Description from extension meta
Render AsciiDoc (.ad, .adoc, .asc, .asciidoc) as HTML inside your browser!
Image from store
Description from store
This project uses Asciidoctor.js to render AsciiDoc as HTML.
1. Check Allow access to file URLs in chrome://extensions
2. Open local or remote .ad, .adoc, .asc, .asciidoc file in Chrome
3. Enjoy!
The extension can be configured via an options page.
To open the options page, right-click the extension icon and choose Options on the menu. You can also go to chrome://extensions and click the Options link.
The options page let you add custom attributes or change the theme of the AsciiDoc HTML output.
• Fix MathJax equation numbering (#412)
• Upgrade Asciidoctor.js from 2.2.0 to 2.2.1(based on Asciidoctor 2.0.12)
• Upgrade Asciidoctor Kroki from 0.8.2 to 0.12.0 (add excalidraw, bpmn and bytefield as a supported diagrams)
• Global configuration using `kroki-default-format` and `kroki-default-options` attributes
• Upgrade bulma from 0.8.2 to 0.9.1
• Do not add the toc2 class if the document has no section - thanks @mnrvwl
• Stop auto reload when the extension has been disabled - thanks @mnrvwl
• Remove the deprecated options_page - thanks @mnrvwl
• Upgrade Asciidoctor.js from 2.1.1 to 2.2.0
• Upgrade Asciidoctor Kroki from 0.7.0 to 0.8.1
• Support sidebar toc
• Compatibility with Firefox, use the same codebase again!
• Remove chartist sourcemap reference
• Upgrade Asciidoctor.js from 2.0.3 to 2.1.1
• Show errors thrown by the background script on the page (thanks @doub)
• Catch exceptions thrown by the initial XMLHttpRequest
• Use the `Cache-Control` header to make sure that we fetch the latest version available
• Upgrade Asciidoctor Kroki from 0.4.0 to 0.7.0 with new diagrams: `packetdiag`, `rackdiag`, `vega` and `vegalite`
• Upgrade chartist from 0.11.0 to 0.11.4
• Upgrade bulma from 0.7.5 to 0.8.2
• Move the fetch and convert functions in the background script (as the latest version of Chrome 80+ blocks `XMLHttpRequest` sent by the content script)
• Upgrade to MathJax 3.0.1
• Upgrade to MathJax 3.0.0 (thanks @sindzicat)
• Use server-side syntax highlighting (thanks @john-cj)
• Fix inter-document cross references by using `.adoc` as `outfilesuffix` (thanks @jmini)
• Disable the diagram extension by default (can be enabled in options page)
• The Kroki server URL can now be configured in the options page (for instance, you can point to a local instance)
• Set built-in attributes docfile, docname and docfilesuffix (thanks @utopalex & @ehmkah)
• Use Kroki extension to render diagrams (support BlockDiag, SeqDiag, ActDiag, NwDiag, C4, Ditaa, Erd, GraphViz, Mermaid, Nomnoml, PlantUML, SvgBob and UMLet diagrams!)
• Load additional languages for highlight.js (using :highlightjs-languages: attribute)
• Upgrade to Asciidoctor.js 2.0.3
• The default safe mode is now safe (was secure)
Latest reviews
- (2021-12-02) Paul Brookes: Very good. Works well.
- (2021-07-09) alaska Canyon: tnx /
- (2020-11-10) Sturt Ison: This extension led to me changing the way I write and share knowledge. Readable & searchable plain text asciidoc (.adoc) files viewed direct with this extension become beautiful HTML documents with diagrams, tables of contents, and more. Using the one sentence per line style of writing makes authoring comprehensible guides so much easier and faster.
- (2020-07-22) Holger Hoffmann: Great extension. I use it when I write my documentation in vim and want to see the rendered result when I save. I love software that just works. Thanks!
- (2020-04-09) Michael Hunger: Amazingly useful extension with a ton of great config features. Wouldn't live and work without it. Thank you Guillaume!!
- (2020-01-15) Ted Bergeron: It now works in the new Microsoft Edge browser (based on Chrome 15-JAN-2020) I use this extension daily to view all my docs that I have linked together. It acts like a wiki for me; powered by a text editor and this extension. I especially love the themes that it has. I prefer AsciiDoc because it is a superset of Markdown.
- (2019-09-29) Ahmed Mahfuz: Maybe ....just maybe it worked years ago. but not now. Its gone.
- (2019-05-13) Jérémy Blanc: Bonjour, L'ajout d'un lien vers un diagramme plantuml de type : plantuml::test.puml[format="png", alt=""] provoque l'erreur suivante : Error : Cannot find module "./node-fs" Y a-t-il une configuration spécifique du plugin permettant de contourner ce problème ? Sinon très bon plugin :)
- (2019-01-07) Ivan: Is this a full implementation of AsciiDoctor specification? Source code syntax highlighting and reference from outer source file with the "include::shared-content.adoc[]" syntax don't work for me.
- (2018-08-07) Dennis Groves: This is so absolutely the coolest! It should be built into every browser!
- (2018-03-05) Daniel Rivas: Awesome
- (2017-09-13) Daphné Bellemin: Parfait
- (2017-08-23) Free logo: Configure HTML/JavaScript
- (2017-07-18) 久保秋真(kuboaki): Asciidoctorで文章を作成するとき、小口で書き溜める際もこの拡張機能でプレビューしながら書くことができて便利。 スタイルシートやイメージのフォルダも指定できるので、上手に設定すれば、変換による結果に近い状態でプレビューできる。
- (2017-05-23) jean-baptiste sablonniere: fait bien le taf ! permet de visualiser en live le rendu des modifications du adoc source.
- (2017-04-28) Carl: Works out of the box with no issues . Thanks for this
- (2016-12-11) Jonathan Zacsh: Works beautifully - just what you'd expect to be able to easily view the pretty-version of your local asciidoc files, in your browser
- (2016-09-25) Richard Lewis: doesn't work on chromebook for drive files. It also doesn't render a left side TOC, not sure why. And local images aren't showing up. If I run in linux on the same chromebook, it works.
- (2016-09-13) Roy Emmerich: Super, thanks a ton! As some others are saying: asciidoctor-diagram support would be fantastic!
- (2016-07-09) Jirka Hrbek: great extension! ... and I'm interceding for asciidoctor-diagram and deckjs too...
- (2016-04-24) Wayne Phipps: Absolutely love this Chrome extension. Would love it even more if it could also preview asciidoctor-diagram.
- (2016-03-14) patrik suzzi: I really love this extension! 5 stars: from asciidoc to preview in no time, also include::my-file[] is supported (in 'safe mode')
- (2016-02-19) Sebastian Schoofs: Läuft optimal.
- (2016-01-31) Marc Lebeau: la puissance d'asciidoctor directement disponible dans Chrome
- (2015-11-25) clément Sabater: So awesome !
- (2015-09-02) Alan Thompson: Works great, easy to use, automatic reloading. Love it.
- (2015-07-08) Mountain Liu: Very useful
- (2015-06-16) Baptiste Mathus: Absolutely delightful. Dead simple & useful.
- (2015-06-05) Andrew Syrov: Does what it says. 5 stars.
- (2015-04-27) Cédric Maria-Sube: Thanks for this awesome extension!
4.6623 (77 votes)
Last update / version
2023-06-05 / 2.7.1
Listing languages