extension ExtPose

Multi Highlight

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Description from extension meta

Efficiently and flexibly highlight your online reading.

Image from store Multi Highlight
Description from store Are you tired of losing track of important information in your online reading? Multi Highlight is here to help! With this powerful and efficient chrome extension, you can easily highlight all your user-specified words in webpages with beautiful colors. Multi Highlight can do real-time highlighting as you type, automatically re-highlight your word list when the webpage content changes or when the page is loaded, and it accepts custom word separators. You can save your user-specified word list, do whole word and case-sensitive searches, and even group words by colors. With Multi Highlight, you can stay focused and efficient while reading online. It's perfect for students and professionals who regularly read online content for studying or work. Try Multi Highlight today and take your online reading to the next level! Features: ✔️ Real-time Highlight ✔️ Auto-ReHighlight ✔️ Customizable word separator ✔️ Whole word, Case-sensitivity Search ✔️ Group words by colors 2023 February * Adapt to manifest V3 * Refresh words (1) when textbox is focused but inactive for short a period (2) when popup is closed * Fix style broke in browser's built-in page and in pages that loaded before extension installation. In these pages, disable textbox and show notification * Update UI 2022 September * Feature Auto-Rehighlight * Bug fix: rehighlight words when extension is softly disabled * Bug fix: webpage broke if website customize <span> element 2022 June * Improve adaptability -- add support to highlight asynchronous text (e.g. AJAX content) * Fix option page's saving issue 2022 January * Support nested highlight * Bug fix: innerHTML deleted unintentionally * Bug fix: Word boundary not working for keyword-list * DEV Change keyword data structure and update the version to "2.8.0" due to * Feature Re-highlighting. * Feature Toggle highlighting. * Improve stability * Adjust interface * Fix bug (show current keyword list right after popup; properly remove highlights when NewLineNewColor mode is on) 2021 December * Add options: Whole words only, Casesensitive * Update the highlight lib from [npmjs](https://www.npmjs.com/package/jquery-highlight) * Modified: Handle the options change in one callback function. * Modified: Use 2D array to store the keywords in `NewColorNewLine` mode. * Bugfix: Keywords removal should not remove the container. * Add keywords display zone * Check wheter the page contains the keyword(s) or not, if not, gray it * `Ctrl+Click` to delete the correspond keyword 2021 August * Fix user settings reset after browser update 2021 May * Improve UI * Change Logo * Add "Always highlight" feature * Add "Change color after newline" feature * Fix unstable typesetting issue when typing * Add 10 more highlight colors (now contains 20 colors) 2019 October * Customizable window size * Add 4 more colors (now contains 10 colors) 2019 June * Add "paste keywords to new pages" mode 2019 May * Minimize extension size 2019 January * Highlight any strings (not just full word) * Add Instant Search (highlight on-the-fly) * Add customizable delimiter * Make Highlight Words individual to each tab * UI changes * Add Ctrl+Shift+F as default shortcut 2018 December * Organize code * Change UI (based on Multi-Highlight) * Change extension icon

Latest reviews

  • (2024-01-29) Bumpa Bang: it becomes disabled and i lost all my keywords. rubbish
  • (2023-11-13) Huang Guan: it's the best add-on in my chrome extention list, thanks for developer create this amazing tool. but, can you disalbe "setBadgeBackgroundColor" and "setBadgeText" in the future release? because it's kind of annoying icon suddenly appear in right cornor and attract my attention mutiple times.
  • (2023-09-25) Richard Lievesley: Good: Does what it says and highlights multiple words well Bad: Something is wrong with it as whenever it's enabled, scrubbing on Youtube becomes unresponsive or locks the tab up
  • (2023-08-30) Mario Qiu: works fine except while I am typing in the rich text editor and the editor content contains the keywords. it breaks my input method (Chinese)
  • (2023-08-25) power welson: 功能比另外一款强大,却有个致命的缺陷,那就是这个插件的添加了一个 mh的标签高亮,但是这个而不是 span 这个html标注标签,导致拷贝到 OneNote ,word等无法保持高亮后的颜色,而另外一款却没有这个致命问题,只是相对简单,就是空格作为分隔符,但是也非常够用。所以希望作者能更新高亮标签拷贝后依然保持html代码的优点,这样我高亮后拷贝到其他地方依然会显示我要的效果。 非常感谢
  • (2023-08-20) Obada Jasem: Thanks! is there a keyboard shortcut?
  • (2023-07-27) qz c: 检索很快,页面发生变化就能立刻检索
  • (2023-06-27) Наташа Григоренко: Не работает в гугл
  • (2023-03-18) Shaowu Bao: Good extension. But how to use it on a local html file?
  • (2023-02-20) Anatoly Volikov: "Add keyword" function does not work after the last update released on February 17, 2023. (Extension version 2.11.1)
  • (2023-02-09) Elizaveta Kosak: It's great when it works. But then the window gets smaller and it starts working:((( help me
  • (2023-01-29) o0oOoO00O o0OoO0: 使用的效果还是比较满意的。我通过这个工具再某个网站筛选了几十个关键词,符合我的预期。 我需要经常对多个特定网站使用这个插件,所以我设置了“save words”,“toggle extension”,并且没有更改chrome的默认设置“允许访问所有的网站”,导致的结果就是:打开YouTube,bilibili等视频网站的时候,会严重卡顿,视频无法流畅的播放。 我对电脑不是很精通,我唯一能确定的是关闭这个插件就可以让这些视频网站恢复正常,我不知道这算是设计上的一点缺陷,还是我使用方式有问题。
  • (2022-12-15) Arpad Orfi: This is one of the bests highlighter extension - simple to use yet powerful. There are two other that are worth checking - they are more powerful: Highlight This: finds and marks words https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/highlight-this-finds-and/fgmbnmjmbjenlhbefngfibmjkpbcljaj and Auto Highlight https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/auto-highlight/ndndibnggapaodjdfoeehgmmpppedgfb
  • (2022-12-12) Ziah Goodrow: (Browser: Google Chrome on Windows 10) It does the job and highlights things, nice and brightly! Unfortunately, enabling "Auto-Rehighligh" (sp) causes web pages to load very slowly, incompletely, and/or not at all. This is especially noticeable on sites like Zendesk, YouTube, and YouTube Music. Having to manually refresh on every page is sadly a dealbreaker, as my team was hoping to use this to help out with our ticketing systems. The extension would also greatly benefit from being able to choose your own colors, and it would also be fantastic if colors were to show up on the scroll bar like when searching with ctrl+f :) If the first issue were resolved, this would be an easy 4 or 5 star. Definitely a 5 with all three!
  • (2022-12-05) Arpad Orfi: Best in its class. Better than many similar highlighters, yet, very simple to use. Thank you!
  • (2022-11-27) Linda Fitriani: Hi, this used to be worked well, but now it have size issue, the pop-up size can't be changed even with the size changed in options
  • (2022-11-01) 周星(zhou xing): interference report I have few line word to high when i use Multi-Highlight for a while then i go to youtube it will interfer you to pause resume the video it only happen at Chrome but Edge
  • (2022-09-24) Azen Zhang: 有bug,有的不能高亮显示
  • (2022-09-19) Subash Saravanan: It is a excellent extension with user friendly interface, but it keeps on highlighting the words even the extension is "OFF". Please fix this !!!
  • (2022-09-17) Kejia Ji: if someone meet the size issue?? even if adjust it in the Option?
  • (2022-09-14) Timon JK: The only problem is that you can't jump in the query results.
  • (2022-09-12) Hi i am using Mac and it doesn't work there. Can you tell me which browser to use it on for it to work
  • (2022-07-20) EE Y: Can't you make it persist when you hit refresh (F5)?
  • (2022-06-23) Monique Revil: it was working so well but sometimes when i open it up, the words i saved in the text box would refresh and there was no undo button. aside from that, it is working perfectly but it is very inconvenient when it acts up.
  • (2022-05-27) Victoria Abram: I used it a lot and it stopped working. I looooove the tool. I read there is a new version, how can I find it on the google chrome extensions store? I looked and I don't know which one is it. Thanks!
  • (2022-05-16) Elle Tao: nice
  • (2022-04-30) Julio Cesar (Pessoal): Unfortunately it's not working for me anymore (Using Edge).
  • (2022-04-01) Iohanna O: Excellent! It's working perfectly! It's simple and everything I needed. Thank you!
  • (2022-02-17) mmeichan: When I open PDF files on Chrome from my computer, this search doesn't work. That is the main purpose that I would've wanted to use this add-on for.
  • (2022-01-08) Akihiko Kawaguchi: I liked this extension and it had worked as expected until last month, but it does not work as far as I test it on Chrome version 97.0.4692.71 on macOS.
  • (2021-11-24) Roman Ivanov: Previous version can highlight text which is inside of an iframe, this one doesn't.
  • (2021-11-15) Bhaskar: Really great. Synonyms can be given same color and new color on next line. I really like that feature. Its hard to find. Also, highlighted words have great resolution. Great work. Best highlighter in my opinion.
  • (2021-10-31) Evgeny: Великолепное расширение. Благодарю. Очень поможет мне в работе.
  • (2021-09-21) René Ch: The last version worked perfectly, the new version does not work, how could I install the last version in my new computers?
  • (2021-09-21) Paul Jefferies: Works well for me, let's me highlight multiple words at once. It's sticky (when "fixed wordlist" checked) so remains working across websites until you remove the highlights. Would be nice perhaps to have the option to choose the colours used. "Delimiter" doesn't work for me, would be nice to have phrase searching and wildcards (or even regex). Good job, thanks.
  • (2021-08-25) J M: last was better, this one do not save the settings.. PLEASE FIX IT WAS AMAZING
  • (2021-07-14) Stix & Drones: Did not work at all
  • (2021-06-28) Abhay pratap Singh: how can download to previous multi highlighter latest version is not work properly
  • (2021-06-23) 洋雷: not work at all
  • (2021-05-18) Zheng Lele: 非常好用!这是一个非常快捷便利的扩展程序,搜索的时候定位更准确了,清晰明了,让人一目了然!强推此款扩展程序!用过最好用的了!非常钦佩设计者的思路和才能!再次致谢可以拥有如此好的扩展程序使用!
  • (2021-04-27) Rachell Anne Manuel: doesn't work well.
  • (2021-04-20) Koustubh Siddiqui: It does not work at all.
  • (2020-09-02) Pete Becky: 很赞,单个字符也能快速找到,但是如果能够升级功能,做个开关,让用户可以选择是否需要插件一直在后台运行,而不是每用一次或者每打开一个网页就要点击一次才可以就更好了
  • (2020-08-23) Jin Liang: I really like this extension. I really wish that there's a way to turn it "on" and "off" instead of having to click on the extension button EVERYTIME I open a new webpage. (Maybe there is a way to do that already?)
  • (2020-07-03) 陳嘉祥: 你少打使用說明 安裝完瀏覽器重開一個網頁按一次Multi Highlight
  • (2020-01-03) Karanvir Singh: on xml api calls it does not work
  • (2019-10-30) Julio Cesar Fernandes: Can you PLEASE add a delimiter that define just a change in color instead of using the same? It would help me SOOO much!
  • (2019-09-11) Michael Massaro: not worked


40,000 history
3.4638 (69 votes)
Last update / version
2023-02-18 / 2.11.1
Listing languages
