extension ExtPose

Password Alert

CRX id


Description from extension meta


Image from store Password Alert
Description from store 如果您在 accounts.google.com 以外的任何位置输入 Gmail 或 Google for Work 密码,都会收到提醒(这样一来,您可以根据需要更改自己的密码)。 此外,密码共用提醒还会努力检测假冒的 Google 登录页面,以便在您输入密码之前提醒您。为此,密码共用提醒会检查您访问的每个页面的 HTML,以便判断其是否为假冒的 Google 登录页面。 常见问题解答 -- 密码共用提醒何时开始发挥作用? 下次您在 accounts.google.com 中输入密码时,密码共用提醒将会进行初始化。 -- 密码共用提醒会存储我的密码或按键动作吗? 不会。密码共用提醒不会存储您的密码或按键动作。它只会存储您密码的安全缩略图,并会将这个安全的缩略图与您最近在 Chrome 中的按键动作对应的缩略图进行比较。 -- 密码共用提醒会将数据发送到哪里? 如果您在 Gmail 帐户中使用密码共用提醒,那么密码共用提醒不会发送您本地计算机中的任何数据。如果 Google for Work 管理员为您所在的整个网域都部署了密码共用提醒,那么该管理员将会在密码共用提醒触发时收到提醒。 -- 密码共用提醒有何限制? 密码共用提醒不会保护隐身窗口、Chrome 应用或 Chrome 扩展程序,也不会保护非 Google 服务的密码。密码共用提醒只能在启用了 JavaScript 的 Chrome 网络浏览器中发挥作用。 -- 我可以在哪里找到更多详细信息? 您可以在 https://support.google.com/a/answer/6197508 上找到完整的常见问题解答,还可以在 https://github.com/google/password-alert 上看到整个开源代码库。 安装密码共用提醒即表示您同意 www.google.com/policies/ 上所列的 Google 服务条款和隐私权政策

Latest reviews

  • (2023-05-25) Can Buyukbasaran (progCan): google, please add this feature by default. so some people say it does pop-ups and spam, but IT TOTALLY DOES NOT (and no, i don't have a pop up blocker at all)
  • (2022-11-18) Dol Col: J'aurai préféré mettre une autre note mais ne sert strictement à rien ! Comptes Google piratés sur mon pc et AUCUNE ALERTE m'indiquant de l'utilisation de mes motes de passe. Je désactive donc immédiatement cette extension qui au final ne m'aura pas permis d'être alerté
  • (2022-11-03) Celso DeJesus: WHY is this not a default feature of Chrome? How am I just learning you have to download a feature like this? No mention of it unless you google it.
  • (2022-08-21) Fernando: Excelente herramienta, nunca falla.
  • (2022-08-14) Máté Menyhárt: Egyszerű, de nagyszerű! Bárhova beírom a jelszavamat (mindegy, hogy milyen mezőbe a weboldalon) rögtön figyelmeztet is.
  • (2022-06-03) Марк ободовский: У МЕНЯ НЕ РАБОТАЕТ РАСШИРЕНИЕ
  • (2022-04-16) welile nzuza: Well I added the extension but concerned because in other reviews the general understanding is that it asks you to re-log in when you add the extension but it did no such thing when I added the extension which is my worry....
  • (2021-10-26) Stanislav Gneushev: "Защитник пОроля помогает предотвратить фишинг." Рукалицо
  • (2021-10-09) BẢO NGÔ GIA: like
  • (2021-09-07) dengbej zahiro: harika bir uygulama tebrik ederim
  • (2021-08-05) Mohamed Junaid Samiullah (Junaid): When I add the extension, I get a notification saying I need to login to my Google Account. When I click on 'Sign in', nothing happens. I have no idea how to activate the extension now. Uninstalling.
  • (2021-07-10) Đình Nguyên Từ: mình không biết cách cài đặt và đặng nhập (sign in) thế nào cả? có gửi thông báo đến máy nhưng bấm vào nút "sign in" thì không có gì xảy ra cả. Ai chỉ mình với, không biết cách dùng 😖😭
  • (2021-06-04) Sreenath Yadav: Awesome
  • (2021-05-04) Andrey Chursin: Ещё бы добавили в контекстное меню генерацию пароля как в macOS!
  • (2021-05-03) Ryan Northup: Not even usuable on a Chromebook due to how the account system is set up.
  • (2021-04-26) bug: i love gogle
  • (2021-04-19) Pilot 2254: it spams me with sign in stuff
  • (2021-04-18) ᝰcamila shiiᝰ: MANO ISSO E MUITO BOM SERIO MSM o melhor que e do google sendo assim e muito confiavel pois vai ser ultilizado no propio google com segurança, pra quem nn quer adicionar e so negar a localizaçao dos sites so isso mais prefiro adicionar pra receber notificaçoes sobre espor senhar da gente do gmail pra outro site q nn e do gmail :3
  • (2021-03-12) 남윤우: 같은 비밀번호를 다른 곳에서 사용하면 안된다는걸 잘 알려주네요^^ 좋아요
  • (2021-03-02) Wildinho: Gostei muito dessa extensão!
  • (2021-02-25) SPEEDER: More like its spamming me then protecting me
  • (2021-01-25) jatropha: SO GOOD
  • (2020-12-29) ClasMinecrafter “Kara Oğlan”: Bayııldıııııııııııım
  • (2020-12-20) Mr MRF: خوب بود
  • (2020-12-15) Noah Liu: I'm already logged into the Chrome browser and into my Google account, I keep logging in but nothing even happen
  • (2020-11-21) Mateus Bastos: bom
  • (2020-11-03) Thomas Bonnier: Fausses alerte à chaque fois dommage
  • (2020-10-12) ViniZx Free Fire: não entendi pq serve
  • (2020-09-16) Niphat Nualchan: Good
  • (2020-09-13) cheng p: 安装后,叫我登录才能保护我。点了登录又没弹出登录界面?这是啥意思?
  • (2020-08-24) Kaden Chung: good to
  • (2020-08-16) Benjamin Case: This extension was wonderful! It reminds me to use unique passwords. I have no idea why it lost support, it was wonderful! 2FA is not always supported, so stay safe from hackers!
  • (2020-08-04) Petr Kolář: v podstatě k ničemu....
  • (2020-06-29) Bhushan Sonaje: Very useful, Thanks Google !!
  • (2020-06-27) Nathan B: Does exactly what it says it will, reliably.
  • (2020-03-18) Kevin Pillay: I am white.
  • (2020-01-27) This will help protect me against DNS reroutes. Thank You ^(0.0)^
  • (2020-01-09) Awesome
  • (2020-01-02) casey mahoney: Truly amazing.
  • (2019-11-21) Anuchit Boochakiat: ป้องกัน
  • (2019-11-16) Гена Трофимов: https://aka.ms
  • (2019-10-29) Prajyot Kumbharjuvekar: Only needed it once and it did its job exceptionally well.
  • (2019-10-12) Pavel Fréhar: Super
  • (2019-10-11) Attila Pekla: super
  • (2019-06-25) Arutana Coberio Terena: EXCELENTE
  • (2019-06-24) Gary Player: It's good for your account if you enter you google account, but we all know that Google stores and sells our data. Just read the ToC carefully. OwO
  • (2019-06-18) Mingyang Liang: Great!
  • (2019-06-03) Franz Lorenz Gavera: I would like to have the function after notifying that you accidentally entered your google password, it will have the option clear the field. thanks.
  • (2019-05-14) officialn3rv0: Nie działa szkoda instalowania wogóle nie działa/// :(
  • (2019-04-16) Paweł Rozwandowicz: działał i przestał działać


500,000 history
4.3408 (895 votes)
Last update / version
2025-03-05 / 1.38.4
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