extension ExtPose

Surfark VPN拡張機能

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Image from store Surfark VPN拡張機能
Description from store Surfshark VPN の拡張機能では、暗号化されたプロキシを用いてデジタル・プライバシーを守りつつ、制約なしでインターネットにアクセスすることができます。 スタンドアロンな Chrome の拡張機能を利用することで、安全に、ウェブを閲覧したり、世界中のコンテンツをストリーミングしたりできるようになります。弊社の厳格なノーログポリシーと広範なインフラにより、超高速を維持しつつ、安全を確保することができます! Surfshark 拡張機能はなぜ特別なのか? ✔️ Alternative IDで新たなデジタルアイデンティティを取得: 全く新しいオンラインプロフィールを生成。新たなメールアドレスと個人情報を取得。これにより、実際のIDを秘密にすることができます。 ✔️ サイトのブロックを解除 インターネットは、制約なしで、国境を跨いで利用されるべきだ、というのが私どもの信念です。この拡張機能をご利用いただきますと、優れたコンテンツやアプリの溢れる世界に、安全につながることができます! ✔️ 広範なサーバーインフラ 弊社のネットワークは、100か所を超えるロケーション、3200か所を超えるサーバー、100GBit/秒の接続、また、WireGuard、OpenVPN、IKEv2/IPsec などの汎用プロトコルを整備しており、安全かつ高速です! ✔️ 外部監査 Surfshark は、サイバーセキュリティ専門業者 Cure53 による外部監査を受けた数少ない VPN プロバイダーのひとつです。また、AV-Test 認定シールも獲得しております。 ✔️ 厳格なノーログポリシー 私どもはユーザーのアクティビティを一切記録しておりません。ユーザーの閲覧情報は機密情報として扱われるべきだ、というのが私どもの信念です。ネット上でどんなことをしようとも、私どもはあなたの味方です。どうぞご安心ください。 ✔️ 単一のアカウントでデバイスは無制限 Surfshark VPN アカウントがひとつあれば、複数のデバイスに同時に動作します。デバイスの数に制限はありません。デスクトップ、モバイルデバイスの両方で、Chrome の拡張機能やその他のアプリをご利用いただけます。 ✔️ プライバシーこそ弊社の最優先事項 堅牢な AES-256-GCM 暗号化により、接続を安全に保ち、データをサイバー脅威から守り、ネット上でプラバシーを確保することができます。 ✔️ Cookie ポップアップブロッカー Cookie 同意のポップアップが煩わしくありませんか?弊社の Chrome 拡張機能をご利用いただきますと、このポップアップをあらかじめ排除することができます。邪魔物は自動的にブロックしてしまいましょう! ✔️ 広告とトラッカーをブロック CleanWeb 2.0 機能で、オンライン広告やトラッカーとサヨナラしましょう。弊社製の組み込み広告ブロッカーにより、ウェブ閲覧がさらに快適になります。 ✔️ マルウェアの警告とブロック機能 CleanWeb 2.0 はバックグラウンドで動作し、マルウェアに関する警告を発して、脅威が実害をもたらす前にブロックします。ウェブ閲覧の際、できるかぎり安全を守ることを、お約束いたします。 ✔️ バイパス機能 VPN を利用しないでウェブサイトに直接接続したい場合もあるでしょう。そのようなときも、弊社にお任せください!Bypasser をご利用いただきますと、VPN を用いるウェブサイトや IP アドレスと、用いないウェブサイや IP アドレスを、選択することができます。 ✔️ データ侵害に関する警告 どのウェブサイトでデータ侵害が発生しているか、ネット利用者ならだれでも知っておく必要がある、というのが私どもの信念です。そのようなウェブサイトにアクセスすると、拡張機能により警告が発せられます。 ✔️ セーフティ検索機能 セーフティ検索機能をご利用いただきますと、追跡、監視、記録されることなく、検索を実行することができます。これは、プライバシーをしっかり守ることができる検索機能で、拡張機能に組み込まれています。 ✔️ 24時間年中無休のカスタマーサポート ご不明な点や問題がございましたら、いつでもお問い合わせください。ライブチャットをご利用ください。あらゆる問題を、すばやく効率的に解決することを志しております。VPN の最高の使い心地に、ご納得いただけることと存じます。 お役立ち情報とリンク 弊社サイトのライブチャットが、24時間年中無休でお手伝いいたします。または、[email protected]までお問い合わせください。 プライバシー ポリシー: https://surfshark.com/privacy-policy 利用規約: https://surfshark.com/terms-of-service 令状のカナリア: https://surfshark.com/warrant-canary

Latest reviews

  • (2024-06-18) Carawin: Multiple usage, easy to use and easy to login.
  • (2024-06-18) Yoshio Kiyamu: Easy & Great
  • (2024-06-17) Hsin-Yi Huang: 速度穩定,介面簡單易懂容易操作
  • (2024-06-17) Liz Hernandez: Really versatile and separate from the pc install. I can use it whenever I want!
  • (2024-06-17) Lacatus Adelin: Este foarte bun pana acum sa vedem cum se comporta pe viitor plus un pret dupa parea mea destul de bun pentru un vpn
  • (2024-06-17) shop kymbob: I like this software, its easy to install and use
  • (2024-06-16) Alban Alfaro: very reliable, works well overseas. only complaint I have is that their are to few US cities. No Reno, NV.
  • (2024-06-16) 哲木本: すごく いいです
  • (2024-06-15) Polina Mielga: Totally satisfied with this VPN
  • (2024-06-15) Frank Schröder: wenn denn mal das Basisprogamm so gut funktionieren würde wie die Extension! Oft braucht es 20 min, bis die sich mit irgendwas verbunden hat. Da kannst "diagnostics" senden, wie du willst, es bessert sich nix!
  • (2024-06-14) Kallee Bernish-Good: Great extension. Easy to use.
  • (2024-06-14) Richard P: It is just what i need
  • (2024-06-14) joko bodo: cool
  • (2024-06-13) Lisa Givens: I love this VPN.
  • (2024-06-13) Tunungua Farms: GREAT VPN!!!
  • (2024-06-13) Dim McNami: Best VPN (software and plans) on the interwebs!
  • (2024-06-13) キュウキンコウ: よかったぞ
  • (2024-06-13) Peter Pryke: Lovely people at SurfShark. Best VPN ever. Thank you. Peter
  • (2024-06-12) Qazvin Carmel: Very cool service. cannot tell the difference in terms of speed. it is fast.
  • (2024-06-11) 國光: 相較一開始好用很多,繼續努力
  • (2024-06-09) Rui Marques: Super simples, eficiente e seguro. Recomendo.
  • (2024-06-09) Johanna Lopez: Es excelente! útil y fácil de usar!
  • (2024-06-07) Lionel Cuevas: Super fast and safe
  • (2024-06-04) Oleksandr M: Great!
  • (2024-06-04) Elizabeth Fox: it rocks! added safety with protecting your location, Anti viruses & Incognito scrubbing your data from the net plus expanded streaming because for some reason stemming sights have different stuff available based on where you are. $4 bucks a month is nothing for all that!
  • (2024-06-04) Snuff Hasala: Lo mejor de lo mejor
  • (2024-06-04) Dave LAWSONS: Cool service
  • (2024-06-03) Maciej Gołaszewski: sometimes is too slow
  • (2024-06-02) Sukhjinder Singh: very good service at this price, love it
  • (2024-05-30) Russell Baker: Works great
  • (2024-05-28) Jose: So far I'm loving Surf Shark only 1 week in. Wish they had extensions for Apple like iPhone and iPad to block out ads like on how PC is able to do while you browse the internet. (Safari)
  • (2024-05-28) George Saad: A great extension and service to have. Highly recommended
  • (2024-05-27) Skie: Good.
  • (2024-05-26) 李虹樞: 好用!!
  • (2024-05-21) DES SPORTS: very nice to use
  • (2024-05-19) Carlos del Río Silván: Best VPN service for the price.
  • (2024-05-19) minh van: The app works well, I hope there are more promotions :)
  • (2024-05-18) ענבר ברק: ציון עזרא המליץ לי אוהב מאוד
  • (2024-05-18) Orlany Gautier: es muy buena pero deberían implementar paquetes de viajes por menos dias
  • (2024-05-17) Luca Veronelli: very useful extension
  • (2024-05-16) Juan Cambar: Excelente
  • (2024-05-12) 憶起天兵: 很快,後悔沒有早點買,一個月才89元,一個便當錢而已
  • (2024-05-10) Octavio Octavio: foarte buna
  • (2024-05-08) Harvey the dog: Easy to use. Phone is a bit slow with Surfshark connected
  • (2024-05-05) Nikoloz Tsimakuridze: Easy & Great
  • (2024-05-04) Mymy Nguyen: Great tool. Love the alternative ID feature!
  • (2024-05-04) Isaias grajales velazquez: Para mi es una excelente aplicacion, lo tengo instalado en todos mis dispositivos no lo se usar a la perfeccion pero tiene herramientas que te facilitan muchas cosas, incluso clasificar que aplicaciones filtrar para vpn y cuales no, tambien tiene herramientas para IPTV que igual voy a experimentar porque se ve interesante todo el repertorio de herramientas y funcionalidades que tiene. Compre una clave para dos años e incluso por un menor precio me dieron para un tercer año. Recomiendo esta aplicacion.
  • (2024-05-03) 髒西西: 連土耳其很難連 不過其他國家都很快又棒
  • (2024-04-29) Ghost Clan: UwU, very good for Fedora Linux. OwO . Been a pwoud member for 2 years in couwnting! :3 Def recommenced to everyone whom loves there cyber security and privacy. Jokes aside, Its a 10/10 VPN for me and my daily use, I personally feel safer and worry less with this Surf Shark subscription. I recommend this to anyone who cares about open source vpns as well as software that supports Linux nativly. I do wish they would allow there to be a Linux option for there anti virus, yes Fedora Linux is very secure (and UwU) but it would be better If Surf-shark did make there anti-virus run on these distros for that extra layer of safe mind. The anti virus can even stop you from being crypto-jacked which is a huge plus for those new to the internet. I do also love there YT channel. Runs better on Debian based systems but still is an amazing piece of software!
  • (2024-04-29) Sergio Sanchez: Tengo la aplicacion en todos mis dispositivos, hasta en mi TV, la utilizo todos los dias, me encanta, Tengo una versión de pago de 2 años de licencia de surfshark y me es muy útil, la recomiendo, Tambien utilizo esta extensión de chrome.

Latest issues

  • (2024-05-03, v:4.13.1) Gucci “BABY”: Subscription
    Great application, I need an aid from you. I asked my client to install the Surfshark app which she did and made a 1year subscription. She was give a 7days free trial and it ended today. The issue is I don't can't access it!
  • (2024-03-07, v:4.10.0) Joshua Whiting: cleanweb
    Hi cleanweb isn't working its not blocking ads and on my phone surfshark keeps disconnecting
  • (2024-02-11, v:4.9.1) Seetheworld: lg television
    how can use or download and use
  • (2024-01-13, v:4.9.0) king dominater11: surfshark
    browser exrension is not compatible Is not updated
  • (2023-12-01, v:4.7.0) Bill Allie: Dedicated IP setup for the chrome/firefox extension
    I am unable to use my dedicated IP address with the chrome extension. How do I do this?
  • (2023-11-03, v:4.6.0) Carey Wong: Surfshark extension doesn't work on my laptop
    As titled
  • (2023-11-03, v:4.6.0) Lynne Hanning: casting to tv
    I am having trouble casting to samsung TV
  • (2023-10-26, v:4.6.0) Lee Jorgensen: connection code
    do I find the connection code for chrome extension ?
  • (2023-10-25, v:4.6.0) MabbeC cya: Youtube not Working due to adblock
    Dear support team, I cannot watch youtube any more when my surfshark extension is activated in chrome because it shows me the warning that adblocks are not allowed (I also have no other adblocks installed atm). When I deactivate my surfshark extension however, it works again just fine. I just want to use suftsharf for the VPN and dont want it to try to block any ads for me. Is there a way to solve my problem? Thank you!
  • (2023-10-09, v:4.4.1) Anthony Leung: Extension Making Youtube AD to be black screen
    I can't see the youtube ad but it has sound when I am using the extension. However, when i use the software itself it doesn't have this issue at all. Thank you for your attention.
  • (2023-10-04, v:4.4.1) Lam Lam: can' connect to the internet
    My internet are all right, but also Surfshark can't connect to the internet and I try to my best to solve the problem, but it was fail. Hope you can help me.
  • (2023-10-04, v:4.4.1) mary fro: surfshark vpn not connecting
    A am trying to connect vpn but not connect...
  • (2023-09-29, v:4.4.1) Ola O.: Вы не предоставляете заявленный сервис. Просьба вернуть деньги
    Ваш сервис не работает. При этом вы необоснованно оставили открытым возможность оплаты , но при попытке скачать моб.приложение и им пользоватться - вы пишете , что сервис в РФ не доступен. При этом об этом нигде не было заявлено до оплаты. Также вы в рекламных описаниях своего продукта пишете о возможности возврата денег, но по факту их вернуть невозможно. В приложении такой функции нет. Это вообще - незаконно.. Ваш сервис не работает с десктопа - а именно : расширение. Все ваши ссылки не загружаются и не открываются. Поддержка и ссылка на нее так же не работает.. Просьба вернуть деньги или подобные действия расцениваются как мошенничество .
  • (2023-09-23, v:4.3.1) alan spencer: Cannot connect to S/S app,and same problem as Simonas Adomavičius a few posts back
    I am unable to establish a connection to Surfshark after inputting my login information. The application displays a red text error message indicating a problem with my internet connection, even though my internet connection is stable and active. Here are the details of the issue: Internet Connection: My internet connection is stable, active, and working correctly. I can access other websites without any problems. VPN Login: I am entering my Surfshark VPN login information accurately, and I have verified my credentials are correct. Software Version: I am using the latest version of the Surfshark VPN application available for my operating system. Administrator Access: I have also tried running the Surfshark application with administrator privileges, but the issue persists. Firewall and Antivirus: I temporarily disabled my firewall and antivirus software to see if they were causing any conflicts, but this did not resolve the issue. Router Restart: I have restarted my router to rule out any potential connectivity issues from my end. Despite these efforts, I still cannot connect to Surfshark, and the error message regarding my internet connection persists. I am reaching out to your support team in the hope of resolving this issue promptly, as Surfshark is a vital tool for my online security and privacy. I cannot even mail you on searches as it says insecure sight . Have sent you emails via hotmail and old links but issue not resolved . Please help asap
  • (2023-09-16, v:4.3.1) Areg Stepanyan: Does not show in Chrome extension panel, despite being activated from the Extensions' settings..
    Just subscribed to the VPN and it seems to be unusable, while the extension does not show in the chrome panel etc.
  • (2023-09-08, v:4.3.1) Aitch Gee: can you help please?
    Error: 410 Gone Your client has made a request for a BBC domain that is no longer hosted on Akamai, but the request was sent to an Akamai IP address. This suggests your client is using a very out-of-date DNS response, or one that has been altered. If you're using VPN software or similar, try disabling it and / or contact your VPN provider's technical support. Requested URL: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcone Ghost IP: Slot: 3891 NPN / ALPN protocol: h2 Client IP: Timestamp: 1694140079 Internal ticket reference: PRB-1597.
  • (2023-09-07, v:4.3.1) vpn: ни с того ни сего получена блокировка аккаунта без доскональных оюьяснений
    Доброго времени суток сегодня проблемма появилась,не могу ни на одном устройстве подключиться пришло уведомление о блокировке аккаунта моего,я проплатил за 2 года вам и было указано неограниченное количество подключений,а теперь меня заблокировали и без права возвращения денег ,я так понимаю лохотроном наверно ваша команда занимается если так запросто производится блокировка аккаунта с простым без аргументом типо нарушение правил о которых даже не указали что даже указывается ip адресс с которогомне вообще небудет возможности войти ,я так понимаю если проблеему решить нормальным путем то придется на вас подавать на более серьезные инстанции о правах потребителя и не важно сколько это будет стоить ,но мне это дело чести и принцыпа,спасиба что прочитаете и решите проблемму.
  • (2023-08-29, v:4.2.1) Jenny Gamage: Incorrect phishing warnings when navigating to Nebula.tv
    I'm seeing phishing warnings when I go to the streaming service nebula.tv. The site appears be working correctly, and new content is being added regularly. The phishing warning looks like an error.
  • (2023-08-20, v:4.2.1) Simonas Adomavičius: Connectivity Issue Report - Surfshark VPN
    I am unable to establish a connection to Surfshark after inputting my login information. The application displays a red text error message indicating a problem with my internet connection, even though my internet connection is stable and active. Here are the details of the issue: Internet Connection: My internet connection is stable, active, and working correctly. I can access other websites without any problems. VPN Login: I am entering my Surfshark VPN login information accurately, and I have verified my credentials are correct. Software Version: I am using the latest version of the Surfshark VPN application available for my operating system. Administrator Access: I have also tried running the Surfshark application with administrator privileges, but the issue persists. Firewall and Antivirus: I temporarily disabled my firewall and antivirus software to see if they were causing any conflicts, but this did not resolve the issue. Router Restart: I have restarted my router to rule out any potential connectivity issues from my end. Despite these efforts, I still cannot connect to Surfshark, and the error message regarding my internet connection persists. I am reaching out to your support team in the hope of resolving this issue promptly, as Surfshark is a vital tool for my online security and privacy.
  • (2023-08-18, v:4.2.1) chim keo: surshark vpn
    I can't connect surshark shark vpn extention
  • (2023-08-12, v:4.1.0) Md Mithu: Another
    Another Browser Why Cant Connect
  • (2023-07-25, v:4.0.6) Senglong Koeng: I can't add to chrome extension ?
    Hello , i can't add surshark to my chrome extension
  • (2023-07-19, v:4.0.6) a grim: surfsark slows my router from 280 mps down to 30mps -making it useless for us- why
    very slow router speeds for my netgear 1750 when surshart is on
  • (2023-07-05, v:4.0.6) Kate Reust: Proxy connection error in Chrome app
    try to connect Reconnect Proxy box - hit connect Error of connection failure I can either chat with support (takes me to Chrome browser app page) or close it. I can connect with the program just fine on the same system. BUT it's less reliable historically for connection success (services see the VPN). Fix?
  • (2023-07-01, v:4.0.6) gary lewandowski: Surf Shark will not start.
    the indicator goes around and around day after day
  • (2023-06-30, v:4.0.6) Aysha J: Cannot log in
    I keep receiving this message and I have paid for my subscription. my.surfshark.com needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding
  • (2023-06-29, v:4.0.6) kolvir73: port
    Can I change the port the extension uses? If so, how?
  • (2023-06-26, v:4.0.6) Marek Anglik: pishing warning
    I'm reading wp.pl pages, one of the biggest polish news site and got warning about 'pishing site' all the time. I've added site to 'white list' but it still pop up every few secunds, what I may do? Uninstall surfshark?
  • (2023-06-26, v:4.0.6) Luke Johnson: login with manual proxy credentials
    why does this app exist if i am still prompted to manually enter my login credentials for the proxy login popup every other time i boot my browser?
  • (2023-06-25, v:4.0.6) Daniel Clegg: Google being blocked
    hi team, im having an issue where the extension is saying google.com is phising. please fix.
  • (2023-06-19, v:4.0.6) Ilya Chistyakov: Whitelists
    Please add lists of sites for which vpn will be enabled.
  • (2023-06-05, v:4.0.5) trevor dupuy: Protection
    Unable to activate protection ever since an system upgrade several months ago. Asked for assistance. Was given instructions which didn't work. Asked for phone call. Told you don't offer in person assistance. If you can't resolve this issue, I want a refund of my cost.
  • (2023-06-01, v:4.0.5) Luke Johnson: ver 4.0.5 throwing error but nothing seems wrong.
    according to chrome extension manager (chrome://extensions): "The extension failed to load properly. It might not be able to intercept network requests." as of now, i can't detect any functionality problems but chrome sends an error message on every startup anyway.
  • (2023-05-31, v:4.0.5) Tony Evans: surfshark not loading
    I keep getting this error message with no way to access settings in the app : Error: The extension failed to load properly. It might not be able to intercept network requests.
  • (2023-05-30, v:4.0.4) Peter Marshall: Error: The extension failed to load properly. It might not be able to intercept network requests.
    Hi there, I keep getting the following error when I load up Chrome and when I try to reload this extension. Can you please tell me why it happens? The extension failed to load properly. It might not be able to intercept network requests.
  • (2023-05-29, v:4.0.4) Mike ifeelgood: расширение хром
    как пользоваться расширением хром. Дайте вариант решения для работы расширения хром (без использования Open VPN).
  • (2023-05-27, v:4.0.4) Autumn Admire: Settings App Wants Me to Log into the Proxy
    When I attempt to add an account to my chromebook after installing the surfshark chrome extention, it prompts me for a log in for the proxy url. I tried my surfshark login info, to no avail. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do now.
  • (2023-05-24, v:4.0.3) Rein Varev: error
    Failed to load extension. It may not be able to route network requests.
  • (2023-05-23, v:4.0.2) Kanykei Asanbekova: Подключение
    Здравствуйте я забыла код от впн не могу зайти. Я оплачивала за месяц.
  • (2023-05-21, v:4.0.2) MOM PUTHEARA: Login Code to Computer and Phone
    login codes are found on the login screes of all apps. Enter a code to log in on that device.
  • (2023-05-03, v:3.22.2) Edmond Lam: Chorm Extension
    I use my office computer. If I don't want to make any setting change in my office PC, can I just add the Chorm VPN Extension to the brower and enjoy using Chatgpt which is not allowed to be used in my country.
  • (2023-04-30, v:3.22.2) David Krasna: CleanWeb
    TF1 Group in France will not let me access them because their adds are blocked. How do I turn off CleanWeb so I can access them.
  • (2023-04-30, v:3.22.2) Elizabeth Miller: Surfshark for browsers
    Hi, I installed the Surfshark Windows app on my laptop. Do I also need to install the browser apps for Edge and Chrome or are they covered in the Windows app? Thanks, Marlon
  • (2023-04-24, v:3.22.2) Sverker Hahn: Dashboard unprotected
    Seems that dashboard is unprotected. What does that mean? How do I protect it?
  • (2023-04-05, v:3.22.0) Cindy Ramirez: Unable to activate virus protection
    I keep trying to activate it through the chrome web extension, but it keeps telling me that I haven't downloaded the extension, and therefore I cannot activate it. I do have the extension, so i'm not sure why it keeps redirecting me to the app store.
  • (2023-04-05, v:3.22.0) Jacob Adams: I can't get the chrome extension to add again
    I can't get the chrome browser addon downloaded. It says that I don't have an account.. when i check my account, i still am fine for more than a year and a half. please help.
  • (2023-04-05, v:3.22.0) Ralph Holbrook: Installation
    I thought I had downloaded the paid version but I don't fined it. I can't find any email that gives me my activation code. All I can find is the email that has the 9 digit reference number. Is there a tutorial that works me thru the steps to set up the program?
  • (2023-04-02, v:3.21.0) Carol Peacock: Unable to use bbc iplayer or stv.tv
    Cannot get on to any of these uk sites no matter if I use app or chrome extention
  • (2023-03-26, v:3.21.0) Paul Bogdan: My TV NOT logging in
    Trying to long in on my smart TV but the app won't respond, putting in the code nothing happens. Also when trying to log in with my email I get an error that I cannot log in.
  • (2023-02-16, v:3.20.0) Dmitry Barabash: Can't add local address (NAS) into bypass list
    I can't add local address (NAS, for example) into the bypass list. The extension (and the Windows app as well, for clarity) doesn't allow me to add either the Samba name or the IP address.


1,000,000 history
3.5476 (1,218 votes)
Last update / version
2024-07-14 / 4.17.3
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