pens. This is so frustrating with so many reviews confirming issues why isnt google doing anything to resolve this
  • (2023-10-11) searley 888: Hangs at step 3(downloading 0% completed). Tried using Chrome on both the Windows 10 platform and Mac OSX with different usb drives. Unfortunately, un-usable.
  • (2023-10-10) Adrian “Big D” Drake: Did nothing. Just hung at step 3 "creating a recovery image".
  • (2023-10-08) Samir Ibadov: Where i can find downloaded chrome os file, beacausemy C drive was full after installed chrome os on my usb drive. i can't find where is downloaded chrome os???
  • (2023-10-07) Neal Hornsby: Does not run, at all on windows 11, after following all the hacks. Useless.
  • (2023-10-07) Nick Gilbert: it doesnt work when i try to make a recovery image this is the error: Unknown error: CHROMEOS_IMAGE_BURNER_ERROR.Please try again.
  • (2023-10-07) Berk ÇETİN: This is awesome it is like chromebook plus and if people cannot download it use chrome it is infinite times better
  • (2023-09-30) Pier Giuliano Nioi: When it fails to write to a USB drive the whole download starts over when you want to retry with another drive. SERIOUSLY? Internet traffic is not carbon free. This is a stupid error that needs a stupid fix. come on, Google!
  • (2023-09-30) Daniel Alves Dias: Sou impressionado com essa extensão por conta de seu potencial mal utilizado pela Google, uma extensão de navegador que consegue utilizar recursos de formatar um pendrive e instalar um sistema bootável, coisas que em outros sistemas temos que fazer download de programas específicos para conseguir fazer o trabalho e mesmo assim não são todos que fazem um serviço simples de maneira rápida. Além disso o próprio Chrome OS deveria vir com esse "aplicativo" préinstalado em sua lista de aplicativos padrão, pq não serve apenas para instalar um novo sistema, com algumas inclusões básicas como "formatação profunda" e colocar um nome para a mídia a ser formatada, faz com que ele seja útil de forma incrível, quem sabe futuramente até conseguimos fazer bootável de outros sistemas usando apenas essa extensão. Fantástico, apesar de ficar muito oculto na loja!
  • (2023-09-28) j r: flashed ubuntu and arch linux. this works like a charm.
  • (2023-09-26) Tadeusz Kaluba: I hoped google provided a *working* tool. No, it chooses to get stuck on 0% writing/erasing medium. Tested on Win11, Chrome, different mediums, with admin privilages, reboots, medums formatted etc. Where can I get a choice of os images to download so I can use some tool that actually works, like Rufus?
  • (2023-09-26) Diego Rivera: bruh it does not work i wont use my chromebook ever again.
  • (2023-09-24) Andy Aravena: mala
  • (2023-09-19) StarCity pk: CANT FIND DELL CB1C13 OS
  • (2023-09-18) Jacob Williams: I mean it does what it's supposed to but why is there two versions of the app, and why is the none verified version (this one) linked in the Google documentation. If I'm being honest that's a little concerning to me. Verified Extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chromebook-recovery-utili/jndclpdbaamdhonoechobihbbiimdgai
  • (2023-09-11) TEHK: PNaCl (a chrome module this extension uses) is being remove in Chrome 117 >> https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/chromium-extensions/c/v8H1UHnPotY so it is expected that this extension will no longer work in a a few days after 117 is released. Does anyone know of a replacement?
  • (2023-09-11) Техас Техасский: Ганебний додаток, що нічого не відновлює.
  • (2023-09-08) TheLegend OpGamerz: This Utility is very Good. This Utility helps install ChromeOS , Linux , Windows , i don't need ti install rufus for make a bootable pendrive
  • (2023-08-31) Dee “Freebee” Truong: Hi, the extension said it's complete the download, but didn't finish install in my bootable usb. Does anyone know if the .iso had been downloaded in my pc, and where i can delete it?
  • (2023-08-22) Edward and Sharon Cooper: CHROME WEB STORE, this app sucks it do not even work properly. It keeps getting stuck on Writing the image to the USB key. I have tried 3 different USB keys and sizes and still it wont complete the download. Fix this app please !!
  • (2023-08-18) Tutnord: this stuck in 0% in writing when i try to download chrome os flex can somebody help me


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2.4826 (1,463 votes)
Last update / version
2024-02-16 / 0.2.3
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