extension ExtPose

FBS II : Fast Bookmark Scanner II

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Scan your bookmarks in order to delete duplicated links empty folders or merge duplicated folders.

Image from store FBS II : Fast Bookmark Scanner II
Description from store Hi world, Fast Bookmark Scanner is small and fast ! ************************************* * ALWAYS BACK UP YOUR BOOKMARKS * ************************************* Enjoys, share and rank! ************************************* Notice : - the extension scan all your bookmarks. - the extension compare duplicated urls and does not matter about description.It considers that only if two urls are the same.The api can not have link's description, perhaps google will add this property. - Folders : A folder with an empty folder is not an empty folder !!! When you remove an empty folder, its parent appears empty and the extension suggest you to remove it ! ************************************* Logo by Bruno Masson, Friendly (merci !)

Latest reviews

  • (2024-04-07) 7SD GMAIL: D'une FULGURANTE efficacité SIMPLIFIÉ FRIENDLY
  • (2024-02-06) Pranithan Thamcharoenporn: Work like a charm! It quickly makes my bookmark cleaner
  • (2023-12-03) Liad Neumann: I'm happy with the extension. Gets the job done. No biggie. Edit: more than gets the job done, is biggie. Definitive bookmark cleaner.
  • (2023-11-08) Mafee: Ótimo aplicativo. Fácil de usar, simples e funciona. Só tome cuidado para não apagar pastas duplicadas com o mesmo nome, porém conteúdos diferentes (eu tinha muitas pastas "New Folder"). Inclusive o app tem mostra como fazer o backup antes de usar.
  • (2023-10-18) Youssef Ejjabri: nice.thinks
  • (2023-10-10) Lu Moura: Genial! Meu browser agora fica organizado, sem links repetidos. Muito bom e fácil de usar.
  • (2023-08-21) Google User: So-so extension, disappointing developer attitude. The developer's explanation that family commitments prevent him from maintaining the extension comes off as rather self-important. Are no other developers with free extensions facing similar challenges? It's a bit laughable. Unfortunately, it seems the developer has abandoned the extension, with no updates since November 2021. The extension went to a paid model for a brief time and it wasn't available at that time as a free version. It also disappeared altogether from the CWS. Moreover, there are no clear usage instructions for the Fast Bookmark Scanner II and it can be quite destructive in various ways. His suggestion to create another Chrome profile as a backup speaks volumes about its reliability. Additionally, a concerning "Manifest 2" warning message indicates that the extension will no longer be supported in Chrome in 2023. I suspect that most positive reviews are either from automated bots trying to boost its popularity, users who haven't encountered issues where many of your duplicate bookmarks are moved to a random location, folder, or are deleted. Perhaps they're shills or die-hard fans of the developer. In my opinion, it's very dangerous to use this extension. You've been warned.
  • (2023-08-17) Tks Arts: Rapido e prático!!
  • (2023-07-26) Carl Liao: awesome!
  • (2023-06-27) 桜’: awesome
  • (2023-06-12) cajunfries: Fastest scan of all the dupe finders I've tried, just like the title says. First did the duplicated & empty folders, which was also fast, thanks. Then went to duplicated links and that's where it fell apart. It's one thing to find dupes, but what separates the good apps from the not-so-useful is having a fast and efficient way to actually do something about them, i.e. I need to bulk select and delete multiple dupes. Select start/shift/select end/delete. So, in the end, have to keep looking...
  • (2023-06-04) Russell Henderson: The interface is real unique. Pretty straight-forward to use. It's an extension that you add, do your business and remove until you overload your bookmarks again. Not bad.
  • (2023-06-01) Fernando Medeiros: Perfeito!!!
  • (2023-05-23) Adrian Kaczor: I was seeking this product for years and years and I found it!!! It is this :D Best product ever.
  • (2023-03-23) Nikolay Lozhnikov: Отлично. Почистил 1800 дубликатов закладок, которые накопились за многие года)
  • (2023-02-04) Markus Kuczewski: Einfach zu verstehen und viele gute Funktionen! Danke!
  • (2023-02-04) Massimo Infunti: simple and full of useful features
  • (2023-01-03) Google User: So-so extension, bad attitude by developer. I love his excuse that he has a family so he doesn't have time to maintain it. Like he's special and no other developer who offers a free extension has his kind of problems? Lol. Anyway, there are no instructions how to use. Extension is destructive in many ways.Create another profile as a backup? Yeah, we're going to take advice from a random. Manifest 2 warning message that extension will be no longer supported in Chrome in 2023. Most positive reviews are either from bots to increase the popularity count, those who haven't noticed the issues mentioned or are fanboys/friends of the developer. I say, good riddance dude.
  • (2022-12-28) Pat MySecret: When it comes to removing duplicates, nothing beats the extension "Bookmark Dupes". However, Fast Bookmark Scanner has some highly useful features that Bookmark Dupes doesn't. It has a useful upfront sort of dashboard of info.. nice It also has the ability to merge duplicate folders that Bookmark Dupes doesn't.. FANTASTIC! I suggest that you use this after using "Bookmark Dupes"
  • (2022-11-20) Константин Ежов: супер
  • (2022-11-20) Joop Kok: Prima Programma!!!!!!
  • (2022-11-19) Rial Rial: Easy and simple to use. Very fast
  • (2022-11-17) MyEmail4Spammers: To ALL of those complaining: You need to read and understand what this extension is doing. It's fairly straight-forward to those with standard PC knowledge. If you don't trust yourself or the extension and would like to test it first, then assure that you have a backup by exporting your bookmarks first. Then you can create a second Chrome profile and import your backed up bookmark file into that profile. Then have at it. Make a mistake? So what. Learn what it does and then when you're comfortable with it, do it properly on your actual profile. This extension saved me hundreds of hours of work! 74,500 links down to less than 16,000 in 45 mins. Life-Saver !!
  • (2022-11-03) JC Foege: Could someone tell me what to do after I select the bookmarks I want to keep? How do I get rid of the duplicates?
  • (2022-10-29) Luiz Fernando Scott: Excelente!!!!! Com o trabalho de pesquisar e salvar as páginas, eu acabava por criar diversos links duplicados. Utilizando esta extensão consegui fazer uma limpeza. Mas antes sempre faça um export dos links antes de processar a verificação, assim caso vc faça algo errado conseguirá recuperar
  • (2022-10-23) Anwar Yunes Guzmán: Excellent and super fast way to organize the markers
  • (2022-10-05) Jumper Collins: I havent had time to check progress, but it was sure fast... Thank you!!!
  • (2022-09-08) Jungwoo Park: 일단 삼중 사중 걸려있던 북마크들이 정리는 된 듯 싶습니다. 원인 제거가 되어 재발이 안 되어야 할 텐데.. 이후 재발 없이 꾸준히 된다면 다시 평가 하도록 하겠습니다. 아마도... 재평가 글이 없다면, 무한반복 없이 만족하면서 쓰고 있다는 뜻일 수 도 있겠네요..2022.09.08
  • (2022-07-31) Djklik Kov: everything needed to find duplicates and organize in a flash saves me time for sure
  • (2022-02-21) Peter Loria: I had given up on organizing my bookmarks until I happened upon tis extension. 30 minutes later and all is tidy. So happy right now. Thank you!
  • (2022-02-08) Philip Elliott: Wasted half an hour selecting links in 'Custom' mode, only to find there is no 'save' or 'apply' button.
  • (2022-02-02) Daniel Ozaki: Muito bom! Resolveu o problema das pastas de marcadores (favoritos) que estavam duplicadas em diversas pastas, até mesmo por erro do próprio Chrome e pelo uso da sincronização com o icloud. Recomendo!
  • (2022-01-08) Alberto Cohen: This one is the best of many good extensions I have tried (supersorter, bookmarks dupes, clean up, etc.). It tackles all possible scenarios and gives you the least work afterwords.
  • (2021-10-30) Cosimo Gioia: Mi ha risolto un problema di duplicazione di ben 3000 preferiti di un sito in un batter d'occhio, veramente molto utili per chi vuole fare ordine nel proprio pc.
  • (2021-08-29) Rnyitray: Fantastic. I was almost giving up on my chrome bookmarks.... For years was trying to clean up the bookmarks. The chrome bookmarks manager was crashing all the time. The FBS came to saving me. My PC was with 142,000 links and 9491 folders and finished with 5,700 links and 798 folders using the FBS. The easier process is the follow the order: 1) Duplicate Links (same folder) 2 ) Duplicate folders (same folder) 3) All empty folders 4) Duplicate Links (all folders) 5) Duplicate Folders (all folders). Finally the chrome bookmarks manager is working now. Thank you for creating a great tool.
  • (2021-06-05) Ananstracated: seems to be okay, but why is it not available anymore? One problem, it DOES NOT distinguish root folder paths between BOOKMARKS and OTHER BOOKMARKS, and I have to click on the path to double check to make sure I am not deleting the URL I want. This is NOT PRODUCTIVE. IE: you have two folders named COMPUTER, one in each, and it doesn't show you the root name, YET you want to delete all dups in the OTHER BOOKMARKS section-- how do you know which is which? Instead of giving you Bookmarks/computer and Other Bookmarks/computer Instead It gives you computer and computer .. Thus if you have 100 dups, you have to click on the path of all them just to check which location it takes you to, just to be sure I am not deleting the wrong one. Other than that, it is a good program. I had to put everything in a single folder, lets say OTHER is the name or some number, and move all them into it temporarily, so it would show up and then I knew I could tell they were in the OTHER BOOKMARKS folder to delete them.
  • (2021-05-11) Lair: No personalizado a forma de exclusão gera dúvidas.
  • (2021-04-26) Elaena Musitano: Deleted ALL my folders Im hoping I just did something wrong, but luckily I did backup ... but after using this ALL my folders were gone Hundreds of them!!!
  • (2021-03-15) Jean BUSSER GM: Je n'aime pas du tout ce produit pour une bonne raison : je ne parviens pas à savoir comment m'en servir ! Pas de mode d'emploi visible, pas d'info-bulle... Je détecte les doubles, je sélectionne ceux qui sont à effacer.. et après ??? Je fais quoi ? Je clique où ?
  • (2020-12-06) Anastasia: This extension rocks, however , it has become less robust over the last few years. Also desperately needs to have dark option please! Thank you for your hard work in creating this app.
  • (2020-08-09) Alan A. Alexander: Best tool to remove duplicate bookmarks.
  • (2020-08-06) Carlo Canedoli: perfetta, ci ha messo due secondi ad eliminare i duplicati, funziona bene, peccato per il costo un po alto, ma non ho trovato alternative.
  • (2020-04-10) Simon: 这个软件比同类的插件厉害!很好!
  • (2020-03-26) Dean Williams: wonderful if you want to eliminate dups one at a time. brilliant
  • (2020-03-24) Nicolas Cage: very useful
  • (2020-03-14) Leo Mirkin: Scans did run in a resonable time (~5mins) but all attempts to execute any of the provided commands put Chrome in the non-responsive state and require the manual task termination. Simply does not work. Very unfortunate. I wish Google has provided a tool to clean its accumulated mess.
  • (2020-02-12) Lair PdS: Ainda ficou muitos duplicados e não deu, mesmo depois de selecionado no custom a opção de excluir.
  • (2020-02-02) Harvey Babischkin: DO NOT USE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Totally destroyed my folder structure!! I now have hundreds of files no longer in the original folders. They are either in the Links folder or of 2 of the 6 main folders I originally had for the merge remove 4 of my 6 original folders. I now have hundreds of folders no longer sub-foldered or in the wrong folder with sub-sub-sub-sub-etc folders. Absolute disaster!!!!! I have Bookmarks bar and Links folder in 3 locations; on the Chrome ribbon, Other Bookmarks, and Mobile Bookmarks. The scan and custom merge did't indicate which location the duplicates were situated in. I have no idea where they were or weren't deleted or moved. HORROR!!!!!
  • (2020-02-01) 이진우: 일단 간단히 잘 정리된 것 같습니다 감사합니다. 무한 증식 원인을 완전히 제거 한 것인지?


20,000 history
4.3086 (823 votes)
Last update / version
2021-11-26 / 2018.09.21.1630
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