extension ExtPose

Adult Blocker - Porn Adult Filter (delisted)

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Description from extension meta

Adult Blocker (Parental Control) blocks access to porn sites (adult content, pornography).

Image from store Adult Blocker - Porn Adult Filter
Description from store Adult Blocker is a Chrome extension for parental control. It is a web filter for blocking websites on Chrome. It restricts the access of children and adolescents to undesirable websites which contain pornography content, XXX websites, porn, porn content, and websites where there is propaganda of violence. Have you been wondering how to put parental control on Google? The product performs morphological analysis of web pages for the presence of „bad“ words and phrases. Adult Blocker has a function of „black“ and „white“ lists for online resources in making sites in data sets, access to them is blocked or allowed, regardless of other filtering settings. If you think that your child is still too young to be on a certain social network or go to some specific sites - you can add them to the blacklist. You can manually blacklist specific gambling or gun-related websites or forums. White list - reverse tool that allows you to view sites that fell under the content filter (were locked plugin). Functionality of the parental control plugin includes: - Lock pages with unwanted information - Disable the plugin for a certain time - Exception for certain sites („black“ and „white“ lists) - The ability to hide the Adult Blocker icon from the panel - Password protection so your child (or children) could not control the Adult Blocker themselves We are using Google Analytics to optimize our extension even further.

Latest reviews

  • (2020-11-18) naj sha: Does absolutely nothing. Dont waste your time
  • (2020-10-02) Slash: no hace nada
  • (2020-09-13) Magy Santiago: No funciona.
  • (2020-09-10) Hubert Lewandowski: It totally doesn't work.
  • (2020-08-24) Mirian Ortega: NO FUNCIONA
  • (2020-08-18) Vasectomia sin bisturí VSB Nogales: NO BLOQUEA LAS PAGINAS
  • (2020-08-07) Tere Gómez: No ha bloqueado las paginas
  • (2020-07-31) yuang kolor: ok
  • (2020-07-17) Isabel vicka: no bloquea paginas ni su contenido
  • (2020-07-17) Enrique Herrera: es bueno , funciona...
  • (2020-07-06) Dmytro A: Doesn't work
  • (2020-07-04) Kevin Arzola: es buena la aplicacion
  • (2020-06-24) Andrés Aranda De Los Santos: muy buena
  • (2020-04-14) हेमराज: nice
  • (2020-04-04) tm F0x: Keeps glitching everywhere dosent even let my son use roblox or youtube!
  • (2020-04-02) YS: Расширение блокирует все сайты без разбора
  • (2020-03-10) Gonzalo Subidia: Actually, after the last update, the extension is crashed. Can´t enter to setup and also crash the entire browser. Please check this and solve it!!! It was the best blocker in the Web Store!!!
  • (2020-02-25) Cody Owen: Is not secure. Can be easily removed or bypassed without password.
  • (2020-02-23) marcin dantes: Obecnie coś się zepsuło blokuje całą przeglądarkę - nie da się używać a było całkiem fajnie
  • (2019-08-08) movies st: good job love u
  • (2019-07-30) shawn shivs: Disabling it is as easy as removing from chrome.
  • (2019-04-16) Name Team: Алексей, приветствую. Гляньте фейсбук :)
  • (2019-03-21) الله يرحم والديك ايها المجاهد في سبيل الحق
  • (2019-03-08) Maurizio Montorsi: attivissima e rapida a bloccare siti adulti
  • (2019-02-10) Zoltán Zengővári: It's not work in incognito mode
  • (2018-11-18) Вадим Злоказов: Не все сайты блокирует. Например, www.teennudegirls.com оставляет...
  • (2018-10-13) Richard Avilez: De nada sirve que se pueda desinstalar sin la contraseña, es estúpido!!
  • (2018-10-06) Alex Potter: Исправьте! Если резко нажать на кнопку обновить страницу то можно спокойно просматривать сайты для взрослых...
  • (2018-09-30) Artur Beleck: 40.000$ Contact me fibonacciuno@gmail.com
  • (2018-09-08) yemane abrham: vil ikke ha den
  • (2018-09-03) Maliksha Ibrahim: very useful for child future
  • (2018-09-01) Rabindra Nath Murmu: Add a feature to block or filter adult advt. on any website without blocking the whole website.
  • (2018-08-29) Wyatt Nelson: Works well when enabled. However the is nothing stop someone from disabling it. Also it's just as easy to remove from chrome. I thought that when I made a password that this would not be possible.
  • (2018-08-13) Filippo: finalmente un valido filtro per bloccare l'accesso a siti rischiosi
  • (2018-08-03) IT is easy Solutions: Very nice plugin. Ask the developer of the plugin to look into central config setup in an AD envoirement.
  • (2018-08-03) Pat Sylvester: doesn't work
  • (2018-07-26) Phil Swo: I lost my password and it is impossible to fix the problem without getting in contact with Alexey (who is not replying, and even after LinkedIn contact approvement he is not writign back. Extremely annoying, looking for help in de-installing it).
  • (2018-07-16) Destiny Ogbonna: Good but more restriction needed. there should be no white or black list
  • (2018-07-16) PixelFlow: Перестало блокировать? Проверьте белые списки. Если в них занесён тот,или иной поисковик - то на нём порнография блокироваться ПЕРЕСТАЁТ.
  • (2018-07-13) RizhaNET client: hampir sempurna, perlu tambah timer skedul..
  • (2018-07-01) m: Awesome
  • (2018-06-24) Beatriz Valdes: Me funciona con mis hijos pequeños de 8 y 5, gracias
  • (2018-06-12) James Dean: Opens your stupid website every time I open chrome... deleted.
  • (2018-06-06) Dogii Boy: yo im a kid and you can just remove it from chrome in 3 seconds. So good for making parents think you are doing the right thing. 10/10 would recommend for kids.


105,682 history
3.9 (579 votes)
Last update / version
2021-01-20 / 6.2.9
Listing languages
