extension ExtPose

Print Edit WE

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Description from extension meta

Edit web pages prior to printing. Delete, hide and format elements. Edit text. Remove adverts and sidebars.

Image from store Print Edit WE
Description from store CHANGES Version 29.5 • New option to prevent font ligatures inside text (enabled by default). OVERVIEW Print Edit WE provides facilities to edit the contents of a web page prior to printing or saving as HTML or MHTML. Elements in the web page can be formatted, hidden or deleted and text can be edited or inserted. Unwanted content, such as adverts and sidebars, can easily be removed. Note, to use the Save As HTML feature, the Save Page WE extension (version 14.0 or later) must be installed and enabled. BASIC OPERATION To start editing the page, click on the Print Edit WE button on the main toolbar, or select Print Edit WE > Start Editing on the context menu. A blue 'EDIT' (editing) badge will appear on the button. The 'Web Style' feature is disabled by default, so that the page displayed looks similar to how the page would look if printed normally. When the 'Web Style' feature is enabled, the page displayed will look similar to how the page looks during normal browsing. The 'Text Pieces' feature is disabled by default, so that only whole blocks of text can be selected. When the 'Text Pieces' feature is enabled, individual pieces of text can be selected and edited and line breaks are displayed. The 'View More' feature is disabled by default, so that only elements that are normally visible are displayed. When the 'View More' feature is enabled, elements that are normally invisible are also displayed and can be selected and edited. An edited web page can be saved as a single HTML file, which can be viewed or re-edited using Firefox or Chrome. An edited web page can also be saved as a MHTML file. Click the 'Preview' button to see how the edited web page will look when printed. Close the preview window to return to editing. PRINT EDIT WE TOOLBAR The buttons available on the Print Edit WE toolbar are: • Select - select all or graphic or page-break elements, or re-select elements from previous command. • Deselect - deselect all currently selected elements. • Hide - hide currently selected elements. • Delete - delete currently selected elements. • Hide Except - hide all elements except those currently selected. • Delete Except - delete all elements except those currently selected, with varying restrictions. • Format - apply format properties to currently selected elements. • Text - edit a text piece or insert new text before or after element. • Undo - undo the action of previous edit command. • Undo All - undo the actions of all previous edit commands. • Save - save web page as a single HTML or MHTML file. • Text Pieces - allow selection and editing of individual text pieces. • View More - view invisible elements in the page. • Web Style - alternately remove or apply CSS print stylesheets. • Preview - open the Print Preview window. • Close - finish editing. • Tools - access to the Fix Page Breaks features and to the Options dialog. • Help - show the Help panel. The Delete Except button has three menu items: • Restricted - higher level elements retain their size and relative position. • Without Float - higher level elements retain their size and relative position, but cannot float right. • Unrestricted - higher level elements are resized and repositioned freely, but cannot float right. In this context, “higher level elements” means the ancestors (parent, grandparent, etc) of the currently selected elements. MOUSE ACTIONS The mouse actions are: • Move - move highlight box to highlight element. • Click - select or deselect highlighted element. • Right-Click - inspect format properties for highlighted element. • Drag - select all elements within capture box. • Shift+Drag - select all graphic elements within capture box. • Ctrl+Drag - deselect all elements within capture box. SUPPORT Please e-mail: [email protected] LICENSE Distributed under the GNU General Public License version 2. See LICENCE.txt file and http://www.gnu.org/licenses/

Latest reviews

  • (2023-09-21) Mures Lamasanu: Great
  • (2023-08-03) Marlon J. Souza: Muito boa a extensão, acredito que poderia adicionar a opção de copiar para área de transferência os elementos da página
  • (2023-05-22) Mohammad Adnan Hossain: Just love this extension. It helps me a lot to remove the unwanted add and others unwanted things to remove and make it professional. No need another PDF tool to edit. Thanks a lot to the developer.
  • (2023-05-01) Helene O.: Used to work like a charm, but has stopped responding a few months ago
  • (2023-03-12) Влад имир: распечатывает хорошо
  • (2022-12-09) Kamrul Islam: I was looking for this type of extention. And this extention has full fill my requirments. Thanks a lot to the developer of this.
  • (2022-11-09) Taha: Great extension!
  • (2022-10-29) JBN CHRY: The perfect one..We can delete those unwanted popup ads and other junks..Thanks to the developers.
  • (2022-10-22) Mike Lerley: This extension is amazingly complex but simple to use and enabled me to print the information I needed from a web page that was otherwise impossible to print properly. Awesome!!
  • (2022-09-20) CA HILL: omg超好用 牛
  • (2022-05-24) MUAADH: the best extension...it save me sooo much time :) thank you so much ...
  • (2022-04-08) Blikoor: I love this extension, it is definitely the extension that I use the most. Print Edit WE is the essential extension everyone should be using. I have just the highest of praise and appreciation for this extension. That said, I'm disappointed that the "Advanced Options" button disappeared recently from the Preview mode. I use to be able to scale content on the page to ensure proper printing. Now the only available option remaining is to change the margins, setting custom margins. Loosing the scale feature is a huge loss that will impact the usefulness and performance of this great app. I appeal to the developers sensibility and compassion for their work to fix this issues as soon as possible please.
  • (2022-03-22) Aaron: Came here after trying the extension "Print Friendly & PDF", which didn't work for the one-and-only site I wanted/tried it for. However, this app got the job done, just took a little more time and effort than I would've preferred.
  • (2022-03-18) Worried1467 Xl: nice work, how to donat
  • (2022-03-06) Ember: easy to use, but Chinese characters in printed PDFs can't be selected. I tried several browsers and the only exception is firefox
  • (2022-02-19) Inactive Account: It only prints the first page. If you're printing out something like a job description, there will be more than one page's worth of text, but only the first one shows up in the print preview, and also when you hit Ctrl+P. There is an option to save the optimized page as an HTML document (maybe it's possible to print that?), but it only works if you have another extention by the same people.
  • (2021-10-29) 【web style】Option is invalid for a long time
  • (2021-10-03) Ming Thai Lee (Martin): Should have found this earlier.
  • (2021-09-29) Cfguy100 _: I love this extension - use it every day, multiple times a day. Have been having problems lately with the top Print Edit WE menu disappearing after I have already highlighted items on the web page to keep of delete, and then it will not give me the option to preview to print, save, or make any further changes, as there is no longer any Print Edit WE menu at the top. I have the latest version of Chrome (Version 94.0.4606.61 (Official Build) (64-bit)) and have also tried uninstalling and re-installing the Print Edit WE app, but I still have the same problem. Have also tried closing Chrome and re-opening a new session, but the same problem occurs. Would really like a solution as I am finding it difficult to be without this app. Any ideas or advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
  • (2021-09-28) Anil Vithal: Finally found a great plugin that just works! Thanks.
  • (2021-08-22) خالد ابراهيم: khaled ebrahem essen mpsa
  • (2021-08-18) _ Vogelmann_: Works fine, as expected. But I consider it as pretty annoying, that many Chrome extensions still come with a context-menu where an option to disable this context entry is missing. If you have installed 30+ extensions (like me), your context-menu becomes more and more cluttered with options you probably never need. It costs valuable time to navigate to the few extra menus you really use. Hope that Chrome developers (like Firefox dev's) recognize the problem in the near future.
  • (2021-06-30) Mahafuzur Rahaman Sr. Officer: Awesome, I love it.
  • (2021-03-15) Ben Zhang: 非常好用
  • (2021-03-07) Nate Schley: I think the app is written well. The problem is the complexity of the content that we want to simplify. I use it often, but modern web pages are so complex, I find it hard to use effectively & efficiently. One needs to be proficient with HTML to drill through the incessant layers of DIVs-of-DIVs, tables-within-tables, frames-within-frames that authors (authoring SW) use to construct pages.
  • (2021-02-26) Nicole: I use this app all the time to save digital copies of recipes, receipts, and invoices.
  • (2021-01-30) Marco Kuang: It's extremely powerful to remove **ANY** unwanted contents and to fix the layout for printing. Highly recommended.
  • (2021-01-29) Alex D: Amazing stuff! Just try and be cool ^^ Thanks to developer!
  • (2021-01-29) Fred G Husby: The best webpage to pdf out there! I have tried almost all "html2pdf" etc. versions over many years. Print Edit WE is the best. It demands a little bit of work compared to PrintFriendly & PDF, but the results are much better. The only "negative" I can say, is that it seems to hang after issuing PREVIEW, but it might have to do with something else, full cache etc. Try it. You will be surprised how easy it is to use after som trial and error!
  • (2021-01-05) Husky Chien: 非常好用
  • (2020-12-17) Mohamed Abdelhalim: I used another extension for years and couldn't print one specific website, that drove me crazy because that was the most important website to me lol. I tried a lot of other extension and none of them worked on my website. until I found "Print Edit WE". I believe this is the best extension to edit html page on the fly and print it or save it. thanks a lot to the awesome developers who worked on this extension.
  • (2020-12-09) Chad Brosseau: Unfortunately, this did not work for me on Chrome Version 87.0.4280.88. It looks like a promising extension, but any element selection I made didn't stick when using the Preview button- same System print page preview dialogue shows up just as if the extension was not installed.
  • (2020-12-03) Matt Splat: AMAZING!! I love that you can delete so many elements from a page before printing - like deleting advertising and paragraphs and images that you might not want. SUGGESTIONS: 1) Sometimes, at a page break, the text is a bit corrupted. 2) It would be even more super awesome if you could resize the photos (so that extra large images would only be saved as smaller ones) Overall, love it! Thank you.
  • (2020-12-03) Marcel Izgin: Great tool. Is there a way to save patterns or macros? E.g. on a certain page that I need to print quite often, there are exactly 2 elements that I always want to print, the rest can be removed. It's a bit cumbersome to do that manually for every single print.
  • (2020-11-28) Amous Frank: broken on 87.0.4280.66 (64bit) Uncaught ReferenceError: selectIndex is not defined at resumeEditing (content.js:1183) at startEditing (content.js:1148) at content.js:913
  • (2020-11-28) Volodymyr Ye.: после обновления до версии 27.5 расширение перестало работать... появляется на значке слово Suspended и не возможно редактировать
  • (2020-08-18) CFguy _: This is my favorite and most used (multiple times, daily) Chrome extension, Having said that, I have been frustrated in some problems I have been having with the extension. While I am grateful that the "Save to MHTML" option has been fixed and is working very good, now when I try saving as "HTML", the extension "hangs" for a long time (as compared to before) but does finally create a "HTML" document- but sometimes I grow so frustrated waiting, I will go in and cancel the command (this feature seemed to be working fine though, as recently as just a few days ago). For the developer- you have an outstanding extension and resource for Chrome users (IMHO, the *BEST*) - please see if you can fix the "Save to HTML" function, so that it no longer takes so long. Everything else is perfection, and IMHO "genius programming and developing" on the part of its developer. Thanks. ---Update to my previous review - Just tried extension again and now "Save to MHTML" is much quicker than "Save to HTML" (which is still "hanging" too long, on my system. "Save to MHTML" is now instantaneous though, and "Save to HTML" used to be, as well. In any case, I am sure developer will figure out a "fix", the way they did for the once problematic "Save to MHTML". Thanks.
  • (2020-08-18) Mah: Awesome and easy to use!
  • (2020-07-18) Soichi Oikawa: Microsoft Edgeの「印刷をすっきり」がなくなって、代わりになるものを探して見つけたのですが、この拡張機能は素晴らしいです!
  • (2020-07-13) Hern Chen: I used to Print Friendly & PDF for web page printing. Print Friendly is more automatic/simple but it seem to messed up quite often. Print Edit WE is a lot of more flexible/powerful and gives you complete control on what to print or not to print. I found myself using Print Edit WE more often.
  • (2020-04-07) Suresh Kamble: did not at all ,
  • (2020-03-25) Joel Miedema: A simply superb tool - once you get used to having it available you'll never want to go without it! Very powerful feature set for choosing exactly what and how to display the page content before printing or generating true vector PDFs. I love this extension and have been using it happily for months!
  • (2020-03-13) chen pen: the best one
  • (2020-02-22) Ran Masumi: 領収書印刷に活用させて頂いています。 不要な部分の削除などでき、大変便利なのですが、自分で日付やメモを入力する際、 テキスト入力を任意のサイズで指定で決めようになると更に助かります。
  • (2020-02-21) master: 赞! 真的超好用!
  • (2020-02-13) Manivan Mx1: One of the very few, time tested, truly awesome browser extensions of all times. Its included in my essential "MxChrome" pack. So many usages.. Great job.
  • (2020-01-27) Samantha Dzirko: I use this extension to save ink and paper when printing articles and recipes. It's also great for removing ads and unwanted photos when you want to save a .pdf copy of a webpage. Works great!
  • (2019-12-30) java mochafrap: Does a good job of printing what i need and blocking/ deleting what i dont need. Saves ink.
  • (2019-12-21) Rahul Varshney: others don't work , this did. great for editing gmails. first click print all, then exit out of the print dialog box, then click print-edit-we extension

Latest issues

  • (2023-09-30, v:31.3) Tseax River: Selecting Elements Not Working Anymore
    I used to be able to select an element on a webpage (either for deletion before saving or for isolation for the same reason) easily: mouse hover, element is highlighted, click, done. Now when I click on a highlighted element, some sub-element flashes briefly then nothing. This happens repeatedly. One workaround, inconsistently effective, is to put the mouse cursor/arrow tip directly over the very edge of the element. It's the inconsistency of this fix that renders it consistently frustrating.
  • (2023-03-05, v:31.2) Dazz: Where can we get an older version of this fabulous extension?
    Recently I did a power wash of my old 32bit Chromebook. I cannot now download this fabulous extension because it has been updated and is now not compatible. Please where can we download the older 32bit version number 29.0, which worked greatly? Thx
  • (2023-02-08, v:31.2) J G: reverse selection
    for some reason when i select item then press delete it does the exact oppposite - it leaves me with just that item i selected. am i being stupid??
  • (2023-01-14, v:31.2) Christine Smith: Only page One is displayed
    On a web page (i.e. google android history) there are several entries I want to print. Opened Print Edit We and immediately went to Preview. One one page displayed. Went to stand print fuction on Brave Browser and it displayed two pages. Before I remove the "broken" app extension (Chrome) and reinstall. I have been hacked badly hacked. I strongly believe that your software has been altered. Will you help me? I would like to: 1)send you the code on my laptop, 2)reinstall app, 3) have you look over the code and let me know if anything was hacked. Can you help me on your code? Christine Smith Widows 11 Home addition [email protected]
  • (2023-01-04, v:31.2) Anto Suñña: Save to PDF option missing in Chrome Browser
    In Chrome Browser, Save As PDF option is missing in Chrome Browser, instead it is replaced by Save As MHTML. In Firefox Browser, Save As PDF is nicely available. Looking forward to have the Save As PDF. Thank you/
  • (2022-10-20, v:31.1) Chris Zarow: PrintWE stopped working
    I have Print We installed on Brave Version 1.25.72 Chromium: 91.0.4472.101 (Official Build) (64-bit). It has simply stopped working. I can use Ctrl-P to print but that is all. No response to clicking the icon on the browser bar. I use this all the time. Please advise
  • (2022-10-06, v:31.0) Donny Silluana: PsychCentral article editing problem (https://psychcentral.com)
    When editing a PsychCentral article page, a right vertical scrollbar appears and cannot be removed. As a result, printing can only display some of the initial content as long as it can fit one page.
  • (2022-08-25, v:29.0) Alyska Farnsworth: PRINT-EDIT WE
    This happened so far on one particular page. Everytime I turn the extension on, the page I want to edit gets an error message "we are having problems loading. Please try again. with an image of an icecream cone. Instacart.com trying to print receipts and orders.
  • (2022-08-16, v:29.0) Christine Smith: Printing the page tied to a Link in the original page
    How do I print a page that is tied to a link on the original page I'm printing? Example "...and paper costs can add up fast. If only there were a better way. "Tap or click" ...."" the Tap or Click would contain the URL. Allowing to print the URL at the same time print the main article. BTW I've used your app for years. Just love it. Thank you
  • (2022-07-21, v:29.0) Steve Burns: Selection Bar Prints
    Sometimes the function selection bar on the top will print. Most times not. Sometimes selecting TEXT PIECES seems to prevent this. How do I prevent it from printing and on a saved PDF?
  • (2022-06-13, v:29.0) Donny Silluana: Scrollbar missing in Sysops https://4sysops.com/
    On all pages at https://4sysops.com/, scrollbars disappear when using Start Editing.
  • (2022-03-11, v:29.0) Oskari Lavinto: Translations
    Hi, It would be nice to see support for translations added to this great extension. I would happily translate it into Finnish if it would be possible through Crowdin, Transifex or some other similar platform.
  • (2022-03-11, v:29.0) K King: not working
    Using Google Chrome Version 99.0.4844.51 (Official Build) (64-bit). I cannot make a selection from the grey menu to edit anything. Even the help button is not responding.
  • (2022-02-24, v:29.0) Ivan Zacarias Gonzales Saavedra: porque aparece 1 pagina en pdf
    cuando selecciono todo el documento pero al usar print....sólo aparece la ultima pagina en el pdf generado
  • (2022-02-07, v:29.0) Linda Holtzman: How do I insert a line into text I am editing
    I am editing a web page and I don't see an option to insert a line. The only option is insert a page break. How do I learn how all the features work? I love this extension but know there is more it can do if I knew how.
  • (2021-11-20, v:28.6) Mail Box: Images do not display in save as PDF or for printing.
    Hello. When I am trying to save as PDF or print my page, the images that I kept do not show up - in print preview and in PDF they show as blank white space. How can I get them do show properly? Thank you.
  • (2021-10-24, v:28.5) Eitan Caspi: Cannot select in edit mode
    Hi, in edit mode, when the mouse is hovering over an area, a red frame is shown, but when clicking with the mouse to select the area - it is not selected. I use the latest chrome and the latest extension versions, under fully updated windows 10 64 bit.
  • (2021-10-22, v:28.5) Nabil Sater: This extension is no longer working.
    Not sure what happened. I removed it and reinstalled it. No luck
  • (2021-10-06, v:28.5) Ke'Ylan Abaddon Banthraxx: Save to HTML issue
    Hail: When I want to save text in Quora to HTML, I need version 14 installed. Funny, since I run version 28, apparently? How can I overcome this, please? I have a large text waiting to be saved, so please help? Thank you.
  • (2021-09-25, v:28.5) Tristan BREJON: Gap between mouse and select box
    There is a gap between my mouse and the selection box... It's very annoying because I can't select just with left click, and the box is higher than my mouse... Need fix please
  • (2021-06-10, v:28.3) Sébastien Kermalo: Preview still display all page
    On Edge Chromium 91, "Print preview" display all page instead of red-selected frames :( Please fix this :)
  • (2021-06-09, v:28.3) Banibrata Dutta: How to correctly save edited pages that use light coloured text on dark background ?
    Love and use quite a bit the 'Print Edit WE' plugin in Edge. Currently if I edit a page to keep the crucial, interesting content while removing the distractions before saving, it works perfectly for sites that use dark fonts on light background, but for those that use light fonts on dark background, the save site is unusable (without manually editing CSS or something similar), as they get saved as light text on light background. Is there any elegant workaround to either change colour of all or some text to dark, or to change background to dark, from within Print Edit WE.
  • (2021-03-24, v:27.8) Pamela Murueta: No se visualiza la vista previa
    La vista previa al guardar como pdf no aparece. Me aparece que está desconectada de la impresora y sale en el ícono de la extensión "sus".
  • (2021-03-13, v:27.8) Pamela Murueta: I can no longer save the pages as PDF
    A few days ago I was saving a page as PDF but after that it doesn't load the printing part as preview. It says I don't have any printing device linked to my computer which I didn't have in the first place and it worked perfectly. I refreshed the page and edited everything again. I uninstalled the program I restarted my laptop Still nothing. Please help, I need this for my job.
  • (2021-03-05, v:27.8) Chris: How do I edit text?
    The description says it can edit text. I see how I can add or remove text, but how do I change the existing text?
  • (2021-02-24, v:27.8) Andrew Sanderson: Columns have automatically been hidden text appearing
    Have been using your excellent and most useful product for ages but, for the first time, I have encountered the above message which (a) appears when everything I've marked is showing on the Preview page and (b) it is appearing on the actual print! A warning to the user should be just that: to the user eg in a pop-up box. It should not be appearing in the print itself. There's no requirement for such as an audit-type message given the ability to hide all sorts of content from the original webpage. After all, that's the point of this product! Please remove this message altogether. PS I'm using it on the latest Firefox, not Chrome, but I can't see how to contact you via the Firefox browser! Thank you
  • (2020-12-15, v:27.6) 小恐龙: Can support multiple languages?
    I can help translate to Chinese.
  • (2020-12-02, v:27.6) Sal Chahin: Suspended
    It keeps going into suspended mode. The only version available in FireFox is 27.5, not 27.6. Please help.
  • (2020-11-28, v:27.5) Syukron Pro: Today, i couldn't select anything at all.
    Yesterday was working fine. Please revert back to prior version.
  • (2020-11-27, v:27.5) Christine White: Just stopped working.
    The Extension will not work all of a sudden and it has a red SUS on the icon.
  • (2020-10-29, v:27.0) Jim Reed: Does not seem to work on web pages that have already been saved locally
    I have many pages, mostly recipes, that I have saved and would like to print just the recipe without all the extra junk. Can't do it with this extension. Seems to work ok with live web pages, but that's not what I need.
  • (2020-10-01, v:26.6) Bill Drake: Printer notice
    When I try to print an Word file it states I have 18 documents waiting!!
  • (2020-09-25, v:26.6) Thunder Rooster: It stopped working
    When you delete sections and click on preview, the deleted parts still show. How can you completely remove this extension and reinstall it to see if that works? Or do have any other suggestions? Thank you.
  • (2020-09-04, v:26.6) Sara Drake: Unable to Print?!
    Suddenly I cannot print the pages that I spent time editing. When I preview, the icon in my toolbar changes to "SUS" - which is new, so I'm guessing there was an update. How can I print now?
  • (2020-08-01, v:26.3) Lemos JLM: Resize the photos
    Hello! Please, add the option to resize the photos equally Print Friendly & PDF. Thank you.
  • (2020-07-09, v:26.3) Mary Smith: not working right any more
    It's not working right at Amazon, Paypal and even FredMeyer Groceries. Can't select an area. The only way to select is to surround text with the mouse and then delete and try to print what's left. very clumsy. It used to work fine. I use Vivaldi.
  • (2020-05-06, v:26.1) Dan Robinson: Page Setup Blank
    This is for the Firefox version. About a month ago I clicked on the page setup button and the popup page is completely blank. After that every time I try to print anything with either print edit WE or the FF Print icon, I get a single page blank except for header and footer, no content.
  • (2020-04-29, v:26.1) Marcela Albuquerque: Having difficulty with Print Edit WE settings
    I have succesfully set up and used Print Edit WE to print from a specific webpage from work. I need and use it a lot for this end, since there is information that I need to save as PDF and the website itself doesn't allow us to (it used to, but not anymore). I don't know why or what happened but Print Edit WE has recently returned to its default settings. Since then, I have not been able to adjust the settings as they previously were, therefore not being able to save the PDFs properly. I must have the text entirely moved to the left, but that's not what happens. The text box goes to the left, but not the text itself. I have tried all possible formatting combinations with no success at all. I like this chrome extension a lot, it's the best print editor available at the Chrome Store. However, it's no user friendly. It took me quite awhile to understand and adjust it to the perfect settings when I first used it. Now, I simply can't replicate these settings anymore. I desperately need assistance and thank you in advance for it.
  • (2020-04-25, v:26.1) Eric Trattner: Save as PDF
    Dear Sirs, This follows my having (happily, if I may say) used your extension in Firefox for quite a long time. A few minutes ago I added it to my Chrome & Vivaldi browsers and failed to find the Save as PDF option (only HTML & MHTML). Installation issue? Configuration? Something I am missing? Your prompt & helpful support will be most appreciated. Thanks in advance for your attention to this matter. Keep safe, Cordially, Eric
  • (2020-03-31, v:26.1) Thunder Rooster: Walmart
    It has stopped working for Walmart. You can delete parts but when you preview the page it still shows the parts you deleted.
  • (2020-02-27, v:25.1) Mary Smith: not working at paypal any more (& not so much at amazon)
    It used to work fine at these 2 sites. But now I can't select anything and proceed to delete.
  • (2020-02-22, v:25.1) Ran Masumi: Text size
    Thanks for a useful app. I'm happy to be able to change the font size when entering text.
  • (2020-02-15, v:25.0) npn bkck: Save selection & Shortcut keys
    Could we have two more things? + Save print settings for pages from the same domain (for example: remove some banners) + Shortcut keys for buttons (Remove, Preview...) Thanks!
  • (2019-12-21, v:24.4) Rachel Phillips: print we , hide/delete except
    when i select a middle centered box(red outlined), the entire box flushes to the left is cut off, help
  • (2019-12-09, v:24.4) Scott Flore: page breaks
    how the heck do I move/edit page breaks???
  • (2019-11-24, v:24.4) GA Thomas: mhtml
    I do not think the problem is Print Edit WE. Tried saving with another application called 'Save as MHTML'. It does the same thing. Automatically wants to save as .txt file
  • (2019-11-24, v:24.4) GA Thomas: mhtml
    When I select Save As MHTML, the save file automatically wants to save as .txt Only if I type in mhtml, will it save as mhtml, but at least it will.
  • (2019-10-30, v:24.4) Brian Holt: May No Longer Save to ".mhtml" in Chrome - Saves as ".txt" File Instead ...
    Like another user posted, I can no longer save my edited web pages in the ".mhtml" format. When I click to save the edited page as ".mhtml", the browser that I am using (Google Chrome version 78.0.3904.70 (Official Build) (64-bit) latest edition) it saves the edited page as a ".txt" file. If you would please work on a "fix" for this I would really appreciate it, as your extension is absolutely awesome, and I use. it multiple times a day! Thanks.
  • (2019-10-27, v:24.4) T Bell: Print Edit We no longer saving as mhtml file
    I've been using Print Edit We for years on Firefox. Even kept an extended release version of Firefox so I could continue using this extension when newer versions of Firefox stopped supporting it. But then I changed over to using Chrome and was delighted to find the extension was available in Chrome. In the last week however, when I go to save a page, it no longer saves it as a .mhtml file, but instead saves it as a .txt file. If I manually change the extension to .mhtml, it does turn into a.mhtml file , but why this change in behavior? Does it have something to do with the fact that Chrome no longer lets you save web pages as mhtml files? (Very stupid thing to do, on the part of Chrome developers. Had to install a special extension so I could continue to save pages as mhtml files.)
  • (2019-10-18, v:24.4) olivier Dulac: get rid of size limits - tables boundaries
    I love your extension : I can quickly delete unwanted columns (side columns, menus, top bar, ads, etc). But then I end up with a narrow colon with what I want, but I couldn't find any simple way to resize that (ie, let it expand in the page's width that has been freed from the former clutter)... how does this work? (There is, to my knowledge, no HowTos showing how such common tasks are done, nor are there complete explanations of what each of the PrintEdit tool can do)


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2023-09-04 / 31.3
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