extension ExtPose

VR Dashboard

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Monitor boat position & call virtual sailor weather router

Image from store VR Dashboard
Description from store VR Dashboard allows automated transfer of your boat position(s) from a third-party online regatta game to the zezo.org virtual sailor weather router. In addition, it - logs your boat position and other boat and race parameters - displays infos about your friends and opponent's boats - outputs NMEA messages containing boat position, speed and heading, as well as wind speed and direction - logs raw messages USAGE 1) Install the extension 2) Go to the game home page 3) Click the Z extension icon in the toolbar 4) DO NOT close the debugger warning banner 5) Log in to VR Offshore and select a race. If 'Auto router window' is enabled, the router will be called automatically. 6) Click the VR update button (Logbook) to update your boat position. If you require a new routing, click 'Go' on the Dashboard tab. ISSUES with Chrome On recent Chrome versions, VR Dashboard will not start from the VR home page. You have the following options: - Use Chromium or Edge. - Go to VR Offshore, and start VR Dashboard immediately (while the game is still loading). Check that VR Dashboard picked up your boat name after a few seconds. Press F5 on the VR Offshore tab in case your boat name is not displayed in VR Dashboard. No Z icon after installation Click the 'plugin' icon in the top right corner. This opens a drop-down menu. Locate the VRDashboard entry and click the pin symbol next to it to pin the extension to the task bar. The debugging banner To disable the warning go to chrome://flags/#silent-debugger-extension-api Disabling it may not be good idea from privacy/security standpoint. Not because we'll steal your data, but because some other extension you install could do it! Ideally you should be running second Chrome instance (or Opera with "Download Chrome Extension" installed) and only disable the warning there. 4.22.0 - Display restricted zones 4.21.5 - Fix updating position on map 4.21.4 - Fix commands & waypoints display 4.21.3 - Fix debugger API calls 4.21.2 - Fix stylesheet issue 4.21.1 - Link to inc.bureauvallee.free.fr polars display instead of toxcct 4.21.0 - Display VR raster carto - Bitsailor integration 3.20.0 - Adapt to GameSparks replacement 3.19 - Display stamina - Bugfixes 3.18.0 - Center Zezo chart on boat position 3.17.0 - New columns in the race status table: - VMG: current VMG (upwind or downwind) - Up: Best upwind VMG (at current wind speed) - Down: Best downwind VMG (at current wind speed) - Tack: Cost (penalty time and lost distance) of tack at current wind speed - Gybe: Cost of gybe at current wind speed - Sail: Cost of sail change at current wind speed 3.16.0 - Display NOAA cycle currently used by VR - Tweak boat color on map (friends: green, normal boats: blue) 3.15.0 - NMEA: (Romain LeLamer & Antoine Moutier) - increase precision - add messages VWR and HDT (for layline support) 3.14.4 - Fix bugs in UserCard and competitor track handling 3.14.3 - Waypoints: - Display Lat/Lon in tooltip - Fix initial display&deletion - Commands: Display with 3 decimals accuracy 3.14.2 - INMWV: revert previous change. MWV carries wind Angle (true or relative), not Direction. - Display 3 decimal places of TWA and heading (engine precision is still higher but unknown) 3.14.1 - INMWV: Use TWD instead of TWA - nmea_proxy: fix log message format NEW in 3.14.0 - Display current VMG and best VMG instead of obsolete cards info 3.13.3: - Fix sorting by Last Update - Display followed team boats even if 'friends' filter is off - Fix wrong opponent boat options when calling the router NEW in 3.13.2 - Apply Fleet filter to NMEA output - Make NMEA ports configurable NEW in 3.13.1 - NMEA: Send AIS messages Thanks to Jérémy Rubert & Xavier Pillons - Fix boat colors on map NEW in 3.12.11 - Display stale position update in red in Race Status & Race Log - Fix/improve Fleet sorting, add filter for "certified" boats NEW in 3.12.10 - Warn if position is stale when calling the router - Turn track infos off by default. Also show only on own & followed boats Track info display may cause Dashboard to become unresponsive - Replace column Hull with Options - Fix AutoSail inidcator - Fix TWA/HDG indicator NEW in 3.12.9 - Pick up boat name correctly when starting extension from VR Offshore page NEW in 3.12.8 - Don't call router automatically on manual in-game position update - Adapt to changed Fleet message format NEW in 3.12.7 - Add activeTab permission; This was preventing VRDashboard from starting on the VR homepage in Chrome (but not in Chromium) - Minor bugfixes NEW in 3.12.4 - Display timestamps and boat speeds on track segments - Display ice limit (if any; display as rhumb line; south limit only) - Restore Fleet display NEW in 3.12.2 - Ṕartial support for new VR protocol; MANY KNOWN ISSUES (eg. Fleet tab not working yet) - Bugfix: boatInfo erroneously attributed to own boat NEW in 3.11.0 - Apply opponents/team/reals filter to map - Display race mark and waypoint positions with centiseconds - Update map immediately when waypoint is add or modified NEW in 3.9.4 - NMEA output. Thanks to GeGaX and Cvetan for helping with the messages. NEW in 3.8.0 - Use lastCalcDate on FLEET tab - Add donate button NEW in 3.7.10 - Adjust for new polars format (fixes vT and other columns on RACE LOG and FLEET tab.) Thanks to Cvetan. NEW in 3.7.8 - Link to manual - Don't display elapsed time in tooltip in normal races - Keep same color for each gate when redisplaying map NEW in 3.7.5 - Friend routing now uses your own boat's options (instead of no options) - Fixed map zoom NEW in 3.7.0 - Display record race 'ghost' tracks on the map - Display opponents' 'Elapsed' times on map => Click on the boats in VR UI to fetch and update information - Display opponents' average speed in record race NEW in 3.5.0 (by Guy Juy and Romain LeLamer) - 'Friends/Opponents' tab is now called 'Fleet' - Display team members in 'Fleet' tab - Filter Fleet - Additionally display mark positions and boat TWA in Map tab - Add picker (marker) option in Windy URL - Call Toxcct's polars with more accurate TWA NEW in 3.2.0 - Display start time and estimated race time of friends/opponents in 'record' type races (suggested by JohnT). => Click on the boats in VR UI to fetch and update information NEW in 3.1.0 - Sticky table headers, nicer colors - More infos about friends/opponents - Obsolete column aTWA removed NEW in 3.0.3 - Open in background (inactive tab) NEW in 3.0.0: - Display gates (including hidden gates) and friends/opponents on a map. Implemented by Xeelee. NEW in 2.3.0: - Call Toxcct's polars with the current TWA and TWS for each race - Friend/Opponent distance is negative if Friend is behind NEW in 2.0.0: - logs Friend and Opponent position, direction, speed and other parameters - lets you call the router directly for your boat in any race as well as for opponents/friends in the selected race. PLEASE NOTE: This plugin is provided as-is, use entirely at your own risk. Feedback is welcome. Please send e-mail to the address below.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-06-20) Antonio Barbanti: Very useful application for e-skippers, unfortunately, for a few weeks now, it is no longer possible to see the equipment on friends' boats... Is it possible to update? Thank you !
  • (2022-01-05) Christian91 L: Merci a vous, les créateurs et développeurs de cette application de navigation, cela fonctionne très bien pour moi en vers 3.18.1 c'est vraiment un très beau travail, bravo a tous et merci. et bonne Année à tous.
  • (2021-12-08) Thierry Dulieu: VR Dashboard is outdated and mostly useless. The reported informations (position, speed, wind angle, etc.) are irrelevant and miss Virtual Regatta updates by several minutes. The only practical use of VR Dashboard are the links to much more interesting sites : Polars Charts, Zezo, Windy…
  • (2020-11-17) christian BELLEGO: Je suppose que c'est extra mais je n'ai jamais trouvé le fameux Z qui doit devenir rouge !
  • (2020-11-09) Xavier Beulé: Excellent outil pour Virtual Regata... Ne se lance pas toujours très bien, même en respectant la procédure indiquée, mais mérite quand même un "Donate". Bravo
  • (2019-09-09) Peri: muy buena .me encanta
  • (2018-12-10) James Bond: thanks you for this top extension :-)
  • (2018-12-06) Simon Liddington: Invaluable to understand what is going on when those VR bugs hit amongst other things. Keeps getting better!
  • (2018-11-18) sixrosesfr: Excellent pour l'aide à la navigation de Virtual Regatta. Merci
  • (2018-11-03) Olivier Blanchon: Top, Thanks for the job !
  • (2018-08-01) Andres Denegri: Very useful. Thank you !
  • (2018-06-15) pablixto26: great extension!!
  • (2018-05-22) Warwick Hayward: awesome
  • (2018-05-20) Tomasz Niedbała: Great!

Latest issues

  • (2023-11-13, v:4.21.5) Serge Le Reun: lien de téléchargement
    le Z rouge ne s'affiche pas ?
  • (2023-11-07, v:4.21.4) VRSA: Options
    Bonjour, Lorsque je clique sur un bateau dans VR, il y avait dans le tableau de VR Dashboard sur la ligne skipper, les options du bateau du skipper (code O, radion etc etc) Cela n'apparait plus depuis Merci Bien cordialement
  • (2023-11-06, v:4.21.4) Laurent cardin: ZEZO
    Bonjour, j'ai bien téléchargé VR Dashboard en extension dans chrome, le "Z" de Zezo s'affiche bien en rouge quand je lance virtual regatta offshore. Mais le lien VR Dashboard ne se fait pas entre le jeu et le routeur Zezo, le tableau reste vide de données...Il ne reconnait pas le nom du bateau et la course "TJV Ultim" apparait bien mais reste en grisé...
  • (2023-10-30, v:4.21.3) Dominique Relandeau: zezo
    bonjour la route zezo ne s'ouvre plus depuis 4 jours
  • (2023-10-29, v:4.21.2) Anto D: Pas de connexion avec VR Dashboard
    Bonjour, j'ai bien téléchargé VR Dashboard en extension dans chrome, le "Z" de Zezo s'affiche bien en rouge quand je lance virtual regatta offshore. Mais le lien VR Dashboard ne se fait pas entre le jeu et le routeur Zezo, le tableau reste vide de données...Il ne reconnait pas le nom du bateau et la course "TJV Ultim" apparait bien mais reste en grisé...
  • (2023-10-29, v:4.21.2) Mauro Marussi: Race #611.2
    I'm actually sailing 3 races. For Race #611.2 Dasboard is not working and race is not present in the list after I close Chrome and restart it, VR and Dasboard. The other 2 work properly.
  • (2023-10-29, v:4.21.2) manu B: Plus de routeur avec Virtual Regatta
    Depuis plusieurs jours nous n'avons plus de lien avec VR et le nombre de courses augmente. Merci de le résoudre au plus vite.
  • (2023-10-28, v:4.21.2) Dominique Degousee: Plus de routeur.
    Bonjour, depuis plusieurs jours plus d'ouverture du routeur a l'appel des courses, pourquoi ? merci de votre réponse.
  • (2023-10-25, v:4.21.2) cathy pinon: le routeur ne s'ouvre pas
    Bonjour, L'extension est bien active et le dashboard s'ouvre à l'activation, cependant, le routeur ne s'ouvre pas lorsque je rejoins une course .Salutations
  • (2023-10-25, v:4.21.2) Marin Gracias: Problème chargement de données
    Bonjour, L'extension est bien active et le dashboard s'ouvre à l'activation, cependant, le routeur ne s'ouvre pas lorsque je rejoins une course. Les données ne sont pas chargées dans le dashboard non plus. J'effectue pourtant toutes les manipulations d'usage. Merci de votre aide.
  • (2023-10-17, v:4.21.2) Mauro Marussi: Problem in La Mauricienne
    It seems that "GO" button doesn't collect the correct data. If I press it the position of the boat is incorrect (it is an old position) and the routin as a consequence. I must exit the race and reenter to obtain the correct data.
  • (2023-10-14, v:4.21.2) Mauro Marussi: Problem in WES
    At the moment, looking at Windity, in the position where I'm sailing wind is 14 kn NW. Dashboard says 7.2 kn N In VR I'm sailing with 8.7 kn from 65° (N-NE) The cursor in VR says 12.9 kn fron 65°. Quite messy.
  • (2023-10-14, v:4.21.2) Mauro Marussi: Another problem in WES
    I close Chrome, reopen it, start VR, start Dashboard extension, enter WES, select dashboard fleet and there it results I'm taching, factor is 0.732 and foils 0%. In VT I'm sailing by 15 min to yhe next WP.
  • (2023-10-14, v:4.21.2) Mauro Marussi: Problem in WES
    TWD is 10° less in my Dashboard than in VR. That means that all routes are not correct and I loose more than 1000 positions before to realize the problem. After that I gain 800 positions NOT following Dashboard in the last few hours. Best regards mm52
  • (2023-06-08, v:4.21.0) fr er: No more options available on the dashboard
    Hello, It seems that options from other players are no more displayed in Zezo dashboard. Do you know why ?
  • (2022-10-05, v:3.20.0) Don Zephyr Olive, Jr: Dead Link in Docs
    The link in the VRDashboard documentation to nmea_proxy.py is 404. This is the correct link: https://github.com/mak08/VRDashboard/blob/master/nmea_proxy.py
  • (2022-09-29, v:3.20.0) Jean PRIGENT: Utilisation du routeur Zezo avec Virtual Regatta
    Bonjour, Après l'installation de VR Dashboard dans Chrome, je suis dans l'impossibilité de l'épingler dans la barre de tâche comme il est demandé dans une video consacrée à ce sujet, laquelle est utilisée sous windows alors que suis utilisateur de MacOs. Y a t-il une solution? Merci d'avance Cordialement Jean Prigent
  • (2022-09-07, v:3.20.0) Philippe Gosseries: display of waypoints in map
    sometimes I see the waypoint marks in "map", sometimes not. How to make it more reliable?
  • (2022-08-15, v:3.20.0) yann PESQUER: How you get the detail to send request to VR
    Dear sir, you have a very good and perfect tools. And we are lucky to have the possibility to use it. As i can understand VR would like to cut the link between VR and your dashboard. My question : How it start for you to have the possibility to interface your dashboard with VR? I would like to code my own dashboard, but without the key to request VR server it is not possible. best regards
  • (2022-06-24, v:3.18.1) PATRICK PND: notice
    Bonjour, il n y aurait pas une notice pour utiliser au mieux tableau de bord vr , ou un lien parce que je pense exploiter qu' à moitié la chose ?? Merci
  • (2022-06-06, v:3.18.1) Frederic Blanc: vr dasboard+chrome android
    bonjour, j'utilise chrome sous Android, y a t'il une méthode pour faire fonctionner l'extension vr dashboard?
  • (2022-02-26, v:3.18.1) Philippe MOREAU: Cannot attach to this target.
    Bonjour, Je n'arrive pas à faire fonctionner l'extension sous Chrome, j'ai toujours le même message : Cannot attach to this target. J'ai desinstallé puis réinstalllé Chrome, Idem pour les extensions, j'ai tout supprimé pour ne laisser que VR Dashboard Malgré ces tentatives, j'ai tjs le même message d'erreur. Qui peut me guider vers la solution ? Merci
  • (2022-01-19, v:3.18.1) Benoit Reynaud: panne de zezo
    Même problème depuis la mise à jour (barre d'outils) de VR sur Chrome. En revanche cela fonctionne avec Edge. L'extension n'est pas disponible dans le store Microsoft, mais on peu l'obtenir et l'installer sur Edge depuis le chrome store.
  • (2022-01-19, v:3.18.1) fabrice raspotnik: Panne de zezo
    Comme vous l'avez vu, beaucoup de signalement. Pour ma part il est réapparu une heure dans la journée mais à nouveau message d'erreur Quand pensez vous résoudre cela? Y a t il une astuce pour contourner le pb? Merci
  • (2022-01-19, v:3.18.1) Dominique Relandeau: zezo
    plus de zezo depuis 3 jours
  • (2022-01-19, v:3.18.1) LE MARIN: pas de zezo
  • (2022-01-18, v:3.18.1) Stef 85: ne se lance plus depuis une mise a jour windows (je crois??)
    j'ai un message d'erreur : cannot attach to this target dans l'attente d'une réponse cdlt
  • (2022-01-18, v:3.18.1) Jan Maronier: Error
    I get the message "connot attach to thie target"
  • (2022-01-18, v:3.18.1) Philippe Chartier: lancer dashboard
    je suis sûrement très mauvais car je ne trouve rien à cliquer quelle page plus précisément ? A moins qu'étant vip je n'ai rien de tout ça visible !
  • (2022-01-18, v:3.18.1) Philippe Chartier: dashboard
    idem mais cela fonctionne avec Edge
  • (2022-01-18, v:3.18.1) Guillaume Leroy: New Virtual Regatta OffShore page prevents extension from loading "Cannot Attach to this target"
    Tested by using the "Inspect" function in Chrome : removing the new Instagram/Twitter feeds section under the game does allow to launch VR Dashboard (however too late for it to catch my username...) Thanks for the great work and we are hoping for a fix ;-)
  • (2022-01-18, v:3.18.1) Reiner Schubert: Cannot attach to this target.
    Even with a new installation no connection possible :-(
  • (2022-01-17, v:3.18.1) Ricou S: Plus de Dashboard
    bonsoir idem plus de connexion au Dashboard. Cela semble être apparu depuis que VR à mis l'encart twitter et Instagram. cause a effet ??
  • (2022-01-17, v:3.18.1) Patrick Fauconnier: Pas de bureau
    Bonjour, Comme pour les autres messages "Cannot attach to this target". VR a t-il changé quelque chose dans son écran d'accueil ? Merci pour les réponses qui seront formulées.
  • (2022-01-17, v:3.18.1) Sabine Lechartier: Pas de Zézo?
  • (2022-01-17, v:3.18.1) DUPRE FREDERIC: dashboard = cannot attach to this target
    Bonjour, Depuis cet après-midi, lorsque je lance VR dashboard, j'ai le message suivant : cannot attach to this target
  • (2022-01-17, v:3.18.1) Julien BRY: VR dashboard = cannot attach to this target
    Pas de connexion au VR DASHBOARD non plus message cannot attach to this target
  • (2021-08-28, v:3.16.6) ural rowan tree: probleme pour le choix des courses
    pour choisir ma course dans le bandeau , la souris ne s'active pas et impossible donc de choisir; que ce soit sur edge ou chrome , le problème reste le même
  • (2021-08-28, v:3.16.6) Pascal Thévenin: connection
    je ne peux pas ouvrir l'application
  • (2021-06-15, v:3.16.6) Germano Torsello: zezo non si apre
    no riesco a reistallare zezo . ho cambiato il disco rigido, e da allora non riesco a inserirlo nelle estenzioni. sembra che lo faccia ma poi non appare . ho provato di tutto ma nulla . riesco ad usarlo solo se aprendolo inserisco le coordinate, ma non si aggiorna ogni volta devo reinserire le coordinate. potresti aiutarmi? ti ringrazio sia per lo stupendo programma che per la risposta.
  • (2020-12-30, v:3.14.4) Yves Leboutte: Router do not load anymore
    Hi, from this morning (Dec.29th, 2020 08:30) the router do not load anymore. I usually start the extension when I start VR and, when selecting the race, the router tab is created with current race (VG now). Today, nothing happens and, when going to dashboard page and clicking on GO button near race name (Vendée Globe), popup is displayed saying "Unsuported race, no router support yet". I'm on win 10, chrome 87.0.4280.88. I already removed extension & reinstalled it, restart pc...
  • (2020-12-28, v:3.14.3) PM R: Dashboard always bloqued continuation
    Dear Michael hello and thank you for taking the time to answer me. I have been using the Dashboard for quite a while and this is the first time I have encountered this problem. I have to try everything. Close the applications, relaunch VR, reinstall Dash, press F5 ... and of course press the refresh button on VR. But nothing helps. Even if I wait 15mn or 30mn or 1 hour before pressing "GO" again, the Dash does not retrieve the new coordinates. Frankly it's not a disaster, I always use Zezo by entering the VR coordinates by hand, but it's a shame not being able to use the Dashboard which is a very practical tool and gives a lot of information. Congratulations to you for the work done. I remain at your disposal if you have a new track. Thank you
  • (2020-12-28, v:3.14.3) PM R: Dashboard always bloqued
    Hello, In fact the problem is still present. If I restart the complete procedure, the dashboard displays a correct position identical to the one displayed on VR. On the other hand, if the restart a "GO" on the dashboard it ALWAYS displays the initial position with the message "position is older .....". A priori the F5 key allows the dashboard to quickly find the names of the boat and the race, but not deal with my bug as I might have previously believed. In summary, the Dash finds the right coordinates at launch, but afterwards it remains blocked on these initial coordinates and this for several days. So in your opinion this is only a VR problem? Does this mean that VR does not send the correct coordinates until the first connection of the Dashboard? Weird. Sorry for this raise. Thank you
  • (2020-12-27, v:3.14.3) PM R: dashboard blocked? dashboard bloqué
    Hello, I am doing the VG on VR. Unfortunately for 2 or 2 days, the dashboard remains blocked at the 1st request. Each time I make a new request I have the question "Position is older than 10mn, really call router" and I therefore do not have a new page. I uninstall the Dashboard, then reinstall, it's always the same. Can you help me? Thanks in advance. Pierrot. Bonjour,Je fais le VG sur VR. Malheureusement depuis 2 ou 2 jours, le dashboard reste bloqué à la 1° demande. Chaque fois que je fais une nouvelle demande j'ai la question "Position is older than 10mn, really call routeur" et je n'ai donc pas de nouvelle page. J'ai désinstaller le Dashboard, puis réinstaller, c'est toujours pareil. Pouvez-vous m'aider? Merci par avance. Pierrot
  • (2020-12-26, v:3.14.3) I P: Zwei PC- zwei Chrome Browser- zwei unterschiedliche Ergebnisse...warum?
    Zwei baugleiche PC, mit selber Software (Windows 10) und selben Updates...auch Chrome gleiches Update. Auf dem einen Rechner brauche ich nur einmal das Dashboard laden, für jede weitere Regatte aktualisiert sich das Dashboard automatisch und öffnet das passende Routingfenster. Drei Regatten, drei Routingfenster, ein Dashboard. Auf dem zweiten Rechner klappt das nicht! Ich muss für jede Regatta ein neues Dashboard öffnen und es aktualisiert sich nicht automatisch. Also jedes mal beim wechseln der Regatta, muss ich ein neues Dashboard vorher öffnen. AM Ende hab ich drei Dashboards, drei Routerfenster. Und "Select Race" funktioniert nicht. Beim ersten Rechner schon. Wo kann das Problem sein? Eine Idee? Ich komme da nicht weiter. Beste Grüße, Irina P.
  • (2020-12-18, v:3.14.2) Mael Pennamen: plus de ligne noir
    Bonjour, j'ai un drapeau vert planté au milieu de l'océan indien comme si c'était l'arrivée. je n'ai donc plus de trajectoire proposé (ligne noir). que puis-je faire svp. merci bonne soirée
  • (2020-12-12, v:3.14.2) Nikolaus Knabl: NMEA to qtVML on OS X
    title tells the story. Can you help me with this? btw: your mother tongue ist english, french, german? regards, Nick
  • (2020-12-09, v:3.14.2) Sylvain Corre: Plus dde connexion
    Bonsoir, le routeur ne s'ouvre plus, j'ai ce message: Race info not available - please reload VR Offshore En plein Vendée....
  • (2020-12-07, v:3.14.1) fred vh: erreur de pourcentage de vitesse polaire & TWA
    bonjour, Après le dernier upgrade, Qtvlm n'arrive plus à interpreter convenablement les données NMEA. PPC,TWA, TWD, AWA etc sont érronées.
  • (2020-12-06, v:3.14.0) ltournell: Mistake in the NMEA wind sentence sent by VRDashboard absolutely needs correction
    Hello Michael, In the MWV sentence , as far as the wind direction is concerned as the first data, you have a choice between : 1. Sending the true wind direction , indicated with a T like this $INMWV, TWD, T, TWS,... 2. Sending the relative direction measured from the prow of your ship and turning round to starboard on 360° . The sentence is then $INMWV, RWD, R, AWS : it is the sentence sent by the sensor itself giving then the relative wind direction and the APPARENT wind speed. The VRDashboard sends a mix-up of the two that can be interpreted by none of the navigational softwares especially with a polar reference ! : It sends the RWD followed with a T , followed with a TWS. Example here : the wind blows from 285° (WNW) at 24.3 knots. The ship sails with a COG of 71° at 19.7 knots : $GNRMC,144000,A,5051.0782,S,07433.1779,E,19.7,71.0,061220,,,A*7B $INMWV,214.16,T,24.26,N,A*0E The first sentence is correct, the second is not : replacing the RWD of 214° with the TWD of 285 would solve the issue. Keeping the 214.6 ° data would imply to replace T with R and the TWS with the AWS (apparent wind speed !). Thanks for correcting ! Best regards


10,000 history
4.7143 (49 votes)
Last update / version
2024-06-28 / 4.22.0
Listing languages
