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Swell - To Do List & Task Manager

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Ever get frustrated that every time you use the internet you get caught in a never-ending rabbit warren of articles, listicles,…

Image from store Swell - To Do List & Task Manager
Description from store Ever get frustrated that every time you use the internet you get caught in a never-ending rabbit warren of articles, listicles, endless tabs and never-ending video binge sessions? Yeh me too, but I god damn I love the internet. Like a lot. It is the centre of my business and the thing I interact with the most outside of my family. I hate how opening my internet browser (I use chrome, along with half the planet.) meant wasting hours flipping aimlessly through tabs on an information gathering journey. As the years went by I felt trapped by the internet but started to wonder if it wasn't the apps, social networks and actual browsers themselves that made it hard to leave. They are feats of engineering and those good looking people that design it all are using consumer psychology in their product design I tell ya! (Tin Foil Hat) They are part of the reason we can't leave and are trapped here! Send help 🥺 My daily routine is all about amping myself up to be positive and focused only to end up in a browser and lost in an endless loop of low productivity output. In frustration, I went to Google (shock horror, its literally my solution for every problem) and was welcomed by quick-fix promises of mastering productivity and mastering my time management. 🤓 Every article offered conflicting advice. Use the Pomodoro technique. Work offline and only check emails 3 times a day. Use a bullet journal. Have you tried micro dosing? Why does it seem like every technique is going to take total mental commitment and energy? All I wanted to do was get through my tasks without being stressed so I could go surfing. So, I decided to try EVERYTHING! At the same time but I swapped micro dosing for espresso and modafinil (Spoiler: not a great combo for your anxiety levels). Productivity Systems I Used 1. Pomodoro 2. Bullet Journal 3. Working Offline 4. Tracking Everything 5. Meditation 6. White Noise But despite all of that I still felt like a loser with no willpower. That’s when I had a breakthrough. I decided that the single most dangerous thing for my productivity was the new browser tab. Why was this tab so dangerous for me? Well, every new tab was an opportunity for distraction. A way to start Googling all the things in my mind and not actually doing any of the work. I had had enough. There had to be a better way to always have my tasks top of mind but not wrapped up in an enterprise project management tool with so many fucking options I wanted to jump off a bridge. Dependencies, resource managment, portfolios, sprints, Ghantt charts. I am a team of one. All I want is something above a todo list but below a pm tool. Help me, please! Anyway, I tried a few chrome extensions and the usual round of well know apps. Took me a whole day of flicking around. No money-making joy there but my monkey brain was happy and on a mission. Long story short is I couldn't find anything that gave me a personal kanban that didn't take 20 minutes to load and didn't give it to me in each new tab. So what the hell lets try and build one. Quick Note: I am not a developer at all. Like at all. So I fired up Figma and put a brief out on UpWork. 3 weeks later and $2500 and we have this. Meet Swell! Swell is a chrome extension that turns every new tab into a kanban task manager. It looks like this, at least it did 20 minutes ago when I was hacking a design together in Figma ( Props to those guys its an amazing tool) This means there is no jumping between apps and browser tabs to find the productivity tool of your choice and looking around for a place to capture your latest thoughts. So I started building Swell to take back my browsing habits and to try to get me back in the water and surfing as quickly as possible. We started with a simple new tab kanban board that showed us our tasks in neat little swimming lanes every time we opened a new tab. Within a week I was back on track nailing all my tasks and getting more work done than ever before. All by using this free chrome extension! But better than that, I felt happy from completing tasks, healthy from spending less time chained to my desk and I had more energy and at the end of a long work day and I could keep going. We wanted to give you a chance to use Swell while it’s in beta and would love to hear your feedback. Go ahead and grab a free copy below by entering your email.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-07-27) Naruto Uzumaki: Liked it mostly. Though, I would like to point out that Edit board didn't work for me. PS: I am using Brave
  • (2022-10-19) motacilla: 日本語入力も大丈夫でした。 Draft by Sliteが日本語入力で不具合が出るようになってしまったので乗り換えました。 チェックボックスが使えないのが惜しいですが満足です。
  • (2022-02-24) Zarif Muhtasim: does not work
  • (2022-02-14) Cindy Bahl (Cindy): Downloaded this yesterday. Attempted to use it today. In two different browsers. Every time I either attempt to adjust settings or try to sign in, it goes to an error page. Is this extension no longer supported? Or is this just a temp issue? Or do I first need an account from elsewhere to use it?
  • (2022-02-11) Z x V: why does the 'untitled board' always stay
  • (2021-10-18) Jake Deno: I've not used it yet but I'm giving you 5 stars because you have very specificlly highlighted the very same issues i've been facing. I'm looking forward to greater productivity with this!!
  • (2021-02-16) Miriam Baumgartner: I'd like to be able to use this tool, but I can't even create an ID. The response to the completed form is "something went wrong!". Not very helpful. I'm also having trouble finding instructions for using the extension.
  • (2020-12-24) Md Khokon: Not all functions works properly.
  • (2020-10-26) P N: Seems cool, but unable to sign up, nor with email or Google services. So it's useless for me if it's not synced.
  • (2020-09-15) Jabachunkie: I love the idea of this app, the only problem I have with it is that it's not shareable as far as I can tell. it'd be very useful for a team of people to be able to use this program to organize tasks for bigger projects so that they don't have to pay to use programs like trello or favro
  • (2020-03-29) Louis Blythe: Great to do list and task manager. I also use the pomodoro timer daily.
  • (2020-03-01) Devin Adams: It seems to work well, and is definitely the opposite of distracting like the desc. says. Only problem is when I click the extension button and when I go to new tab are two different views despite sharing the same username and account. Somehow they are separated, which is rather annoying. I have made sure to disable any adblockers or tracker blockers, but no change. Edit: I have now copied over all the task modules from my account on the app site three times, in which it will ask me to log in and promptly delete everything I have done. Edit 2: The kanban is done soooo well. I worked around the login problem by having an extension set my new tab to the web address. But now when I open any of the boards, its just blank white space, though the advert for feedback still pops up. Quite literally disabled all of my extensions, allowed all cookies, made sure to allow flash among other things, but no dice. This is a waste of time until they fix these issues. Also I cleared my cookies and found all my boards gone despite being logged in. So what was the point of an account then? I really wish I could give less than 1 star for this since I have spent so much time trying to get it to work. TL:DR Idea excellent, execution horrendous.
  • (2020-01-31) Danny Shlomo: This is a good concept for task managment and like the design layout. Also, like how you can add cards to each project with due dates and notes. What I did not like is how it took over chrome without asking permission. It took over my home page so everytime I opened a new tab it automatically went to the swell website, which is not a fuction I enspired it to be. Other than, a complete lack of preferences and privacy! it looks like it has potential, I just removed the extension and used their website instead.
  • (2019-08-21) leonardo solorzano: esto es genial
  • (2019-05-27) Lease Search: I love this extension. It has replaced my to do list app and my task manager. Cant wait until they add teams! Also do you think we could add notes as that would really make it a complete workspace.
  • (2019-05-19) B: It has an intuitive design that really comes in handy to minimize clutter and help you organize everything - A solid, perfect extention for anyone that may feel overwhelmed with online activity!
  • (2019-04-07) Eva Blythe: Super handy extension. Using it to manage all my assignments at the moment. Love the pomodoro timer!
  • (2019-04-04) Love this extension! Its like having a super fast to do list every-time you open a new tab. I am not a kanban expert but this has helped me get my task management under control. Cant wait to see me updates!
  • (2019-02-25) Great little kanban extension. Perfect as a personal todo list. Keep up the great work.

Latest issues

  • (2021-10-25, v:1.2) Ibrahim Taguri: cant log in
    app.swelltasks.com is not working. can't sign up. q
  • (2021-07-01, v:1.2) Manis Ratnasari: Whoever wrote this extension's description copy, contact me urgently.- I want you to be my friend!
    Hello! I have just par'toke' in the devil's lettuce several minutes ago before stumbling upon this extension. What you wrote resonated with me so much that I decided, I HAD to write to you. This is exactly how I feel, down to the microdosing bit and all. As a writer, i was highly delighted reading what you wrote. Idk where I'm going with this, but do reply if possible. :)
  • (2020-10-26, v:1.2) P N: Can't sign up
    Seems cool, but unable to sign up, nor with email or Google services. Thank you. Best regards.
  • (2020-02-04, v:1.1.08) William Madden: Sign-in bug
    I really like the app and would love to use it. It seems that I was logged out overnight, but when I click the login in with google button, it does not work. Nothing seems to happen at all when that button is clicked and I see the following error in the console: `2.4a32c898.chunk.js:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'signIn' of null at e.value (2.4a32c898.chunk.js:1) at Object.<anonymous> (2.4a32c898.chunk.js:1) at p (2.4a32c898.chunk.js:1) at 2.4a32c898.chunk.js:1 at k (2.4a32c898.chunk.js:1) at T (2.4a32c898.chunk.js:1) at E (2.4a32c898.chunk.js:1) at j (2.4a32c898.chunk.js:1) at Sn (2.4a32c898.chunk.js:1) at Au (2.4a32c898.chunk.js:1)` I've purposefully linked the task manager to the google account I have set up for work. I tried entering in the same credentials for that account manually, but was given an "incorrect password or email" message. I did quite a bit of task entering yesterday and I do not want to have to rebuild all the boards again, especially if the issue were to recur.
  • (2019-12-01, v:1.1.08) Bryar Cole: Double charged / Not showing upgrade status in app
    Hello, my card would charged twice by Swell, I pressed the button twice because it was not responsive at first, could I get a refund? Also, its still offering me the opportunity to upgrade. Last thing, I can't change the timer from 25 mins? Is this something that is changeable? Thanks, Bryar
  • (2019-10-03, v:1.1.08) Reyab Saluja: Links
    I love the Swell Extension! It is so helpful with managing my projects and assignments. I just really wish that there was a section where we could include links to the website in which we have our work. For example, in each project, it should have a link section where you can access all your work files which you can add to the project. I work on google drive and it is a hassle to have to open a new tab and search google drive, or google classroom. Otherwise, however, it is very good.
  • (2019-06-11, v:1.1.02) A. A.: List not opening
    Whenever I try and click on one of my lists (the most important one), the screen goes white and nothing loads.
  • (2019-05-15, v:1.0.100) Robert Goulding: Newtab page not logged in
    Each time I open a new tab, Swell is loaded, but not logged into my account (I registered with Google account). So, I have to re-login every single time. Is this a bug, or a setting I'm missing?


2,000 history
3.2 (20 votes)
Last update / version
2022-09-23 / 1.3
Listing languages
