extension ExtPose


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Description from extension meta

Select table cells, rows and columns with your mouse or from a context menu. Copy as rich text, HTML, tab-delimited and CSV.

Image from store Copytables
Description from store - Hold Alt and click to select cells, Alt + Ctrl to select a column... - or use hotkeys and menus to select and copy. - Copy as rich text (for Word), as tab or comma-delimited text (for Excel), as HTML (for your website). - Popup information about selected cells (Sum, Average etc) - Everything configurable.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-09-06) Liu Tommy: 非常實用的功能
  • (2023-06-16) Yaroslav Tarasenko: Perfectly done!
  • (2023-03-29) Trần Xuân Thịnh: I think almost function is wonderfull, But sometime I face big issue: when I select some cell or row and using Command + C to copy and paste some where but sometime it copy all the table, althought I do not select the table; I using on Mac; Please help me why Thanks
  • (2023-03-07) Sergei Popkov: I use it a lot on mac. Saved soo much time. Yhank you!
  • (2023-02-17) Arvid Linde: Surely, the author must realise that this add-on doesn't work at all? I've been trying it relentlessly with different tables, making sure the tables are actually proper tables, not divs - and it just does absolutely nothing. Completely useless.
  • (2023-02-13) Graeme Rock: This was preventing me from clicking between tabs in Google Sheets, and instead gave me the metrics of how many of the tabs I had selected. Same thing for the formatting buttons - it would tell me all about which buttons I had clicked or highlighted, but would not let me click them.
  • (2023-02-13) Pat MySecret: Gives option to copy cells, but it wasn't working for me. Will copy 2 columns at same time. :-)
  • (2022-10-31) Ean James: I use this extension for work a lot. It's pretty amazing
  • (2022-10-01) 林煒清: Markdown format !! please !!
  • (2022-06-02) Rodrigo F. Silveira: In Jun/2022, still Simple and Practice! Perfect!
  • (2022-05-10) David Vickers: Works very if the HTML is well-formed. Doesn't work at all with malformed HTML, such as a missing TD tag, Also includes a few nice features such as show the sum and average of the selected table column.
  • (2022-04-26) steven lee: this addin will conflict with the simple-allow-copy:https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/simple-allow-copy/aefehdhdciieocakfobpaaolhipkcpgc
  • (2022-04-17) Enrique L: Funciona muy bien
  • (2022-03-29) Another Bite: Just installed 30 seconds ago and it works beautifully. Thank you!!
  • (2022-03-08) Kenet brown: first try on wikipedia and works perfectly thanks
  • (2021-12-30) sergio angelo: I've been using it for 3 years every day. It seriously is the most powerful tool possible when it comes to working with information on web pages. Can't be grateful enough to the developer. God bless.
  • (2021-11-25) Bruno Eklund: Works! Similar features as in Firefox.
  • (2021-10-13) ALMOXARIFADO SEJUSP: A extensão "salvadora da pátria"!!! É um absurdo o Chrome já não vir com essa funcionalidade!
  • (2021-09-22) Robert: I can't believe I didn't find this extension earlier, but in any case, I have it now and it's SO USEFUL! No longer do I have to copy an entire table and then to clean up the data in an intermediate app like a text editor or spreadsheet.
  • (2021-09-17) Millken Chen: Simple and practical
  • (2021-08-21) Dennis Bareis: Trying this again after a complete failure a few months ago, also failing now, I tried this on 4 different tables, it simply doesn't work! The only thing I can get it to do is copy a single table column and I use a different and easier to use extension for that. Of course the almost complete lack of instructions doesn't help any, but for example ALT plus click cell selects the column (the animation confirms this) not what the little there is information says it should select the cell.
  • (2021-07-27) Scott Gartner: This is a terrific extension, I use it almost every day. I install it on every computer. Great work!
  • (2021-06-24) Rolo: Muy bueno!
  • (2021-06-02) bright matter: I use it all the time. Moving data into places like Confluence, MS Teams, Jira, etc has been made so much easier! Are there fringe cases where it does not work? Of course there is. HTML can be very complex (and poorly written), so parsing it will never be 100% for a simple extension. Keeping your expectations to "reasonable", this is a great tool and I would recommend it to everyone.
  • (2021-04-26) Andrey Lappo: Очень не хватало этой штатной возможности Mozilla Firefox.
  • (2021-04-20) Melissa Nastassja Navarro: Hi! I can't seem to send you an email. I was having an issue, I can't highlight a table on Amazon Seller Central. When I tried other sites and copy a table, it is working. But with Amazon, it doesn't. Please help. It was set to all sites also.
  • (2021-04-14) Davi: Extensão essencial para quem trabalha com tabelas em HTML e CCSV. A única que funcionou de maneira simples e objetiva, mas sem abrir mão de opções mais avançadas. Meus sinceros agradecimentos ao desenvolvedor da extensão.
  • (2021-03-24) Pete Scully: Very useful, especially for delayed-JS loaded table data. One Addition - Extracting link urls with text would be super handy too. i.e. <td><a href>text</></> -> "text (href)". Instead of the current -> "text". 🤞
  • (2021-03-18) Fuhan Chang: 現在不用再開firefox了
  • (2021-02-28) Kelvin Klopper: Doesn't work.
  • (2021-02-10) Michael Cox: Deze plugin is heel handig als je veel met tabellen en/of gestructureerde gegevens werkt. Feature request: Het zou leuk zijn, mocht er ook als markdown (md) opgeslagen kan worden.
  • (2021-01-10) Trevor Howard: Works well and intuitively. I had to refresh the browser for it to take effect.
  • (2020-12-19) Ярослав Хартонюк: Did exactly what I was searching - copy text from column of html table
  • (2020-10-08) Nop Yoo: mark
  • (2020-09-27) Lover Lover: Super helpful! Saved a lot of time for me on sites like Wikipedia
  • (2020-09-14) davon Chen: Great!
  • (2020-08-28) Arlansyah: sangat membantu pekerjaan, very useful for work
  • (2020-08-19) Jae Seung Lee: 웹사이트에서 자료 긁어다 엑셀에 붙이는 경우가 많은 나는 이 확장 프로그램 하나때문에 파폭이나 다른 브라우저를 못 씀... 크로미움 엔진 쓰는 엣지에서는 기본기능으로 제공하는데, 왜 다른 브라우저에서는 이 기능을 제공안하는지 넘 불편. 엣지는 다른 확장기능이 호환 안돼고...ㅠㅠ
  • (2020-02-17) Ryan: Almost there. It does a great job at selecting columns, rows, cells and tables, almost as well as Firefox does natively. However, it's a little confusing to initiate the selection process. It would be great if you could enable the selection just by holding down Alt or Ctrl or Shift then clicking, without needing a character key to follow it. Many of these combinations are already in use by the system, which can cause conflicts or confusion. In my mind, Ctrl+c would select either a cell or a column, but this is also the (Windows) command to copy, so I can't use that. Using the Alt key is the default global Windows behavior for selecting menus, and using Shift is standard when typing uppercase characters. This leaves only the option of clicking the extension icon, then selecting the desired action, then clicking in the table... which is way better than having no functionality, but is still a bit tedious when doing a lot of copying and pasting. Still, overall the extension is the best I've seen so far for mimicking Firefox's abilities to select HTML table contents. Update: I have also noticed that it copies the browser tab name when copying tables. While some might find this useful, I have to remove it every time I paste the data. It would be nice to be able to turn this "feature" off and simply copy the table as-is.
  • (2019-11-26) Jos van Leeuwen: Just came back here to give it 5 stars after realising I've been using this extension so much. I love it!
  • (2019-11-17) Bono Fox: Funktioniert hervorragend!
  • (2019-10-28) Oliver Busch: One of those little tiny add-ins that simplify standard operations which ordinarily are not implemented in the standard functionality of Chrome, take too much time and drive you crazy.
  • (2019-09-11) Александр Дерябо: Great, good work! Отличное расширение, работает так как нужно.
  • (2019-09-05) Adeem Salik: Tried but Didn't work, selection of table works but export to excel does not
  • (2019-09-04) Štefan Šimík: Saved me a lot of time
  • (2019-06-23) Nicholas Friedman TeBockhorst: I've used a lot of different plugins and tools to get web tables into Google Sheets or Excel. This is far and away the best one I've used. It perfectly selects inline tables, captures tables that are built client-side, and seems to do pretty well with table-like content that isn't technically an HTML table. The ability to capture as formatted or un-formatted content as well as "un-pivoting" is also extremely useful to save some extra clicks. Wow.
  • (2019-06-13) Ade Jones: Exceptionally useful for extracting tabulated data from a web page, particularly helpful when this functionality does not exist within the website.
  • (2019-05-28) Bahadır Çağrı BAYRAM: Before starting please check the manual first. it is so simple and easy. Definitely works!
  • (2019-04-16) syun yun: Not sure, the extension appear and let me select copy format but when i paste, i get nothing. :S
  • (2019-04-02) Did not work in any way.

Latest issues

  • (2023-01-12, v:0.5.9) Mohammed Shafi: Security/privacy details
    Hi, We are planning to use this extension for our organization and would be helpful if I have some information related to security/privacy. Could you provide some details related security/privacy, for example how data is collected, stored or used ?
  • (2022-07-22, v:0.5.9) medicineman: 不具合
  • (2022-06-07, v:0.5.9) Tony Nguyen: Doesn't work with a local page
    I opened an .html file with a table from my computer and the table wasn't recognized by the extension at all. It seems the .html file needs to be online.
  • (2022-02-23, v:0.5.9) Mac T: No longer copies portion of table
    This extension has worked great for me for a long time. Today I tried to copy only one column from a table and no matter what I do or what option I pick it copies the entire table. I can visually see just the one column highlighted blue but this is not copying just what is highlighted. Very frustrating bug.
  • (2021-07-07, v:0.5.9) Данил Степанов: Не скачивается
    Пишет, что приложение скачивается, но на самом деле не скачивается, когда нажимаешь на обновить в табличке, ничего не происходит
  • (2021-02-12, v:0.5.9) 森英典: Copytablesの使い方
  • (2020-11-13, v:0.5.9) Leo Hendry: Nothing works
    Without instructions it is not possible to know for sure whether I'm doing something wrong, but in Chome 86 on Windows across multiple web pages: * None of the context menu options have any affect * Holding down ALT or CTRL-ALT make no difference to dragging behaviour * When clicking on the icon none of the different options appear to do anything other than change the icon to have a "C", "R" etc in it.
  • (2020-09-28, v:0.5.9) Dennis: Copy table with one click
    Is there is a way to copy table at one click like select table? With key is also good. It would be better to have to option to copy table at the same time select table.
  • (2020-09-15, v:0.5.9) Rizwan H: Multiple pages
    How to selects columns of multiple pages. There are 20 rows per column and 1 column per page on my website. How can I select more than 2 columns?
  • (2019-12-30, v:0.5.9) Yashasvi Datta | slice: Extension not working
    I'm using Periscope and I'm unable to use the extension. Using windows 10 pro.
  • (2019-08-09, v:0.5.9) Brianna Barrow: Not Working For Me!
    I am running Mac OS Mojave but cant seem to copy any data into excel. Is this extension optimized for the latest version of Mac OS?
  • (2019-07-01, v:0.5.9) Frak: Robinhood tables
    Does not work with the Stock table in Robinhood Top right menu: Account->Account->Account (I know) It's the table that shows all your stock symbols and prices etc. https://imgur.com/mn3Wxqq
  • (2019-06-24, v:0.5.9) Trevor Froehlich: Accounting Format with Numbers
    I noticed that when the data is formatted in the accounting format it does not calculate correctly because negative numbers are surrounded in parentheses.
  • (2019-04-04, v:0.5.9) Lils3m: No "sum" (and avarage)
    Hello. There is no more "sum" (and avarage itp.) only "count" information in the infobox that pops out when I select tables. It's happening on every PC that I use, so I believe that it's an app fault. Can you check it out please? Thanks!
  • (2019-01-16, v:0.5.6) Richard Camilleri: CMD + click on OSX to open links in new tab prevented
    triggers Chrome's pop-up blocker instead. Have had to disable the extension.
  • (2019-01-10, v:0.5.6) Давид Мзареулян: It somehow disables <input type=file>
    On my Chrome this extension prevents <input type=file> from file selection dialog opening. Click on "Browse" button just do nothing. And everything works OK when I disable this extension. I have long been use your extension and this started just recently.
  • (2018-11-10, v:0.5.6) DistrictsInfo: for me not working
    Any video tutorial for this extension.
  • (2018-08-28, v:0.5.6) Rogério Dec: Not working
    Nothing seems to work. What's wrong?
  • (2018-08-08, v:0.5.6) Dan Dotson: Won't work with local HTML files?
    Hello- I get an HTML report sent to me in an email. I would like to use this tool to extract the data from one column. It appears that it won't work on local files. I uploaded the report to a webserver and pulled it up in Chrome, and I was able to select the columns. Any idea how to make it work on local files? Thanks, Dan
  • (2018-06-18, v:0.5.6) Rob Gillen: Disable multi-line TD split to multiple cells
    I really like the flexibility of this extension, but it seems to break each line into its own cell when the copied data is pasted into Excel (I haven't tried other applications). I couldn't find an option to prevent that from happening. What I'd like to see is the pasted data preserving the original cell content, including the line-breaks and other whitespace formatting. This would also be very useful for CSV or tab-delimited where special whitespace would be preserved (e.g. \n and \t for newlines and tabs, respectively).


90,000 history
4.4404 (193 votes)
Last update / version
2019-04-02 / 0.5.9
Listing languages
