extension ExtPose

NetHunt CRM для Gmail

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Description from extension meta

Організація бази даних, воронка продажу, автоматизація бізнес-процесів, задачі та контроль за ефективністю команди — все в одній…

Image from store NetHunt CRM для Gmail
Description from store NetHunt — це інструмент автоматизації продажів, який інтегрується із Gmail та іншими додатками Google Workspace. Організація бази даних, воронка продажу, автоматизація бізнес-процесів, задачі та контроль за ефективністю команди — все в одній СRM системі. Бізнеси ростуть у 5 разів, використовуючи NetHunt CRM. 🥇 Партнер Google Cloud 🥇 Щорічно проходить оцінку безпеки від Google Ми створили найкращу інтеграцію CRM із Gmail, що забезпечує 100% функціональність CRM із Gmail. ✅ Керуйте процесом продажу безпосередньо із Gmail - не потрібно перемикатись між вкладками та переносити інформацію з одного додатку у іншій. ✅ Автоматично додавайте та оновлюйте дані про клієнтів у CRM – більше не потрібно вводити дані вручну. ✅ Картка CRM, дзвінки, чати, імейл-розсилки, автоматизація, звітність про продаж та результати команди – все в одному місці. ✅ Не потрібно витрачати багато часу на освоєння нової програми – NetHunt вбудовано в програму, в якій менеджери з продажу проводять більшість свого часу. Успішні кейси клієнтів NetHunt CRM: https://nethunt.ua/blog/tag/customer-stories/ Перегляньте відео-огляд системи: https://youtu.be/wgWQig2J-pw Зв’яжіться з менеджером підтримки: https://calendly.com/nethunt-ua Докладніше про NetHunt CRM 📞 Збирайте заявки із різних каналів та комунікуйте із клієнтами, де їм зручніше ✓ NetHunt CRM інтегрована із популярними платформами телефонії, такими як Ringostat, Stream Telecom та Binotel, що дозволяє автоматично створювати нові контакти, приєднувати дзвінки до картки клієнта та переслуховувати запис розмови у інтерфейсі CRM. ✓ Збирайте нові заявки із форм на сайті та автоматично додавайте всю інформацію про клієнта із форми до картки у CRM. ✓ Додавайте нових клієнтів із чатів у месенджерах, таких як Telegram та Facebook Messenger. ✓ Додавайте нові контакти та компанії із LinkedIn до NetHunt CRM у декілька кліків – інформація із профіля у LinkedIn буде автоматично додана до CRM. ✓ Спілкуєтесь із лідами та клієнтами через чати Intercom або Facebook на сайті? Створюйте нові записи у CRM із цих чатів. 🙂 Організація бази клієнтів NetHunt CRM дозволяє організувати клієнтську базу найефективнішим способом. ✓ Більше не потрібно додавати та оновлювати дані про клієнтів вручну ✓ Функція запобігання дублікатам NetHunt завжди підтримує вашу клієнтську базу чистою та надійною. ✓ Функція обов’язкових полів стежить за повнотою ваших даних – ваша команда не зможе створити картку клієнта, не вказавши потрібні дані. ✓ Завдяки ролям та правам доступу ваша клієнтська база надійно захищена від витоків. 📋 Сегментація Розбийте свою клієнтську базу на цільові сегменти, щоб надсилати персоналізовані листи та пропозиції за різними параметрами – посада, потреби, розмір компанії тощо. ✓ Використовуйте спеціальні фільтри та перегляди, щоб сегментувати базу контактів. ✓ Зберігайте необмежену кількість сегментів для себе або діліться ними з командою. ✓ Сегменти автоматично оновлюються, коли нові користувачі відповідають заданим параметрам. 💲 Воронка продажу Відстежуйте прогрес кожної угоди за допомогою воронки продажу. ✓ Додавайте нові угоди, їх вартість, ймовірність закриття та очікувану дату закриття. ✓ Відстежуйте перебіг угод на кожному етапі воронки. ✓ Знайте, скільки потенційного прибутку застрягло на кожному етапі воронки. ✓ Виявляйте угоди, які довго знаходяться на певному етапі воронки та продумуйте активності, щоб швидше закривати такі угоди . ✓ Створіть одну або кілька воронок продажу для різних продуктів. ✓ Будуйте прогнози продажу, яким можна довіряти. ⭕ Завдання Організуйте свій робочий день і керуйте робочим навантаженням вашої команди. ✓ Створюйте завдання вручну або автоматично за певними критеріями. ✓ Пов’язуйте завдання з листами та записами CRM. ✓ Отримуйте щоденний дайджест завдань, щоб планувати свій день. 🤖 Автоматизація продажів у Gmail NetHunt CRM дозволяє користувачам автоматизувати весь процес продажів – від захоплення потенційних клієнтів до підігріву лідів та відправки автоматичних повідомлень. ✓ Збирайте потенційних клієнтів із різних джерел і додавайте їх у CRM. ✓ Призначайте менеджерів для потенційних клієнтів і налаштовуйте персоналізовані автоматичні відповіді. ✓ Автоматично визначайте пріоритет потенційних клієнтів залежно від їх поведінки. ✓ Налаштовуйте автоматичні ланцюжки для підігріву потенційних клієнтів. ✓ Автоматично пов’язуйте листи, чати, дзвінки, документи з профілями у CRM. ✓ Налаштовуйте алгоритми для переміщення лідів по воронці продажу на основі їх дій. ✓ Створюйте автоматичні завдання для команди. ✓ Налаштовуйте сповіщення для команди, коли відбуваються важливі зміни у воронці. ✉️ Імейл-маркетинг ✓ Створюйте особисті та спільні шаблони листів. ✓ Персоналізуйте шаблони електронних листів за допомогою спеціальних полів. ✓ Відстежуйте відкриття листів на кліків на послання. ✓ Відстежуйте відкриття листів на кліків на послання. ✓ Надсилайте розсилки певним сегментам або всій вашій клієнтській базі. ✓ Налаштовуйте повторні розсилки ✓ Відстежуйте статистику розсилок: відкриття, кліки, відписки тощо. ✓ Надсилайте масові розсилки через Gmail, NetHunt SMTP або ваш власний SMTP-сервер. 📊 Звітність Відстежуйте ключові показники та ефективність діяльності відділів за допомогою звітів у NetHunt CRM. ✓ Відстежуйте ефективність команди в цілому та кожного менеджера окремо - кількість надісланих листів, проведених презентацій, зроблених дзвінків, тощо. ✓ Аналізуйте ріст вашого бізнесу до попередніх періодів – скільки угод закрито та на яку суму. ✓ Аналізуйте прибуток в різних розрізах – за окремим менеджером, на певним продуктом, за країною тощо. ✓ Відстежуйте наскільки близько ви до поставлених фінансових цілей. ✓ Аналізуйте причини втрати угод. ✓ Будуйте прогноз продажу, якому ви можете довіряти. 💳 ЦІНИ Дізнайтеся більше про тарифні плани NetHunt CRM на https://nethunt.ua/pricing ❤️ ВІДГУКИ NetHunt CRM довіряють понад 10 000 спеціалістів із продажу та власників бізнесу. Перегляньте відгуки: ➤ https://www.g2.com/products/nethunt-crm/reviewshttps://www.capterra.com/p/153625/NetHunt-CRM/reviews/

Latest reviews

  • (2023-12-02) Kristin Fleming: We use NetHunt for our investment real estate mortgage brokerage. It has been instrumental in our growth from a start up to a thriving almost three years old company. Additionally, customer service has been excellent.
  • (2023-10-31) Ivan Milovanović: NetHunt CRM is a CRM that's as easy to use as Gmail, but with powerful automation and reporting to help you grow your business.
  • (2023-08-31) Katrin Schrade: Transformed my Gmail into a CRM machine. A must for anyone in Influencer Management!
  • (2023-08-31) Peter Wilhelm: NetHunt CRM integrates seamlessly with Gmail, elevating our influencer management tasks and data management. A must-have tool!
  • (2023-08-30) Julia Wilhelm: NetHunt CRM feels like a natural extension of Gmail. It's made our operations incredibly organized and efficient.
  • (2023-07-26) Luke Tritton: Very simple but very useful CRM. Support is super fast and helpful. For what you pay, it's very good. We are a tiny startup and it's exactly what we need at this stage of the business
  • (2023-06-08) Sebastian Berg: Pros: What did you like most about NetHunt CRM? - Lead Capture (linkedin + gmail integration) is top class. Which leads me to that we can have very good and clean data in our CRM. - Automated workflows (could be even better, but its good): I use workflows to automate de-duplication of contacts and companies, which leads me to have good data in the crm. - Integration to Linkedin: this saves me a lot of time when entering data. - Integration to Gcal + gmail : this saves me a lot of time tracking activity. Cons: What did you like least about NetHunt CRM? - It should allow for "open in a new window" of deals, so I can faster go through all leads and write them, with fewer clicks. Or, find me an other UX for that. - IF I add contact via linkedin, and then contact writes me on email, I should be able to automatically map the two. Which is not the case today. - I like the integration to Looker Studio, its really smart move. But, NH should provide some standard templates for my CRM analytics. Describe your overall experience with NetHunt CRM(Optional) Overall, I like it a lot. And great support. Yet, there is not a perfect CRM out there (I've tried the most). Nethunt is the one that comes closest. Nethunt should focus on integration to data providers (to keep data updated in CRM) and ChatGPT (to make sales work less manual).
  • (2023-06-08) Alexander Wikström: NetHunt CRM solves several key business problems and provides significant benefits to users like me. Firstly, it centralizes and organizes customer data effectively. By using NetHunt CRM, I can store all relevant customer information, interactions, and deals in one place. This eliminates the need for scattered spreadsheets or manual note-taking, making it easier to access and manage critical customer data. Another problem that NetHunt CRM addresses is streamlining communication and collaboration within teams. With its shared workspace and collaborative features, my team members and I can work together seamlessly. We can share updates, assign tasks, and collaborate on leads and deals, ensuring everyone is on the same page. This improves team coordination, reduces miscommunication, and ultimately enhances our ability to provide a unified and consistent customer experience. NetHunt CRM also helps with tracking and managing sales pipelines and deals. I can create customizable pipelines, track the progress of deals, and set reminders for follow-ups. This helps me stay organized, prioritize tasks, and ensure that no potential sales opportunities slip through the cracks. It enables me to manage my sales pipeline more efficiently and close deals more effectively. Additionally, NetHunt CRM provides email automation and workflow automation capabilities. This means I can set up automated actions and email sequences based on specific triggers or conditions. This saves me time and effort, as routine tasks such as sending follow-up emails or updating records can be automated. It allows me to focus on more value-added activities and enhances my overall productivity. Overall, NetHunt CRM solves the problems of scattered customer data, inefficient team collaboration, sales pipeline management, and time-consuming manual tasks. By addressing these challenges, it significantly benefits my business by improving data organization, enhancing team communication, boosting sales efficiency, and freeing up time for more important tasks.
  • (2023-05-22) Gymnasia Info: The best CRM that we have ever used. It helped us immensely in our daily business. It helped us to track sales, link all important information or emails to one client, and it is also connected to our software, which made it easier for us to transport all of the data, (even from social media) in one NetHunt CRM.
  • (2023-05-19) Igor Kononuchenko: Great product. Good value.
  • (2023-03-31) Martin Bodocky: We have been looking for best CRM for Gmail and LinkedIn platforms, we are happy now with NetHunt!
  • (2023-03-07) Marcelo Korn: Best CRM ever!
  • (2022-11-14) Marius Krämer: We are a startup in an international niche market, which means we have some technical- and location-based management requirements for each new lead that we gain. The CRMs we previously tried, despite claiming flexibilty, often became super complicated once we had the workflows set up. This actually resulted in a considerable increase of time spent on a lead/deal, but became necessary to keep track of all associated information. With NetHunt CRM we have found a tool that not only seamlessly integrates with our emails, but also offers automation options and has easy to use interfaces for our servers to trigger actions and add missing information.
  • (2022-11-09) Grzegorz Stpiczyński: I represent a telecommunications operator, in CRM I act as a manager. The service is so good that we are renewing the subscription for the third time. First of all, I am satisfied with the full integration with Google Workspace. Sales management is intuitive. The full possibility of creating a desktop and a mobile application for the phone are also very important and easy. I recommend!
  • (2022-11-03) Daniel Hires: As a gmail and linkedin user, nethunt is great because it integrates so seamlessly into the gmail interface - and the setup is very easy! There are a lot of useful CRM features, and it's great for our small team to keep track of our activities. One of the things I like most about nethunt is that most operations are quite click-efficient and I can get quickly to where I want to go without too many clicks.
  • (2022-07-21) Alice Z: Provide a great tool for my client's management. NetHunt has 90% features that I need. Especially for the organization/company management, it's one of the best I found on the market. With powerful interaction history record for both contacts and companies. And I want to say NetHunt service team is really great, I had so many questions to ask but they always be patient and professional.
  • (2022-07-05) William Jeanneau: Great CRM with wonderful integrations (LinkedIn, Zapier).
  • (2022-06-08) Matthew Bingham: Excellent integration with full CRM functionality. One wish: It would be great if the sidebar could be minimised so it didn't take up so much screen space when looking at an email.
  • (2022-05-05) Richard Špaček: NetHunt is perfect solution for us. We use several gmail accounts and this helps us share email with each other. If you use gmail in the company, NetHunt is necessity.
  • (2022-05-03) Aaron Randolph: Amazing Software and love the integration to linkedin.
  • (2022-04-05) Mithun Vora: Nice CRM
  • (2022-04-05) Nishant Vora: Nethunt has continued to evolve and give better value for integrated CRM SAAS
  • (2022-04-02) Prishal Sonal: It is very easy to use and simplifying all the processes.
  • (2022-04-02) Anoop Thempatti: We were in trouble to track our old leads, given offers , but mostly found bulky systems, and only after some time, we searched for a Gmail integrated CRM. NetHunt is a simple system that works great with Gmail. We've been previously using Google Sheets and Excel for our client database and NetHunt is definitely a great upgrade. We've been previously using mostly spreadsheets to manage our clients and, considering their number, it was a hell to wait while it loaded. While NetHunt isn't lightning-fast when loading all of the records at once, this is definitely a better way to manage updates and calls. Also, the Gmail and Drive integration is a big "plus" as we've been using those for a long time already.
  • (2022-04-02) Nixon Gomez: Good tool for easy access.
  • (2022-04-02) SURESH KUMAR: In my opinion NetHunt CRM is the best CRM we’ve used because the whole interface is designed around Gmail, making all of your email communications with super easy
  • (2022-03-29) Deepna Mohan: Amazing tool which makes our work more easier !!
  • (2022-03-26) Kushal Ashar: Tech support over chat and email is fantastic. [SENSITIVE CONTENT HIDDEN] are extremely helpful and responsive. They take user suggestions seriously and accept constructive criticism graciously. The support pages are well written and useful. Honestly, I would say my chats have been more about learning curve and suggestions -- I haven't found any bugs or real disappointments. A quality team and product.
  • (2022-03-25) Darshan Patel: Amazing extension. Super User-friendly and convenient
  • (2022-03-21) Nishant Kumar: Made very easy to organize and track the emails. Effective and simple to use, helped to organize the business leads. Simple, cheap and Easy to Use
  • (2022-03-21) Dinesh Posa: mind blowing! It is just so easy to use and the user experience - CLEVER. With NETHUNT, you literally don't have to worry about building your own software to manage work processes.
  • (2022-03-09) Micah Grafsgaard: My favorite things about NetHunt are the fact that it's built directly into Gmail so I didn't have to learn an entirely new CRM software. The amount of customization you can do is also pretty impressive and the workflows are really great and allow you to complete powerful automated actions with ease!
  • (2022-03-04) Dimitri: Nethunt and Streak are the 2 CRMs that I like, mainly because they are fully integrated into gmail. We decided to go with nethunt because of cost. To share data between employees in Streak would've cost us double. Nethunt Pros - By far a better value than most CRMs. Especially Streak which is its closest competitor. - It is fully integrated with Gmail & G Suite. Having everything in one place is HUGE. - Beautiful and easy to understand interface Nethunt Cons - Nethunt is like the bimbo in a movie. She's beautiful but isn't that smart. Streak as by far smarter of the 2 fully integrated CRMs. - Nethunt Always suggests a new record even though sender and subject are linked to existing record. - Pretty much all suggestions it makes seem to be way off. - Does not go back to assign older emails to a record - No domain email filter - in streak you can auto assign any email from a domain to a record.
  • (2022-02-23) Vedrana Marić: It's a great thing that NetHunt is built inside Gmail and integrated with other G Suite apps. Once downloaded and merged with your Gmail account, you are able to click on NetHunt icon next to the email and link it to the certain record. Also, there is no need to add new contacts manually - you create new contacts with the click of a button from the inbound email, and NetHunt automatically fills in contact’s details where available. Once contact (along with the email address) is saved inside of NetHunt, every following email from that person is automatically linked to client profile. When it comes to creating new fields and folders for your dashboard - it is very simple, colorful and user friendly. Importing the data from a CSV file was quick and easy in the only a few steps. I have to mention the mobile app as well, which is very user friendly. NetHunt has live support chat and the response time is cca 10 minutes. Pretty satisfying...
  • (2022-02-15) Drew Wolfer: NetHunt is a really great CRM for tracking deals and conversations right from your inbox. In other words, it’s a powerful inbox tool perfect for tracking your sales pipeline from beginning to end. And is one of the most innovative CRM we've seen!
  • (2022-02-08) Eva Louise Dressel: We are using NetHunt to bundle our communication with prospective students. NetHunt allows us to see at a glance inside our normal inbox who we are writing with and at what stage in the customer journey they are. For us as a small school it's a pity to see the free tier go away. There is still no other more affordable and easy to manage CRM in the market, so we'll stay.
  • (2022-01-25) Brian Tumpane: NetHunt is great for integration with the google product suite.
  • (2022-01-17) Jen Lamberth: When I started looking at CRM’s, I searched YouTube for simple tutorials. I needed a CRM with integration to Google Workspace and LinkedIn, and ability to manage heavy tasking and scheduling follow-ups. Vlad from the Success Team at NetHunt jumped right in to help with the transition and offer guidance. Without his help, I’d be stuck with endless hours of cleaning up my spreadsheet. Thank you Vlad and the NetHunt Team for making this transition easier.
  • (2022-01-10) Nate Lind: I've recently switched from Contactually over to Nethunt and love it! The import process was very easy. I did mess it up the first time and was able to undo that and try it again. With the help of the client success manager I got while the trial period was started. I got multiple calls and lots of support to setup the system. It was very easy to setup, only a couple hours was needed to get fully up and going. Anything that a broker can think of is included and I recommended it to my brokerage for my colleagues.
  • (2021-10-06) Dustin Struckman: I love this platform! I only wish I had found it years ago. I've been using Streak AND an email automation tool. NetHunt CRM does more than BOTH COMBINED and costs less. I'm switching over and will be recommending to all my clients.
  • (2021-09-24) Spencer Powell: Very impressed with just how easy it is to get NetHunt up and running and how seamless it is to manage your pipeline using Gmail as the backbone. In your Gmail or Google Calendar and want to link a message or calendar entry to a deal, contact, or company? Click on the handy little NetHunt logo icon and connect it right up to whatever it pertains to, in a few seconds, with no more than 2 or 3 clicks. It's customizable if you want it to be. Email templates, open tracking, and link click tracking for emails is the icing on the cake. It doesn't feel like a chore to keep NetHunt CRM updated - it just works.
  • (2021-05-17) Tom Wren: NetHunt - with LinkedIn. Yes! I love the tool - so easy for me to save/pull info on prospects from LinkedIn into my CRM. NetHunt replaced Pipedrive for me and is the single best CRM that integrates with LinkedIn.
  • (2021-04-20) James Scholfield: This extension has changed my life. It is so well integrated into Gsuite and LinkedIn. Can't rate it enough!!
  • (2021-04-13) Hernan Rodriguez: As a professional recruiter and trainer of insurance and real estate agents, I have tried many CRM and contact management systems and non of them give me what NetHunt does. NetHunt is very user friendly and makes contact communication a breeze. The native integration to Gmail and LinkedIn saves me a ton of time and with the ability of deploying email campaign's within Gmail is fantastic. I highly recommend it to anyone looking to save time, money and to become more organize and efficient. Thank you NetHunt!
  • (2021-03-22) Andrew Kranich: I am using NetHunt for my organization. I really have enjoyed it so far, but by far, the best part is this extension for Gmail. I have used, Copper CRM, Hubspot, etc. and this is by far superior for my workflow.
  • (2021-03-02) David Kahl: Nethunt has the BEST visual design of any CRM we've seen! It helps our team stay on top of our leads and with the email sequencing, know exactly where they are in the process. Highly recommended!
  • (2021-02-19) Marcelo Korn: The best CRM i've met
  • (2021-01-21) Thomas Gamst: We decided to switch our newbizz-spreadsheet with a system that integrates with G-Suite. We tested out both NetHunt and Streak and decided to go with NetHunt for the following key reasons: Functionality (e.g. LinkedIn integration), ease of use (very intuitive), support (responsiveness and 1:1 training sessions) and affordability (vs. Streak).
  • (2021-01-15) AQ Marketing: I am new to using NetHunt CRM and I chose to partner with them because their CRM is easy to use and setup. I do not have time to learn a complicated system so I am thankful that NetHunt CRM integrates easily with my business google apps.
  • (2020-12-08) Rick Mirsky: This is my GOTO CRM. I could not possibly run my business without it. My entire day lives in GSuite and I can't handle multiple apps. NetHunt allows me to continue to utilize Gsuite as my day to day dashboard.


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