Description from extension meta
Night Shift automatically shifts the colors of your browser content to warmer end of the color spectrum after dark
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Description from store
Cette minuscule application modifie la température de couleur des onglets Chrome (tout le contenu) vers la partie jaunâtre du spectre chromatique, ce qui réduit en partie la lumière bleue de l'écran, créant ainsi une fatigue oculaire lors de l'utilisation nocturne, ce qui contribue à réduire les perturbations. des habitudes de sommeil. Cela aide à avoir une meilleure nuit de sommeil.
Vous pouvez choisir manuellement le changement parmi les préréglages de couleurs, afin de créer l’atmosphère la plus confortable et la plus calme qui soit pour vos yeux pendant les séances de nuit ou tout au long de la journée.
Night Shift se fournit sur une base d'horaire, vous pouvez choisir parmi 3 options:
1. Sunset to Sunrise (les couleurs chromées seront ombrées chaque jour automatiquement au coucher du soleil).
2. Désactivé (activez manuellement le décalage nocturne pour masquer l’écran)
3. Personnalisé (configurez votre propre programme pour démarrer et terminer les réglages de la couleur d'affichage)
Faites attention, un rechargement de page est requis pour appliquer des nuances de couleurs et des ajustements, même si le temps imparti est venu.
Do your eyes a favor! Install Screen Shader!
Screen Shader is a chrome extension for anyone that automagically changes the color of your screen to match up with daylight cycles in your timezone. Computer displays produce white and blue light which can irritate your eyes and interfere with your sleeping cycle. Screen Shader is designed to tint the screen a “cozy” orange color to reduce eye-strain, eye fatigue, and restore day/night balance, while also providing a wide variety of settings for everyone's different tastes!
Q: Does this really remove blue light from my display?
A: Yup! Screens work by individually tweaking the amount of red, green, and blue each pixel of your screen emits. Pixels being the small square of colors that together form the screen. Screen Shader alters the coloration of websites to a redder color. To show these colors, your screen will tweak its pixels to show more red light, less green light, and considerably less blue light; but just enough so you can still see different colors. The more you increase the shade, the more the color of the website will be reddened, the less your screen will show blue light!
Q: Why do i need this? Can’t i simply change the luminosity of my screen?
A: Changing the luminosity does not remove white and blue light from your display. Those colors are still unnatural and will irritate your eyes, even if dimmed. A full day in front of your computer screen can wreak havoc upon your melatonin cycle and internal clock. The unnatural light can also harm your eye retina. Screen Shader is designed to considerably reduce these effects by eliminating enough white and blue light to provide you with the best browsing experience and eye comfort.
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✓Screen Shader includes a huge array of settings including:
➤ Custom day and night shade
➤ Custom transition phase
➤ Custom colors
➤ Custom screen darkening
➤ Full screen mode
➤ Shaded scrollbar
➤ Increased contrast, darkening, and hardlight modes.
➤ A cool color-changing icon
➤ Custom shades for specific urls
✓Screen Shader includes these keyboard shortcuts:
➤ CTRL SHIFT UP to increase shade
➤ CTRL SHIFT DOWN to decrease shade
➤ CTRL SHIFT s to turn off the shade
➤ And many more! Edit them in the menu.
✓Screen Shader does not require any page reloads. It works instantly on all your tabs!
✓Screen Shader also shades just about anything fullscreen(not flash and java applications though)!
✓Screen Shader is continually tested on windows, mac, and chrome OS, and is constantly being bugfixed and updated with input from its users. Send me an email, or comment here. I'll usually reply in a day or two :)
Q: Why not G.lux?
A: Because G.lux has none of the many features mentioned above!
Q: But I already have F.lux.
A: Well, Screen Shader provides quite a few more options and keyboard shortcuts. Try using both and forget about tired eyes! It sure works well for me ;)
Q: Help! It doesn't work with fullscreen flash games, hulu, etc.
A: Flash and java objects are pesky. When they go fullscreen they ignore all css/html applied to the page. So here is what you can do:
Use the Hulu Easy Pop Out extension and right click on a thumbnail to open a fullscreen Hulu player with shade.
For other sites you can use an extension like MediaPlus to make the video or game fit the size of your screen without going into fullscreen and losing its shade.
Couvrez Chrome dans un thème sombre et élégant qui protège vos yeux des couleurs vives. Les réseaux sociaux, les sites grand public et tous les autres nouveaux onglets seront tous appliqués en noir. Plus besoin d'ouvrir les paramètres un par un pour que Twitter ou Facebook définisse le mode sombre - une seule application apporte un thème noir sur l'ensemble du réseau.
Le mode sombre pour Chrome est un moyen automatique de changer le thème des sites Web en obscurité avec la possibilité de le réactiver à tout moment en cliquant simplement sur le menu de l'extension. Les peaux noires pour Facebook, Google, YouTube, Gmail, Twitter et bien plus sont devenues une réalité avec une seule application.
Installez Dark Mode pour Chrome dès maintenant et obtenez un design élégant, un thème sombre élégant et une fatigue oculaire réduite.
Voulez-vous avoir un design web sombre et élégant et vos yeux demandent une pause des couleurs vives? Le mode sombre pour Chrome couvre toutes les pages Web en noir. Dark Mode for Chrome est un moyen automatique de rendre Chrome noir.
Mode sombre pour tous les sites populaires au même endroit. Dark Youtube, Dark Facebook, Dark Twitter, tout cela et bien plus encore dans votre navigateur. Installez simplement une extension pour activer le mode noir pour Chrome.
Le mode sombre pour Chrome applique le nouvel onglet dans une couleur noire. Apportez le mode sombre pour tous les nouveaux onglets. Vous pouvez facilement activer et désactiver le mode noir à tout moment en cliquant sur l'icône d'extension.
Profitez des couleurs noires dans les sites populaires et protégez vos yeux en passant en mode noir.
Dark Chrome Theme est disponible gratuitement dès maintenant.
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Enjoy black colours in popular sites and protect your eyes by changing to black mode.
Dark Chrome Theme is available now for free.
Latest reviews
- (2020-07-02) Kling Fruing: I hope that can add color in other ways and save these color data.😄
- (2020-07-02) Olander Jackson: I really like this app,but it's been buggy since I installed it. The first time I added it to chrome it would automatically shut off (with scheduling off). I have not installed it for the second time, but this time it periodically changes to the olive color.
- (2020-07-02) Shelby M: Last update tanked usability. I've used the app for a long time, then the last update made it near impossible to have just the filter on without dark mode being constantly on, and without any kind of adjustment. Turning it all off barely even gets the dark mode to turn off consistently. Hopefully there's a new update to fix the last one, because everything worked really well before it was messed with.
- (2020-07-02) Kate G: It was fine until an update caused it to stp working. Now it randomly changes to a color when it's either off or on a different color which is irritating and rather defeats it's purpose as the color it keeps switching to is much to light to not be blinding when it switches. It might work fine for a different computer but it no longer does for me.
- (2020-07-02) Hope G: It turned on dark mode and wouldn't turn it back off again. I uninstalled it, and reinstalled it to give it another chance, but if it turns dark mode on again, I will definitely have to delete it because the dark mode that it turns on doesn't work very well or look very good. Otherwise, I think it is a pretty good extension. I like that the colors are changeble and customizable.
- (2020-07-01) Urratul Aqyuni: very good, thanksss
- (2020-07-01) 1667: bazen kendi kendini kapatiyor
- (2020-07-01) Risky Ramadany: suitable for all kind of website that support an extension
- (2020-07-01) Diego Fernando Ortega: It's essentially an overlayed filter, but it works across pdfs, videos, multi-layered websites, and more. Effective all around and does the job well, more than a mediocre dark theme would. Now if only it'd stop resetting the opacity I selected every ten minutes. It's tedious to keep adjusting throughout the day.
- (2020-07-01) Tolga Tabuktekin: Its changing by itself in last 2 days, is it just me or ?
- (2020-06-30) Aryadne Borzacov: OMG my eyes thank this
- (2020-06-30) Jimmy Hong: Used to not adjust random elements on the page to the color I select on night shift but it's having issues on twitter / robinhood now where whatever color I select, there are some elements in the DOM changing to that color. Used to just tint the browser screen as if there was an overlay that applied the brightness / dimming; I'd liked that version A LOT more. It also randomly turns on now. Nice.
- (2020-06-30) Ashiq Enan: It is really good to use . Thank you.
- (2020-06-30) Encription Garnib: bruh it only works on like 3 websites and even when it does work it is garbage and just makes everything impossible to see/read
- (2020-06-30) 时光: 更新之后不好用了,时不时会给你关掉。。。
- (2020-06-30) Ryan McPherson: Used to work well but now stays on when turned off. Defies time parametres. Really annoying.
- (2020-06-29) Ambar Bhowmick: best dark and night it
- (2020-06-29) Fang: great extension to customize your web pages, especially lowering brightness or changing color during night times. However, recent update 2.1 seems unstable and broken, hopefully will be fixed soon.
- (2020-06-29) TheWeirdApples: Worked for a while, then after like 15 minutes it resets completely.
- (2020-06-29) Zach Grant: It was working fine for a couple of days. It just started to turn off by itself. Keep turning it back on, 5 minutes later turns off by itself again.
- (2020-06-28) Hanny Kristian: So far so good, Thanks for help me
- (2020-06-28) Tim Elbert: This is really useful at night, though it randomly keeps enabling itself not only when loading a new website, but even during website use. There doesn't seem to be a way to enable Dark Mode per website, its either enabled globally and then keeps reenabling after disabling it, or its somehow disabled globally. Since the behaviour can't be predicted, this extension isn't useful at all.
- (2020-06-28) Melvin Dockett: I have a few websites that have a built in darkmode, so I was frustrated with apps that make those sites appear bright, forcing me to toggle it on and off. This apps keep dark apps dark and turn bright apps dark as well. Very good so far.
- (2020-06-26) Stuw R: I found this because I was looking for a colorblind aid. I like the way it filters, so can I suggest some ways it could be adapted into another extension to assist those with color vision deficiency. 1. Make the opacity editable and saveable within the presets 2. Allow colors to be set by hexcode, (this is just slight OCD on my part!) 3. Have a single button that can cycle through pure 100% red, green and blue filters, and back to the current filter. 4 The schedule and dark mode could be removed or demoted.
- (2020-06-26) Prathik N T: its amazing
- (2020-06-25) KamWah Cheung: 字体颜色过于深了 不是很适合 对比度比较低
- (2020-06-25) Steven Meyer: There must have been an update, because now not only can I set the extension to work only on specific sites, it even has dark mode! I am totally on board with this now.
- (2020-06-24) Sdg Japteratoc: Jest dobre, tylko że nie można wyłączyć ciemnego motywu, mam nadzieję, że zostanie to dopracowane.
- (2020-06-23) Alyssa G: Good when it works but doesn't work at all on many websites and the dark mode option stops some sites from working properly and won't turn off
- (2020-06-23) Officer Oinks: Has some issues but overall i enjoy this app. I had some problems with Schedule the internal clock doesn't seem to work but if you flip it too off it seems to work just fine Night Shift puts an overlay over the page to darken the page itself and Dark Mode Changes colors to be dark. One thing i'd like is that if you put dark mode on in theater mode on twitch it brings the page up which can be a bit distracting i'd also like if they'd fix the scheduling.
- (2020-04-16) Akin thsen: 超级喜欢, 有评论说要针对每个网页单独点开, 是不需要的, 建议重新安装一下即可.
- (2020-04-16) Micha Bogaerts: Very very good program 5 stars! thank you devs!
- (2020-04-13) Amy Tice: i love this but WHY does it turn off in full screen mode??
- (2020-04-12) Obshii Accaunt: Мой глаза просто плакаю от радости. Big thank you very much!
- (2020-04-10) Rami Skolozov: Works great
- (2020-04-10) Star Lee: 真的不错,可以定制不同的颜色,感觉颜色比较温暖,对视力友好。而且整个页面都是护眼色,不是一块一块的,不错
- (2020-04-09) Leila Cristina Silva: realmente es muy eficiente. se lo recomendo sin duda <3
- (2020-04-06) Guilherme Nunes: Funciona quando quer mas é ótimo nas poucas vezes que funciona.
- (2020-04-05) Katzu Sohma: This worked immediately for me. The only bit that was kind of annoying was having to turn it on for each site I used. Otherwise, so far, it seems to be pretty great!
- (2020-04-04) Ying He: 不错 好用~
- (2020-04-03) Mickey Lee: "Your eyes will thank you" for what, blanketing the whole screen and making everything hard to read? I could've done that with my screen's brightness controls.
- (2020-03-30) Junior Medina Olivares: Muy buena, la recomiendo
- (2020-03-29) émilie debeve: j'aime bien le concepte mais cela ne marche pas : à revoir
- (2020-03-27) Harlyn Molina: Le Falta desarrollo! algunas paginas se hace imposible leer y su interfaz de configuracion no es amigable. les recomiendo actualizar en mejoras y bug fixes ya que se tarda mucho en instalar.
- (2020-03-26) HARUN Oyunda: 👌👌
- (2020-03-26) 陆桉: can u just not console.log('inject') on my console!!!😖
- (2020-03-25) anopos anopos: 非常喜欢这个扩展的Sunset to Sunrise Schedule。省心自动调整。
- (2020-03-25) CJ B Gaming: It took 10 mins to load but, it's great!
- (2020-03-25) Mango: It works for me, I just have to keep turning it on for every new tab i open so every time i open a new tab or click a link it gets really bright and it hurts my eyes because the brightness is very sudden.
- (2020-03-24) Κωνσταντίνος Τσάφος: Δεν λειτουργεί αυτόματα