extension ExtPose

Didelis kontrastas

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Description from extension meta

Pakeiskite arba invertuokite spalvų schemą, kad tinklalapių tekstą būtų galima lengviau skaityti.

Image from store Didelis kontrastas
Description from store High Contrast lets you browse the web with your choice of several high-contrast color filters designed to make it easier to read text. When you install this extension, all pages are "inverted", so black becomes white and white becomes black. Press the "browser action" icon in the toolbar to toggle it on and off, or customize your settings on a per-site basis. Use a convenient keyboard shortcut to quickly change your settings while your browse. Other extensions try to change the default colors, but this ends up breaking many popular websites. Only this extension applies filters to your page that invert almost everything - the only exception is photos, which are left alone. Also note that the Chrome web store and other built-in pages like the New Tab page and Settings pages are unaffected - extensions like this one are not allowed to modify them, by design.

Latest reviews

  • (2025-01-05) MC Wong: it's no longer available to install on Chrome!!! and was removed/disabled automatically. Reason: This extension is no longer available because it doesn't follow best practices for Chrome extensions. Please update the extension ASAP to be compatible with Chrome best practice!!
  • (2024-08-05) Sunny Wu: Looks like Google is discontinuing this. Disabled people probably no longer matter to the company all because of Manifest v3 to get rid of adblockers.
  • (2024-07-08) Pierre Chazal: (com mis à jour le 08/07/2024) Elle était bien (seulement pour les navigateurs Chromium). Elle n'est pas passée à Manifest V3 et va être supprimée, dommage. Vous n'avez pas voulu ou pas pu la mettre à jour ?
  • (2023-11-24) الإضافة تجعل تشغيل مقاطع فيديو يوتيوب بها تقطع أثناء التشغيل كما تجعل اليوتيوب بطيء بشكل عام.
  • (2023-09-15) Enrique VL: I love the extension but there's an issue when viewing GitHub's directory structure. The text gets blurred and duplicated. I just reported about it using Google Chrome.
  • (2023-08-25) Barbara Miranda de Castro: Otimo para a leitura mais as imagens fica alteradas
  • (2023-07-24) Fabio Cecchinato: molto utile, purtroppo non funziona più con Google Drive e la versione 115 di Fogli Google. Va aggiornata.
  • (2023-07-24) Ed Anderson: One star because this caused a waste of my time figuring out what broke in Chrome on my recently migrated M2 Mac. Large pages will sometimes flicker into existence for a moment, then go blank. Smaller pages will blank out when scrolling down the page, then become visible again when scrolling back up. Large pages work fine in incognito mode, hinting at an extension. Trying to avoid disabling them one by one, I restarted Chrome from the command line: open -a "Google Chrome" --args --disable-extensions All pages working confirmed it's an extension. Process of elimination fingered this High Contrast extension alone. Now I see it has been reported broken for days with no response from the dev. Removing it entirely!
  • (2023-07-24) 横山貴史: 大変便利な機能のアドオンであり、大変お世話になっております。 なお、Google Chromeの最新バージョン:115.0.5790.102を利用されていて、「ハイコントラスト」を利用している場合に、Chromeのバージョンとの兼ね合いで、特定ページ(食べログサイトなど)で画面が真っ白なページで必ず表示される動作が確認されております。症状をご確認の上、ご対応いただけると幸いです。
  • (2023-07-23) Tad: 2023/07/23 Since the recent update of Chrome this extension keeps pages from loading. It appears that a page finishes loading and then go completely blank (all white). Disabling this extension is the only way to see the pages.
  • (2023-07-23) Karen Tashi: WOULD BE NICE IF THE DEVELOPERS GAVE AN UPDATE AS TO WHEN THIS WILL BE FIXED. This little white screen issue cost me $100 to have my computer person remote in to figure out where this problem was originating from. I've been using this extension for years.
  • (2023-07-22) Mária Zakor: It worked well until the latest update. Since then it's a white on white screen...
  • (2023-07-22) T T: Not bad, but latest version (0.9.3 w. Chrome 115) has some big problems: flickering screens and black screens.
  • (2023-07-19) Eddie Ortiz: Solo necesito el cambio de contraste para webs que se creen que sus lectores estan ciegos al poner las letras de sus articulos con un gris super claro. Me funciono perfectamente, Solo tiene un problema en la mayoria de los casos afecta las imagenes.
  • (2023-07-19) Hansel D'Souza: It was good while it works, but it stopped working today on most sites, just leaves a blank white screen
  • (2023-06-19) Oscar Javier León Chamorro: Hasta el momento me ha funcionando sin ningún problema, y me parece lo más sencillo de utilizar.
  • (2023-06-16) Neil Parkinson: Seems to keep stop working when you go to a different web page, so you have to constantly F5 refresh the screen and even then it sometimes doesn't work. Would be a great app if they could get it fixed and working 100% of the time but at the moment it's unusable, so it's getting removed :-(
  • (2022-12-30) Robert Irelan: Seems pretty good for my usage, which is reading text-heavy sites at night with inverted colors for sites that don't have their own dark mode. Something that would make it much more useful for this use case is an option to only enable the inverted modes when night mode/dark themes are enabled. It's pretty easy to do this nowadays with just CSS: `@media (prefers-color-scheme: light)` (see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@media/prefers-color-scheme). I have enabled this in my local fork and I'm satisfied with the results.
  • (2022-12-01) Brian Evans: It constantly toggles off. I had hoped for something that behaved similar to the Windows High Contrast mode but this does not. Slightly disappointed.
  • (2022-08-01) Sean Kennedy: 3 huge problems with this extension: 1. Doesn't change built in pages (like this store). 2. Inverts images (says it doesn't, but it does) 3. *FAILS* constantly. I regularly have to reload pages to get it to go back to inverted colors and then it goes away again (Google Drive, & Sheets revert all the time, ESPN does any time I first load a page, The apps script editor does any time I go to triggers or executions - well, you get the idea). Why don't the developers give us a built in smart invert like iOS has? Apparently the Apple programmers are smarter than the Chrome programmers.
  • (2022-07-23) Christine Carmichael: Inverts the colours of images too but has helped
  • (2022-06-09) Claudio Faria: This messes up with photos, so it's useless for most sites. The icon (black/white circle) doesn't show. I don't mind using the keyboard, but the difference between Shift+F11 and Shift+F12 is not clear. Sometimes I have to go through the extensions icon to enable it. At least it's set on a per-site basis. So, my default is set to Normal. If I get to a site I think it may be useful on, I try it (if I remember). If I knew the usability would be so restricted, I might not have installed it. If I don't find a lot of sites to use it on, I'll remove it.
  • (2022-05-26) Sarah Trammell: I can't tolerate dark mode and am currently using a training website, PluralSight, that has that theme. The Inverted Color option gets me to the dark-text-on-white-background look, although it messes with the images as well. That's not really a big deal, but the videos being inverted was a problem when I could not view the videos full-screen. Using the Video Filters extension (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/video-filters/glkdajeidfbnmaehchohlcdcdkledpeh) helped me to adjust the coloring on the videos, mainly by using the Invert and Brightness sliders, so that they were more viewable when I could not view them full screen, when I would just disable the High Contrast setting. Both of these extensions together make viewing the PluralSight website much more comfortable for me.
  • (2022-05-06) Luis F: Funciona, bien y no tengo que activarla, de nuevo cada vez que, entro en otro sitio.
  • (2022-04-18) Craig Ryan: Very useful but basic bugs. With multiple open windows/tabs it applies itself to the current window/tab but then randomly to other windows at times. Google maps Print sometimes shows 'Preview failed' trying to print the page with enhanced contrast. Or page shows as enhanced contrast and Print cancels it just before printing and the usual faint maps page is printed. Reload map page fixes most issues.
  • (2022-03-27) Kamil Xin Sot: Nadaje się jedynie do czytania w nocy. Bym używał negatywu ale problem jest iż wszystkie obrazki też daje w negatyw i nie da się na to patrzeć, dlatego też wielki minus za to. Pomysł dobry, ale wykonanie trochę słabe.
  • (2022-03-14) Scott Hansen: Microsoft Edge removed it stating it contains MALWARE
  • (2022-03-07) Sh: use this code instead, doesnt affect images html, img { filter: invert(0.96) hue-rotate(180deg); }
  • (2022-03-02) lucas Wenger: worked perfectly with many options for what i need
  • (2022-02-09) Joel Ford: Okay when it works. Really improves a lot of soft/low-contrast sites, i.e. google maps. Sadly, there appears to be no automatic refresh when you enable/disable, so you must do a CTRL+F5 to refresh the site. A definite improvement, but needs work.
  • (2022-01-27) John Ganter: Good, but needs an option for tab specific. Some pages are good with High Contrast, others are not. Please allow the user to mix and match.
  • (2022-01-19) Keehan Koorn: I find that it often stops working when I return to a browsing session after the computer has been asleep. Same with when I load a new tab. The page will load, flash horribly, then go back to regular mode. When it works, it helps me quite a bit, but the flashing is terrible for my poor photosensitive eyes, so I will likely have to try to find another program/extension.
  • (2021-12-19) Carol Metzger: I turned it off but it is inverting pages anyway. I will need to delete it. Also, inverting text is good, but inverting images is awful!
  • (2021-11-27) Erik Eti Smit: It also changes stuff in pages you turn it OFF for. I wanted to use it only for Ooona (an in-browser app we use at work) but when I turn it off in Facebook, still all user icons disappear. If you just want to be able to invert pages, there's an extension called Invert that inverts the screen and does nothing more than that.
  • (2021-10-28) Greg Klein (bamboozled): Helpful but very limited options. What's the point of enabling on a site with a white background if when I tab over to another black background, I get blasted in the face with white!? Let us set preferences for each site. Do it by domain name or something. My eyes and sleep schedule will thank you.
  • (2021-10-07) Aadithya Viswanathan: Its too compute intensive... My i5 laptop almost drops dead. It's unable to even play videos without stuttering, to give a perspective.
  • (2021-09-06) Nilson Amaral: Estou tendo problemas com essa extensão quando eu desativo ela todos os videos no navegador ficam com a tela branca ficando impossível ver videos.
  • (2021-07-16) Elias Khalil: Fantastic.Thanks Devoloper
  • (2021-05-17) l z: 别的插件没法设置黑色背景的,这个插件可以,强烈期望给个白名单网站的选项
  • (2021-04-30) Tiago Franzoni: Bom e muito prático. Porém, ao meu ver, sertia muito melhor se houve a possibilidade de, alguma forma, selecionar quais guias do Chrome a extensão High Contrast estará ativa! isso facilitaria para ativar a extensão apenas nas páginas de leitura e as demais continuariam sem alteração. #Ficaadica!
  • (2021-04-18) Harshit Tomar: Does not work for PDFs😥
  • (2021-04-09) d d: 反転グレースケールが特に目に優しく感じます。ありがたい拡張機能です。 「画像は反転しない」という選択肢が欲しいです。 今は画像を確認するために反転を解除しないといけないので。
  • (2021-04-06) Larry Sessions: I like this extension, and it does a good job of fixing a problem that should come as a built-in option for Chrome in the first place. It is a crime that web designers have made the standards to make pages harder to read, but it is something that should be fixed natively in a browser. This extension is the best fix I have found. However, for some reason I cannot it to save the defaults. I dislike the inverted colors generally, and much prefer the increased contrast option instead. I can change to that, and it works fine during a single session. But it defaults back to inverted colors as soon as a close the browser and reboot. I strongly suspect that this is a Vivaldi/Chrome or Windows issue, not the extension, but it is mildly annoying.
  • (2021-03-30) Rick Richards: Does nothing at all.
  • (2021-03-30) wonduck Goldensquirrel: 사진이나 동영상등 화면에 표시되는 항목에 대해 고대비 현상 안좋네요... 사진이나 동영상등 화면에 표시되는 일반처럼 검은색 바탕에 (흰색 또는 노란색) 표시 설정시 사진, 동영상 고대비 영향을 안줬으면 합니다.
  • (2021-03-26) alok kumar: too many bugs
  • (2021-03-25) Jo Li: I downloaded this specifically for working on text documents on Google Docs and Grammarly. When it works, it works well enough. True to its name, it makes things high-contrast, which means that even in the Inverted color scheme, stuff is brighter than it needs to be. There's one other major problem that I've found. If you load a Google Drive/Docs page in a new window and that window isn't the focus, the extension simply doesn't work. You can disable and re-enable it and you can fiddle with the settings, but nothing happens. Why do I have to keep my eyes GLUED to a webpage for it to turn dark? That kind of defeats the purpose, for me. Honestly, I'm better off just using this for Grammarly and using a bookmarklet for other stuff…
  • (2021-03-24) Bint e Riaz: Found exactly what I was looking for! :)
  • (2021-03-23) Roger T. Imai: High Contrast, along with Ctrl/+, Ctrl/-, and Ctrl/0 is a major eyesight saver for me with Wet Age-Related Macular Degeneration. I found some months ago, because Facebook changed the way it handled some images on user home pages, user profile pictures disappeared, and just today, I discovered that it was related to High Contrast. It needs to be disabled (not removed) when viewing Facebook pages, to show user profile pictures (which appears in a circle in the header background at the top of the page.) Otherwise, a great extension!


300,000 history
3.4753 (5,902 votes)
Last update / version
2024-05-23 / 0.9.5
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