extension ExtPose

OpenOffice Writer online for Word documents

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Description from extension meta

Create and edit doc and docx documents with OpenOffice Writer online

Image from store OpenOffice Writer online for Word documents
Description from store OpenOffice Writer online is an extension that allows to create, edit and view any Microsoft Word documents in both doc and docx formats. It is a word processor and publishing tool. It allows to create large documents, reports, and books, and simple enough for a quick memo. It is a document editor integrated with our file manager to manage only DOC, DOCX and ODT file types with this desktop app. The Open Office writer main features are: - Wizards for standard documents such as letters, faxes, agendas, minutes, or carrying out more complex tasks such as mail merges. You can also create your own templates, or download templates from the Templates repository. - Advanced Styles and Formatting. - Table of Contents & References to increase the usefulness of your long, complex documents by generating a table of contents or indexing terms, bibliographical references, illustrations, tables, and other objects. - Text frames and linking for publishing tasks like newsletters and flyers - Notes and comments on the side of the document. This makes notes a lot easier to read. - AutoCorrect dictionary to trap typing mistakes on the fly, checking your spelling as you type. - AutoComplete to reduce typing effort. It also suggests common words and phrases to complete while you are typing. This extension uses the platform http://www.offidocs.com. It is an integration with an Open Office Linux desktop application. In concrete, it is a desktop app running through our OffiDocs API. It is available for free online users but it also allows the integration with premium users and on-premises OffiDocs deployments where the OffiDocs OpenOffice Writer is installed. IMPORTANT: This extension scans the URLs browsed in order to detect DOC files. The DOC files detected appear in a list located in the extension popup that are retrieved from our servers. The scanning is performed from our servers so your URL are reported to our system. No personal data is collected. This scan can be disabled with a checkbox that appears in the extension popup. If you disable this scanning, this functionality is not available so then the extension functionality is very limited.

Latest reviews

  • (2020-08-27) إيناس inasse: ووووووووووووووووووووااااااااااوووووووووووووووووووووو
  • (2020-08-21) JCompute Tech.: This extension is good however where are my documents located because this is a remote to a linux server. Also is it even secure? Why is it in a small window?
  • (2020-03-05) Turismo pelo Mundo: Horrivel, muito ruim, pessimo
  • (2019-08-17) Josh Leard: Is Totally broken! Wont let me do anything. Cant open a file, copy, paste, anything!
  • (2019-06-12) EBKG Jones: Thank you.
  • (2019-04-13) Jagdish Prasad Yadav: very useful
  • (2019-03-27) mul nul nul...
  • (2019-03-25) Relik': Sans aucun intérêt..
  • (2019-02-07) ppok
  • (2019-01-30) Moussel Niaks: JAIMAIS
  • (2019-01-12) Typhaine Helias: fonctionne pas
  • (2018-11-30) Daniel Castillo: chido
  • (2018-09-17) This is probably the worst document editor I have ever used. You can't even copy anything out of it to paste into another document, it won't let you save files where you want, it won't recognize printers or send to email, and it was a giant waste of my time. This is a joke. Don't install it, it will just cause you misery and pain. I wish I could give it negative stars.
  • (2018-08-23) Herbert Meyer: Makes my ChromeBox much more compatible with my other computers. Thanks!
  • (2018-05-08) monica salinas luna: muy genial.
  • (2017-10-17) EXTLand Support: Здравствуйте. Я являюсь представителем компании EXTLand, которая занимается решениями в сфере монетизации браузерных расширений. Мы предоставляем 6 видов монетизации, каждая из которых подтвердила высокую эффективность. В зависимости от Ваших потребностей мы можем предложить гибкие и наиболее выгодные условия для взаимного сотрудничества, а так же, в индивидуальном порядке, настроить метод монетизации от мягкого до более жесткого. Мы работаем абсолютно по всем ГЕО и чательно отбираем рекламму. Хотим обратить Ваше внимание на то, что система EXTLand не конфликтует с другими партнерскими программами, поэтому Вы можете легко заработать дополнительный доход. Если вы заинтересованы в нашем предложении или имеете какие-либо вопросы или предложения, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами. Skype: live:extland Email: [email protected]
  • (2017-10-11) Rid-er-die: does not do anything
  • (2017-10-10) DAD μ_BLD: lent et pas dans ma langue
  • (2017-10-01) Karly Woods: it didn't help me at all. this app is confusing and it sucks
  • (2017-08-09) Ned Somerville: its a bit hard to deal with... not sure how i feel about it yet. lags, and the viewing window is small.
  • (2017-06-06) Loren M: loads too slow
  • (2017-05-18) Jennifer Morris: Since I love to write, OpenOffice gives me everything I need to complete my school projects
  • (2017-04-25) Salvador Torres: excente gracias
  • (2017-04-22) Cory Howell: Even though I like OpenOffice a lot, this extension didn't work very well for me. I tried and tried to cut and past text into my doc, and it would not work. Not recommended.
  • (2017-04-22) Mindy T: annoying and slow.
  • (2017-02-17) Reginaldo vale de queiroz: Essa versão é completíssima já conheço .Fico feliz por está no meu LNV-LENOVO, bem rápido e prático. Recomendo a todos. Foi merecido as 5 estrelas.
  • (2017-02-08) Martin Bonilla: la estoy probando y no tengo comentario aun.
  • (2017-01-30) Henry B: Excellent. This is not a version of OpenOffice, it's the real app running on a Linux machine out there somewhere. What we get is a window into that Linux machine. I find that Google Docs is just too lightweight for my needs. OpenOffice is just what I need. Now my $200 Chromebook has been elevated to a new level of functionality. Way to go Offidocs...good job.
  • (2017-01-22) Miguel Rocafort: Me es muy util para editar documentos en linea. Gracias.

Latest issues

  • (2023-10-20, v:2.6.0) brigitte zwilling: Je n'ai plus accès à mes fichiers et ne peux plus ouvrir un nouveau dossier, il semble que openoffice est bloqué on me dit qu'un dossier va être récupéré et depuyis ce matin il est bloqué !
    Je n'ai plus accès à mes fichiers, je ne peux plus ouvrir mes documents, ouvrir une page blanche ni ouvrir l'aide d'openoffice. Un document qui devait être trécupéré ce matin est toujours bloqué dans la récupération
  • (2023-07-17, v:2.6.0) Annemieke Hijman: achteraf pagineren
    Ik ben bezig met een familie geschiedenis en heb nagelaten om vooraf pagineren in te stellen. Ik heb inmiddels 8 pagina's tekst en wil dus achteraf pagineren alsnog instellen. Hoe pak ik dat aan ?
  • (2022-11-27, v:2.6.0) Muslim Gore: MONEY IN YOUR POCKETS
    Hi, I'm Muslim, a civil war survivor who grew up in the states of america. I would love to bring you more traffic data by promoting your Bussiness to mostly Africans to download, download and share. I'm the founder of AFROspace Platforms, INC. would you like to hear more about it ?
  • (2021-06-16, v:2.5.9) Latifah Brett: Open Office
    I just downloaded Open Office via Google Chrome - I think. But now I can't find it anywhere in order to use it. Help.
  • (2020-01-19, v:2.5.7) Nusaibah Farid: lupa pin Macbookair
    tidak bisa masuk ke office apple karena lupa PIN
  • (2019-11-19, v:2.5.7) Harry Young: yes
    not right
  • (2019-06-07, v:2.5.7) Paul Gerard: Problem saving
    Microsoft tricked me to help me with a MS problem an now I not able to save my files to my directory. what can I do to fix that?
  • (2018-10-11, v:2.5.7) cath milward: My Open Office Writer has frozen and rebooting hasn't unfrozen it
    Please would you tell me how to 'unfreeze' it. Thank you Cath [email protected]
  • (2017-09-03, v:1.0.5) Larysa Tychyna: діалогове вікно
    я створила файл odt з англоукраїнськими термінами з ботаніки.Сьогодні під час спроби відкрити його, виникло якесь діалогове вікно: "Параметри фільтра ASCII" де пропонується вибір Кодировки, Шрифту,Мови... Я погодилася раз, але відкривши бачу тільки slashes.Як повернути початковий вигляд?
  • (2017-02-17, v:1.0.5) Reginaldo vale de queiroz: Instalar o Word
    Olá meus caros, boa tarde. Possuo o pacote Office 365, mas já vai ser inspirado e não vou fazer a renovação, Posso instalar vou ter problema com a Microsoft? Faço pequenos trabalhos Ex Recibos, informação cadastral, elaborar um objetivo social, controle de material e outros.Obrigado
  • (2017-02-14, v:1.0.5) offline
    I need to to be able to work on word documents while not connected to internet. Can I use this to work offline.


50,000 history
3.1237 (97 votes)
Last update / version
2024-04-27 / 2.6.8
Listing languages
