extension ExtPose

Board Summary for Trello

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Description from extension meta

The Board Summary for Trello extension displays summary data for Trello boards and provides a mechanism for nesting boards.

Image from store Board Summary for Trello
Description from store The Board Summary for Trello extension retrieves and displays summary data for Trello boards. The board summary can include the number of active lists/cards in the board and a summary of due dates for cards in the board (past due/due now/due today/due soon). On board pages, the board summary data allows for creating nested boards, i.e. cards that reference other boards. Simply create a card whose description is the URL of another board, or use the add Nested Board button on the card edit page to pick an existing board or create a new board, and this card will be treated as an nested board. This method allows these cards to be usable in other browsers and mobile apps without this extension.

Latest reviews

  • (2021-06-17) Damir Tugushev: Works very good!!!
  • (2019-09-30) James O'Kane: I was starting to not record things in some of my Trello cards because they were getting too huge. The ability to nest boards into cards solves the problem elegantly. Thanks!
  • (2019-03-21) Ryan Helms: Awesome! Does exactly what it says!
  • (2018-09-25) Gautham KN: Awesome Extension. Makes it very easy to create and nest Boards. Very helpful
  • (2018-06-21) Just Sturgis: Awesome extension! Really useful for adapting Trello for Project Management. I had been using all manner of workarounds for this. Board Summary makes it easy and powerful. Well done!
  • (2017-09-13) Jeffrey Sadler: Very useful, especially the nesting feature. Thank you.
  • (2017-08-22) Sherry B: Excellent!
  • (2017-04-27) 布萊德利酷伯: 今天發生的:好像會造成Trello一直自動登出?
  • (2017-03-29) Veso Yanchev: Just starting to use this extension, but it looks awesome and obviously helpful for productivity!
  • (2016-12-12) Alejandro Perez: Great extension. It need to improve the UX/UI of the Change Collection / Add Collection portion, from the Team View. Beside that, it works great.

Latest issues

  • (2019-01-10, v:1.8.4) Olegh Bondarenko: Unintentional parent board
    I appreciate appearance of Board Summary for Trello, which makes a step to the right direction - more structural control over a heap of plenty projects. The presence on board A of a summary card for board B makes A a parent for B. As a result, an link "Parent board: A" appears on the top of board B. At the same time, a by-side unthinking effect is observed. Namely, a Trello-link (via the Attachment button) put in any card of board C to board D leads to a similar link on the top of board D "Parent board: C". However, there was no such an intention. I would be grateful for your response. Olegh
  • (2019-01-08, v:1.8.4) Display assigned member on master board
    Hello, Is there a way to display the person who is assigned to the master card? I can right click and assign someone, but after that, I cannot see them. Can provide images if needed.
  • (2018-12-31, v:1.8.2) Error when converting to Nested Board
    Hello, Awesome work on the extension! Having some issues creating a nested board from a card with multiple checklists. Here is the sequence of events: - I've created a card with 4 checklists, 1-4 items in each check list (this is my template) - I copy that card and put it into a list, changing the name (this is what I'll be nesting) - I hit nest board and it gets a certain way and then an error of "error moving card "checklist-item-name" to new board. Troubleshooting: - I've removed all checklist items and just left the headers. Board creates/nests. Successful - I added the checklist items to 1 section (2 items). Board creates/nests. Successful - I added the checklist items to 2 sections (6 total items). Board creates/nests. Successful - I added the checklist items to 3 sections (11 total items). Errors out. Two other items that may help: - I also noticed that on the successful items, the activity log says "Trent Hewitt converted #checklist item# from a checklist item on #nested board name#" when its successful. When unsuccessful, it says "Trent Hewitt transferred #Order Circuit# to another board - When it fails, it put the failed items into cards on the existing board. Any help is appreciated! Let me know what else I can do to assist. This powerup is awesome!
  • (2018-08-14, v:1.8.2) Jay Mason: Error Retrieving board summary
    This message is appearing for new team members that download this extension. The message appears on cards that have an embedded board
  • (2018-03-13, v:1.7.0) Balint Horvath: "error retrieving card details"
    Hi, Since I installed your extension I keep getting a message on my cards in red with the above message. Is there anyone else who might have reported this issue? Thanks
  • (2017-07-30, v:1.6.0) Ian Goldstein: Per Board Options
    It would be great if we could have the ability to set some options on a per board basis. In particular, I'd really love to be able to set the color for the Trello icon which indicates a card links to a nested board. As an example of where this would be useful: I use a board to track important tasks, with some of those linking to nested boards. I would like the cards on this main board to use the card label option (so the Trello icon on the card is the color of the first label). However, on other boards, I use the labels for different purposes, so I would like those Trello icons on those board to just be a single color.
  • (2017-07-30, v:1.6.0) Ian Goldstein: Hide card contents options
    First, let me say this is a great extension and one of the things I was looking for to make Trello truly useful for my workflow. The option to "Hide card content except board summary" is nice as it keeps the card for the nested board uncluttered. However, I would like to suggest a couple of possible minor enhancements: 1. It would be great if we could still see the labels assigned to a card when we are hiding the other contents. Using another plugin to show the label text on the cards, it's extremely helpful to see the label on each card, even the ones that link to nested boards. 2. Alternatively, if the option to hide card contents is not selected, it would be nice to avoid showing the Trello icon for a card description if the only item in that description is a link to a nested board. That way, if additional items are on a card, the icons could be shown, but when it's just a simple card with perhaps labels, no unnecessary icons would be added to the bottom of the front of the card.
  • (2017-05-15, v:1.5.1) Smokie Lee: Color board/Trello icon for first label
    First off, love this extension. Second, right now the Trello icon on a card that indicates that the card is actually a link to a board is always blue. I think it would be nice to have the option to make that the color of the first label on a card, or even choose what color or disable the icon altogether. My use case is that I use labels as context. No card has more than one label, so I can see at a glance how much I'm devoting to each area of my life. Having the icons all be blue make me think that I'm only utilizing one area.
  • (2017-04-10, v:1.5.1) Tatiana van B.: Summary Trelloboard for Smartphone
    Hello, Is it possible to use this extension on a smartphone or tabblad? Greetings, Tatiana
  • (2017-03-24, v:1.5.1) Joel Thomas: Any way to replicate board description trick?
    Hi, first of all I love your extension, thank you so very much for offering this functionality. I suddenly find there is a lot less friction to brainstorm and launch new projects this way if all I'm committing to in the beginning is to simply open up a single card and write a description of an idea I just had or bang out a few lines on a checklist and then presto, it's suddenly set up into this whole new expandable dimension with just one click on your extension. Brilliant! I've got a question regarding the board description text that is pulled from the originating card's description field. I thought this feature was depreciated by Trello so it was a pleasant surprise to see it brought back on boards created via your extension. I was curious of what method you used to tap into this feature and if there was a way I could apply that to enable it on my main board as well (which is less project oriented and more "disparate tasks of my personal life" centric). It's not vitally important or anything, but it'd be useful to put up a weekly goal or mission statement to myself so I can reference it from time to time and re-orient myself. I don't often change the description text of the boards I launch from my projects list via your extension since they're usually focused on a specific objective and the scope or orientation of that changes rarely. And yet even those mostly static board descriptions are immensely useful to me whenever I do peek at them again the next morning before I go on to tackling card tasks and triage through various lists, steadily making progress towards that goal. So I imagine this feature would be even more empowering on my personal board whose contents can be a lot more dynamic from week to week. Honestly, it'd probably just be easier if I just resorted to a journal or something where I wrote my goals or visions or whatever I want to accomplish this week/month/year, but since Trello is becoming the dashboard for all things in my life I'd really like to tap into this relatively simple yet seemingly depreciated feature (call me picky, but having a single non-actionable card with a description field just drives my OCD up the wall. To me, cards are tasks and exist to be acted on and archived. The longer an in-actionable card stays on my radar, the more bothersome it becomes. Seriously, why the hell did Trello discontinue so simple and straightforward a feature and then offer this duct-tape/zip-tie "card contingency" solution like it was a less confusing alternative, I'll never know -_-) Anyway, sorry for the long rant haha. No actual issues or concerns to voice with your tweak itself, its a great workflow and it works like a charm, I'm incredibly happy with your work! Just wanted to pick your brain on the board description trick you used to see if there was any way I could use it for my personal/primary board (I'm reluctant to duplicate all of the items on it via your extension onto a new board just to get description text in there if there is a simpler way I can achieve the same thing on my existing board). Thanks again for Board Summary! Cheers!
  • (2017-03-14, v:1.5.1) Chris Padfield: Why do you need browser history?
    Chrome is requesting browser history to install this app. Why does the app need that?


2,000 history
4.75 (20 votes)
Last update / version
2021-03-21 / 1.9.6
Listing languages
