extension ExtPose

Font Rendering Enhancer

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Description from extension meta

Font Rendering Enhancer for Chrome. Darker and clearer text on the pages.

Image from store Font Rendering Enhancer
Description from store Description Font Rendering Enhancer comes from Opera Font Rendering by thunder13. Darker and clearer text on almost every page (http and https). Modified and ported Mac OSX Font Rendering by proxxy (from Opera on Presto engine). "The windows browsers render the fonts based on the normal sub-pixel rendering without implementing Font smoothing, anti-aliasing as noticeable as Mac OSX. This tweak applies text to be displayed more anti-aliased using CSS3 property. So modern browsers supporting CSS3 and userstyle support would be able to support it. ;)" Modified (v 0.1.4): - A Control panel Festum Presents

Latest reviews

  • (2023-10-12) Jeff H: This was working fine until a Chrome update a few months ago. Now it causes the Chrome Print Preview to hang, take forever to load, and consume 100% of CPU even after canceling the print dialogue. After much troubleshooting, I narrowed it down to this extension. Problem exists when it is enabled, and immediately disappears when it is disabled.
  • (2023-09-12) Dean-Ryan Stone: Unexpectedly good results - had always wondered why Mac fonts in Chrome looked better and wished it was the same on Windows. Now it can be. I use a width of 24 and the difference is noticeable and very pleasing to the eye. Thank you for this extension. If possible I'd love to have an additional setting to control pixel-level letter-spacing like the CSS property does, but all good if not possible.
  • (2023-08-10) MR. PHILIP YATER: 一般般,仅仅添加了个text-shadow样式而已,不如这个强大 https://f9y4ng.github.io/GreasyFork-Scripts/
  • (2023-06-22) lee fc: text-shadow: transparent 0px 0px 0px, #0009 0px 0px 0px !important;
  • (2023-05-25) Jesús Gildardo Mejía Cortés: Realmente se nota el cambio, me encanta. Gracias
  • (2023-04-02) Damoon Foroutanian: I can't really tell the difference of text with or without the extension. What I can notice (after a long troubleshoot to find the source of the problem) is that having this extension active disables YouTube subtitles' character edge style. Whichever style I click, it's not applied to the subs. Now that I disabled this extension, I finally have the character edge style applied to the YouTube subs again. I'll be uninstalling this extension now.
  • (2023-02-19) J. S. (darkocean): This works well on the Kiwi mobile browser, maybe because the screen is smaller and it's easier to see the difference it makes. Not so great on a PC browser. And... it tends to not work most of the time in that browser. I'll try it again in Vivaldi on my pc. I'm thinking as another extension doesn't always work maybe if I install a few text darkening (and similar exte.) then maybe that'll help. I bet you anything it's the websites and blog blocking us from using the extensions making it so we still can't read the content. Not very smart! (Btw my won't be named blog has easy to read BLACK text. ^-^) People can take their grayed out text in a thin font with a tiny font size and surk it up the wazoole!
  • (2023-02-05) Максим Васильев: Отличное расширение. Однако, начиная с десятой винды жирности уже не хватает. Есть ли возможность расширить диапазон настройки?
  • (2022-01-09) 荀文若: 有些网站的图片会有重影,这个插件也不更新了,希望能有个这个插件的替代版
  • (2021-12-08) Allen Woods: 提高了显示效果, 但部分网站会出现图片重影的问题, 例如语雀
  • (2021-10-16) Gaurav: Font Rendering Enhancer is very good but it makes certain fonts e.g. emoji from Segoe UI Emoji look bad. The developer should add some "Exclusion list" for certain fonts e.g. emoji fonts so they are not touched at all in the browser.
  • (2021-09-22) Godling: 总体不错,不过个别的应用上会渲染有点问题,比如 bilibili 的弹幕会丢失描边效果。另外似乎设定存在云上,导致没法针对 mac 和 windows 分别设置有点尴尬
  • (2021-09-10) Leon Tang: 清晰了很多,确实不错,相见恨晚,虽然对于我比较鸡肋,但是确实是一款好插件。
  • (2021-08-25) niente5: Wonderful extension! It's incredible how much the qualiy of font rendering improved! Google Chrome has this font problem since its birth and no one at Google could solve it. This extension is almost perfect, the only problem is that texts which have "color:transparent" attribute are displayed too, while they should be invisible! Thank you
  • (2021-07-20) 一二: 有用,可以調整後更清晰了,要是能調更粗就更好了
  • (2021-06-20) Novin Star: Great
  • (2021-06-01) Eric Mutta: Just works! I was reading some abominable website with gray text on white background and turning on this extension made a very noticeable difference. Highly recommended for others who hate this "gray text" trend in web design!
  • (2021-05-01) Yuri Vykr: Работает очень хорошо. Для браузера Chrome наверное, одно из лучших.
  • (2021-04-23) Mike: !!!problem!!! please fix it !! When I type in google search bar and the word is misspelled the text gets distorted!! please fix this thanks.
  • (2021-04-14) cream limon: 有个叫质感字体的油猴脚本也可以配合起来一起用,非常完美。
  • (2021-04-10) Mark Appier: This makes the text hinting on Chrome match that of other browsers and other apps such as Word and Excel. For those who spend a lot of time doing work on our computers, I highly recommend it.
  • (2021-02-16) DicerX: Love it but has a major flaw, if you watch YouTube videos and you've subtitles on, and assuming that you're not a monster and you do have Drop Shadow enabled in the subtitles settings. This extension will somehow magically kill the drop shadows, making it an annoyance to use. I wish if the dev can add a method to exclude YouTube specifically from it's rendering.
  • (2021-01-20) J. Salmonson: This helps a little bit wish it made text black.
  • (2020-12-22) miad zd: good ext, but need some more options
  • (2020-09-16) SDM 赤イカ: Great! This plugin saves my eyes.
  • (2020-08-27) Karl K: Outstandingly brilliant. This should be included with Chrome. Set the slider to around 50-60, and you almost can't even tell the difference between this and Firefox (or any other non-Chrome-based browser) unless you open them side-by-side.
  • (2020-07-31) 悠木iYuuki: 很奈斯的插件~ 国人看不惯chrome字体的话,真的是必备啊
  • (2020-06-30) Tuning Zero: 有效果,但是使用之后会导致弹幕网站弹幕没有描边,看不清弹幕
  • (2020-04-07) debian sql: Bu uzantıya iyi deyip 5 yıldız veren zihniyeti s*key*m..!
  • (2020-03-23) Wenhao Li: 亲测好用,太给力了。
  • (2020-03-17) Alex Xu: The rendering effect is excellent !
  • (2020-03-11) Nello Rebel: please fix black emoticon in facebook
  • (2020-03-11) fish steak: so good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • (2020-03-08) Mirek Vařecha: Thanks a lot!
  • (2020-02-27) WORLD BUG: 可否提供URL排除功能?有些pdf的加载页面,如果不排除会有重影。
  • (2020-02-25) Тоха Семёнов: Когда уже по дефолту это встроят в хром???
  • (2020-02-18) 喜多感多: これを探していた
  • (2020-02-07) Krzysztof Domagała: Black emoji. Emoji jest zasłonięte czarnymi plamami. Zróbcie coś z tym.
  • (2020-01-30) Giuseppe Zappia: Impressionante, ha completamente risolto il problema di rendering dei font su Chrome, che erano sempre quasi illeggibili specialmente su sfondi bianchi e in siti come Twitter o Reddit. Impressionante, quel problema mi stava per far cambiare browser perché mi affaticava nella lettura.
  • (2020-01-29) Rocky Balboa: 4 stars because emojis on facebook are diplayed incorrectly. Please fix this. Great work otherwise!
  • (2020-01-17) Bert Turner: The Windows-10 Microsoft Edge browser just did a major update to be more like the Chrome browser. I've never used Chrome, but upon complaining about the weak/light fonts in the new Chromium-based Edge, helpful members at TenForums.com let me know that coming to the Chrome Web Store and downloading the Font Rendering Enhancer extension would make forums, Twitter, Google Search, etc.. pages look more like they do in Firefox, and the Legacy (non-Chromium) Edge browser. It works great! Twitter pages opened side-by-side in Firefox and Edge now look identical. :-) It's perplexing that Chromium browser developers would allow weaker/fainter fonts in the first place. They must be young, with excellent sight, and oblivious to how the global population is aging and in need more contrast between the text and the background.
  • (2019-12-05) Alec Hughes: So far I am happy using this extension I can actually see the difference in the text being much nicer to look at compared to before I installed this and I can easily see that my eye's will greatly benefit from using this gem of an extension with out a doubt, so thank-you! Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --flag-switches-begin --default-tile-height=1024 --default-tile-width=1024 --enable-fast-unload --force-gpu-rasterization --enable-tab-audio-muting --enable-zero-copy --gpu-rasterization-msaa-sample-count=16 --num-raster-threads=4 --tab-capture-downscale-quality=best --tab-capture-upscale-quality=best --enable-features=DownloadResumption --flag-switches-end
  • (2019-11-14) J.T. Brown III: Extension needs an update - Currently it breaks the proper rendering of emojis on many web pages (like Facebook). In the past, it has definitely helped with darkening the text (be sure to adjust the font width slider in the 'Options' page - I used a value of 30 on my system).
  • (2019-11-07) Lee Freedom: 清晰多了!相见恨晚!好!
  • (2019-10-15) Anonymous: Breaks emojis. Emojis on webpages all turn dark and unviewable once this is installed.
  • (2019-07-22) yh c: 插件也会二次渲染,导致不清晰。可不可以屏蔽对插件的渲染。 Plug-ins also render, resulting in ambiguity. Can you block the rendering of plug-ins?
  • (2019-07-14) Marcin Miszkurka: Jest zdecydowanie lepiej. Google do roboty! Dla mnie liderem w tej kwestii jest Edge bo w nim czcionki wyświetlane są pięknie. Problemy z emotikonami uśmiechniętymi buźkami. Robią się całe czarne. Jeśli autor poprawi te błędy rozszerzenie będzie idealne.
  • (2019-06-26) Muka Tsuku: good job by dev. this addon should be stock feature of Chrome.
  • (2019-06-18) zebin tan: 字体颜色清晰很多
  • (2019-06-18) Jixiang Pan: 超级好用啊


90,000 history
4.5591 (372 votes)
Last update / version
2024-05-07 / 0.3.0
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