extension ExtPose

Ad Block za Youtube - orodje za blokiranje oglasov

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Adblock blokira oglase in pojavna okna na YouTubu, Facebooku, Twitchu. Blokator oglasov za čisti Chrome.

Image from store Ad Block za Youtube - orodje za blokiranje oglasov
Description from store Adblock za YouTube odstrani oglase in izboljša izkušnjo gledanja videoposnetkov. Z AdBlock vam ni treba gledati oglasov pred predvajanjem, ki jih ni mogoče preskočiti. V nasprotju z drugimi zaviralci oglasov vam Adblock omogoča filtriranje oglasov in celo omogočanje oglasov na posameznih kanalih, da podprete YouTuberje, ki jih imate radi. Iščete zaviralec oglasov, ki ne le blokira nadležne oglase, ampak vas tudi ščiti pred spletnimi grožnjami? Ne iščite dlje kot Adblock, najboljšo rešitev za blokiranje oglasov! Naš zmogljiv blokator oglasov učinkovito blokira vse vrste oglasov, vključno z video oglasi, oglasi z bogato predstavnostjo, pojavnimi okni, pasicami in besedilnimi oglasi, na vseh spletnih straneh, vključno s Facebookom, YouTubom in drugimi. Z Adblock lahko uživate v hitrejši in bolj gladki izkušnji brskanja, saj pospeši nalaganje strani in prihrani pasovno širino z blokiranjem neželenih oglasov in pojavnih oken. Blokirajte pojavna okna, oglase in nadležne pasice (celo odstranite video oglase!) na YouTubu, Facebooku, Twitchu in vseh vaših najljubših spletnih mestih Blokator oglasov blokira oglase, pojavna okna, oglasne pasice, spletna mesta za odrasle in igre na srečo ter zlonamerna spletna mesta. Prav tako lahko oglaševalcem prepreči sledenje vašemu vedenju, izboljša zasebnost in zaščito podatkov ter varčuje z baterijo in podatkovnim paketom. Odstranite nadležen oglas, da ostanete osredotočeni na vsebino, ki ste jo iskali. Spletna stran blokiranje vsiljivih oglasov zmanjša tveganje za okužbe z »malvertising«. Blokiranje oglasov onemogoči znane domene zlonamerne programske opreme in olajša zaščito pred zlonamerno programsko opremo. Ta blokator oglasov za razširitev za Chrome je rešitev za blokiranje in odstranjevanje vseh oglasov. Kako namestiti adblock za razširitev Youtube? - Prijavite se v iskalnik Google. - V iskalno vrstico vnesite »Chrome Store«. - Prijavite se v »Google Chrome Web«, ki se prikaže. V iskalno polje na levi vnesite »Adblock«. Izberite enega od rezultatov, na katere naletite. - Preprosto kliknite povezavo »Dodaj za Chrome« na strani, ki se odpre. - Uporabite Adblock za Youtube Orodje adblock in adblock YouTube oglasi, pojavna okna in boj proti zlonamerni programski opremi! blokator oglasov vam omogoča, da preskočite sponzorje, uvod, opomnike o naročninah in druge nadležne dele YouTube videoposnetkov. Preskok oglasov, ustvarjen za brskalnik Chrome, da blokira vse oglase, ki se prikažejo na začetku med gledanjem videoposnetkov v tube. Zdaj pa samo prenesite to kul aplikacijo in uživajte v milijonih brezplačne glasbe in videoposnetkov! Z veseljem ugotavljam, da preskok oglasov za youtube deluje v celozaslonskem načinu ali v načinu plavajočega pojavnega okna, kot želite. Kaj je posebnega pri razširitvi? + blokira oglase, pasice in pojavna okna + blokiranje oglasov na zunanjih straneh, ki nalagajo Youtube + preprečite nalaganje oglasov pred predvajanjem na Youtube + hitreje naloži videoposnetke in spletno stran YouTube. Zakaj je adblock na YouTubu najboljši blokator oglasov? - AdBlock na YouTubu je brezplačna aplikacija za blokiranje oglasov, ki temelji na isti odprtokodni kodi, ki poganja AdBlock, enega najboljših blokatorjev oglasov. - Ne dovolite, da bi vaši videoposnetki motili vsiljive oglase. Blokirajte jih, še preden se pojavijo, z najboljšo zaščito za blokiranje video oglasov. Želite ustaviti vse videooglase v nekaj sekundah? Prenesite AdBlock. Zaznajte in preskočite segmente sponzorjev YouTube. »Ta videoposnetek je sponzoriral ...« PRESKOČI. Tehnologija temelji na seznamih filtrov za blokiranje oglasov, ki blokirajo zunanje URL-je oglasov na Youtube. blokira zunanje URL-je oglasov na Youtube. Na dejanskem spletnem mestu ne spreminjamo ničesar. Ali blokator oglasov za youtube še vedno deluje? Vsakdo, ki ima nameščen zaviralec oglasov za youtube ali razširitev za preskok oglasov, med gledanjem videoposnetkov v YouTubu ne bo videl nobenih oglasov, kar jim bo omogočilo neprekinjeno izkušnjo pretakanja videoposnetkov. Adblock je več kot le blokator oglasov, je tudi celovita rešitev za spletno varnost. Z Adblock ste lahko prepričani, da ste zaščiteni pred spletnimi grožnjami, kot so zlonamerna programska oprema, lažno predstavljanje in škodljiva spletna mesta. Njegova funkcija zaščite pred kripto vdori doda dodatno raven varnosti z blokiranjem znanih kripto vdorov. AdBlock zdaj ponuja možnost blokiranja sledilcev - Uporabniki se lahko zdaj odločijo za blokiranje sledilcev, s čimer zagotovijo, da njihova spletna dejavnost ostane zasebna. Takoj odstranite neželene oglase, vsiljiva obvestila v nekaj klikih z uporabo Adblock For Twitch. Twitch Adblocker vam pomaga blokirati vse oglase na Twitch.tv AdBlock zdaj blokira še več vrst oglasov, zaradi česar je vaše brskanje še bolj brez oglasov. Podpora za različne vrste brskalnikov – AdBlock je zdaj mogoče uporabljati v več brskalnikih, vključno s Chrome, Firefox in Safari. Pojavno okno AdBlock - AdBlock zdaj ponuja pojavno okno, ki vam pokaže, koliko oglasov je bilo blokiranih na strani. Opozorilo YouTube je blagovna znamka družbe Google LLC. Za uporabo te blagovne znamke veljajo Googlova dovoljenja. Po namestitvi ponovno naložite vse zavihke YouTube, da razširitev začne veljati. Upamo, da vam bo naš Adblock Plus koristen! Čakamo na vaše povratne informacije in ocene! Če imate težave ali brezplačni blokator oglasov ne deluje, se obrnite na nas. Adblock for YouTube removes ads and enhances your video watching experience. You don't have to sit through unskippable pre-roll ads with AdBlock. Unlike other ad blockers, Adblock lets you filter ads and even allow ads on individual channels to support the YouTubers you love. Looking for an ad blocker that not only blocks annoying ads but also protects you from online threats? Look no further than Adblock, the ultimate ad blocker solution! Our powerful ad blocker effectively blocks all types of ads, including video ads, rich media ads, pop-ups, banners, and text ads, on all web pages, including Facebook, YouTube, and more. With Adblock, you can enjoy a faster and smoother browsing experience, as it speeds up page loading and saves bandwidth by blocking unwanted ads and pop-up windows. Block pop ups, ads, and annoying banners (even remove video ads!) on YouTube, Facebook, Twitch, and all your favorite sites Ad blocker blocks ads, popunder, banners advertisements, adult & gambling websites and malicious websites. It can also prevent advertisers from tracking your behavior, improves privacy and data protection and saves battery as well as data plan. Remove annoying ad to stay focused on content you was looking for. Website blocking intrusive ads minimizes the risk of “malvertising” infections. Ad block disable known malware domains and makes protecting yourself from malware easy. This Chrome extension ad blocker is the solution to block and remove all ads. How to Install adblock for Youtube extension? - Sign in to the Google search engine. - Type “Chrome Store” in the search bar. - Log in to the “Google Chrome Web” that comes up. Type “Adblock” in the search field on the left. Choose one of the results you come across. - Just click on the “Add for Chrome” link on the page that opens. - Use Adblock for Youtube adblock Tool and adblock YouTube ads, pop-ups & fight malware! ad blocker lets you skip over sponsors, intro, subscription reminders, and other annoying parts of YouTube videos. Ad skip made for Chrome browser to block all ads that are appearing on start when watching tube videos. Now just get this cool app and enjoy millions of free music and videos! Glad to note that skip ads for youtube work both full screen or floating popup window mode as you wish. What is special about the extension? + blocks ads, banner and popups + blocking of ads on external sites which load Youtube + prevent preroll ads from loading on Youtube + loads videos and YouTube website faster. Why is adblock on YouTube the best ad blocker? - AdBlock on YouTube is a free ad blocker app based on the same open source code that powers AdBlock, one of the best ad blocker. - Don’t let your videos get interrupted by intrusive ads. Block them before they even pop up with the best video ad blocker protection. Want to stop all video ads in a matter of seconds? Download AdBlock. Detect and skip YouTube sponsor segments. “This video was sponsored by…” SKIP IT. The technology is based on adblocking filter lists which blocks external ad urls on Youtube. blocks outside advertisement urls on Youtube. We change nothing on the actual site. Do Ad blocker for youtube still work? Anyone who has an ad blocker for youtube or skip ads extension installed won't see any advertisements while they watch youtube videos, allowing them to have an uninterrupted video streaming experience. Adblock is more than just an ad blocker, it's also a comprehensive online security solution. With Adblock, you can be sure that you're protected from online threats like malware, phishing, and harmful websites. Its crypto-jacking protection feature adds an extra layer of security by blocking known crypto-jackers. AdBlock now provides an option to block trackers - Users can now choose to block trackers, ensuring that their online activity is kept private. Instantly eliminate unwanted adverts, intrusive notifications within a matter of a few clicks using Adblock For Twitch. The Twitch Adblocker helps you block all ads on Twitch.tv AdBlock now blocks even more types of ads, making your browsing experience even more ad-free. Support for different browser types - AdBlock can now be used on multiple browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. AdBlock pop-up window - AdBlock now provides a pop-up window to show you how many ads have been blocked on the page. Warning YouTube is a trademark of Google LLC. Use of this trademark is subject to Google Permissions. After installing, please reload all YouTube tabs for the extension to take effect. We hope you find our Adblock Plus useful! We are waiting for your feedback and ratings! If you’re experiencing problems or Free Ad Blocker isn't working on, please contact us.

Latest reviews

  • (2024-04-21) janez sušnik: youtube patched it
  • (2024-04-20) Nikola Šindelářová: nefunguje pice
  • (2024-04-20) AA96AA: اسطوووووووووري
  • (2024-04-20) Serdar Gurbanmyradow: bb
  • (2024-04-19) GULSUM BILEK: öbürküler bozulup duruyordu aralarında en iyi bu hakkını vermişler
  • (2024-04-13) Sos FR UK sobry: ça marche mais il faut attendre et rend juste l'image noir
  • (2024-04-10) Юрий М: Всё прекрасно работает.
  • (2024-04-01) Emocan: çok iyi çalışıyor
  • (2024-04-01) Markus Koch: Ich dachte, ich probier es mal aus. Unglaublich seit 3 Monaten funktioniert es super. Manchmal hört man den Übergang. Dort wo die Werbung kurz anspielt und dann geht es weiter. Das stört aber kaum. Ich habe die Erweiterung auf Windows und MacOS probiert und es funktioniert bei beiden korrekt! Im Prinzip habe ich gar nichts gegen Werbung als Bezahlsystem aber dass die Werbung teilweise 30 Sekunden und mehr unterbricht ist schon nervig. Auch dass die Lautstärke bei der Werbung viel lauter ist nervt.
  • (2024-03-26) Recep Kalender: şu ana kadar denediğim en güzel eklenti.
  • (2024-03-26) Sakshi Thakur: GREATTTTTT
  • (2024-03-26) Andreas Petit jean: I love it
  • (2024-03-25) Bea Lomax: doing gods work
  • (2024-03-24) Time ender: very good for blocking adds
  • (2024-03-20) Nghĩa: Đẳng cấpp,cảm ơn quá khứ hiện tại và tương lai,mong phút giây này được mọi người ghi nhớ.
  • (2024-03-19) Mahmoud Mourad: it doesn`t block ads!??!!?!?
  • (2024-03-14) Sheneth Nethsara: super
  • (2024-03-12) Zohaib “Z K”: its work good
  • (2024-03-09) Efe Öztürk: çalışmıyor nefret ettim
  • (2024-03-08) Lic. Tantibus: Genial :D
  • (2024-03-08) Ahmet Eren: shac
  • (2024-03-07) Austin: It works great
  • (2024-03-05) James Dargie: good
  • (2024-03-03) Intez: nice
  • (2024-03-02) jay's anonymouslycutekoala: I'm just going to keep using this till Youtube detects it and blocks it, but personally it works well for the short time I have had it and hopefully I can continue using it.
  • (2024-02-29) Santiago de la cruz: No funciona, lleva un mes sin bloquear anuncios, deja la pantalla negra por 30 al rededor de 30segundos, no la recomiendo y llevo usándola 2 años ya.
  • (2024-02-24) harnak singh: beautiful
  • (2024-02-24) Quân Hào Ngô: Ổn đó mn.
  • (2024-02-24) Jampala Kaushal: really a very nice and blocker for free , instead of paying 139 per month for YT PREMIUM
  • (2024-02-22) Enes Serhat Kurt: Hep siyah ekran veriyor
  • (2024-02-22) Joaquin Morresi.: Es buenísimo.
  • (2024-02-20) Shashwat Thapa: best ad blocker ever
  • (2024-02-08) Michelle Mandino: l have used this for so many years and it always worked excellent. l could not recommend anything better then this. lt is a must have for sure, Michelle M
  • (2024-02-05) ERDEM TANIK YT: idare eder
  • (2024-02-01) Irshad Ansari: nice
  • (2024-01-31) Колобанов 460: Перестали показывать классы
  • (2024-01-27) Cihan Demir: idare eder
  • (2024-01-23) apci alpe: cok ii ,
  • (2024-01-23) NIIkiray: да работает все, что вы ноете
  • (2024-01-22) Bass: its Rellay free & best youtube block extensions love it
  • (2024-01-18) Anna Acatieva: плахая эта штука она не работает
  • (2024-01-18) Mohamed Aldukaini: So far so good, recommend!
  • (2024-01-16) Chiara Lai: Non funziona
  • (2024-01-16) Joshua Forman: it works so so at times, other times you have to refresh it only to be stuck again and again
  • (2024-01-13) Kay Katsuki: Solo una palabra. Increible.
  • (2024-01-12) Metoir600: This fricken works
  • (2024-01-11) Royal Technologies: 2 Şekilde çok başarılı bir uygulama. Biliyorsunuz Youtube reklamlarını engelleyen bir program kullanmıyorsanız. Youtube bir reklam gösterip, yayına devam etmiyor. Arka arkaya reklam göstermeye başlıyor. Ta ki siz "Reklamı Geç" diye tıklayana kadar. İşte bu uygulama reklamın gösterimine engel olduğu gibi "Reklamı Geç" diye tıklanmış gibi de tek reklam gösterilmesini (ekranda bir şey gözükmüyor tabi ki) sağlıyor. Bilmem anlatabildim mi ?
  • (2024-01-11) MD SHAMIM AKHTER: Not working properly
  • (2024-01-10) ANGELO DI LUCE: non funziona piu
  • (2024-01-10) Space Time: its the only thing thats skipping"blocking" ads for youtube which is excellent to say the least


874,849 history
4.1401 (1,292 votes)
Last update / version
2024-01-08 / 1.4.0
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