Description from extension meta
Zoom current tab or all tabs, lock it too.
Image from store
Description from store
Zoom current tab or all tabs, lock it too.
Also, zoom by domains.
Latest reviews
- (2019-11-21) ACES -GROUP: misleading text ..its not zoom the tab and text..Its increasing text by opening the domain..bullshitt..and ctrl+ is does..So if its your wish then its the best ext 4 u. [:--{}
- (2019-08-10) Bro nice: 怎么缩放工具都是按域名进行缩放的?这个工具"按域名缩放"的选项没勾选却还是按照域名缩放的.我就想找一个每个网页的缩放独立的,即使域名相似也要独立,这么难的吗?如果按域名缩放,那么用浏览器自带的就好啦.看来我得学学JavaScript自己搞了
- (2019-03-19) Alexis D: Ne verrouille pas le zoom contrairement à ce qui est dit dans le titre. De plus, il ne se passe rien quand on clique sur "more options"
- (2019-01-30) uoko xu: 很好用,就是每次都会在地址栏显示缩放信息,能不能静默,不提示,不显示,直接搞定就行了。
- (2019-01-26) Chustco: Works GREAT!!!
- (2018-08-16) Graham Beech: Needed something to set zoom to 90% for the new Gmail interface. Tried others that didn't work, but this one did. I had to use the slider for the setting to stick, which is very touchy to set. But it does remember the zoom for Gmail, without affecting other domains.
- (2018-05-14) Genie Fettig: Didn't work. Zoomed ALL tabs even when I made sure that option (and the option for zooming all tabs in the domain) were unchecked.
- (2017-08-09) Kelly Litt: Unsurprisingly, this extension does absolutely nothing. Don't waste your time.
- (2017-06-24) Abel Ramirez II: Same as others... I didn't read the reviews prior to trying it out. This doesn't work.
- (2017-04-11) aleyn wu: 这个页面缩放程序要比其它的页面缩放程序好用得多,而且不会因为关闭而出现重复缩放。
- (2017-03-31) Diego Marcondes: Ótimo, era tudo que eu precisava no Vivaldi, uma opção de bloquear o zoom pra cada página diferente.
- (2017-03-30) Chris PDX Wraps: Doesn't do as advertised, zoom affects all related domains (default behavior) no matter what you do. "More options" does nothing.
- (2017-01-30) Dave Cunningham: Doesn't work.
- (2016-12-08) 五更瑠璃: 唯一一个毛病就是点了工具栏的扩展按钮以后弹出来的菜单里的“更多选项”按钮点击无效,因为这个扩展并不能进行详细功能设定。所以添加的自定义规则想要删除只能打开对应的网页以后才能操作,或者是直接去chrome浏览器的数据目录里直接修改扩展程序的数据文件。
- (2016-07-26) Рома Чупин: zooming all tabs – what I needed! would like excluding.
- (2016-05-06) Everton Martins Dias: Perfeito, não tem os bugs dos outros, só tem que deixar mais facil mover a barra de zoom geral!