extension ExtPose

Tab Master 5000

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Description from extension meta

The swiss army knife of tab, history, bookmark, session, and extension management.

Image from store Tab Master 5000
Description from store Tab Master 5K replaces your New Tab page with a full-featured tabs, history, bookmarks, apps, extensions, and sessions manager. --- Features -- Tabs - Close, pin, and mute tabs from your New Tab page. - Re-order tab tiles by dragging and dropping them. - Close all tabs from a specific website. - Close duplicate tabs, and optionally make them pulsate. - Manage tabs through icons, the right click menu, or through a table view. - Search tabs in the top search bar. - Option to sort tabs by website or alphabetical order, and apply the order to your Chrome window. - Option to view tabs across all windows. - Automatically discard tabs from memory and customize how long they have to be inactive to trigger it. -- Customization - Full control of the New Tab's appearance with a flexible theme editor. - Import any wallpaper as a background. - Adjust the size of the grid tiles. - View a screenshot of each tab in the grid. - Enable screenshots to cover the background of a New Tab page when you hover over a tab tile. You can adjust the strength of the blur and opacity of backgrounds in Preferences. -- Session Management - Session manager built in for saving and restoring your current tab sessions. - Synchronize your saved sessions, and keep them persistently updated with the current Chrome window. - Tab sessions can be exported and imported. - View, sort, and filter your session tabs as tiles in the grid view. -- Chrome Management - View, sort, and filter your bookmarks, history, apps and extensions as tiles in the grid view. You can change how apps launch, create app shortcuts, enable/disable, or uninstall them. - Quickly navigate the extension with keyboard shortcuts. - Undo tab actions by pressing CTRL+Z, or through the context menu while a New Tab page is open. - Add websites you do not want to view to a comma separated blacklist in Settings -> Preferences. Websites added to the blacklist will have their tabs closed under any circumstance. Please report any issues on this store page's Support tab. If you like this extension, or think it could be better, please rate it and leave feedback. You can also fork and pull request this extension on its public Github repository: https://github.com/jaszhix/tab-master-5000-chrome-extension

Latest reviews

  • (2023-07-27) Emmanuel: TOO...MANY...BUGS. The extension hasn't been updated in over 2 years. DO NOT INSTALL!!! This extension is dead.
  • (2022-07-17) Elienai Assis: It should be a preview of the page contents... most sites don't have a cool or high-res icon...
  • (2022-05-17) Xalomon: Restoring a session doesn't work like Chrome's History>Recently Closed does, where all tabs are brought back suspended without problems. The extension instead will bring each tab and try to load it in memory, when there's too many tabs they can't fit in memory making the browser hang.
  • (2021-12-05) Daniel Mikołajczyk: Settings don't save - screenshot settings to thumbnail, resets when you close browser. Same as in earlier comments: - a slider would be useful; - ability to find duplicates; - ability to add to groups (change group colour, folder); - ability to add to favourites.
  • (2021-10-30) Jim Nidositko: This extension looks very nice, but it seems to have a huge bug. When there are many windows, it does not properly scroll down past the first page in the session manager. The scroll anchor moves, but the context does not move. It stays stuck on the first page.
  • (2021-06-28) Pat MySecret: I like the way this incorporates New Tab function and the layout options, particularly Tiles.. However.. I tend to use a lot of similar/identical web pages.. particularly in blogging on the same website. There's probably many others out there who do something similar. I use the MultiLogin extension and see numbers that help differentiate, but that kinda invokes a numeric memorization task. If there was a simple choosable color option to help differentiate the tabs, that would make this a lot better. While the extension Tabs Outliner doesn't seem to have the tile layout and new tab function, it does let me put notes to help differentiate similar tabs.. so I am switching to Tabs Outliner.
  • (2021-03-26) Jason Carlin: Really impressive — this thing does everything! My main request would be having a max-width for the tabs tiles (or table). It's really tough to visually scan all those tabs on my big monitor.
  • (2021-03-12) Richard Lloyd (K3tonan): You are 1 star away from perfect. My main issue is that there is not an easy way to Save sessions (i.e. right click the icon and select). I ran across one that gave you the option to save various either single tab, all tabs from single window and all tabs from all windows. Another option that would be handy is on restore it doesn't load the pages until clicked on. Last, session recovery. I have been testing this on Brave and noticed that even if I set New Tab Override to Browser Default it still impacts the default tab by reducing it to minimalist view rather than Brave's New Tab.
  • (2021-03-09) Ge Ve: Almost perfect. However tried the search feature to find the tab I want, tried to type the name of the tab and after writing a couple of letters the letters are deleted making the search feature useless. please fix this
  • (2021-03-07) 7SD: EXCELLENT! Pensez-vous le traduire en Francais? Merci
  • (2021-02-14) 양태호: I have many bookmarks. So It's good to use. But I'm not good to use this app.
  • (2020-08-24) joan sola: No hace nada, o bien no es nada intuitiva. tampoco hay un lugar donde pueda informarme de como funciona. No entiendo como pueden triunfar aplicaciones así. No sirve para nada.
  • (2020-08-16) Artemi Lebedev: High cpu usage and no window grouping
  • (2020-08-09) Brian Purgert: Amazing!
  • (2020-02-08) Chelsea Boddie: This extension is exactly what I needed. I love it and can say that it definitely helps with my productivity.
  • (2020-01-04) Kris W: It's missing option to search for duplicates in history and delete them (only duplicates)
  • (2019-10-21) Adrian Staicu: Good for session control, but I didn't have much use for the rest of the features. I would have loved to be able to disable the new tab thing. I found that totally useless. For now I keep it disabled and enable it when I need it. Maybe it would make more sense to split it in two extension and also find duplicate tabs.
  • (2019-07-01) Richard Hoefer: Wow Jason, this is amazingly architected with unprecedented amounts of style customization and uncommonly great UX! The "however" part for me is that in order for me to use this as my new tab replacement page, I would want all tab tiles to be at least 1/2 the width and size of your defaults. I was momentarily excited seeing within your extensive custom theming options you have the ability to change tile sizes! But not make them smaller, only larger. I am sure you have very well thought-out rationales for this re the common problem of end users being their own worst enemies in configuring things that break when scaled across a large data set. However, for me, my highest priorities for a new tab page are instant icon recognition, in most cases without the need for any text whatsoever to identify the site. I know I am in the minority, but I'd much prefer the methods employed by numerous other tab speed-dial extensions whereby the domain's app or favicon is shown by default, plus giving users the option to customize the icons with their own uploaded image files (for example, as implemented by Infinite Dashboard's bookmarks page). The scale of your default tab tiles is very similar to sitting way too close to the front of a TV or movie screen, and you are enveloped by items way too large as to be uncomfortable. Nevertheless, I have to salute you and say that I have never ever seen this much extraordinary user experience thinking and execution in an extension on any platform. I'm sure you are a force to reckon with in all of your client work.
  • (2019-06-14) Carlos Eduardo Guerra Silva: Impressive functionality!
  • (2019-06-04) Terrn Lister: The bookmarks part needs some work, since I have my bookmarks all sorted into folders, but it shows everything as a single list that cannot be collapsed or hidden. Quite annoying.
  • (2019-05-19) J K: Maybe good concpet... but I hope it can have it own page instead of taking over my new tab page
  • (2019-04-15) wa da: I don't know how to use it
  • (2019-03-15) Lesia: Am I missing something? I cannot use the extension, it only allows options where I can toggle on and off about 20 settings. But I can't get to the actual program with all the features, the program in the pic above. I cannot access it. Where is it?! I click on the extension, nothing. Click on options, nothing. Tried to find their website, nothing. Where is the program so I can do all the features in the overview?
  • (2019-03-08) H V: It removed my duplicate bookmarks and saved me a lot of time.
  • (2018-12-03) Jesse Ω: a lot of time was put into this and it has a lot of cool feature, dont see many ext like this anymore!
  • (2018-10-02) Javier arias: MUY BUENA IDEA IDEAR ESTA TABULAción cierta y precisa como una navaja
  • (2018-02-13) Paul N: Incredible - does everything in one package! Please make it run separate from New Tab!
  • (2017-10-21) Инна Валешковская: Great Tool. Only if there was a possibility to move tabs between saved sessions and make search not in each session but in all sessions and open tabs simultaneously ...
  • (2017-04-06) Marcin Chmiel: It seemed fine until I identified this extension as a major performance drawback. This is especially apparent when scrolling pages.
  • (2017-03-26) Any chance you'd be willing to hide any bookmarks with the domain "javascript"? I have a bunch of bookmarklets that would do well hidden from the rest…
  • (2016-12-23) Joakim Eliasson: This extension does what I need and I used to need 4-5 extensions to do that!
  • (2016-12-18) Alex Dorey: Everything i need in a new-tab extension. I like that it's open source and the devs regularly update it with bug fixes and features. Though, it might be good to have demos of the advanced features built into the extension.
  • (2016-12-15) Rhiamon Reese: Sarebbe la migliore estensione del suo genere ma purtroppo non riesce a gestire tanti Bookmarks (ne ho centinaia) e quando cerco di aprire l'estensione dopo aver selezionato la modalità Bookmarks, si blocca e rimane bloccata. Non posso più nemmeno accedere alle opzioni per resettarla, devo disinstallarla e reinstallarla.
  • (2016-10-12) Reset 77: This could be one of the top 3 chrome extensions in history, it has a lot of potential i currently dont use it cause it replaces new tab, i already have a cool speed dial so my biggest suggestion will be to allow this extension run as a normal tab you can pin, instead of replacing the New Tab, also is slow to load, thats why having it always open in a normal tab will be much better also as a UI designer i will suggest moving the left menu to the top, the left menu overlapping the content is not very useful and there is a lot of free space in the top This has a lot of potential, hope you still develop this Thanks!!
  • (2016-08-02) Martin Lichtblau: Try it out yourself - this tool is phenomenal on so many levels!
  • (2016-04-25) Floyd: Great extension and I love it, but it seems to not want to love me back. Would love to have a dark theme. It started crashing/autoclosing after I made some changes in settings eg. Tile size etc. Fixed it by reinstalling. Overall great extension, would love to have tab thumbnails as a separate extension. Thank you for your extension and your consideration.

Latest issues

  • (2022-05-15, v:2.10.0) Spection ion: I can't seem to get it to function properly, possibly due to ambiguous setting controls
    I'm having trouble getting this extension working properly. For example, after I set the Override New Tab to open any arbitrary URL (such as https://www.dictionary.com), save the settings and then open a new tab, I see only a blank page (as I had been previously set in the Vivaldi settings). I do not see the Dictionary page. But a perhaps a more fundamental issue is that I find the TabMaster setting controls to be somewhat ambiguous. I had expected that to Enable a setting, you move it to the right, and to Disable, move it to the left. But is that correct? I ask because few of the settings seem to change the browser's behavior. For example, if I enable animations and also enable pulsing duplicate tabs then create several duplicates, I see no pulsing. Have you tested this using Vivaldi? Thanks!
  • (2022-03-30, v:2.10.0) Tyler Riggs: Blank New Tab?
    Is there a way to set it so when you open a new tab it's blank by default? So it doesn't show the open tabs I have?
  • (2021-02-05, v:2.10.0) Michael Harvey: Suspend tabs now that "The Great Suspender" is no longer an option?
    Given that "The Great Suspender" is apparently malware per Google and no longer available, does Tab Master provide any means for suspending tabs until they are clicked on so as to save system resources? I see that there is a "mute" option but that seems to be manual and I'm not sure what "mute" means in this case. Thanks for a great product!
  • (2021-02-05, v:2.10.0) Michael Harvey: Autosaving sessions
    I am, alas, a tab horder and regularly lose tabs when Chrome or my computer crashes. Being able to restore the session from Chrome is hit or miss depending on what actually happened. Restoring the tabs one-by-one from Chrome's History functionality is extremely tedious. Is there a way to have Tab Master autosave sessions at some cadence so that if there is a crash that wipes out open tabs, they can easily be restored en mass?
  • (2020-10-29, v:2.10.0) Gideon Lyons: setting on start up
    Can I set a number of windows to open with identified specific tabs in each window tabs? eg. Window 1 - email accounts and whatsapp window 2 - social sites window 3 - trello tabs
  • (2020-10-27, v:2.10.0) Andre Hames: Missing Chrome extensions
    1. In List mode, TabMaster5000 only shows Chrome extensions that have Options. Extensions without Options are not shown at all. However, in Tile mode all extensions are shown. Could you show all extensions in List mode? 2. Second problem: how to permanently sort extensions by name (modifying Sort By reverts to default after switching to other list type)
  • (2020-10-13, v:2.10.0) SoundCloud Copyright Free Music: Are you interested in selling?
    Looking to purchase your chrome extension. If you are interested please let me know. [email protected]
  • (2020-08-18, v:2.9.7) Bhuvanesh Kumar: tab karban patten open
    pattan lock open
  • (2020-07-12, v:2.9.7) Evelyn Englander: Sort order is not sticky
    In table view, the sort order reverts to "Date Added (descending)" instead of using my choice "Alphabetical (ascending). Thanks.
  • (2020-06-16, v:2.9.7) Miyako Jones: New tab page sorting option
    I changed the setting to "most visited" but it keeps resetting to "last visit", sometimes as soon as I close the menu. It always resets if I close and then reopen the page.
  • (2020-03-17, v:2.9.7) Agent XLax: Installed Tab Master 5000 and I cannot get it to launch
    I ran across you extension Tab Master 5000 and liked what I read so I decided to install it. Since then I do not see a icon for it in my Icon bar, nor does it run. I have checked my extentions page and yes it is installed. At this point I have no idea hopw to fix the issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Vivaldi-Snapshot on Manjaro KDE 19.0.2 Testing Build
  • (2019-12-29, v:2.9.7) alex sca: opens 2 times the new page
    Hi, since the last chrome update (Version 79.0.3945.88), Tab Master 5000 opens 2 times the new page
  • (2019-09-27, v:2.9.6) Jordon Wallace: Select multiple tabs to open.
    Select multiple tabs to open. [email protected] Why am I stating obvious things when really I should realize how complicated it can be....thanks for the work. Hours and hours of work. History is coveted by presumptuous masters. MS-DOS was creating and dropping triggers. Big text in the manual, wonder if it's mind control. Both sides of liminal retention interact with reality. Wonder how this relates to nature... Wonderful App.
  • (2019-09-27, v:2.9.6) Jordon Wallace: Display the entire URL and slide column width.
    What about export url list only. CSV tab delimit ? delimit...N
  • (2019-09-27, v:2.9.6) Jordon Wallace: Open multiple tabs from bookmarks or history. Don't worry we can do this together. ??
    Wonderful app wish it would look more like an SQL spreadsheet kind of thingy, control click for multiple actions on a single tab from the tab list line, grab and order tabs.
  • (2019-04-18, v:2.8.0) Balakumar bala: Import didn't work
    I exported my sessions and opened it in a different laptop. The direct links worked whereas grouped tabs were empty, it shows no hyperlinks when that grouped tab was opened.
  • (2019-03-15, v:2.8.0) Lesia DiPenta: Great app, overview shows awesome features, but can't find a few of them:
    Can this automatically save whole sessions in order to save PC memory, so that I could and access all sessions later in the future. I cannot find any setting or tool/utility to do this. Can you explain anything remotely close to what I'm speaking of trying to do? I just simply want to set aside many entire sessions in order to save current memory, and access it later without having to open the entire session, just maybe one tab or 2, or all. I know that it allows you to auto-turn off tabs if not used for a specific amt of time (to save memory), and you can reload it by clicking on it. But I'm wondering if it can *automatically* or manually do that for whole sessions, so that when I want to start searching for something totally unrelated to that session & need memory/RAM, I'll set those aside and they'll stay there forever until deleted, til I go back to them. Also, duplicate bookmark cleaner--can't find that. Just wondering how one user did that bc I have a Bookmark duplicate cleaner I'd like to get rid of & only use this extension for all of my needs. Thank you very much, it's an awesome tool. Last thing, is there any way in the future to use this without changing the "New Tab" page? I would like to download an extension in the Chrome store that changes my New Tab page to search via different sites on one new tab, rather than only searching Google. I don't want to remove your extension though, & I don't think I can have both...? Thanks again. I'll be sure to check for your replies.
  • (2019-03-13, v:2.8.0) Clemens Ratte-Polle: tab master 5000 chrome extension
    hi will it sort tabs revers, backwards? :) thx
  • (2018-12-01, v:2.8.0) Adeel Lakhani: Synchronize across devices?
    Does this sync browsing sessions to other devices where I'm logged in to Chrome?
  • (2018-06-04, v:2.6.1) Matt Smith: Sidebar not working
    I thought I would do this as a support question, rather than a review. I'm not sure I get the whole purpose of this extension. If the tabs are already open, why display a page in a new tab with the tab info? I would rather have a constantly-open left/right sidebar with the tabs listed (incl child tabs). I just saw there is a keyboard shortcut for a sidebar, but it doesn't work. Also, displaying the sessions doesn't allow you to do anything. You can't enable/disable or uninstall them; unless I'm missing something. And if you can't do anything, what's the point? I think I'll uninstall for now.
  • (2018-05-09, v:2.6.1) Erik Alcala Salero: Closing new start page ?
    Hi, when I open a new tab I see the opened tabs, that is great ! when I click one the focus jumps to the selected tab but does the new tab remain open ? Is there a way to close the new tab when I click a tab tile ? Thanks !
  • (2018-02-13, v:2.6.1) Beryl: Selective discard from memory
    I'd like to suggest the ability to selectively discard from memory tabs / sites (as done by "the great suspender"). An option to close the New Tab tab after clicking on a tile. I end up with New Tabs everywhere. I can turn this to only one but then lose where i was. So also open New Tab next to current Tab please. Great plugin - Thanks


3,000 history
3.8235 (51 votes)
Last update / version
2024-06-03 / 2.11.0
Listing languages
en es
