extension ExtPose

Avira Password Manager

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Avira 密碼管家能夠儲存、管理並同步您在所有裝置上的所有密碼。

Image from store Avira Password Manager
Description from store 書桌上不會再出現雜亂的便簽和手寫筆記。Password Manager 讓您的生活和工作井井有條。 此外,Avira Password Manager 現在還針對儀表板中的使用者帳戶提供安全檢查功能。在網際網路中為您提供安全防護對我們來說是一件非常重要的事情。 Avira Password Manager 將您所做的修改同步到各種不同裝置和作業系統中。 ◆ 所有裝置使用一個密碼 ◆ 使用 Avira Password Manager 您僅需記住一個密碼,即主密碼。這就如同保險箱的鑰匙,而您的登入資料就能在這個保險箱裡妥善保存。 ◆ 自動填寫登入表格 ◆ 簡單、方便、省時:Avira Password Manager 的瀏覽器擴展程式具有自動填寫功能,可自動為您經常存取的頁面輸入登入資料。當您在網頁中輸入新密碼時,Password Manager 也會偵測到您的操作並詢問是否儲存密碼。 ◆ 密碼產生器 ◆ 所有帳戶密碼的安全等級都較弱且需要頻繁使用?這種情況再也不會出現了。使用 Avira Password Manager,您可以輕鬆產生安全等級極高的獨特密碼,保護您免遭身分竊取。 ◆ 數字錢包 ◆ 您可以在您的數字錢包中安全管理所有信用卡。您可以在網絡中手動添加它們,也可以在移動應用程式中對其進行掃描,操作簡便。您保存的卡將在所有設備上都可用。 ◆ 可用性 ◆ Avira Password Manager 有網頁儀表板和手機應用程式兩種類型。Web 儀錶板由瀏覽器擴充功能作為補充,可以自動組建和儲存密碼。 ◆ 安全性 ◆ 在新的安全等級下,密碼、帳戶和網頁的安全性盡在掌握,在某個使用者帳戶的資料發生洩露風險時也能第一時間知悉。您可以立即採取相應的措施來提高網路安全性。 您的密碼、信用卡和筆記均以 256 位元 AES 加密,即以目前最為安全的標準進行保護。透過主密碼,只有您才擁有專屬存取權 - 即使 Avira 也無法存取您的資料。 ◆ 新特性? ◆ 立即將所有信用卡都保存在安全的數字錢包中,在那裡磁條永遠不會被磨損。

Latest reviews

  • (2023-11-05) M.D.N: Imi place!
  • (2023-10-20) Botka Tomáš: Bylo tu super, ale poslední dobou mě to stále odhlašuje a často je problém se připojit zpátky (Oops! Something went wrong: A network request failed, check your internet connection (Failed to fetch) On browser not working, when i try login. I m not able connect Authenticating user...> (Oops! Something went wrong: A network request failed, check your internet connection (Failed to fetch)
  • (2023-10-12) Sinvaldo Financeiro Megabras: Excelente, funcional e seguro. Recomendo.
  • (2023-10-03) Yung NL: Avira password manager is Awesome because it shows me when my password has been posted on the dark web! just changed my password, didn't even need to think of one, Avira handled it.
  • (2023-09-05) Xu Yang: very well designed very easy to use, sinc everywhere really saves me lots time and effort. Only suggestion might be increasing the complexity of the password generator. Great work.
  • (2023-08-27) Sage Beckingham: It does not work offline (major issue) and you cannot disable autofill on certain sites. It being obtrusive and filling in details in the wrong places, messing with marketing campaigns I am running. I can't disable it for that specific site.
  • (2023-08-16) Carlos Martinez: es muy buena opción, en comparación contra sus extensiones de Avast!
  • (2023-07-20) Mirosław Radziszewski: swietny manager hasel avira to solidna firma
  • (2023-07-16) william sinclair manson (Billy.): Fabulous product keeps everything safe, its an ideal solution for passwords.
  • (2023-07-02) Quentin: New to password managers, but I already love this one. Only thing to improve: On Android, I often have to re-enter my master password
  • (2023-06-15) Raphael D: Todas minhas senhas geradas, gravadas e gerenciadas pelo Avira Password Manager foram roubadas, agora são quase 1000 senhas para serem mudadas, incluindo netflix, amazon e outros serviços
  • (2023-05-30) Dhiaa E.T Chanbi: fantastic
  • (2023-05-17) César Franco: Excellent It would be great to have the 2FA codes on the browser extension too.
  • (2023-05-16) SlayGold: Provavelmente o melhor gerenciador de senhas gratuito que existe!
  • (2023-04-28) Muqadas Ali: I like it but, we have to wait for avira to analyze, find and type email and password in the fields which is the minus point. It should be fast to do that.
  • (2023-04-19) Buff montagne: Jais pas tester l appli parceque sa me demande de la mettre en gestionaire de mot de passe par defaut mais moi je veux pas alors ben je peux pas l utiliser
  • (2023-04-07) Alexander Vladov: Не приходят СМС с кодом для 2FA. Невозможно законектиться
  • (2023-04-04) Leonardo Sierra Tapias: Muy buena aplicación para gestionar contraseñas de forma segura, la tengo instalada en el navegador y en mi celular y va de maravilla.
  • (2023-04-01) Saud Aljaffer: WHY DOES IT KEEP REINSTALLING ITSELF ??!! Avira makes them "pre-installing" extensions where they always re-install themselves when a new Chrome user profile is created. And then they DO NOT remove them when their antivirus is removed from the user system. Poor software management from their side.
  • (2023-03-10) ABDULFATTAH ALHAZMI: I could not login into my.account because the SMS never received. There is no way to change you phone number or remove 2FA settings. There is no alternative choice to login into account without receiving SMS, so, you may lost all your data when you change your SIM card number. Further, no way to reach avira support. They disabled reply on their stupid youtube videos with no reason! Very bad service. I regret using avira password maanger. I started changes all my password from scratch, very painful and time-consuming process. Don't be their new victim. My email address is [email protected]
  • (2023-03-07) Lukáš Nagato: Je to super, nemůžu si stěžovat snad nejsem jedinej čech co to vyúžívá.
  • (2023-02-18) AKINFE FONKE REKENSI: Va de bien , buena ahí
  • (2023-02-12) Juan Carlos Restrepo Peinado: Excelente extensión, memorizar contraseña y clave maestrea para ingresar al gestor de claves porque algunas veces se cierra la cuenta sin previo aviso, no pregunta ni Muuu.
  • (2023-02-02) SHREEE SHREEE: Every time, when it updated,it log out users & users need to sign in again. It's very annoying & makes it less secure (especially, outside of home, public networks). No one keeps master password with them all the time & it is useless in this situation. Users can't control its update (like firefox). It was my favorite password manager for years but because of this reason I am switching to other password manager. I will fill master password in another password manager instead of this one.
  • (2023-01-26) Varun Vaddiparty: I am using it for a while now. Never faced any issues. Free account supports both web and mobile devices. What more do you need !!
  • (2023-01-18) place holder (blue titan): avira automatically installs this along with 2 more extensions on all my chrome profiles without asking me its basically bloatware and not useful
  • (2023-01-07) Roberto Santos: até agora ta funcionando, ta otimo rs
  • (2023-01-07) Mirko il conte: app veramente scarsa, come avira del resto, continui errori o obblighi di dover resettare o logare, ho fatto abbonamento un anno ma penso che toglierò il tutto allo scadere...oggi sono stato costretto a dover cancellare totalmente avira dal pc e rinstallarlo e nonostante tutto va ancora da schifo!!!!
  • (2023-01-06) Vinayak SP: There should be option for importing all passwords from LastPass and app for moble autologin....
  • (2023-01-02) Saad: Amazing. Its so helpful I save all my college E-mail accounts. But I don't recommend for personal accounts as the passwords are just one click away
  • (2022-12-30) Miranda van der Meer: Excellent replacement of lastpass which has become too expensive (I had premium). This works just as good, but I give it 4* because the chrome extension sometimes needs to be reloaded. This never happened with lastpass. Otherwise very recommendable.
  • (2022-12-04) William Mills (Will): I't good, but what would make it better would be the option to purge unused passwords rom the account without haveing to go through them one by one.
  • (2022-11-13) Денис Капрелов: Код на телефон для входа не приходит, по-ходу региональные ограничения.
  • (2022-11-02) Anas bajwa: Best free password manager but slower than lastpass
  • (2022-10-14) Peter Baccaert: Aanvankelijk dacht ik gefopt te zijn met dat hele Avira-gedoe, omdat mijn PC nóg trager ging dan voor Avira's installatie. Terwijl ik het juist wou gebruiken om de PC op te kuisen, wat niet alle antivirus programma's doen... Ik kon wel ontploffen! Later bleek dat het grotendeels mijn eigen fout was; ik had van mijn PC een waar doolhof gemaakt waar enkel ikzelf de weg kon weten :/ Nadat ik al mijn muziek, afbeeldingen, documenten, filmpjes, etc. op één plaats (externe harde schijf) had gezet, waren de problemen opgelost :) Avira draait nu als een liertje en heeft ook alles opgekuist wat binnen z'n mogelijkheden ligt. Onder andere scannen, optimaliseren, de drivers bijwerken, waarschuwen voor gevaar, maar ook de paswoorden bijhouden doet Avira nu heel overzichtelijk en ook gemakkelijk aanpasbaar. M.a.w. : Ik ben 1 tevreden man :)
  • (2022-10-12) Jacob Wolfe: Dude, this app is awesome! makes things easy and secure! A plus is that it is free.
  • (2022-09-29) Normenchik Czepa: sehr schöne zuverlässige app, danke
  • (2022-09-27) Franklyn Jakubowski: installed on browser without permission
  • (2022-09-09) Ramyalakshmi Pamarthi: With this app my work become easier.
  • (2022-03-16) Darrel Winchell: Great password manager. I haven't seen any that is as good.
  • (2022-03-11) Kim Puffer-Crossley: it is good except every time i log onto online banking, it says my password is public and I change it but it still keeps giving same msg.
  • (2022-03-11) Dejan Batinic: This extension is so helpful if you forget your password often. Also go subscribe to my YouTube channel: Voltagelmaoyt
  • (2022-03-01) Jan Peter Herberg: An sich eine super Anwendung, ich nutze Sie auf dem Laptop, Tablet & Handy. Allerdings fehlt mir persönlich noch der letzte Schliff, z.B. das hinterlegen von EC Karten bzw. PIN zu der jeweiligen Karte, sowie das verknüpften von Bankkonten. Dies haben andere Anwendungen dieser noch voraus.
  • (2022-03-01) Jenny: super i love it
  • (2022-02-20) Heinz Oberlechner: Funktionierte einige Monate, heute plötzlich kein Zugriff mehr mit der Meldung "Ups! Ein Problem ist aufgetreten. Kein Netzwerkzugriff, bitte prüfen Sie Ihre Internet-Verbindung (Abruffehler)" Internetverbindung ist definitiv vorhanden. Und jetzt!? ALLE PASSWÖRTER FUTSCH??!! EDIT: Es war wohl ein vorübergehendes Problem bei Avira. Der Vorfall hat mir aber gezeigt, dass es wohl sinnvoller ist einen zuverlässigeren Anbieter zu suchen.
  • (2022-02-15) Aleksandar Paunovski: Avira PWM is an excellent replacement for LastPass, which limited severly the free tier functionality of their password manager to boost subscriptions. It's much better than BitWarden, has all premium functions of LastPass and other expensive products and it's free. Avira is stable and works as expected almost every time. I recommend it to everyone who wants premium functionality for free.
  • (2022-02-07) xrx: Отличный аддон в своем классе. Не хватает только управления папочками как это сделано в ластпасе.
  • (2022-02-05) Ketil Skipnes: Fungerer perfekt
  • (2022-01-26) Chris: Its amzing and it works

Latest issues

  • (2023-10-30, v: Ernesto Rademaker Martins: Quando vocês vão resolver o problema do login?
    Estou enfrentando problemas há meses. Vocês não dão nenhuma resposta aos usuários. Não é possível logar com meu e-mail e senha. Não é possível entrar com a conta google. Sendo assim, há quebra do contrato de prestação de serviço
  • (2023-09-19, v: Matthew Wielgos: Problem logging in in browser and on website. Related problem unable to change master password.
    The system does not allow me to login using my Master password. It is the correct Master password, but it will not login either on a browser or directly on the Avira website. I attempt to change the master password on my phone and follow the proper procedure. The change password gets stalled at the point of entering the new password and never completes.
  • (2023-09-13, v: Clovis Matheus Pereira: Ativar Avira Pro
    Nao consigo ativar meu avira pro 417993245. Mensagem diz que envia codigo para meu celular, mas meu celular mudou para 48998620508
  • (2023-07-06, v: Harald Wöhler: Passwort-Manager
    Ich kann den Passwort-Manager nicht installieren. Warum nicht ? Telefon 06245-8957
  • (2023-07-06, v: Axel Kapell: gespeichertes Passwort zu [email protected]
    Passwort zu axel74015@zurücksetzen
  • (2023-06-23, v: Manfred Hechler Hauptkonto: iphone
    Ist denn auch die Apple-Welt iphone, Opera, Firefox, Safari mit dem Avira Passwortmanager kompatibel? Gibt es Einschränkungen, wenn man ihn in Fernost (Vietnam) aufruft? Was kostet die Sache im Jahr in Verbindung mit dem Virenschutzprogramm? MfG Manfred
  • (2023-03-30, v: Marvin: Riesiger Speicherverbrauch
    Ich nutze bis zu 20-30 Tabs und so kommt dieses Plugin schnell auf seine 800-1000 MB Speicherverbrauch. Für "nur" einen Passwort-Manager ist das eindeutig zu viel.
  • (2023-03-22, v: Jocelyn DELEUZE: Blocage
    Avira password manager est bloqué , comment le remettre en service ? MERCI
  • (2023-03-16, v: Julia Sulo: passwort für outlook 365 login email
    Komme auf meinem neuen laptop nicht in meine outlook 365 email [email protected]
  • (2023-02-16, v: Herminio Maria Machado Bugalho: Avira Password Manager com muita lentidão, e muitas vezes pedindo a senha mestra
    Password Manager do Avira, com lentidão de preenchimento automático dos sites, o que é um aborrecimento para uma extensão que no passado não tinha problemas. tenho um computador portátil com bastante desempenho com mais de 5Ghz Fique desapontado pela aplicação não acompanhar os desenvolvimentos das tecnologias e os preços dos programas serem bastante caros, não acompanhando as atualizações para diversos browser, eu uso o Google Chrome.
  • (2023-02-14, v: Phyllis Dickerson: Avira Password Manager disabled as Chrome Extension
    Avira Password Manager is disabled in Chrome. When I select enable this item, I get a message, "This item has been disabled in Chrome". Any idea on how to fix this?
  • (2023-02-14, v: Maksim Jan: Passwort für Passwortmanager
    Kann auf den Passwortmanager nicht zugreifen. Gibt es eine Möglichkeit es zurückzusetzen , bzw. mich anders zu Identifizieren?
  • (2023-02-12, v: Walter Erni: Passwort Manager
    Seit 2 Tagen ist der Passwortmanager in Chrom deaktiviert. Wie kann dieser wieder aktiviert werden?
  • (2023-02-08, v: Peter Lange: mein Avira arbeitet nicht
    komme nicht in Avira rein
  • (2022-12-27, v: Robert Neetz: Chrome-Erweiterung kann nicht abgerufen werden
    Beim Versuch, auf den Passwort-Manager zuzugreifen, wird folgender Fehler angezeigt: Kein Netzwerkzugriff, bitte prüfen Sie Ihre Internet-Verbindung (Abruffehler) Context: AuthenticationActions:initAuth TypeError: Failed to fetch Die Internetverbindung ist dabei konstant vorhanden.
  • (2022-12-15, v: Malik Muhammad Fayyaz: Verification code is not receivinig
    Hello dear, I trying to to login many times but didn't receiving verification code. Please help me out how can I get verification code on my phone number?
  • (2022-02-15, v: Aleksandar Paunovski: Triggers errors in the JavaScript console
    When I start Avira PWM in a new Incognito Window and open a website, for example but not limited to, Google.com I get a bunch of JavaScript errors. inlineForm.html:1 Unchecked runtime.lastError: The message port closed before a response was received. www.google.com/:1 Unchecked runtime.lastError: The message port closed before a response was received. www.google.com/:1 Unchecked runtime.lastError: The message port closed before a response was received. When I hover over the first error, where it says "Inline Form", I get the ID of the extension that's causing it, in this case the ID took me to Avira PWM. Indeed, when I disable Avira PWM, the errors go away.
  • (2022-02-05, v: Declan Llewellin: Wont let me past the memorable information
    When i try to login on the browser, (works fine on mobile), it prompts me to sign in, i enter the memorable information, the same one that logs me in on my phone and then it seems to log in for a second and then jump back to the previous memorable information screen. thanks for your help, might just be some sorta bug.
  • (2022-01-08, v: Vadim Вадим: Error on sites with multiple accounts
    If there are several accounts on the site, then Avira offers only one account. To enter other accounts, you need to look for a username and password in the application - this is not very convenient. It is necessary that the application offers all account options for the user to choose on the site.
  • (2021-12-18, v: steven serpa: At the bottom of this page it states remove from chrome
  • (2021-12-18, v: steven serpa: Avira, wants me to remove extension from chrome even after enabling in chrome
    I don't know what to do I'm lost for answers
  • (2021-12-03, v: Justin Cranfield: unlock cell phone
    the phone has a pass code on the front screen
  • (2021-10-30, v: Angelica Lindfors: Avira Password Manager installed (and hidden) at chrome.
    There's a person who seems to use the app for having access to all my accounts. I'm frankly scared since he even have my keys to the appartment. However. I wonder if it's possible to see When the extension was installed at my computer? And especially it would be very facilitating if it's possible to see which Avira account was used while putting it to my chrome?
  • (2021-10-07, v: Barbara Lawhon: password reset does not work
    when resetting master password, after putting in new password, screen looks like it will process but does not
  • (2021-09-04, v: Dr. Jeremy Cox: Blank Screen
    Jeremy Cox [email protected] Avira Password Manager Using Google Chrome Extension. Version of Chrome: Version 76.0.3809.136 (Official Build) (64-bit) Problem: When I try to use Security tab on left navigation the whole screen goes white. Troubleshooting: I tried it on my Windows 10 PC using the Avira Program Password Manager and it did the same thing. Everything works fine its just when I click on Security Check it goes blank. All the rest of the navigation links work. Please help.
  • (2021-07-17, v: frans rochtus: hoofdpaswoord
    mijn hoofdwachtwoord wordt niet meer aangenomen en ik weet zeker welk wachtwoord ik heb ingegeven en de fout bij jullie ligt
  • (2021-07-14, v: Pietro: is no possibol disinstallet to Google crome.Solution please?????
    is no possibol disinstallet to Google crome.Solution please????? Is a mons en mons
  • (2021-07-06, v: Nathaniel Wilcox: Multiple errors reported in console
    When I load a page (It doesn't seem to matter what page), there are 17 or 18 reports of the following error in the developer console: "Unchecked runtime.lastError: The message port closed before a response was received. chrome-extension://caljgklbbfbcjjanaijlacgncafpegll/html/inlineForm.html?abine42378895doNotRemove" The extension seems to be working fine, I just noticed this as I was trying to debug an unrelated issue.
  • (2021-07-06, v: Dr.Chetankumar Patel: Suggested to change the slow filling effect
    Dear Sir, I enjoy your service. There is one suggesting. Whenever we go to a login page for any site, each time avira fills the password and the user name by givng an effect of writing automatically every text. This takes time to load. So many a time it happens that before avira writes, we user clicks it and surprisingly it doesn't log in. Some of the sites(e.g. our university's erp system), need to close the webpage and again needs to reload, which is pathetic. Can you remove that effect as the goggle's password manager does. Rest if fine.
  • (2021-04-29, v: GRAMM2 Corporation: Backups
    I need to redo my computer and I will lose everything. How do I backup my password manager?
  • (2021-03-19, v: David L: Avira Password Manager. Frankly, I'm not happy with the product , either. This nonsense of generating its own passwords would be terrific, if it actually WORKED! But it doesn't & that makes it almost impossible to use.
    I have also just downloaded your product, and frankly, I'm not sure it holds up to its promises either. Rather than read all the excuses from your website, I believe that I will try it for awhile and then use my judgement to decide whether to keep it.
  • (2021-01-31, v: Philipp Suppan: Funktioniert nicht
    Mein Passwort Manager funktioniert auf beinahe allen Geräten, nur auf meinem Home PC im Chrome Browser nicht. Warum? Detail zur Fehlermeldung: Context: Authentication:initialize:initAuth TypeError: Cannot read property 'indexOf' of undefined
  • (2021-01-30, v: Konstantin Khrustalev: Не реагирует на нажатие
    Добрый день! Значок расширения перестал реагировать на нажатие.
  • (2021-01-28, v: Janik Sauerbier: Popup doesn't work anymore
    As the title says, but the web app works.
  • (2021-01-28, v: Oleksii Maryshchenko: Extension button do nothing
    I am not able to open pop-up form with all my password. APM Button in browser just do nothing.
  • (2020-12-27, v: Sean Cardoz: Clicking the extenstion always opens the Web Dashboard
    Hello, every time I click the chome browser password extension, it opens the web dashboard. The only time it does not open the web dashboard is when I access a site to fill the credentals. Do I need to keep the web dashboard open always to access the credentials in the extenstion? if so, this defeat having an extension. Can you advise how do I prevent the web dashboard opening up everytie I click the password extenstion in the browser.
  • (2020-12-14, v: Muhammad Zubair: Passwords Deleted
    I reset my master password because I forgot the password and after I rest all the saved passwords are removed. It shows a blank and asks me to add a new password & ID please advise how to retrieve the passwords because those passwords are really important for me.
  • (2020-12-10, v: Nathalie Deforge: mot de passe
    comment faire pour changer un mot de passe
  • (2020-12-03, v: Lisa Villa: Thanlyou
  • (2020-11-23, v: MJA Services: Mot de passe
    Bonjour, Je souhaite supprimer un mot de passe d'Avira Password Manager comment faire Merci par avance
  • (2020-11-18, v: Splixit: Looping Master Password
    Upon logging into my Avira account, I reach the password manager PWM dashboard sign in screen, where it wants me to enter my master password. Upon putting it in, a loading screen pulls up, and then it loops back to the sign in screen! I don't know how to get into my password manager.
  • (2020-11-17, v: Booki Worldwide: Not loading....
    Can't access the password manager. Every time I click it, it goes to the dashboard page but just says "Initializing web services" and never loads.
  • (2020-10-10, v: Tony Davis: Autolock on app
    When I turn autolock off in the settings on the app, it won't stay off. The setting will change to 5 minutes. When it does that, it will constantly send a notification, very annoying.
  • (2020-08-20, v: Fabio Esposito: trasferimento dati da un pc all'altro
    Buongiorno, vorrei sapere se è possibile trasferire il contenuto di Avira Password Manager da un pc ad un altro dove è comunque presente l'account Google. Grazie
  • (2020-06-23, v: Nero Thehero: i HATE THAT YOU MADE THIS SHITE!!!!
  • (2020-06-06, v: Laird 802: Passwort Manager sendet keinen Verifizierungscode
    Avira-Password-manager lässt sich nicht zurück setzen .Habe ich das Captcha korrekt auf gelöst,soll ich enen Verifizierungs-Code gesendet bekommen,aber der wird "nicht" gesendet!!Immer wieder erhalte ich die Meldung :"Error Handling Response:Uncaught Objekt" Stacktrace Generated_backround_page.html:o Thank you for your helpness:[email protected]
  • (2020-06-01, v: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Don't install this extension.
    This extension is a malicious extension that continuously plays videos that are invisible to the user in the Google Translator page. NEVER INSTALL THIS EXTENSION
  • (2020-04-06, v: Alan Vincent: Signing into Password Manager on Android phone
    Can't find the £ sign on the keyboard when signing in despite adding £ sign in as a custom symbol ??
  • (2020-03-16, v: Androidversion kann auf meinem neuen Tablet installiert werden
    Hallo, mein Tablet wird bei der Installation für Android angezeigt. Jedoch mit der Bemerkung dass es nicht geeignet wäre. Android 9 ist installiert. Was kann ich tun ? Vielen Dank Ursula Krauße


5,000,000 history
3.825 (503 votes)
Last update / version
2024-08-07 /
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