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Print Multiple Emails at once from the Inbox screen.
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Select multiple emails from your Gmail Inbox and print them at once. With this, there is no longer a need to open each email and then select the print all button.
Latest reviews
- (2022-03-10) Joshua Goldberg: Didn't do anything at all
- (2022-03-07) Brianne B: All this does is open every single email you selected into their own tab. You still then have to select "print" off each tab... that's if your browser doesn't completely crash because it just tried to open 300 tabs.
- (2021-12-02) Bjorn Hughes: The name is mis-leading. Read other reviews. Instead of opening a print dialogue, it just opens all the emails you selected in separate tabs you then need to go through and print individually (if you don't get locked out of your account for suspected security breach).
- (2021-11-28) Richard Taylor: Didn't really help. Opened loads of tabs and then Google froze my account. Should have read the reviews first!
- (2021-11-03) Emerco SAS: nice
- (2021-01-05) David Newsome: All it does is open all selected e-mails in new tabs, at least as many as it can before google server halts the action as a potential security breach.
- (2020-11-11) Nathan Ritter: Locked out of my Gmail account as many have noted. Do not use this.
- (2020-04-02) Ray Spetter: READ THE REVIEWS... Individually opens each email and Gmail locks your account for 24 hours... This is both the application's fault and Gmail's for not realizing that there are issues with it and blocking it instead of the user... Will dump the app and probably Gmail for not providing a contact to allow me to get back into my account sooner that the imposed 24 hour wait... poor show from Gmail in my opinion.
- (2020-03-25) Peter Riddell: Opens every email you select in it's own tab (select 4 emails, get 4 new tabs) all at once and presents the print dialog on every tab. I just gave you an exact explanation of what your product does. Use it in your short description.
- (2020-03-19) Elizabeth Vega Ochoa: me parece muy útil chrome web store
- (2020-03-16) Rudolf Ďurčo: it just opens multiple tabs ...
- (2020-02-27) Earl Satterfield: it multi prints alright it just opens multiple windows no all in one waste of time.
- (2020-02-26) Yvon Touitou: Hallo Wie geht es dir Wir sind eine Förderorganisation, die Einzelpersonen bei der Einhaltung von Standards und Verfahren problemlos unterstützt und einen Anteil von 3% pro Jahr hat. Sie können in 3 Tagen ohne Vorbedingungen und kostenlos ein Darlehen zwischen 2.000 und 2.000.000 € erhalten. Bitte senden Sie Ihre Kreditanfrage: Betrag und Dauer unter Angabe Ihrer Telefonnummer per E-Mail: [email protected] Ihre.
- (2020-02-10) KP: DANGEROUS! Locked me out of my GMail account!! Do not recommend under any circumstances!
- (2020-01-11) Magnetsigns Edmonton West: Opened a whole bunch of table and I got locked out of my account. Thanks. Guess I should have read the reviews. Thought Google would not let this garbage be offered.
- (2019-12-13) Jeri K: Wanted to print a dozen emails and combine them in one pdf document. What I got was a dozen tabs opened in my browser and ability to print EACH one INDIVIDUALLY. This should be renamed to "Gmail Multi-Open" - NOT multi-print!
- (2019-11-23) Chadi Abou-Ghayda: Brilliant extension
- (2019-11-17) Kirsty Holland: worked for my needs
- (2019-11-06) Pia Celestino: Rushed to use the app and didn't read the reviews. I got locked out of my account and it didn't wokr. removing now.
- (2019-11-01) Thor Thorirsson: Needed to print a number of invoices and look for a long term solution. Opened that much chrome tabs it crashed my browser, locked me out of my Google account for 24 hours and had a huge impact on business operations. I'm considering compensation legal action for the impact this has had on my company.
- (2019-10-13) Mr. Johnny Edward Wellons, II: More to come!
- (2019-07-09) MARC MILLER: Well, I tried to print 100 emails at once. Not so good at that. Maybe it works for a few at a time. I need to print a whole folder to PDF as one file. This is not that app.
- (2019-04-17) Cristian Iordan: Garbaje.
- (2018-04-28) Moslem Ali: Viruses, avoid this extensions.
- (2018-04-27) Chris: It opened to many tabs and locked me out of my account