Handy text tools a click away
Handy text tools including:
- Uppercase - converts all characters to upper case
- Title Case - capitalizes every first character of word
- Lowercase - converts all characters to lower case
- Count characters - counts all characters in text
- Count words - counts words in text
- Count lines - counts new lines in text
- Rotate 13 - Moves each character with 13 positions forward in the ASCII table
- Sort lines alpha (case insensitive) - Sorts text lines alphabetically ignoring character case
- Sort lines alpha - Sorts text lines alphabetically
- Word frequency - How many times each word is used
- Character frequency - How many times each character is used
- Column from table - Allows you to get text column from HTML table. Copy and paste the table content in the text field and type the column number you want to extract then press Start
- Trim lines start - Removes whitespace from beginning of lines
- Trim lines end - Removes whitespace from end of lines
- Trim lines - Removes whitespace from beginning and end of lines
- Replace text with new line - Replaces string with new line
- Replace text - Replaces one string with another
- Format JSON - Pretty format JSON string
- URLEncode - Encode string as URL safe string
- URLDecode - Decode URL safe string as regular string
- base64encode - Encode text as base64
- base64decode - Decode base64 sting
- Add line numbers - Add line number before every line of text
- Split text - Splits text by separator
- Reverse text - Reverses text
- Generate numbers - Generates numbers withing the provided range
- Unix to date - Converts UNIX timestamp to Datetime string
- Identify Hash - Try to identify hash string
- Prefix/Suffix lines - Adds prefix and/or suffix to each line of the text
- Format Numbers - Format numbers according to the current browser locale
- Underscore - adds underscore to the text
- Strikeout - strikes out the text
- Shuffle - Shuffle the lines of the text
- Remove duplicate lines - Removes duplicate lines from the text
- Expand placeholders template
===== CHANGELOG =====
Added replace regexp; Added expand template
1.0.27 - Added function to format US phone numbers
1.0.26 - Added function to strip non-alphanumeric characters
1.0.25 - Migrated to manifest v3
1.0.24 - Removed automatic clipboard support
1.0.23 - Removed GoogleAnalytics
1.0.22 - Added slugify function
1.0.21 - Added Indent lines with spaces; Result is auto-selected after the operation
1.0.20 - Added replace regexp; Added expand template
1.0.19 - Added Remove empty lines
1.0.18 - Removed dependency on jQuery;
1.0.17 - Added trim lines start and end as separate commands to trim white-space from the beginning or the end of each line
1.0.16 - Added Remove duplicate lines
1.0.15 - Added case insensitive line sort
1.0.13 - Added shuffle function
1.0.12 - Added underscore and strikeout functions
1.0.11 - Save/Restore last used tool;
1.0.10 - Added auto number formatting;
1.0.9 - Added prefix/suffix to each line function;
1.0.8 - Fixed replace; Added replace with new line;
1.0.7 - Strip (most of) punctuation from word frequency;
1.0.6 - Frequency lists are now sorted
1.0.5 - Added Title Case convert. Your text is populated from the clipboard;
1.0.4 - Added Unix timestamp to date converter;
1.0.3 - Cleaner icon. Removed links from descriptions;
1.0.2 - Small interface improvements;
1.0.1 - Working Trim lines;
Latest reviews
- (2023-10-07) Bruce Maples: Excellent set of tools. Use it regularly. Only small negative is that I would like a little documentation built into the tool (perhaps a dialog box you get to via a button?). Definitely worth the install.
- (2023-01-15) Matt B: i love this piece of software. i wish there was a way to either ask for more features or pay for the features to add more functions and expand on already excellent features. i would love to contribute $ to development of this great extension. just in case author of this addon is listening. here would be list of requests: 1-enable/disable operations (i never use json/encode/decode/slugify functions so it would make scrolling less) 2-option to sort operations instead of forcing just one way of list of operations (i always get lost because it is not sorted by first letter) 3-keep processed text in the extension and don't wipe it. i iterate on the text and if i forget to copy it, or click on something by mistake, the new text i put together gets lost and i have to do it all over 4-save repetitive operations as macro to use multiple functions in one click next time 5-remove lines with less than x characters. i split lines with space character and get list of lines with & sign or "me" or "a" so I would love to be able to say "remove lines with less than 3 characters" 6-remove words with less than x characters same mindset as #5 but being able to remove anything else than x many characters and just be done with the operation, no further action needed. please check out a software called matnpardaz - very useful text frequency functions
- (2022-10-22) Dini Atika: I just want extension that can change a multi text line to one single line.
- (2022-01-10) Boota Bashir: Please add a functionality here that if some text is selected, then it should give numbers from text only separated with commas. so that if only numbers /digits are needed , they can be get easily
- (2021-10-07) Jordan JD Peterson: Only supported on Linux and FreeBSD; at least that's what the plugin says after trying to run it on Windows 10. This is the first time for me to experience a browser plugin needing a specific OS to run.
- (2021-09-14) Evan: These text tools are great! One thing that bugs me is the logo is black and the top of my chrome window is black so it's very hard to see the T. If it could be green that'd be ideal :D Possible addition: phone and date number formatting Thanks for your great tool!
- (2021-07-23) Julia Svoboda Gouvea: It did not add line numbers to text. All it did was add a 1 to the beginning. Is there a way to fix this so that it numbers each line?
- (2020-10-20) Gonzalo Del Cerro: Love it! Would be possible to add "sql-ize" ? Get a list of things like: asd asd asd and convert it to: ('asd', 'asd', 'asd') If not ,please share the code with me and I can do a PR! :) awesome plugin!
- (2020-08-25) Mario Enrique A.: No se integra con Google Docs. Funciona en venta separada donde hay que pegar texto desde otra aplicación. Muy poco eficiente.
- (2020-08-25) Chris Philip Fotiadis: I was searching for a way to sort text alphabetically and with this extension i can do this. The only thing i don't like, it's the icon color. If you have a dark theme for chrome, you can't see clearly the icon of the extension. It should be light color icon on dark themes and dark color on bright themes.
- (2020-02-11) JMM DEDALUS: Wonderful and useful extension! A tip to make it better: It would be great to have a context menu (using the right click) over the selected text for processes related to the text selected. For example, convert to uppercase. Other way to do this it's something like the Google Translate extension does: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/google-translate/aapbdbdomjkkjkaonfhkkikfgjllcleb
- (2019-11-06) Nicole Miller: Word frequency is not functioning properly.
- (2019-01-21) Станислав Садыков: Просто Превосходно!!!
- (2018-05-23) Gersivan Oliveira: Pode ser útil.
- (2018-04-07) Laco O: Very handy.
- (2017-11-21) Sergey Melnik: Many convenient functions in one place, don't need to leave a page to do the conversions. Great plugin!
- (2017-05-20) Simon Barnett: SIMPLY GREAT Simply Great simply great
- (2014-09-03) Mads Jensen: Probably okay, for what it does, but I wish it would make use of highlighted text - and/or add right-click options for processing it directly (HL text->Uppercase, HL text->Decode timesamp ...)
- (2014-03-20) J. Scott Elblein: Would be MUCH better if it also automatically added the currently highlighted text on the page to the "your text" field.
Latest issues
- (2023-10-15, v:1.0.26) Robby Stewart: Could you add function to convert a string of numbers into a phone number format?
so 8005851212 would become 800-585-1212? - (2023-03-23, v:1.0.26) M D M: Suggestion: Save regex rules
A suggestion to save regex rules, like repetitive regex replace rules that users can save to not having to write those (complex) regex rules each time again. Would be very great to have that option! - (2022-05-18, v:1.0.26) Deanna Goldberg: No Longer Auto-Populates from my Clipboard
Used to be, if I copied something I could click on Text Tools and it would automatically display my copied text ready for modification. Now it no longer does that and I have to paste it into the extension in order to use it. I tried un/re-installing but no improvement. - (2022-01-18, v:1.0.26) Robby Stewart: Phone number format
Would you be able to add Phone Number Format? I'm mainly interested in the US format. xxxxxxxxx would become xxx-xxx-xxxx. - (2021-08-29, v:1.0.20) Feature request
Could you add param-case. For example this text "hello my friend" would be converted to "hello-my-friend" - (2020-05-06, v:1.0.16) Remy Asensio: Adding bullet points to each text line?
Hi, I’m trying your Text Tools extension and it seems quite useful. Question: is there a way to add a specific bullet point “▪ “ (square + space) at the start of each line of my selected text? If so, that would be awesome and save me tons of time! Example: INITIAL TEXT: Line1 Line2 Line3 RESULT TEXT: ▪ Line1 ▪ Line2 ▪ Line3 Thanks in advance for your help Regards Remy - (2020-04-21, v:1.0.16) August Mohr: Bugs in formatting of numbered result
I just tried it to add line numbers to a block of sample code, and it added the numbers just fine. However, two faults make it less than useful for me. Minor: The first 9 numbers are flush left, which means I have to go into those 9 lines and add a space to them so that the resulting code displays properly. It would be nice to have that as an option. I can work around this. Major: All internal formatting of the lines is lost. I've already run the code through the either the Code Blocks extension or through the tool at http://markup.su/highlighter/ and all the internal font changes to identify function names, variables, strings, comments, etc. gets lost. And I cannot run the text through the highlighter after numbering becuase the numbers interfere with the syntax recognition. I assume that the numbering tool would also lose the formatting on generic text lines so you'd have to manually restore italic text, etc. Sorry, that makes this Totally Unusable. Please fix. Thanks. - (2020-03-06, v:1.0.16) David Delma: Line break
How do I replace line breaks with space? - (2018-05-17, v:1.0.12) strike out
Hello, I am looking for a strike-out function that uses a diagonal line. Does your extension do this? - (2018-03-02, v:1.0.12) line numbers
Adds line numbers after sentences, not after lines. Useless. - (2017-12-22, v:1.0.11) Alex S: New version
Can you hand-make a feature like this http://4txt.ru/podcherknut Description - inserting the text you'll get an underlined text. There are also other variations - (2017-11-21, v:1.0.10) Sergey Melnik: Remember the last selection?
I think it would be nice to remember the last function selected from the drop down, so if same one is used often it would be conveniently pre-selected. - (2017-02-07, v:1.0.8) Ryan A Pritchard: auto format numbers
Hi there! I'm looking for an extension that will auto format all number strings displayed on a webpage when they have no commas (digit grouping). When like this... 999999999. Add the commas... 999,999,999. Does this extension do that? - (2016-09-19, v:1.0.8) Ethan Fischer: Multi-line insertion, surround with
I love this extension. I wonder if it would be possible to add these two options: 1. Multi-line insertion. For when you want to add characters at the beginning/end of all the selected lines. This would be useful for when you want to indent a block of text or edit multiple lines at the same time. 2. Sometimes I want to surround a big block of text with quotes, and it could be faster to do this with your tool than manually search for the beginning and end. - (2016-01-12, v:1.0.8) Simon Barton: html?
So if I put in something like "replace 'hi' with '<b>hi</b>'," it'll replace it , right? - (2015-04-16, v:1.0.7) Craig C: So close
This is so close to what I am looking for. I need to insert a line break before a specific character. Right now I do a Find/Replace in Word, replacing * with ^11*, so that everywhere there is a asterisk in a a block of test, it starts a new line. Is there any way to do that? - (2014-04-13, v:1.0.4) Robert Goulding: 3 new features
This is great, as far as it goes; but some additions would make this perfect -- and quite indispensable for working in Google Docs on a Chromebook: 1) If text is selected, that should be the default "Your text." 2) The extension can transform to UPPER CASE and lower case; but it should also be able to transform to Title Case. (if that's what it's called -- the first letter of each word UC, the rest LC). 3) It would also be very useful if this were in the Chrome context menu -- to transform text by selecting then right-clicking on it. But if 1) were implemented, this would be less important. Thanks!