extension ExtPose

Trimless for Google Mail™

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Automatically shows trimmed content in Google Mail™.

Image from store Trimless for Google Mail™
Description from store Expands trimmed parts, removes "Show trimmed content" buttons, sets trimmed text's color to light gray and indents it to the right. Restores clipped messages as well. You can switch it on and off by simply clicking the scissors icon in the address bar. The color and the size of indentation are fully customizable. Tinker with the source code on GitHub: http://bit.ly/YDmt1z Buy me some ice cream via PayPal: http://bit.ly/15maUAa

Latest reviews

  • (2022-10-18) Kalle Anka: This both expands replies and "[Message clipped]". It would be nice to have an option to only automatically expand "[Message clipped]" but not replies.
  • (2022-09-06) T1 Ledlie: It does what it says, with only the permissions it needs. You do need to go into the extension settings and disable indenting and color override for trimmed content in order for it to look "normal."
  • (2022-04-13) Phil Sowers: Doesn't seem to be working 100% in 2022, but when it does it's great. The only downsides are it doesn't always expand the messages, and i think it expands conversation threads automatically as well which could be an issue for some people.
  • (2022-04-08) Mark Palmos: Does not work at all. I enter R to reply or Shift-R to reply as a pop-out, and the trimmed content is still trimmed.... so this addon does not do it's job.
  • (2021-12-22) Memz: It only automatically presses the "Untrim content" button from the email. It doesn't hide all of the content which makes it hard to use.
  • (2021-03-15) PintSizedPurple: still works, this should be a default in chrome.
  • (2021-01-15) Alex: Just what I need.
  • (2020-11-15) Zachary S: Amazing. It has fixed a MASSIVE FLAW in gmail that drives me crazy. My question: is there a way to apply on mobile versions of gmail (iOS and Android)? I detest the limit in those apps.
  • (2020-09-27) John Bray: Just works, and stops Google's idiotic behaviour
  • (2020-02-05) Avi Schwartz: Sometimes it works but recently it fails more than it works. When it fails the email is completely truncated and I have to turn it off to be able to see the email.
  • (2019-12-01) Paddy Landau: The best thing about this extension is that it eliminates the irritating message, "[Message clipped] View entire message". The worst thing about the extension is that it also expands the entirety of an attached thread. Fortunately, you can just click the scissors at the top to turn the extension on or off immediately. I leave it off, and double-click it (so on and then immediately off) only when I see "View entire message" on the email. If the dev could put in an option to selectively turn on "untrimming" only for Gmail's clipping, and not for the collapsed thread, this extension would be perfect! (Now, if only we could have a similar function for Android's Gmail app :) )
  • (2019-11-16) Lee Casalena: Thank you for making this.
  • (2019-10-24) Daniele Rizzo: Ottimo! Proprio quello che mi serviva!
  • (2019-06-14) Sheldon Sachs: Stopped working again in chrome. Error message is: { "applications": { "gecko": { "id": "[email protected]" } }, "background": { "persistent": false, "scripts": [ "vendor/tinycolor-1.4.1.min.js", "background.js" ] }, "content_scripts": [ { "js": [ "vendor/jquery-3.3.1.min.js", "contentScript.js" ], "matches": [ "https://mail.google.com/mail/*" ], "run_at": "document_start" } ], "description": "Automatically shows trimmed content in Google Mail™.", "icons": { "128": "images/icon-128.png", "16": "images/icon-16.png", "48": "images/icon-48.png" }, "key": "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCq2+Jg/3mM/9KELc+n31TgvoSp1eTiLcOtgKMGqf9PQsPKcKBN6EFib8ZN8wQuvtdOiFdxuooiR+17yMsWUU/wxp8pu2tyyb611MirNFQTd5jdw6GjEz+nFPvJ9ik4Vs1Xnxi9sohd4Eo5hIiThfQWu9DffUXlS7WYSesURa70oQIDAQAB", "manifest_version": 2, "name": "Trimless for Google Mail™", "options_ui": { "chrome_style": true, "page": "options.html" }, "page_action": { "default_icon": { "19": "images/icon-action-19.png", "38": "images/icon-action-38.png" }, "default_title": "Trimless" }, "permissions": [ "storage" ], "short_name": "Trimless Gmail", "update_url": "https://clients2.google.com/service/update2/crx", "version": "1.11.1" }
  • (2019-05-28) Brian Mahoney: Awesome. I've used Outlook for years and it had bugged me after switching over to Gmail that I couldn't automatically see the trimmed content when I popped out a reply window. Very nice fix. Thanks, Oleg!
  • (2019-03-18) Robert Butera: I'm using latest version (1.10.4) and it does not work anymore.
  • (2019-03-16) Stopped working. Now continously getting the "message clipped" message at the end of many e-mails. Used to work well.
  • (2019-03-16) Don Lekei: This is an essential app (although it shouldn't be -- gmail should have an option). It took a while to realize that it isn't that it fails to work, it just doesn't work first time with the new forced interface on Gmail. If a message is clipped the first time then refresh the page to see the whole message. Message clipping cost me $100s because of lost coupons and deals. I do concierge shopping and I am an avid Air Miles collector. Retailers almost always put the coupons at the end of the email and Gmail's cost me a lot on Black Friday and Boxing weeks. I thought to take a star off for the refresh-needed bug but there are enough negative reviews from people who haven't figured it out to average it down by a fraction of a star.
  • (2019-02-19) It does not working in my latest version of GMail. :(
  • (2019-02-11) Sandré de Paula: Works great! thanks a lot! no more trimmed gmail messages!!!!!!
  • (2018-12-19) Stefan Schueler: The intention to overwrite Google's somewhat arbitrary limit of 102KB and show complete messages is good. However, it also overwrites intentional clipping in threaded view. While I always want to see the whole message, I am not interested in seeing the quoted content from earlier messages in the thread. What Google considers quoted is unfortunately not always what you would expect. I would like to encourage the developers of this extension to put a bit more thought into the different clipping mechanisms and ideally make it user configurable what behavior the extension is influencing how.
  • (2018-10-24) Mike Røntved: Worked perfectly until they refreshed gmail, which is over half a year ago, no update received to fix the issue.
  • (2018-09-22) Amelia Nestler: I loved this extension, and can't figure out why gmail doesn't offer it as an option. I get multiple emails per week like this, and it is so annoying to get to the bottom, have to click 'view entire message', and then find your place again! Unfortunately, it stopped working with the latest update. ): It looks like this may have been abandoned by the developer, too. I'm switching to classic as long as I can so I can keep this feature.
  • (2018-09-19) Sam Stoner: Doesn't work anymore.
  • (2018-08-10) Poneet Rahul: I. Hate. This. "Feature." Thank you for creating this.
  • (2018-06-11) Engin Tanacan: Same complaint as others - no longer works with the new Gmail.
  • (2018-06-10) Wim Vandeputte: it worked great with the old Gmail, but since the 'new' update, it does not seem to function. Time for an update?
  • (2018-05-29) Elise Johnson: doesn't work!
  • (2018-05-23) Nannette H: Yes, this works but it makes the trimmed content very pale and you can't see it properly. You have to close Chrome and open it again before it works. Please tell Google to remove this trimmed content button completely as it's very irritating and totally unnecessary
  • (2018-05-15) Mt. Helix Pest Control: Can we get an update for new GMAIL so I can flip my review to 5 stars? -COPIED FROM PREVIOUS REVIEWER CONLEY CARR
  • (2018-05-11) Conley Carr: Can we get an update for new GMAIL so I can flip my review to 5 stars?
  • (2018-05-09) Owen Edwards: Doesn't seem to work with the 'new' Gmail interface. I never tried it with the old one.
  • (2018-02-27) j t: Edit: Working now after update! Thanks No longer works as of Feb 21, 2018. Installed specifically to prevent clipping of Best Buy daily deals emails. Back to having to view clipped message. Tried removing, restarting chrome and reloading plugin. Tried F5 in the email, still clips
  • (2018-02-26) Mark Evans: This extension now works again, because the developer is extremely responsive and dedicated to providing a high-quality product. Update to the latest version, refresh Gmail if needed, and it works perfectly. Excellent!
  • (2018-01-30) Adrian Walter: After giving it one star for not working, I've finally found that hitting f5 forces it to work but like Adam, that's a real pain. If it worked consistently it would be a great app
  • (2018-01-27) Ralph Hancock: It was very useful, but now no longer works, and I've had to remove it. Wish you'd do a new version that works.
  • (2018-01-03) Salvatore Mocerino: Al momento fa quello per cui la ho installata. Ovvero aggiungere la firma alla fine delle mail che senza estensione veniva nascosta. Quindi per me funziona e merita le 5 stelle.

Latest issues

  • (2017-07-21, v:1.9.2) Daana B: Trimless
    Hello, I have trimless for Gmail installed on my computer and it seem to have stopped working. Please help. Daana
  • (2017-07-14, v:1.9.2) Color Hex #000000
    Hi. Please advise how I change the default colour from #888888 to black #000000 for trimmed content. There is no facility to save changes within the option screen, just reset to default.
  • (2017-02-02, v:1.9.2) Bob Newman: Is it installed?
    Trimless does not appear to be installed in Gmail but when I try to install it there is a green square in the upper right that says:"added to Chrome". What can I do. Thanks... Bob
  • (2017-02-02, v:1.9.2) Aaron Thompson: Trimless doesn't work on startup
    In order for the extension to work, I have to click the extension icon to turn it off and then click again to turn it back on. After doing that, then Trimless will open up the "..." trimmed part of my mail. I'm using Chrome Version 56.0.2924.87
  • (2016-11-20, v:1.9.2) Chelky Lin: Conflict with PixelBlock
    Hello Dev, There seems to be a conflict with the Chrome extension PixelBlock. When both these extensions are enabled, images don't display properly. Can this be fixed?
  • (2016-09-01, v:1.9.2) Pop Out Window
    I prefer to reply to messages in a pop out window. It would be great if the extension worked in this case, too. Thanks.
  • (2016-08-12, v:1.9.2) Brad Hebert: Unable to hide old text in each email?
    Without this extension, Gmail has a feature to hide the old text copied from previous emails. When I use this extension, there is no option to hide the old email text. All I wanted from this extension was to show each NEW email completely (with no need to click "show entire message").
  • (2016-06-17, v:1.9.2) Raul Fernandez: And to send?
    And it could do the same to send? The sender read the entire message without hiding.
  • (2016-05-03, v:1.9.2) Mike Bangasser: Memory leak/Gmail Lag with extension enabled
    First, this extension is a lifesaver for someone frustrated for years that business signatures were trimmed and email format looked unprofessional because of it. It seems with the more recent versions 48+ of Chrome(windows or ChromeOS), the extension is causing a memory leak/significant lag in Gmail over the course of a day of use. I have disabled every extension in chrome to determine this extension is the cause. The most noticeable lag is when trying to label messages, it can take on upwards of 10 seconds after pressing the label button to get the menu to drop down when this extension is enabled. When the extension is disabled, it is nearly instant no matter how long gmail has been in use since last restart/refresh. Please advise....thanks!
  • (2016-03-31, v:1.9.2) G Troyer: Trimless quit working
    I am using Google Chrome on an XP operating system. A particular customer that emails me has a logo in his signature line that appears as thousands of lines of text. I installed trimless and the text went away and the logo appeared. That worked for a few days and suddenly it quit working and I am back to where I started. I uninstalled and reinstalled Trimless but no luck. Can you give me any help. Thanks, Glenn Troyer [email protected]


10,000 history
4.0 (94 votes)
Last update / version
2019-05-29 / 1.11.1
Listing languages
